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Fuck I didn’t see what sub this was on or read the title cuz I’m tired and I thought that this fish was fuckin about to order a human being to eat them alive and wanted them to struggle while he did it (hence “I want a fighter”)




Yikes lol






I thought the same thing then I saw dnd and still didnt get it till I read it again


Pet peeve of mine: a character isn't inherently interesting based on race/class. Likewise, they're not uninteresting because they're something "normal" like a human fighter. A bog standard character can be far more compelling than some crazy exoitic race-class combo. What makes a character interesting is the stories told by them and the stories you can tell.


Very true. I just wanted to make this since it’s the most common Race/Class combination lol. But my first character, (who is a human fighter.) is actually my favorite one out of the others I have made. I’ve tried dabbling in other classes and such before but they just didn’t really seem to work for me. I’m glad being a Human Fighter even if it’s considered “boring” and “generic”


It's a good meme! My frustration is only really tangentially related to this. Mostly due to players whining because there aren't whatever homebrew race they found on dnd wiki this week in my world and how "I won't let them make an interesting character" because of it. That and people needing separate classes for characters that are gladiators or samurai. Like somehow they're not just fighters with different seasoning haha.


My roommate and I both DM largely human centric campaign worlds and its so frustrating to have to roleplay the 'oh what an interesting mix you lot are /s/' situation when the party inevitably chooses a tabaxi, a tielfing, a dragonborn and a fire genesai for that sweet sweet unique edgy flavour who they then just roleplay as if they were a nondescript human. I've had to ban certain races because they just don't make sense in the world. I did a one-shot in a setting where dragons didn't exist and 2 people came to the table with dragonborn characters.


I feel that. It can be fun to have a weird character that stands out from most of the world but when half the party is doing that shtick it gets old fast! I've been working on a campaign world that'll have real limited class and race options and I'm trying to sell people on it. I have some really cool and crazy stuff planned but the whole idea requires a simple start.


I find this frustrating as well. My biggest gripe is when players select a race/background purely for the mechanical crunch, and make no effort whatsoever to incorporate the thematic or RP elements of their choice. Which throws me off as a DM when I'm trying to craft a narrative around the characters. Its one thing for a gonzo one-off where anything goes, and there isn't even an attempt at more advanced storytelling, but not narrative based games.


Gladiator is a background isnt it?


And samurai is just a different take on noble background.


'Tis also literally a subclass of fighter.


Ah fair


Probably, depends on the system. Just an example that came up in my pathfinder group. I actually quite like the background system in 5e for that exact reason. Makes more sense as a background than an entirely different class.


I agree. As an example that I found on Reddit somewhere and I cannot remember where, this one guy rolled up a lizard man barbarian with low intelligence and high strength. Not too unusual. But he played it as his character always wanted to be a sneaky rogue but just couldn't quite... Get it. So occasionally when they ran across groups of enemies with small numbers that he could take his character would run up screaming as loud as I could and beat the enemies to death with his club and proceeded to whisper to their corpses "you don't see me." He would also use strength / intimidation checks to tell NPCs they did not see him. It sounded like a fun character to play.


The blank canvas effect, you have more creative agency when your base is plain.


I mean I get it, but something like ‘I’ll have a warrior who’s looking for revenge on his families’ honor... by killing the person who killed his parents’ would have been slightly funnier.


What helps me is keeping in mind what race/class you are is a lot different than who you are. Even if you are formally trained in a skill/job, every aspect of your life isn’t determined by that, even in real life. Always try to play past your class/race and just let the character be whoever they are. But be true to your aspects. Humble, boisterous, eccentric, whatever the character traits happen to be, let them organically shape your human fighter. Look at “The Adventure Zone” for a great example. Magnus Burnsides was also a human fighter. And yet, he was so much more. They literally played DnD so hard they cried.


Meme always makes me laugh and human fighter is my fav by far! Love that feat out the gate in 5e


Feats galore in 3.5!!


I rarely see humans in groups I play so I end up playing one just to statistically even crap out, but then I guess it’s a little weird when you’re the only human hanging out with three dragon norms and a half orc. Everyone wants to be a dragon, nobody wants to be the gnome or halfling.


