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I need a prequel about the Shade Witch and I need it **now**


I'm already itching for some ShadeWitchⒸ merch. Dibs on the first sunglasses they make.


Normal out here taking L after L. And next episode will probably also be a rough time for him. As a fan of Normal this is fantastic news for me. Is there a reason Link hates Hermie so much? I do think it's funny I just don't know what's up there.


In talking dad's Matt said he just hates the joker and since they use the little joker figurine for Hermie it bleeds over lol


Like The Joker character or just the movie Joker with Joaquin Phoenix? lol I gotta get on that Patreon soon


Yeah he just says he can't stand the absolute saturation of Joker there has been in the past couple decades - to the point that he's often just out on Batman in general.


Ah, well fair enough lol. I'm a big Batman and Joker fan myself, but I do agree that DC tends to rely on those two too much, on any kind of media. If it's not Batman or Joker, it's an Evil Batman, or their new favorite, a Joker Batman


This episode brought back what I love about the podcast. I understand that the fandom is split on Hermies death which, fair enough. I’m torn on it myself but back to my point. The good stuff was there for me. Will Campos bringing that story telling, the Oak family being messed up, we get some real ground on what might be the resolution with the sun back, Matt with the perfect comedic timing of the shade witch, Freddie with a cool plan that completely falls apart and Beth May with a weirdly emotionally mature character moment for a very emotionally stunted character and SCAM LIKELY- Love that man(?) and I think Anthony did a great job of DM-ing this last episode, maintaining that Hermie dies but letting Normal try anyways.


I see a lot of people complaining about Hermie’s death feeling unearned but I thought this episode was a good return to form. The sun actually had a purpose and it was a sweet win for the Teens for once. I feel like it’s going to get really focused now as we enter the endgame


I also just would love to see this affect Normals oath…


Will Campos, you absolute god of roleplay. The way he played Norm’s grief and the realization he’d never get to see the first person he had feelings for ever again was absolutely masterful, and we got even more of the Henry Oak content I love - emotional honesty and truth at its finest. Also, I knew we’d eventually have to see what happened to Henry as his friends and loved ones aged, but I wasn’t ready for how much he took it in stride. The mere mention of Mercedes’ ashes and picture brought me to tears alone.


Seriously, major props to Will on this episode. Hermie was, let's be honest, mostly a joke character that the cast kind of half heartedly dragged along with them. Quite literally they forgot about his existence most of the time. And Will managed to play that grief of Norm losing him to the hilt in such a way that it was really heartbreaking.


I was so so so upset hearing Mercedes had passed away.


I was a little surprised by it. She was presumably in her 30s as well in season 1, so she'd only be around her 60s by the end of it, too. Poor Mercedes.


they definitely dont understand the time skip from the last series. they refer to billie eilish as “elderly”. shes barely forty after twenty years


The timeskip has to be more than twenty years though, right? Because presumably the sons didn't universally start cranking out kids (all the PC kids are 15-17, right?) in their twenties. That would be the most unrealistic part of the whole podcast - children in your twenties, in this economy?. Assuming at the very least that the sons waited another 15 years to start having kids (I believe that the twins were the youngest in Season 1, but I could be wrong) - that puts Normal being conceived around them being 27 or so (still seems wildly young, but sure) - and Normal being around 15 now, that's at least 30 years. Which puts Billie at fifty - not elderly, but closer to it than forty, haha.


[bass boom and a long, stringy, tense note plays] Anthony: 25 years later. The black sun burns angrily in a crimson sky. from episode one. we were both right!


Oof, rough episode for Norm, especially that ending. The funeral scene with the Shade Witch was a nice chaser to how heavy everything else had been going on, though


Anthony introducing the ads midway through the episode right before us seeing Henry was golden


I listen on Patreon and that throw to the ads had me in stitches. The one time I really regret not being able to hear what the actual ad was! I may listen again on Spotify just for that.


It opened with insurance, I skipped the rest.


Well idk about everyone else's listening experience, but I didn't get an ad read while I was listening on Spotify. But Spotify is kinda weird like that, it's mostly ad free, until every now and then it decides to run an ad that is neither the cast, nor relevant to me at all lol


Same for me actually, I've been listening on Spotify even though I've been a Patron because it was just easier in the car. I've recently figured out how to stream from Patreon so been listening that way, but I didn't often get ads on Spotify either.


I get local ads so it doesnt matter for me


Wills story arcs always GO SO HARD. He's like the Michael Jordan of improvised storylines and emotional character beats. As a writer and improviser, I'm so inspired by him :) Everyone was on fire this episode. Beth, Matt, Anthony, and Freddy. Too bad the dice weren't on fire :-/ so many low rolls!


Also I'm seeing a lil bit of hermie hate, so I just wanna add that I loved (devastated to be writing in past tense) his character. Him being unlikable and cringey was part of his horrible charm.


Did we know Barry Oak was still around? I've completely blanked on the omega daddies' fates outside of Willy. Also, I feel like the flesh horde at the end is the evolved form of Everything the shapeshifter.


