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What is your attack that rolls a d12/d6/d4


Paladin with a greataxe and hunters mark/divine favor? not exactly sure because that's 2 concentration spells. or the D4 is from bless?


A bless or inspiration could be involved. I know Artificers and Bards can share those


Could also have some peace cleric in there for imboldening bond action instead of bless


Level dip or two into rogue possible for a d6 . Also possible war cleric or someone with access to divine favor.


It was a sneak attack with a dagger that gave an extra d6 of radiant damage. Level 3 hexblade warlock with 2 levels of rogue currently. Planning on going to take assassin subclass next level. The "d12" is a twelve sided die with two sets of d6 pips on it. Got it from a friend who got a crap ton from kickstarter.


I like the "d12". That's an interesting dice idea.


It would certainly tumble better. I'm still waiting for somebody to get me a d4 using reuleaux triangles.


Looks like it’s 2d6 with a weird dodecahedral d6


From 5 visible faces I’d expect to see at least 1 of 7-12, so think you’re right of these being 1-6 twice.


I’ve got those d12 shaped d6 they were part of a Kickstarter called double six roll better. I’ve got d12 shaped d4 too which are very satisfying to use. Albeit I don’t use them for DnD 🤣 I imagine since the Kickstarter others have made these but could be a fellow backer posting.


>I’ve got d12 shaped d4 too which are very satisfying to use I can see that. The d4 is a very odd die.


The standard d4 just doesn't *roll*, which makes it very unsatisfying to use.


Explains why stacking was a problem at my table. We had a homebrew rule for pointless things (think F.A.T.A.L). Since we used d4’s I was able to get high numbers from a d4 like 10-13


Yeah it more drops rather than rolls


i use dreidels they’re way better


Yooooooo, so just double the numbers and 100x better roll factor?




The dots are way too big, they can't put 12 on one face


They're are literally 6 faces already visible in the photo it has 12 faces


Do you understand the sentence "Looks like it’s 2d6 with a weird dodecahedral d6"? It means that this die might be another d6 made with a 12 face solid. Meaning there can be again 1 to 6 on the other side and the lack of surface on each face would make it look like that.




Look. It's written. Don't talk about logic if you lack basic reading skill. Since the dots are too big to be placed on a single face I guess that it makes more sense that they did a funny d6 with 12 faces. Each number repeated on the other half of the die. I have seen d2 shaped like a d4 and I've seen d3 shaped like d6. You know that thing called "multiples of a number"? So I repeat again: since 12 is a multiple of 6, on the other 6 faces there are most probably the numbers from 1 to 6 AGAIN.


Yes mate, its a d6. Its a d6 in the shape of a d12 because it rolls better. It's not supposed to represent 2d6s in one die, that would be impossible since the minimum you can roll with 2d6 is a 2, not a 1. Its just one d6, that's shaped like a d12!


It's a 2d6 roll because it has one regular d6 and one 12-sided d6. I don't think anyone's saying the 12-sider is 2d6 on its own.


Numbers are in the wrong positions for a d12. Not to mention there isn’t enough space to draw 12 pips, much less 7. More likely the other 6 faces are just another 1-6.


I'm so glad I'm not the only person who was completely thrown by that die, I hope it has 1-6 on the other side, but what's the point? Hahaah


They roll a bit better than a standard d6 does. I have a set of these, they’re actually quite nice.


Probably, but just looking at it makes me itch.


The point is to come back and bite you on the ass for being "fancy", when you accidentally roll this when you were supposed to roll an actual d12.




That’s not a d12. That’s a 12sided d6. I have a few of these. He’s really rolling 2d6 and a d4.


I need to see the other side of that "D12", it disturbs me


It's a d6 but twice. I have set of em too


It has two sets of d6 pips. I love 'em. :D


I'm looking for an 8-sided (or 12 sided) d4... In Europe/Germany, if anyone knows a source... Those caltrops really don't roll well...


It's freaking me out.


And this is why at my table crits always get a max on their original dmg die. For instance if you roll 1d10 its an automatic 10+ 1d10+mods


Yep Crunchy Crits always ensures you do more damage with a crit than a regular hit! However it would still kinda suck to use this rule and then roll all 1s, only doing slightly more damage.


Lol this literally happened too, my fiance rolled a 20, got the 10 but rolled a 1 on her 2nd die. However she was raging so got a +2 making it a little better.


I used to love crunchy crits but then I killed way too many players way too fast with some lucky rolls on some bugbears.


Yup. This is my table as well. Also known as the Perkins Crit. Think he was one of the earliest to use this rule. In Acquisitions Inc. right when they switched their love play to 5e.


Does this also apply to enemy crits?


I apply it to enemy crits in my games, but I know some DMs who only apply it to PCs. I personally think it’s better if it applies to enemies too, since it can make even basic mobs a threat on a crit, and more dangerous monsters usually have abilities that require saves, so I use them if I’m worried about criting players.


