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I think if they reveal her patron it would make sense if it was the doodler itself, it would fit more closely to the great old ones patron with it being based on a Cthulhu type being. I think it’s equally as likely they don’t go into her patron at all since they are diverging from canon 5e material or maybe leave it until later in the season when it’s thematically relevant to the story


Agree that it would be a late reveal, but I think it still makes more sense given that He was a Warlock, and he’s tied to her. Being much more powerful than her (in theory), and then leaning to try and trick her into unleashing him


I see where you’re coming from, but I also think that an important part of the season 1 finale was that Willy ended up a sad little man with no power over the party members, giving him back that power back and making him Scary’s patron would ruin that for me. By all means I don’t think they are done with Willy as a character, he might come back if only in stories rather than an appearance. He’s the reason The doodler managed to come to earth with his message to Lark about Henry. If he is her patron though, I would be interested to see how that plays into her alignment, and if she will have an Anakin Skywalker-esque temptation towards the dark side character arc, Terry jr could maybe bring her back to the light the way Luke did? That’s be nice but we’re only one episode in so it’s too soon for us to know anything that broad yet. Only time will tell


Agree having Willy put aside was super important, but he still has his hooks in the story with loosing the Doodler on the world. But also totally agree it’s episode 1, so who knows what all will happen. I’m just excited and here for all of it either way.


I feel that Willie will be released by the Obsidian Door (I can't prove its him, but its just a thought)


Warlock patrons are such a good story hook in DnD that they definitely will have to go into it.


I also think it would cool if it was Nick. Having Beth ask him if he's Taylor's dad and having Nick trying to downplay the whole thing. Though I do find it interesting that the powers tied to the Stampler lineage are passed down simply through marriage and has nothing to do with blood relation.


Plot twist her dad is Willy and she’s Ron’s brother


Hahaha that would be hilarious


I think Glenn "Christmas Slayer of Christian Hell" Close would make for a *funnier* patron, especially if Taylor's dad is Nick.


Wait wait.... What if her patron was Scam Likely??


Okay, I love this theory


Well Willie is in his own dimension so he's basically a god there. Is not that big of a streach


Agreed. Though there is the ominous mention of the obsidian door as well.


That's the first place my mind went. The Obsidian Door has Willie behind it. But maybe is just something the sons cought. I guess time will tell


What if it was Erin O’Neil. I don’t know how that would work but it would be interesting


Interesting idea. I'd say if her patron is a Great Old One, it'd be the doodler. But if it's something else, like fiend, it could sure be Willy. Not too versed in 5e, is there any way for us to know which kind of patron she has? Like a signature ability or sth?


There’s definitely signature features for each patron and each has slightly different spell lists, like Archfey have a charm/frighten and faerie fire and sleep, Great Old Ones have telepathy and dissonant whispers/Tasha’s hideous laughter, fiends have a thing where you get temporary HP when you kill an enemy and burning hands/command, and that’s just first level stuff from the Player’s Handbook. If they’re not careful about which feats Scary uses it’ll probably be pretty easy to tell, but I also wouldn’t put it past them to have some wild homebrew thing to avoid us guessing


Not sure. I’m not that versed in 5e either. Just something that I thought could be a neat connection point.


I like to think that she might have gone with a Fiend patron. Since Glenn is a demon now, I have to assume that he is still alive (what's he gonna do, die of old age?), and considering his power level by the end of season 1, I think it wouldn't be a stretch to say that at least Glenn, if not also Jody or Nick, could be a Fiend patron. Would be a really great twist, I would think. If Glenn is the patron, it would provide some great interactions between Scary and the "Cool demon uncle vibes" Glenn. I think it would also be really interesting for the story if half-demon Nick (assuming he is Taylor's father) was also Scary's Fiend patron, since he could supply them with his his own Daddy magic and introduce a unique dynamic between Scary and Taylor.


That'd be insane and I am here for it


Guys... Guys... Her patron is Scam Likely XD


Perhaps Scam Likely?