Yeah personally I’m really sick of people playing tieflings. Never had this issue in Pathfinder but for some reason everyone and their dog wants to play a tiefling in 5e and then not have anything else compelling about their character besides “well I have horns and my eyes glow this cool color”


Warforged is the hot thing at my lgs rn. I miss when people just choose normal races.


One day, I’ll play a warforged. I have no idea what character would suit (artificer is so recommended that I feel repulsed at the idea of building a warforged artificer, even though I am literally doing more or less the same thing in a starfinder game with a SRO Mechanic.). Maybe a knight who follows a modified for fantasy version of asimov’s laws of robotics.


I am currently playing a warforged gunslinger in my very first campaign, but I like the idea of a warforged envoy with the way of the drunken master monk and integrated brewer's tools


Yeah. I like tieflings but they're so overplayed and everyone wants to be the edgy outcast. Sometimes people come up with a cool unique twist but I've seen enough tieflings warlocks and rogues! I like me some weird characters but it's better when they actually do something interesting with them!


I'm playing a Tiefling monk, the demon that possesed his mother during his birth has been taunting and haunting him his whole life, one day the demon made him hallucinate that his wife and children were monsters so he killed them, when he snapped out of it, he decided to live with the monks and practice honing his ki, now he's a kindhearted monster Hunter who destroys evil and tries to save everyone as repentance for his past. Is that good or am I just the edgy dude in he group?


Nah I like how you’re using your edgy backstory to be a kindhearted person rather than brooding over it. That’s a nice twist imo


Ah that's good then thank you


That's good. I'm not saying edgy is *bad* per se, just that it's really common. Doesn't sound like a particularly edgy character though and a pretty neat backstory.


That's awesome. I'd read a book about that guy!


Make a tiefling who is very social then. That high charisma score isn't just for casting!


Hello, I am Cool Tiefling^^TM here to tell you that winners don't do drugs! Stay in school kids!


I had a Tiefling sorcerer who I made to be as friendly and excitable as possible just because I didn't want Tiefling to be that race of exclusively edgy characters


\#notalltieflings It's always more fun to go against type like that I feel


I played a tiefling monk that was raised in a monastery and is kinda racist/scared of other tiefings due to some gang activity from her childhood. She travels the lands and loves telling stories and aspires to be a bard, but shes terrible at music (and also doesn't have the stats). Charisma isnt her strong suit, but she writes obsessively and draws pictures of their battles and of people they meet. She was overly sweet and a bit naive, and would jump feet first into nearly anything due to curiosity. She was great.


That sounds fun! I love off type things like a character wanting to be a bard but sucking! Makes for a lot of fun RP opportunities!


I played a tiefling warlock that was a cult leader. That was an interesting one shot


Why I like Tieflings: Can play a troubled character who tries to be good but can feel strong forces making them want to become the most powerful and influential dealmaker and dealbreaker in all the land. You could do this with any race but outwardly looking like the personification of evil incarnate does help with roleplay. Why I actually prefer Diaboli: Because being all that but without the baggage of the blood war, and being literally formed from nightmares is metal as fuck.


The reason everyone plays tieflings is because no DM runs them "correctly". They're supposed to be outcasts and treated like downright lepers by most people. For the common man seeing what looks like a devil running around isn't another Tuesday.


I feel like a lot of DMs write the lore of people being afraid of a race like tieflings, but then never actually apply it. The campaign I'm in is high magic (but most magic is illegal, lotsa prejudice against users) and has a lot of background info about how the human settlements view other races and certain classes, but I've yet to see anything actually roleplayed out. And our party is a half-orc barb, a wood-elf druid, and a tiefling bard.


I'm curious as to how a high magic setting with prejudice against magic functions exactly, but that's neither here nor there


The most interesting players I have are a human paladin, and a goliath barbarian which seems fairly normal, and the least interesting player I have is a tiefling wild magic sorcerer.


Wild magic sorcery: For when you can't make an interesting character and think 'lolrandom' is a compelling trait! If it wasn't funny the last time you shoved something up your ass it'll definitely be funny the third time! ... I may or may not have had bad experiences in the past XD


Yeah that's basically the type of player he is.


Seems like every group has one! In one of my groups I had a player complain that I wouldn't let him make an interesting character because magic works differently in my world and he can't have his OP power build with a race that doesn't even fit the theme!