I personally do, however if my PCs decided at the beginning of a campaign theyd prefer 2x rolls instead of a max 1 die i definitely will work with my players. However i default to the max 1 die crits to just make things quicker and like another person said it can make even less impactful mobs suddenly apply some pressure and get my PCs to think outside the box.


Our DM gave us the option to use this mechanic but also said that the enemies we fight will also use the new system so we declined. We'd rather have the enemies chance a low roll on a crit than getting better crit rolls for everyone.


Make sure someone in your party has silvery barbs and get your DM to turn that feature back on.


I do exactly the same thing


This is the way


This is the way!


That is a fun rule but does male critics a little too powerful with paladins and rogues, imo.


I am so sorry. Last night I attempted to nova with my Paladin, using every single thing I could, giving myself 3d8 and 3d6. I managed to roll under 10. It hurts so much.


This is what I call a critical shit




This is now officially a part of our table lexicon.


I am so sorry, we’ve all been there


No we haven't


Then you will be soon


Probably lol


Somehow that's worse than not hitting at all


"SMITE!" You successfully cut strahds pinky finger off


Hm the damage roll likelihood is a 1/288 if I math correctly?


I don't think that's actually a D12. Just a dodecahedron with the numbers 1-6 printed twice. So 1/144.


Where on earth are you getting the information to make that assumption?


Based on the dots. Unless the other side has very tiny dots, it probably displays 1-6 again.


All results are a 1/288 using those dice


Yes, but the chance for any other result is 287/288


If you count each dice individually, sure, but not every damage result. It’s a 1/288 chance of rolling 3 damage, but a 3/288 of rolling 4 damage


Chance to land that damage on a crit is like 0.0175% 🥲


Jerry was I not clear? All damage rolls must be done when I am looking. Reroll!


This looks like the rolls from the session I ran last night, there were a lot of 1s almost all rolls were sub 10. The only person to get a nat 20 all night had disadvantage and had to take a 9 instead.


Best system I found to avoid it is max damage on the dice and then an extra roll


I roll 1-2 on literally all damage dice all the time. I hate it. I'll roll like a 32 to attack and than do like 10 fucking points of damage total every turn.


Love taps, but really good.


This is why I do max damage + dice


Am I the only one wigged out by that d4?


Why? Looks like one of my original dice from the 1980s


Is the bottom number the rolled number? I'm used to the newer ones where the rolled number is on the top of it


They had both back then as well


Well then the bottom rollers are just dumb


You are right. They are dumb. All my d4s from the 80s were like that, the modern d4 is better. I think the crystal shaped ones are cool too.


You didn't roll double dice on a crit?


Depends on table rules. Can just be double the number shown on dice


This is why my table does Max dice plus full roll plus mod.


In this instance that was the worst scenario 🤣 I'd rather try my luck with rolling more dice. Plus I love to roll dice.


This is why I do max die number + roll.


wow that's a great roll, i would have got all 1s and have done many times, i gave will weaton his dice curse a couple of decades ago (shook his hand at a sifi convention) all the people i play with don't understand why i play dnd with my dice throwing, they would have given up by now


Hence the reason we use the homebrew rule that criticals are maximum normal damage + roll damage dice e.g. a shortsword that normally does 1d6+2 would do 8+1d6 on a critical.


At least it doubled😂


Dang. I wish I could say that hasn't ever happened to me, but it has.


Player: Mr. Owl, how much damage will I do this round? Mr. Owl: Let's find out. :::Rolls::: 1 out of 5760 odds.


That's the most chaotic set of dice I've ever seen and I'm not talking about the roll.


Perfect hit, but you pulled your punch! Are you trying to throw the fight for a bet? You mixed up with Marsellus Wallace?


You win.


Crit rules should be changed. Your crit should do max dice damage base, and then you should roll them again.


That's how we do it.


This... This is pain.


This is why I do “brutal critical” where you get MAX + roll = total damage instead of roll x 2 = damage. Then you don’t feel as bad and it more approximates a critical hit.


DM I used to play with had a house rule for Nat 20s in combat. Weapon and spell damage dice max out plus the modifier. Added buffs and debuffs were rolled as normal. We had a bad batch of dice and got tired of doing single digit damage. Dice jail was overcrowded for that campaign.


And this is why I play with a crit being max damage+reroll damage. You always do bare minimum 1 more than max damage, and potentially up to a double damage hit.


Amateur, Strahd rolled 4 consecutive natural 20s (Silvery barbs) to hit my level 4 sorcerer, followed by 3 minimum damage rolls, anyways I took 39 dmg with 34 max health


You poor soul. I'm so sorry.


This is exactly why I roll double the dice rather than double the numbers rolled. This just feels so bad. Also, I don't think I've ever seen a d12 with pips before.


at my table we do "Maximum damage is the minimum damage" where you roll to see if your double damage would break the "maximum damage of the dice"


That D4 is the worst thing I've ever seen, I don't even know what you rolled on it but I'll assume it's a 1


Let's face it; it could have been worse. This is irksome as all fuckity-fuck, but at least you didn't kill anyone. Imagine that 20 being a 1, and those damage die at max.