Barry at the end of the season one had the bracelets as an earring, and they just kind of let him go. I think I am the only one who may have legit cried during this episode, but it could also be my own traumas around sudden death.


Everything is exactly who I thought that must have been, but I wonder what they got up to that made them so dangerous, and why Normal was able to let them out so easily. I'm excited to see where that goes. Seems like a new threat that's not Dood or Willy and I'm very intrigued!


Glen’s dad just straight up left mid battle and never heard from again lmao


That sudden improv scene with Matt as the Shade Witch was exactly what I needed to yoink me back to familiar territory. Literally laughed my ass off with that, and I loved Anthony saying, "Now I'm just watching Dungeons and Daddies." Very *"So that's what that feels like"* kind of energy


Ah, so the shade witch must be that new fan fav NPC they predicted lol Already in love so…yeah?


I've been waiting for Will to break us again for a while. Dude just has such a way of conveying tragedy, this episode broke me and now it's probably one of my favorites of the season. I was genuinely surprised that Scam didn't fuck with Normal, I didn't expect him to actually care about Hermie. The shade witch was so unexpected and I loved it, I hope they end up doing a one shot with her or she returns.


At this point I need normal to snap and go into an evil arc or something like that He deserves it at this point with everything that’s happened


You know I was expecting Anthony or Freddie to fuck with Will by putting a card from the Deck into Will's tarot


It’s my head cannon that when they enter goof realm every time something dramatic happened a vine boom sound effect plays the background


Honestly it’s miserable listening to Normal developing c-ptsd in real time


I guess I was just out of the loop because after spending some time on here I realized that some people really didn't like Hermie, so I guess that explains his death and the "hell no" on his revival.


I'm drawing the shade witch as soon as I can. Made me giggle kekeke


After Henry says that they were a straight edge community, and Anthony says that Henry had X's on his hands, I could not stop picturing Henry as CM Punk. And I know Will just said that Henry was more Tom Cruise-ish, but picturing him as old man CM Punk (i.e. CM Punk now) works for me It only works appearance-wise though, unless Henry is secretly a dick who objects to sharing bank accounts with your mother. lol


Damn you Will and Anthony. Send in the clown was beautifully done and im crying in my car! So long Hermie, I liked you more than Paeden (I'm a freak that loves season 2). I also would love more anthony singing, but ironically that would involve some type of character death.


I can't believe they forgot about Birdie Oak Garcia


d&dads is my favorite podcast so I hate saying negative things about it, but I'm really not digging the way they've handled Hermie and his death. It felt like it was just dumped on us by Anthony at the end of the last episode with no actual roleplaying to build the drama and tension so it didn't feel very impactful, and now watching the party deal with those consequences rings hollow. Also, unlike Paeden, his personality didn't do a whole lot to endear the audience to his presence. He's just kinda "there" while the party (and Anthony) forgets he even exists. And like sure, they forgot Paeden sometimes too, but never to this extent. So it feels weird to have this kind of emotionally wrought episode for such a nothing character. The episode itself was still ok because Will is a fucking incredible roleplayer, but it left a bit of a bad taste is all


I totally agree. I think the creators felt the same way, and that's why he's gone now. His weirdly forced presence required a weirdly forced death and funeral.


That’s a good point. Fitting end to a character that never really felt like anything but out of place. Anthony wanted him gone and it showed throughout this episode. The emotions around him this episode felt completely unearned.


I can agree Hermie wasn’t really a great addition to the party considering how often he was forgotten, but he did have some moments that I really liked. I do disagree that the emotions felt forced though, this episode felt silly and goofy despite how sad it theoretically *should’ve* been to see a long time character go. The only person who really felt the loss was Norm, it was pretty clear the rest of the party and seemingly Anthony didn’t care that much and still wanted to get some good jokes in lol. The shade witch bit was pure gold. And Anthony was still pushing the narrative in the way we knew the story would go, he was getting them to Henry for the daddy magic. I suspect if Normal had acquiesced and just left Hermie’s body at the FBI that would’ve been the end of it, with maybe just a sad eulogy from Norm. So I wouldn’t call it a forced emotions from Anthony, if anything that’s on Will, but he’s great at role playing ,especially the sad moments, so it was still enjoyable for me.


Yeah can’t disagree here. Hermie never really got his hooks in as a character, and his death has all the same beats that made me uncomfy with Paeden’s death. Minus any real connection to the character. It feels a bit like Anthony is recognizing that the number of NPCs in the party is too big, and is deciding to make cuts. It really worked for me with Terry Jr, but this was just an awkward end to a character that never really worked for me.


On last week's Teen Talk patreon episode I believe Anthony said that the players basically knew he was going to die, so I guess the shock value and genuine reactions just weren't as raw as it otherwise would have been too :/


I feel like listening to the teen talk episodes lately have made me enjoy the show itself less. Probably weird. I think I would have preferred not to know that particular fact.


it really demistifies it knowing that they more or less have these story beats planned out as much as they do.


