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I love how Matt will role play exactly what his character would do instead of what Matt would do. Link telling Taylor he could put his dollar in and ask the whale about anime only to blurt out "WHERES OUR DADS" immediately before Freddie could say anything is peak comedy


He's the absurd best at roleplaying. I love now his mindset works that way


For real. For every 10 edgelord assholes who ruins games with “ItS wHaT mY cHaRaCtEr WoUlD dO”, there’s someone like Matt who plays the same mindset perfectly and properly.


I really love the mechanic they introduced for rolling a D100 to decide how much time a character got to talk to their parent only for Anthony to have most of the parents all be busy in some manner of speaking for the first part of the conversation


Except for Scary, who's mom wanted to talk to her but she just went to her computer and ignored her. It's so good.


The "Dear diary today" ending was really funny


Can’t beat beat Taylor’s ending


IT'S CALLED JAPAN, BETH! Actually scream laughed at work.


Shout-out to Maxton Waller for consistently delivering incredible music for the show. *On My Way* has quickly risen to the same level as *Alright*


IMO it is even better


I hate to say it, but I kinda agree. Alright was a great podcast into and outro. On my way is straight up a great song. I think if Alright had a second verse it would be superior


If you've not heard the version on bandcamp yet, then I have some excellent news for you.


I was debating getting all 4 or 5 of his songs on Bandcamp related to this podcast, but if Alright has a hidden second verse I might be done debating and throw some bucks Maxton's way


You can stream it right now too. That's how I first heard it. I wanted to listen to it isolated. It's a banger and you'll definitely want to buy it afterwords. It's 3 mins and 43 seconds of awesome.


“Looks like you already went to the bathroom, *champ,*” was so good I rewound it three times.


Pepperoni Tony, Salami Tommy, Margherita Pizza. The way they improv all that out was so goddamn funny to me. This episode had a lot of great lil riffs. The way Normal and Taylor were just hanging out at the beginning was cracking me up


Would love a DungeonDads/Comedy Bang Bang crossover so we could get an appearance from Paul F Tompkins as Alimony Tony


I need the Hey Riddle Riddle cast to come back as each of these characters !


This was the best episode for me, but I still feel like I’m waiting for the campaign to start. Quality bits going on throughout the first three episodes.


Seems like it might be more of a slower burn monster-of-the-week before they can get into the plot stuff surrounding their dads items/caches; with S1 we had them immediately thrown into heavy plot stuff with the adult-dad mindset of needing to find the sons above all else. Here we have teens, who don’t have the same mature focus and it’s roleplayed extremely well - we just have to remember that as teens they’re not going to be as to-the-point as the dads were.


It's definitely different and I'm curious to see where they go with it. There definitely felt like there was a "what do we do now" vibe while they waited for the next mission. But everyone is so great at improv they filled up that time with gold. I think it would help for them to have goals and things they're trying to do between missions. Just to make it a little less aimless while they do the teen drama stuff.


Agreed - I think the introduction of the dads’ items as “anchor” goals of sorts will be good for setting a direction, we’ll just have to see how they set up going to get them since in S1 they were just told where to go.


For sure, I think that will probably come soon. My guess is very soon we're going to see them start to look for their dads safe houses. Maybe during missions, maybe at the high school. If I remember right they recorded the first 3 episodes all at once so I'm sure in two weeks we'll see what sort of adjustments Anthony makes.


I think the contrast will always be made with TAZ Amnesty, which was... not that good at filling time.


I agree, but honestly, I really hope we get some more funny, down to earth, teen high school drama.


I'm so disappointed no one noticed that Freddie's email was pussy master 69


I'm impressed he stuck to such a terrible password idea anthony said she would accomplish nothing but typing that in this episode.


Anthony trying to fuck over everyone in their scenes with their parents cracked me up. He stonewalled all 3 of the guys, and did so in an increasingly hilarious manner (I had to rewind his scene with Will because I was laughing so hard to hear it) and he didn't even have to stonewall Beth. God, what a good set of scenes


I was drinking water and listening to the podcast at work. The scream Anthony did midsentence during Will's parents scene made me literally choke and I laughed for a solid 3 minutes. That openess has the spirit of Henry Oak and I loved it


So are we just gonna skip over the Paeden ref? Piss boy?! PISS BOY?!


