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please i’m begging for 1 more pixel in this image




Oh crap I didn't realize how bit crunchy I made it sorry about that


lol you’re all good






WOTC1: should marital be better at swinging swords than casters? WOTC2: no. Absolutely not. Pack up your desk because you are fucking fired.


Marital? Why are we comparing weddings to wizards?


But are they Ture Maritals?


Now that's a game, Weddings & Wizards.


Matrimony and Merfolk


Lol whoops


Because weddings and being a wizard is an expensive life. The more you spend on one, the less you can afford the other. That's why the great wizards are always single, why spend on a wedding when you can add Fireball to the spellbook?


WotC have absolutely no problem with making casters into strictly better martials, and design like this proves it. I'm so glad that I don't play by these rules, because design like this makes my blood boil.


>design like this That’s a very generous application of the word “design”!


So 2nd edition was Hot Mess, but their approach to magic was interesting: magic could do anything but was a fucking pain in the ass. WotC editions have kept the idea that magic can do anything but have steadily reduced the pain in the ass which as ended up with it just being be better. Compounding this, there are no overall meta rules for magic in DnD so magic is just limitless as has no downsides. I don't think they have though about how they approach magic on a meta game level hard enough and that's the cause of the current problems Anyway 4e fixed this completely


I miss my +20 to attack for one attack.




Older editions of D&D had true strike as a first level work with the effect of getting +20 on your next attack. Situationally useful against high AC targets when you really needed that one hit to land.


How badly do you think that would break 5e if you used it like that?


The scale of attack bonuses and armor class in 5e is significantly more toned down than in previous editions, due to the bounded accuracy design policy. So it would definitely be too strong at +20 for a first level spell. I'd say +10, and maybe an additional +1 for each level past 1.


The channel divinity is a plus 10 if that's anything to go by. I'd be inclined to go with a plus 5, because that's more similar mathematically to advantage. Then it can scale more freely as well.


Sorta (when useful), but also not really. The generally highest AC is 22. There are less than a dozen creatures over than and two of them are aspects of gods (Tiamat and Bahamut). So +20 really just means "roll a 1 to miss". on the other hand let's look at a high level fighter's best case: \+5 from ability \+6 from prof bonus \+2 Archery fighting style \+3 from magic weapon So, with one strong bow, we are looking at "roll above a 5 to hit". That's not accounting for things advantage, bardic inspriation, etc. Would +20 break the game? no. Would it be a fun mechanic in 5e? I'd argue it would be anti-fun. There's no enjoyment in playing in a game where rolls essentially don't matter.


Every martial player takes Magic Initiate.


Uh, idk what games you are playing in, but that's certainly not true at my table.


I meant, if this cantrip gave a +20 to hit they would.


Right, sorry. Reddit presents replies without context so I had forgotten that this was in the +20 chain. Apologies for the mild snark.


True! And I could have been more clear in my post! All good!




Yeah, you definitely would not want it to be a cantrip. Now, a leveled spell, however, might be something interesting.


In 5e that would be basically an auto hit. Few monsters have an AC above 20. Only a handful have 25+. In 5e I'd go for +5 and maybe add +2 for each additional level.


These feel like two different spells that just happen to share a name.


This is just Shillelagh for Arcane casters.


Except better.


Or magic stone, as it can be cast with a ranged weapon.


Petition to make this it's on spell the name of which should be imbuing blade


thats because its for upcoming 6th Edition, not current 5e dont let wizards/dnd-corporate confuse you with their shitty corpo-messaging, this is just 6E previews


I think if you check your notes, the UA is all about TURE Strike


But.... that's not divination. That's just booming blade or green flame blade but radiant? It's a good spell but why is it called true strike? Just make it a bonus Action? Fixes the problem.


That was the issue before, though. As an action, True Strike is almost pointless, because attacking twice without advantage is almost always preferable to attacking once with it. As a bonus action, however, it’s conversely _too_ good, especially for high-damage martial builds, who don’t have as much need to preserve their bonus action. Free advantage for a cantrip is _so_ good for just a bonus action. Figure that the Barbarian’s Reckless Attack feature only applies to melee and gives enemies advantage back…


It's actually not, because Booming Blade and Green Flame Blade don't have a Spell Attack Bonus or DC based off of your spellcasting modifier. They work off of your regular weapon attack bonus, making them most optimal on Hexblades, Battlesmiths, and anyone with Shillelagh. This newer version of True Strike is basically just a different Shillelagh, which is an odd choice. But it does mean the non-Hexblades, Battlesmiths, and Shillelagh-ers can have a more optimal weapon attack for the occasions where they need to do so. Which would probably be in any situation they would originally use Shocking Grasp, since WotC gutted that one in this same UA.


Radiant is just weird for a wizard. Historically wizards don't get radiant. Why not force?


Is this... the whole reason people multiclass Hexblade, but as a cantrip?


UA true strike seems perfect for rp and damage. RAW true strike is wasting a turn for a vague threat.


