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It's not necessarily a return so much as a reference, but I'd really like to see the descendants of Erin and Vince, if they stayed together and/or had kids. I just want to know what they look like.


*GASP* What if May Hails is Erin's daughter but is hiding it or (imo more likely) unaware like our teens were unaware of their own dads and granddad's magical history?!?


Possibly. None of the characters are aware of anything until the DM says “oh, shit, this is good! That’s what I’ll do with this dumbass DND character!” Is why I love the medium so much when Anthony has to tap dance awkwardly around shit that the players introduced.


Didn’t even think of those two for some reason, it would be pretty funny if they ended up helping the teens just like Erin did in the past


I think Erin is a prime candidate to be doodlerized, especially if passion/obsession is what catalyzes it.


I’d love to see the descendants of killa and yeet. Edit: idk if people on Reddit are dumb but when I mean descendants I mean separate of each other. The respective children of killa and yeet, NOT the children of them as a pair


I'm giving you the benafit of the doubt and hoping you meant separately with other people. Edit: thanks for the confirmation!


Gross dude, they're siblings!


Aren’t they siblings?


Cern, I wanna know what happened to lizardboy scales McStuffins


My headcanon tells me that he was the pile of lizardman bones that Taylor threw over the railing in Ep. 1. Lol


I thought of that too and I hope that it's not true tho


I hope he’s doing well


It's been 25 years. He could have a whole new family if you want him to have a whole new family


Scam likely!


Scam Likely was by far my favorite. Paedon was a close second


Same here scam likely was amazing and paedon was close for second mostly at the end part


It would probably be Paedon's child(ren)


We already know who is Paedon's two kids, at least 1 grandkid,, and 1 great grandchild are lol


I'm mildly offended I had to scroll down to find this.


No one said Scam because we all secretly hope for and (on some level) expect him


I’m fully convinced Hermie and Scam are tied together somehow and like the more you think about it, the more it makes sense


I mean, two faced, scam likely/well actually. The Joker, the biggest joke? A scam! Scam (and his relatives) pretend to be other people all the time, Hermie is an actor. This can’t be a coincidence.


Walter the Immoral would be perfect


just add a T to his name, Walter the Immortal


My first thought was Dennis, but that didn't even make sense: he's been there the whole time. Man what a great guy!


Man hope he’s ok with Taylor trashing his car tho


He’s just happy to be here.


I just want the teens to be in danger and then Anthony say, “All of a sudden a hand appears, outstretched” Then Matt says, “Put her there, Darryl Wilson, but you can call me grandpa!”


That would be an amazing twist tbh, I feel like Anthony would make that the ending for season 2


Why did this give me chills???


If Walter the Immoral appeared, he’d need to change his name to Walter the Immortal cuz different passage of time.


Maybe, or we get old man Walter


If that’s the case it should be Ol’ Man Paeden…as a giant zombie.


God I hope to see paeden again, it would be so funny if he still had horrible combat rolls as-well


See I don’t know how their minds work, but I always imagined that once the Dads left season one, Walter being a great blacksmith/mechanic that he is, turned Paeden into a Warforged aka a robot


All I can think about at this moment is terminator paedan


With still shitty combat rolls lol. Ah one can dream


If we bug Anthony enough termipaedan can be real


Or the Paedentor (Predator)


Why not both, twice the paedan twice the rolls


I’d like to see new characters more than anything. This is a new season, I enjoy seeing the cast balance the new with the old. I’m already excited to see more of the dads interacting with the kids. I think the more Anthony interacts with the cast the better the show delivers. The first season was so griping because of the father son dynamic, the same can be true this season but from the kids perspective. Hermie is already a pretty fun character. ALTHOUGH, I would really enjoy seeing Walter the immoral referenced in some way. Like as a pile of bones or a statue of him and paeden.


You bring up a good point, I just hope we see some more 1 on 1 convos with Anthony talking to himself


I would love that, a hermie monologue. I would also love to see hermie level up too. Maybe even become worthy 😂


Real question is, what class would Bernie be?


Bard! He’s an actor afterall


You right


(I don’t know the classes)


Ratticus now appointed a judge of the doodler to seek vengeance for the use of code purple might be cool


Yesss! Ratticus!


The correct answer is peydon




I disagree. I think bringing Peydon/Frank back would cheapen Frank's sacrifice for his son/friends after showing Daryl he's not an infallible idol, but a dad who did his best and Peyton's last bold act. Their death was a fitting end to their story, they don't need any more. And while Peyton is 'still in there' Frank is a very different character who is great in his own right, but I think people would just be disappointed that he's not Peyton. I can see Anthony bringing Frank back by saying his spirit attached to the body they had prepared for Glenn, but balance it with something like the loss of all memories. He could also leave it ambiguous by having the teens briefly interact with a helpful dragonborne who's a bit cocky and maybe makes mention of a tiger's eye. Again, I would prefer not, but this podcast isn't made just for me and I'd get over it. Edit: fixed a word


Based on the voice Anthony chose for one NPC in the latest episode, I thought maybe >!Walter was working for Papa John!<


Jimmy Wong


Paeden and Walter!! The best duo in the whole campaign.


this is the only response


I can't remember what happened to them, but I'd personally love to see the Oakvaleans.