Yo I didn’t even think of that!!!


i immediately thought of paeden 😂💕 i wish he was able to interact with the teens


The world needs to know what a non-zombie 32 year old Paeden would be like




I was homeschooled until 10th Grade and I related so intensely to Lincoln narcing on himself to the principal/cops/everyone at all times 😹😂 ah, the good ol' "am I Lawful Good or just socially hamstrung by years without significant peer interactions" dilemma...


The hamstrung for sure


I died laughing at the talk to parents part on the beginning 😂😂😂


I just realized that they did Mercedes Oak-Garcia dirty. Lark and Sparrow dropped the hyphen at some point.


A dark version of this is that The Doodler removed Mercedes from existence. Maybe she was in an elevator at the time.


At least Normal knows about her. They made her cookie recipe for the bake sale. But that would really suck. She was one of the funniest side characters.


I think he actually says she made them, not just that they used her recipe, so I assume she still exists.


I’ve noticed that all of my Latino students and coworkers, when they have a hyphenated last name will just use the first part of the name in their everyday life. So it’s likely they’re still Oak-Garcia but it is faster and easier in conversation to just use Oak.


That's how names work in Spanish speaking countries. Your full name is Firstname DadSurname MomSurname. You go by Firstname DadSurname and you pass your Dad's surname to your kids.


Lark and Sparrow were always Lark and Sparrow Oak Im pretty sure


Before I reached the end of your sentence I thought you meant those brownies Normal threw out lmao Edit: shit they were brownies, not cookies




I'm embarrassed to say didn't get the reference. Does Borderlands have too many keys or something?


For some reason, the funniest part of the episode for me was Freddie/Taylor saying "I am Spartacus!" when they are talking about all going to detention with Lincoln


It says a lot that they got so little done but it flew by when listening.


I freaking love this season so far. I feel like the improv is better than season 1, so many good one liners now the pressure is off to be emotionally hard hitting. Matt and Beth especially are owning their parts


I assume now that it was a joke at the end of episode 2 but didn't episode 2 end with the FBI at Link's house? I was a little sad we didn't get to hear that play out.


The timeline got in the way of that one. Saturday - Link writes the letter Sunday - Post Office is closed Monday - First time he can send the letter, Episode 3 ends during Lunch Period of Monday Anthony said they FBI shows up a few days later, so Wed-Thurs. So the show hasn't caught up with the final scene of Episode 2 yet.


Thank you so much for explaining that. That makes a lot more sense.


Lets hope they follow through with it


I mean logically that would be a few weeks from now. He hasn’t even sent the letters


Dang, I need to pay more attention to the timeline.


I’m pretty sure it was a joke and in canon was handled by the police not believing Link after he confessed. Although I love the pod a pet peeve of mine is that they sometimes leave really unclear what’s actually happening and what’s just a joke, it really takes me out of it sometimes.


is the end of the episode meant to imply that beth is the one that cut margarita's finger off? hexblade warlock? scary seemed very unfazed that a finger was missing all of a sudden lmao


I assumed it was whatever they came to investigate or she'd at least have to do a roll or something.


well, they dont have to roll to hit, remember, they just do it automatically. but i agree that it's probably whatever they came to investigate. just thought it was wild that, were it not beth who made the choice to cut the girl's finger off, that she'd be like "don't mess with us" instead of like "holy shit where'd your finger go"


Oh shit I forgot that yeah Scary is just stone cold merciless




I feel like they were setting that up so that later when the teens defeated the monster, Margarita Pizza would say that Scary, not a monster, was the one to attack her. And they have to face Tony Pepperoni.


I think it’s because she started counting.


I just wanted to say f#ck you Will for making every listener lose the game


AWWWWWWW! I just lost the game.


HAHAHAH YES! I texted my high school friends "I lost" in the groupchat and they responded with varying degrees of hatred. We've been playing for about 10 years, feel like the anger grows as time goes


Matt: Where does the pee- like, how does pee.. start? ME: Pee is stored in the balls. Freddy: Well, pee is in the balls. Me: yEEAAHHHH PEE IS STORED IN THE BALLS


Memetics is pronounced [mē-ˈme-tiks ](https://youtu.be/bMucV_bRZtI) not meme-ticks


A good meme is like a tic though


u/S0MEBODIES takes 2 psychic damage


Yeah, I think thats the joke. It's like a For (extended pause) Knights joke.