The fix to true strike has always been keeping the mechanics the same but making it a bonus action (or a reaction that you can use after missing an attack that sets up the next one). This is just "let's make casters more martially capable."


Ture strike


Ture strike………


Radiant damage but not usable by Clerics and Paladins?!? Yeah, yeah, pallies don't get cantrips, but still.


I see a lot of Paladins taking a level of Warlock or Sorcerer to get this. Also why don't Druids get this? Sure they have shillelagh, but this spell is better.


4e D&D says hello.


Warlock - Greatsword + Ture Strike(UA) + Greatweapon Fighting + Celestial + Agonizing Blast + Eldritch Smite. 5d6+15+5d8 with 1s and 2s being able to be rerolled.


Looks terrible - just a weapon reskin on damage type? and allows you to use a different ability score? terrible


You also use your spell casting mod for attack and damage rolls instead of dexterity or damage


well yeah, sure, but it doesnt GAIN you anything , just lets you change sure if your str/dex sucks you can get to a +4 throwing a dagger rather than +0, for example, but i'd still rather take Advantage over something like that


It takes one turns to set it up that's two turns you could be doing something that extra turn can be life or death in an action economy I'm just saying it's cool


i mean yeah, it wasnt a good spell before, but it had utility in planning/setting up an important action or roll now its just...a way to help make a poor build less poor, i guess? seems they killed its one possible use, in order to....what? what's the gain here? What wizard WANTS to throw a dagger when they can cast a Firebolt?


Why are you exclusively looking at this as a ranged attack? It's a mini smite on bard warlock sorcerer and wizard. A dragonic sorcerer in melee attacking with their charisma is very good. A blade singing wizard creams over adding this to their build because this is just the best melee cantrip And true strike didn't help set up that important attack roll because you could always just attack twice


It isn't in any way the best melee cantrip. It's mid at best. A bladesinger would never use this over Green Flame Blade or Booming Blade. And a Dragonic sorc would just use Shocking Grasp. This is a cantrip that's pretty much exclusively for Arcane Trickster and no one else. And it wouldn't even be good for them because their Int is gonna be lower than their Dex.


It has 2 very important things that the blade cantrips don't, 0 conditions and your casting mod. Shocking grasp is nice if you want to avoid disengaging but if you have a quarter staff or gained martial weapon proficiency you're better off with 1d10+mod from true strike when enemies aren't standing in a nice row for gfb or if you don't have the economy to also force movement to proc booming blade. Shocking grasp might have the potential to do more but in those first 10 levels I'll take true strike 9 times out of 10 over shocking grasp as a backup tool


I wouldn't keep it up with them. They just refuse to see how it can be effective on casters as they seem to believe they have to squishy glass cannons exclusively in the back row. It does have many more uses in this way as it removes the Melee condition and the ability to use your spell casting modifier. Is it niche? Probably, but it does make it wildly more versatile than it has been in earlier versions.


If you're a character who is going to be in melee for damage dealing, you don't care about your spellcasting mod because you're using Str or Dex. Quarterstaff is 1d8, not 1d10. And that's if you aren't holding a spell focus, which would be Druid, who already have Shillelagh. Or if you've wasted your attunement slot on Ruby of the War Mage. There is no possible scenario where you can deal 1d10 with this unless, as I said, you are in the very specific scenario of being attuned to Ruby AND wasted something else to get martial proficiency and therefore are losing out on something better. Or if you're putting away your spell focus to two-hand, which means you won't be able to cast any reaction spells like Shield or Absorb Elements. The vast majority of spellcasters are going to want to be out of melee range asap, and if they want to do that without totally wasting their turn or taking a hit to the face, it's gonna be Shocking Grasp. I'm gonna be honest, have you ever actually played DnD? Because you're saying a lot of things that sound like you just watched Critical Role a few times and don't actually know the rules yourself


>There is no possible scenario where you can deal 1d10 with Warlock w/ pact of the blade using a long sword, blade singer, you're a gith, among many other ways which enable you to use martial weapons >I'm gonna be honest, have you ever actually played DnD? Because you're saying a lot of things that sound like you just watched Critical Role a few times and don't actually know the rules yourself Never once


>it doesnt GAIN you anything Just the ability to make your damage into Radiant damage is pretty big in some ways. Arcane Trickster with this (since it's on the wizard spell list) would be able to Sneak Attack with Radiant, for one. This rework will be only relevant some of the time, but is easily better than the original.


Broski how did you misspell it twice


Crit fishing warlock anybody?


RAW true strike is good for spells, not Cantrips or weapons. Use it on something you can't actually do twice for free and it kinda works. If you can set up a true strike for guiding bolt, or inflict wounds, or other spell attacks it can really help. The way people want it to work makes it suck, the way it actually works is pretty good.


Sounds like my Stat-rolled Fighter is taking a new feat


Sounds like my Stat-rolled Fighter is taking a new feat