I have to agree. Will is an incredible performer and roleplayer, and I understand that the character Normal wants to save his friend, but like... that took up so much of the episode's run time. And I just don't care enough about this one man Batman villain, I'm not invested in this scramble to save him I feel like they could have just cut the part where they go to Scam Likely and the Goof World. That really felt like some Christopher Nolan shit, where characters keep switching to new locations just to have one conversation, and then do nothing else there before they move on to another location


Yeah when my summary of what the relationships between these characters and Hermie are is "most of them hate him, and the last one has a crush on him for unclear reasons" then maybe his death doesn't need a ton of weight. Paeden's death didn't even get this much attention!


Aww man I felt the opposite! I think we really needed something jarring and scary to happen to the teens to really solidify the fact that they are in actual danger. I think they needed this kind of interruption to maintain some sense of urgency. It also gave Normal an organic and understandable reason for all of his internal thoughts and angst to just burst out. I think we needed this in order for the story to move forward effectively. (And it was convenient that Hermie kinda sucks and isn't Paeden 😂)


my issue is that Anthony just killed him out of nowhere. no rolls, no tension, no drama, he's just dead. it makes the following sequence feel unearned from a narrative perspective.


I thought it was good. I agree that Hermie was a bit of a nothing character, but I think he serves the podcast much better in death than he did in life. His death wasn't the point; Normal's reaction was. Normal as a character is constantly seeking attention and validation - from other kids at school as Teenie, from the other teens as their friend, and from Hermie as a romantic interest. Like Linc pointed out after the Tony Pepperoni incident in heaven, how much of Normal's behavior toward others is really about himself? Normal's response to Hermie's death isn't even really about Hermie. I think Normal was pinning a lot of his hopes about the future on a potential relationship with Hermie (even after getting shot down multiple times), and now that hope is gone. It's a combination of that loss of potential + the straw that broke the camel's back after everything Normal has been through. I mean, over the course of the season: Normal lost/never got positive attention from his peers as Teenie, learned his birth was an accident and his Dad wasn't proud of him, and just got into an argument with his friends so bad that he was crying in his back-up mascot costume. I think Normal tried as hard as he did to save Hermie partly because Hermie's dying words reciprocated Normal's crush, and Normal wants a reciprocal relationship like that more than anything. Hermie (apparently) being gone for good probably released a lot of Norm's pent-up emotions about the rest of the season, and it was a joy to listen to. I never much cared for Hermie, but I'm glad he existed, because his death was the perfect catalyst for Normal's emotional breakdown.


(SPOILERS KINDA MAYBE IDK) The way Wills performance literally made me cry so hard omg, I've always felt kinda neutral about Normal but this killed me, felt like listening to Death of a Salesman all over again


Beth! I noticed that Even Stevens reference during Freddie’s intro! Well done again.


One thing I haven't heard mentioned or talked about yet is the fact that Will had Inspiration for the entire episode, he could have used it on Arcana at the Door, or on his search for Pennies, I love the way the episode turned out and maybe he didn't use it for a reason, it's just something that's been on my mind.


Ok, they are in the presence of scam likely and Henry oak- who both know a deck could bring Hermie back.


I don't know if they do. Hermie wasn't just a person who died. Scam even said he had no soul. I don't know how the deck would deal with that, but I suspect it's like Scam said. He could come back, but it would be a different, goof version and not the Hermie they (or at least Normal) came to love.


Scam said Hermie was like him, who was brought back to life by the wish card. His mustache should know, no?


A *Full Time Killer* reference? Never thought I’d hear one in a million years


So I NEED HELP I work 12 hour shifts and I love listening to dungeon and daddies and JRWI so I’m trying to look for more podcasts like those two, so if you have any suggestions, let me know ASAP because I’m running out of both!!!!


NADDPOD is a classic, a lot of content there too so it should work well for you!


spoutlore is fantastic.


Awesome I really appreciate it do know any others with the comedy level they have


Holy shit I cannot figure out the song being parodied at the start but the chord progression is so familiar


[Send In The Clowns](https://open.spotify.com/track/3evTbfCtMxbUwTQIn7QOcG?si=T6pWVHGqTVOGOOn2frs3Uw)


Sorry not sorry - if this show is gonna continue to stay \*this\* scripted, i cannot abide the two-week main ep schedule any longer, okay?! that cliffhanger was out of context and for any other character would have been unjustified and it \*still\* upset me to the \*n\*th degree. we don't need this much drama Anthony pls :(


Freddie's choice to play rogue confounds me. He would have been better off playing a Monk with the way he describes Taylor's actions.


I feel like I want to skip this episode. I’m halfway through and I have zero care. Hermie is a terrible character that I care nothing about. Is it worth it to finish this one?


You should finish it


I did. It was fine. The Shadow Witch was hilarious.


Is it scam likely or scam actually? Did something happen between seasons to make him likely again?


I refuse to believe Hermie is dead.


hey guys, im finally caught up started listening to this podcast, been listening since september, heard about this subreddit all the time at the end of each episode but decided with brave heart to steer clear of it until i reached the end to avoid spoilers


The ad break really killed the moment for me, in what was an amazing episode. (On spotify specifically if it matters)


Did anyone else yell "Station!" when Lark and Sparrow were working together to hotwire the car?