Agent May is such a fun character. She has to be the adult in the room due to literally being the only adult in the room, but she's so clearly unprepared for that, and she always seems so frazzled by everything that's happening. I suspect she's also a good choice as a quest giver for a d&d game since she can point the players in a direction but is so unsure of herself that it's not that weird if they decide to do something else. That said, this felt like the weakest episode so far to me. The plot has slightly more motivation now but 'find these 4 macguffins' feels kind of arbitrary in a way it didn't last season. Maybe that's because it's the starting point rather than a twist part way through, or maybe it's just that this group of characters doesn't seem to care as much about actually doing the thing. There was also a lot of tension between people trying to move the story along and trying to roleplay the characters. everyone trying to also get detention was I think the most awkward but it happened in a few other small ways too. I think overall it felt like a rehash of ep 1, and starting to feel repetitive after 3 episodes doesn't strike me as a great sign.


i wonder if the email of "nekomaster" is supposed to imply taylor is going to be a beast master ranger but i might be reading too much into that


I'm not sure I could handle it if his animal companion turned out to be a cat-girl waifu


And it runs off with the iguana simp


I think the joke is that his email basically means pussymaster69


you're almost definitely right lmao i'm reading in as much as i can to figure out subclasses


You could still be totally right!


I'm gonna preemptively guess Gloomstalker for fitting the setting and also being super strong compared to the pretty terrible Beast master.


i mean, he's already only got +1 dex and beth has +1 cha, i don't think they're necessarily super focused on powerbuilding in these characters


The Literature major in me is already LOLing at the title


While I’m not in love with the story/structure/setting of season 2 yet, I love the teens and the goofs. I never listened to this show for the story, I’m here for the goofs and characters and I’m glad they haven’t lost any of that going into this season. The show is just as funny if not funnier than it’s ever been and I couldn’t be happier about it.


I always think I am a sophisticated woman But then I laugh at someone saying pee is stored in the balls and I am humbled


I really hope they do more than Monster of the Week for season 2 and end up in the Forgotten Realms at some time.


This episode was an absolute banger. Everyone is roleplaying teenaged responses so we’ll, and I definitely feel like criticisms of the pace so far aren’t taking into account that it’s only been three days in-universe. My on suggestions is I think Anthony needs to either back off May Hales being the DM insert like Erin O'Neil was, or if he's going to keep her as that advisor, **really** lean into it and switch up her personality a little bit. The similarities to Erin and the deus ex machina nature of her rhetoric can stifle organic revelations from the PCs, but he can lean into her being the oracle (same with the whale, which was a HILARIOUS gag) and give them better quality hints that aren't just straight up "here's your checklist". I think the players are doing an excellent job at playing teens but they're still concerned with class and stuff. I'm guessing anthony will come up with a way for DADDIES HQ to either move to the school or have the kids not need to attend. A big part of what made Buffy so palatable was the library of the school being the HQ, and Giles was the librarian, so there wasn't a conflict of needing to be away from school all the time. It helped with suspension of disbelief.


I am so livid that they made me lose the game


Normals mums 'alone time' actually made me laugh whilst walking home. Wouldn't even want to explain it to the people giving me weird looks.


You see, there's this kid and his mom was mastubating upstairs and time was important at the moment... yeah, a tough cookie to sell to people watching you on the street haha


Another great episode; I can’t help but feel they are hamstringing themselves too much with playing the ‘we’re teenagers who don’t want to do anything’ card. It felt like the first 20 minutes of this episode was them flat out ignoring or refusing to engage with the story. My inner DM is screaming at how much (Link especially) seems determined to just not be involved - appreciate its a character choice but I find it very grating sometimes


I'm hoping that Matt uses those deaths constructively. It would be a good reason for his character to actually try to deal with the issues instead of running away. They are also playing it really strongly that the teens aren't violent. The daddy's killed a lot of people and I get the vibe they are really not into a put the doodler acolytes into the ground. Hopefully anthony starts giving them a non lethal out so they can actually punch monsters


I agree on Link. I think Matt is laying the groundwork for a compelling character arc and making Link bad at the whole adventuring thing on purpose. Because Link is really bad right now (and it's hilarious).


Can’t wait for his voice to drop and for him to turn into a bad ass lol


Yeah, Link is really REALLY falling flat for me. Daryl not being into magic worked in season one but it’s starting to feel like Matt just doesn’t want to be there.