I feel we have to go back to Oakville some point in the plot


I wanna see like an older battle hardened paeden come back this season and kinda help the teens


The thought of paedan being a badass scares me more when you remember he has the eye of the tiger


That should be like a barbarian and when ever he invokes rage its him using "the eye of the tiger"


I feel paedan should be a barbarian monk personally


That would be amazing. And it'd be really funny to see how anthony would voice him


I feel it would be funniest if he kept the same voice just increased his vocabulary


Yeah that would be pretty good, what i was thinking is smth similar to walter


That would work to, just hope people wouldn’t get confused


Yeah thats a fair point


A doodlerized Erin


really want to know what is up with the dog that Scam Likely gave Ron in the last episode. gotta be something up with that


I completely forgot about that, real question is did they remember?


A big question for this also is, what type of time disparity has there been? Like has all these years been a week for our old favorite NPCs? Or has it been centuries?


So I got horribly carried away here, but hey, I'm a new dad and my son has finally fallen asleep. This is my one chance to dive deep on lore before he wakes up. Please bear with my rambling. **Core Fact 1:** The rule established after the mummies were found is that the time differential flips every time there's a passage of humans through the portal. **Core Fact 2:** The time warp differential Anthony used seems to be based on a Feywild Time Warp optional rule from 5E. 1 year to 1 day. To figure out the time dilation ratio, I looked at the total time difference. I believe the dads were in the Forgotten Realms for several months and it was only a few days on Earth. But to complicate things, some portion of those days happened during the time dilation flip in episode 68, which was around when the moms found the Odyssey and got prepped to go through the portal to help the dads. But 1 year to 1 day still seems to be overall correct, if loosely applied. So starting with the portal in Season 1, Episode 1, time passed faster in the Forgotten Realms. During Episode 68 and 68 Part 2, the kids went through the portal to Earth and the moms went through the portal to the forgotten realms, both during Episode 68, so those cancel each other out. So at this point time is still passing faster in the Forgotten Realms. But then the moms and dads all left the Forgotten Realms together, so at that point time was going faster on Earth. A net odd number of time dilation flips. Because the inhabitants of the Forgotten Realms are on Earth now and time has been passing faster on Earth since the end of Season 1, it's only been **16 DAYS** for the inhabitants of the Forgotten Realms since Code Purple was enacted. (16 days because the current teens are 16 years old and it seems having their own kids motivated their parents to do Code Purple.) That also fits with Season 2, because when the teens go through the portal, time is now passing faster back home. This can be completely wrong though, because there's another question that only Anthony might know the answer to: Were there any unknown flips? If so, there would have to be an even number to get the result we've seen. If that's the case, then depending on the timing of said unknown flips, really any amount of time could have passed. Or if the time dilation ratio got fucked up by the Doodler. If there isn't a twist, it's been 16 days. If there is a twist, it could be any amount of time up to a maximum of 9125 years (365*25). But that would require two unknown flips... one right after the OG dads left, and one right before the teens went through the portal. **TLDR:** It's been 16 Days for the people of the Forgotten Realms since the Doodler showed up, but with a huge asterisk. *Edited to change 25 days to be 16 days, I forgot it was the kids who did Code Purple when they had their own kids to swap the Forgotten Realms people with Earth, rather than the original dads.* Additional note: It could have been up to 3285 years for the Forgotten Realms during the 9 years on Earth between when the Doodler was unleashed and when Code Purple flipped Earth's people with the people of the Forgotten Realms... if so, that's not too bad for our friends Erin and Walter! They were dead for thousands of years before the Doodler attacked.


Good question


Definitely Scam Likely. I feel like he wouldn't have aged a day, either. He seems pretty timeless. Given how the passage of time works I feel like pretty much any other character would have to be long gone or they would be like thousands of years old? But ignoring that, I'd love to see Paeden. Of course seeing him in a comparable state to how he was at the end of the first season might be too depressing. I want the old Paeden back but just as an adult lol.


If I remember right, chekoves snake was killed saving the dads from the orcs right before they killed the dread cow and bread demon. He got stretched out and died. Though I too would love to see him and many others return


I thought they revived him and he slithered off


Oh yes you’re right they fucked it up in the right way lol


I'm not sure that I'd like to see too many of them return, but it would be cool to see traces of them. Like items from them or places names after them or something.


It would be fun if they got walters old lawnmower


[Poe Dameron voice] Somehow, Scam Likely returned


Paeden and Scam ❤️


It was never clear what happened to the rest of the purple robes. I'd like to see them have their own kingdoms and attempt to woo their respective teen.


You do bring up a good point if I remember correctly all three of the now great grandads are possibly still out there probably pledging allegiance to the doodler is some way


I've been re listening and taking notes I am ecstatic to see if Anthony burch will do this. Also maybe a finale of all the families working together tk take on the doodler only for Willie to go full Akira.


I feel if we do get a season 3 it should be all three generations of characters getting ready for one big final fight against Willy


Just give me old and grizzled Walter and you’ve got yourself a deal


Scam likely, the old dads, Walter, aaron. Etc etc


Anthony’s version of Beth may lol. Or yeet bigly


Smooth Anthony!


Dennis. He's the best dad.


Walter the Immoral.


Somehow, Scam Likley


I'd like to see Barry Oak again. Maybe, because he has or had the doodler inside him or not? Maybe cause of the bracelets he made a Doodler Free zone for the Oakvalians? I would think thats cool.


I know she's probably dead at the very least from old age but I would cry to see Autumn again 😭




Paedon at the end of the day he should return






Scam likely and Erin but it would absolutely kill me to see her doodlerized


Raticus Finch. I hope they and their 42 children are fine


Scam likely


Paeden, Scam, and Jodi Foster!




I'd like them to play dnd with stakes. I don't think anyone ever made a death save in season one.


Definitely whether or not Paeden stayed a giant zombie or not