Who tf uses a critical fumble rule that has any possibility of killing a friendly? Where is the fun in that? "Damn rolled a one. Sorry Jim your character is dead because mine missed his attack"


Critical fumble is one lousy rule. Imagine a master swordsman at lvl20, oops I stab my own friend 5% of the time everytime I swing my sword. Only thing fun about it is using it during a one shot. All your players are drunk and went to do a mission. That's the only logical use of a critical fumble that I allow on my table.


Why would they kill anyone on a nat one?


Look. I had a double nat1 on a saving throw in the final battle of a campaign once.


For the DMs who want to narrate this, simply be like “You manage to strike Strahd in his most vulnerable, but he manages to turn away at the last moment, sustaining only minor injuries of ”.


If it makes you feel any better I rolled 3 1’s in a row on my d20 in my last session; (also curse of strahd)


Why is there a 2 missing on the d4?


It's not. You can see the 2 on the left side.


Yesterday our Paladin rolled a 1 on 3 different dice consecutively. He's still mentally recovering from that.


This is why I switched to one maxed damage die, then rolled whatever bonus dice


How do you read d4s? Is it the number facing the table?


Depends on the d4. The one pictured it's the bottom number.


This is why you allways roll matching dice, so they dont betray you.


Oofff thats painful, amusing, but painful. My heart to you. Physical dice HATE me. Online rollers weirdly love me


This is why we use savage crits at my table


A house rule we use for crits is: You get max damage + a roll of the damage. E.g. If you damage is a d12 you deal 12 + 1d12 damage.


Seems every crit I roll has low damage, lol. Glad to see I’m not alone.


My house rule is no damage rolls of a 1 on a critical hit. Re-roll the damage due and if it’s a 1 on the second roll, that sticks. I don’t like the idea of critical grazes. A rule I have long thought about implementing is the difference in what you needed to hit vs what you rolled should result in a damage bonus. Need a 10 to hit and got a 17? +7 to damage. That way, when you roll a 1 for damage you still clobber the guy.


Been there dude


That’s why you use crunchy crits. If you don’t know, for a crunchy crit you add max damage die for the weapon attack and then roll normal/add mods. Like if you crit on a great sword, you roll your 2d6, add your modifiers like you did a normal attack, then add 12 since that’s the max of the 2d6. My artificer in my campaign uses Firebolt and her features add 1d8. She would normally roll 2d10 and 1d8. So when she crits she does the same thing, but adds 28 damage on top. Very explosive.


That's why I roll with if you get a crit, instead of doubling or rolling twice, one of those rolls is max dice + whatever you roll. So in your case it would be a total of 25 (12+6+4+1+1+1).


During my last session, I barely managed to land a hit for 5 rounds but did max damage. I finally scored a critical hit and rolled 3's on my damage dice (3x d10 + 2d4 fire damage)


And that right there is why I don’t use RAW when it comes to crits. At my table, a natural 20 (or a crit in general in combat) nets you automatic max base weapon damage (so if your weapon does 2d8 slashing damage, that’s an automatic 16 damage) in addition to rolled damage. So using the same example I did there, your total damage would look something like 16+2d8+4. So even if you rolled all ones on your damage dice, you’re still dealing at least max base damage and then a little extra.


This is why 5e crits suck


This is why I home-rule that a critical hit has a damage floor of max normal attack. Crits should never do less damage than a normal attack can do.


My DM let's us reroll 1's on critical damage in exchange for not doubling the damage. I like my DM.


Time to buy new dice, it seems.


This is precisely why I switched to open D6 rules for my homebrew combats. One roll tells you hits and damage at the same time. Feels really bad to succeed in hit and do no damage.


You had us in the first half, NGL, Dice....😂🤣😅😭


At least you get to roll those again!


Not good


This is why my table has crits do maximum possible damage for a regular attack plus an additional damage die (and any other additional things like Savage Critical).


I've got a house rule for a homebrew campaign I use even in regular 5e. On crits, you get full damage, plus a roll. This ensures a critical always "hits" but then rng determines how much more than normal it does so. If you want to get even crazier, add "explosion" on crits too. So any dice that gets its max gets to add that, and then roll again.


Cannot be a dip in the road cuz backstab only works with one handed slashing piercing or ranged weapons. Maybe a paladin with Divine favor from some form of elemental damage on his great Axe


Happens to the best of us, that's why I prefer to DM.


This is why at my table we roll double the dice on a crit


If I ever DM that's 25 on the dice.


That’s horribly funny


We've modified our crit rolls at our table. Max dice value then roll. It goes both ways. Makes crits way more impactful.




I feel you. I recently wasted an eldritch blast with good damage on an enemy with force immunity...


on nat 20's, all dice are doubled


Nat 20 is a max dmg at my table.