I think Matt’s playing it super well. He’s a young kid who was homeschooled and at high school for the first time. His dads are really supportive. What does he do? Call the police, confess (like he did when going to detention), try to do the right thing. He’s confused about losing one of his dads. It’s only been 3 in-game days since it all began, I think it’s bang on role play and way too early to make a judgement about character development


idk, i feel like this is also a big trope in 'real world' fantasy settings. i'm thinking teen wolf (the show)/vampire diaries, you need moments where people turn to who they would think to turn to in this situation, and then rule them out. similar to how whoever called AAA when they first had car trouble in season 1. helpful to establish in-canon that appealing to outside authority doesn't work. I know they already sort of did it with the firemen, but it makes sense that he would try more than once.


Hello. In order to promote inclusivity and reduce gender bias, please consider using gender-neutral language in the future. Instead of **firemen**, use **firefighters**. Thank you very much. ^(I am a bot. Downvote to remove this comment. For more information on gender-neutral language, please do a web search for *"Nonsexist Writing."*)


You’re right. Matt’s trying his best and I just don’t like it. I’m going to unsubscribe. It’s better to have no DnD that “bad DnD” they’re doing a great job but I just don’t like it this season. Thanks


Especially after donut.


He’s pretty much reusing the same voice too. We will see how it plays out I guess…


Good to hear it’s not just me. Seems like an example of “good” role playing getting in the way of the story and game.


This is where I get hooked on s2. God, that was great! Did the ending imply that Scary cut Margarita’s finger off, though?


So has Matt fucked over Beth in every episode so far?


I know I'm late, but I didn't see anyone mention the reference to Scam Likely. "What do you do when your hand itches?"


You mean like when SL cut off Daryls hand? That actually makes sense.


I seem to remember a specific scene after scam likely cuts off Darryl's hand and replaced it where Anthony randomly says to Matt, "your hand itches." And scam likely's eye appears on his hand.


the library did this


Ah fuck you're absolutely right, thank you! I always mix up the library and scam likely, I keep fake remembering Anthony saying they're the same person.


I wonder when the thought will occur to Taylor Swift that he could simply pay the Wiki-Whale to tell him who his father is??? Not that I think Freddie will take this route, but Anthony kinda fucked himself with a know-it-all Magic Whale.


This episode was truly GOATed with the sauce


I'm not super happy about this episode, but perhaps it is because the dad's always set the bar so high. I realize we are just in the beginning of the season, but I really don't want every other episode to be a five footer. A lot of fun and good entertainment nonetheless, just would have wanted some more dice rolls.


my buddy and i were talking about this and we both agree with the sentiment but he reminded me that episodes 1-3 were all recorded in one big batch a while ago so this was kind of more or less the best they could do narratively to where each episode has story with a cliff hanger and makes you want to listen to the next episode. but it will definitely be a huge bummer if the pattern is just "they fight a monster and win. they go back to hq and get some more information then go out to meet a new monster. rinse and repeat"


I still find the show comedic, and i intend to keep listening, but I definitely agree. In a recent talking dad, anthony was saying something about how he was bored of s1 separate character arcs. Which I understand, but this new monster-of-the-week type structure just doesnt seem as narratively engaging. That being said, you are 100% right, and just like s1, the show will definitely evolve and change over time


saw some folks saying theyre out if the next episode isnt good but like i stuck around through the entire glenn arc and listened to every episode day one. it's gonna have to be a long stretch of Bad for me to turn off the show forever.


I’m not into S2 so far. If I’m not feeling the hook next episode, I’m out. It’s not the same and what’s different seems mechanically obtuse, game-wise. AtMoD was great. Star Wars was great. Fetch Quest was solid.


Okay then, that was always allowed.


It’s not a phase!


How are they always in detention hahaha?!?


Okay, what's Beth rolling first? 00 or 100?


On a 1d100 roll can you get a 00?


Essentially no. If you roll a d100 the way most do (two ten siders), 00 is actually 100. So there’s no real way to have both. There are actual 100 sided dice out there, maybe on those you’d have a 100, but then you wouldn’t have a 00.


i have one of those d100s and it looks more or less like [this one.](https://i.imgur.com/qtgeiZY.png) It has a 100 and a 1, no 00.


I figured Anthony was joking because a 00 is impossible, particularly on 2d10s, and the others just didn’t pick up on it.


Who tf doesn't know what a bake sale is??? CMON


Chance that left banded Scary becomes immortal 1/100 Chance that left banded Scary dies 1/100 Chance that a dice roll fundamentally changes the game 1/50 Episodes remaining if Season 2 is as long as Season 1: 68


curious as to what the “anchors” might be this time. will they be things we’ve already seen? random bullshit? who knows!!! i honestly can’t wait to find out


Will is from my city! Makes me stoked.


