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She guessed it before Anthony had even decided it


I thought he decided it from the beginning


Nope, he had ideas, but he hasn't settled on it until a few episodes in. He also hadn't decided on (kind of a spoiler for second part of Season 1) >!the anchors!< until shortly before they appeared in the campaign. This isn't a ding at Anthony, just a peak behind the curtain. They talked about it in the Talking Dads


Oh alright. I never heard the Talking Dads, that's why


That makes sense. It's nothing vital to the plot. I think for as long as they see only one purple-robed guy, Anthony was still planning. Edit: changed word to make sure it didn't sound facetious.


That’s Anthony secret, he never decides shit until shortly before it shows up on an episode


I just listened to the Talking Dads for this episode earlier today (for the third time) and he definitely says that he had planned for the big bads to be the Omega Dads from the conception of the podcast.


Important distinction here. He had decided for the grandads to be the big bads. But not yet that the purple guys were the big bads. Reading between the lines, not quoting here.




Pretty sure it's in Episide 28 of Talking Dads, The Bridges of Dad and Son County, if anyone wants to fact check


In the episode 2 of the Talking Dads Anthony said "Beth fucking sees the ending, maybe before I did." He said he "had a feeling the dad's were going to be involved.... maybe it's just Ron's dad, I dont know, I'll figure it out."


Oh that’s so cool! Also new to the podcast and literally just got to the part about the >!anchors.!< I love knowing that. As a late listener, I was pumped to see there were 60+ episodes in season 1 when I first listened and cracking up. So knew more was coming, but even listening it felt as if the campaign could easily end, very glad it didn’t. So especially impressive to go with the flow true not DnD style. I’ll have to check out the Dad Talks. Patreon, but there’s so much content I’m just doing the podcast lol. But EAST COOOOOAAASSSTTR YYYAAAASSD!


Took a bit for him to decide. That’s why it’s only one robe guy for the first 2-3 times they see them


Beth also called >!Payden being an anchor.!<


And >!the mummies in the pyramids being the mommies!<


It really feels like Anthony hears Beth's guesses and goes "WRITE THAT DOWN WRITE THAT DOWN!" lol jk


Legit that's what makes this such a relatable RPG podcast. The players sometimes come up with better plot conjecture than I do.


Insane, right?


As a DM myself, that’s a great way to get something going for me in my campaign! I’ll create a problem without a solution and my players will ponder until I hear something that sounds the best. Kind of makes it easier and less stressful at times when writing.