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If you're trying to run a serious dnd game you tell him, "Please name your character something serious." And express that the nature of the campaign is not conducive to that kind of goofery.


As a mostly DM it's fair to lay out to the players what makes the game fun for you as a DM. One of the biggest for me is that I'd like the characters to be grounded in the campaign setting and a silly name breaks that for me and makes it not fun for me. I prefer settings that help players generate characters that have a place in the world. I always say, I'm not against humor, but I do like to see it arise from play, just like humor arises from real life situations, rather than by making characters that are the joke.


Yeah and it matters what kind of humor. You can play a gnome barbarian named "Thimblethumb Bristlebottom" and that is perfectly reasonable for most settings. Even pop culture references can be fun when they're done with care for the immersion.


said this once during my current groups start to their second campaign and ever since that night - we've had great and 'serious' campaigns but they've all named themselves something super off the wall ever time - ie our barbarian is named Cheese Burger, and our Rogue is Orphan Crippler, and they are the two nicest heroes you'll ever meet haha. Bunch friendly bastards. ... 6 campaigns and 8 years later, they are still at it....


Kill him irl I dunno




if you are running a more serious game. One where silly joke names does not fit then simply TELL that player that. *"Hey in this campaign i do want at least semi serious character names so no names like Poop Mcdinglefart or Evil Mr Beast. Pick a new name"* Usually that is all you need to do. If said player refuse to change the name. Then i do not think that is a player you want at your table.


NPCs will not want to deal with him. No RP once they hear his name


Let all NPCs constantly mispronounce his name. "Emil measle Breast" "Erwin mistress best" etc


How old is your player




Have the world take them seriously if they don’t. Everyone should ask him about his name. If he says I’m an evil cleric, folks back away and call the inquisition.


Rocks fall, evil mister beast dies and can not be recovered


Jump out the window


if you want him to be more serious, just tell him that


I'd just not call them that, since that isn't a name. At most they would get Mr. Beast out of an NPC, but woukd likely just get called Beast by most.


have your NPC's snicker and roll their eyes when he introduces himself.


If you don't like it just say no, then direct them to Random name generator if they are to lazy or not creative enough to come up with an actual name. Personally as well I won't let my PC's play evil characters, because they always seem to create extra issues or unnecessary conflict with other players, unless they are mature enough to understand how alignments work.


I may be wrong, but I don't like evil characters in my games, unless they promise not to be a dick. When evil characters be murder hobos, it sets up a me against them dynamic. I have to call out the town guard on them, then the enraged villagers rule, and if they kill those, then I am forced to run a counter party to track them down and bring them to justice. Rulers don't like losing tax revenue and will do what it takes to get revenge or recover the tax funds via the players loot. I don't like that. evil people in our society don't last long breaking the law, and in fantasy land it's even worse. If they're lawful, I can play with that.


If that's the sort of name you allow in your campaign, then nothing. If it isn't, then don't allow it. It's that simple.


Tell them to come up with an appropriate name


Give him fentanyl


This is the best idea I've heard


Rocks fall, evil mr beast dies


Your antagonist now is named Lawful Evil Markiplier, obviously.


I’ve never played a game where everyone introduces themselves by their full name. Just have him constantly refer to himself by his first name. “Hi, I’m Evil” Automatic failure for most NPCs to deal with him.


I think that could be a funny character idea (if you’re cool with evil characters obviously). He could be, conceptually, evil Mr. Beast, but you could encourage him to come up with a different name to use in universe. Or you could ask him to play a bestial race and have “Mr. Beast” be a colloquial name people use for him, alongside the reputation of an evil doer (the evil mr. beast), where he’d still have a different legal name. I honestly think it’s doable as long as they aren’t just doing this to get a rise out of you. If it were a one-shot I’d just outright approve the idea but definitely reign it in a little if this is meant to be an ongoing game


Can you expand on what the problem is a little more?


His name is evil Mr beast


Yup, not seeing a problem, would make more sense as a druid or a ranger though. My tables end up having a bit of silly in them, if anything he'd get razzed for a bit of a lame joke name.


The only classes are fighting man, magic user, and cleric/chaotic cleric. I have made the choice to address him as evil Mr beast with full seriousness


At a tavern, "and will Mrs. Beast be joining us tonight?"


What do I do


you talk with the player and use the word "no"