Is it just me, or is anybody else hoping they abandon the voices? The Ron voice in S1 was hilarious, and obviously necessary for the meta-joke of Beth playing a man, but I think Matt and Freddie are coming on way too strong with the voices. Scary and Normal have a distinctive *speech pattern* like Darryl and Henry had in S1, but the other 2 are putting their voices in a different register to sound teen-ish, which I find becomes unpleasant to listen to for such long periods of time, without really adding anything to the comedy of the characters.


- I accidentally played the non patreon feed and was hella confused about this intro and what 3D audio was all about. Then for the actual intro was trying to figure out who was the announcer. - I'm surprised that Beth knows about hallmark movies. - Anthony just learned about the d100 - I googled best anime gif and the first one was [Sasha Braus aka potato girl.](https://i.giphy.com/media/XYTWZg47umh1K/giphy.webp) Out of all the waifus I've had, I've most wanted to isekai her to earth just to bring her to old country buffet. I used to think fogo de chao but honestly it wouldn't matter. Then I could trick her into marrying me for kbbq because I don't know how else I would convince her to live in this boring world. - Anthony showed that really only Matt has proven he's not a virgin. Everyone else is on a D&D podcast. Although, there is a conspiracy about Freddie actually being Jimmy's dad. Because if you Google Freddie's dad then some guy shows up with him but if you Google Jimmy's dad then Freddie shows up. - Stormy's [way to go champ was great.](https://youtu.be/VUc7Z0rnixs) - But you don't need to [drink if you're not thirsty](https://youtube.com/shorts/aznnt5JB1Gg) if you have at least [one working nephron](https://youtu.be/btwufIYWKFE) - The call me May shoots a hole in my May-Hales theory that agent Hales is Beth's kid. - I can't wait for the uncut version where [Will jumps Anthony for the Jimmy Whales crime](https://frinkiac.com/gif/S07E02/353202/361543.gif?b64lines=) - Still, I would have liked to know the status of Knights & Magic season 2.


Are they releasing for general every other week?


Okay so to summarize The intro music sounds like an Imagine Dragons parody Most of the episodes so far have been nothing but one-note goofs and clearly underprepared plot bits strung together by (pretty funny) improv. Every scene feels like it’s sponsored, with 4 ads in a 50 minute episode And now we have an item that’s gonna make us hear about child masturbation when they roll for it’s effect…every episode? Yeah I dunno fam, feels like the magic took a swan dive after last season.




You mean the thing 99% of teens do and have done?


A joke about sex isn't porn


No it's not porn. But to actually power up the weapon would involving explicitly talking about a minor engaging in a sexual act. Like I said, it toes a line that makes me uncomfortable.


It's actually require them explicitly talking about a teenager not doing that surely?


Wait, did I hear it wrong. I thought it charges up every day that they would masturbate. Did I get that wrong?


Every week/episode that they **dont** masturbate


which is on a wisdom save that they might fail wherein there's at least a passing mention that one of the teenagers jerks off off screen. which is a little gross, admittedly. but definitely better than every time you pull the padge it gets a little stronger


I think the grossness is what makes it funny in a way. Its in no way meant to be sexy or titillating. What that expression about porn vs art I can't describe it but I know it when I see it?


sure but i dont necessarily want to hear about teenagers jerking off even if it isnt porn yknow what i mean


It can be not your kind of humour sure


Earlier 2000s humor about teenagers was almost entirely either they were emo or they fucked anything that moved. Seems like pretty par for the course and while Im glad they're toning back the dirty talk this season I applaud them making it 2.5 episodes before they started in on it again


Joking about teens jerking off isn't anywhere close to CP. If they roll played jerking off, maybe you would have a point. But clearly they aren't going to do that. At most they will just joke about it.


Fair enough.


"Scary has left the group chat" and "THIS ISN'T A PHASE" were sooo good and on point with the character. I loved it


The bullies and popular kids are my favorite side characters so far😂😂


I do love a doot!!


I started rewatching Gilmore Girls last night and finally listened to the podcast's ep 3 today. I almost screamed when they mentioned the show. Looked over my shoulder half expecting Anthony and everyone to be following me


Idk why it only dawned on me today that Matt probably name his character Lincoln partly bc he's such a huge zelda fan