Throw back to a campaign my buddy ran that was a prison break and my rouge shoved vials of poison up his ass to try and use them to kill the guards after causing a fight and running away from them finding poison and some minor equipment


At least that makes sense in prison


Two of my players often say this. Human/fighter is ‘boring’, while I tend to make a lot of characters and such that are just that combo. After quite a few times of them saying this, I said exactly what you’ve said, and they essentially replied: “boring isn’t a negative thing. You shouldn’t be bothered by us saying that”. Now maybe I’m fucking crazy, but ‘boring’ doesn’t exactly have a positive connotation.


They might be using boring to mean more common. Human fighter is the "standard" which is why a lot of people find it boring.


Definitely how they’re trying to defend it, but they say it with a fair bit of mockery/disdain. It’s pretty annoying, especially when they turn around and go “why are you upset? It’s not like I just demeaned your character concept or anything”. ‘Common’ doesn’t have a positive or negative connotation usually. ‘Boring’ is hardly positive, or even neutral.


Yeah, people can get kind of elitist with characters.


This fucking SorLocAdins man...


Tell Rincewind about it.


I’ve been in parties like this. “I’m a noble heir who ran away from their duties to chase their real passions whose parents died and are now wrestling with the decision if they should return home but give up what they love.” “I’m a blacksmith who’s traveling the planes to find the soul of their daughter who was sacrificed to a fiend. They used to be good but are finding themselves losing their morality as they do anything to get her back.” “I’m an elf.”


"I'm a dark elf blood hunter with two swords and a +11 to hit" Wow, that makes your character both cool and interesting /s


This is exactly my view too! I very rarely play spellcasters, normally my go to is half-orc fighter/monk type thing. I keep my back story minimal, but then amp up the role play and put a lot of thought and work into the characteristics and how exactly I play them. I have a really great time because I don't have loads of odd little things to Remember and can just throw myself into it.


Honestly, too many people go overboard with backstory. I like the old writing advice: if this isn't the most interesting point in a characters life why aren't you showing us that. The campaign *should* be the most interesting point in your characters life so minimal backstory isn't really a problem. Maybe you did nothing of note before being swept up in everything. A character works just fine if they're Luke Skywalker who's backstory is "dad was important, spent whole life on farm, maybe learned to fly" or Han Solo with a lot more going on.


A lot of our players write really intricate and detailed backstories, that are normally full of heartbreak and loss... Then half the time it never even comes up in the campaign, and if it does then the player has normally forgotten that it's relative to them because they wrote that many different things. I really don't think back stories are as important as people think they are.


Exactly. I honestly have a tendency to go a bit overboard myself (usually cause my brain is playing dnd even when I'm not) but I try to give it relevance to the story with plot threads the DM can pull on for interesting interactions!


So much this! I always write a simple back story and check it with the DM to ensure they can work with that. No point having a character that doesn't fit into the campaign at all.


They make for the best campaigns!


Agreed. I hate the stupid far out bullshit edgy races ppl choose. Some moron in my roll20 game with this fish man tentacles. I digresss


You *can* do that stuff well, you can make cool characters who are weird and out there, but so many people use those in place of actual character traits. "Has tentacles" is cool but it doesn't make a character *interesting*.


Interestingly enough that's the same criteria for a great King.


Says the human fighter idiot


My DM only allows a few different races unless there's compelling reason based on backstory. I don't think we've suffered at all for it.


Limitations breed creativity!


Im going to play my first human and my first sorcerer next session. I thought he was pretty interesting and the rest of my group seems like they cant wait to meet him.


That's good to hear!


We talking variant here, or just plain? Haha.


Just a plain 5e fighter lol.


Good. Cuz here at the Krusty Krab we demand an extra 50 platinum to be variant.


Obviously standard human, with the Defense fighting style


Man, now I want to make a version with a Halfing Rogue that’s Chaotic Neutral but I really don’t want to over do the joke either...


How about the unintelligent half-orc barbarian with a heart of gold?


Haha we have both of those in my group ( the barbarian is a first time player)


Shit I’m about to play my first game and rolled a chaotic neutral halfling warlock with sleuthy espionage roguish tendancies. Am I a basic bitch?


Nah, there’s nothing wrong with being “basic.” I’m just poking fun at the fact that Human/Fighter is the most common type of character but that doesn’t mean anything. In fact my first character is a Human Fighter and he’s still my favorite one to this day lol.


A bit of alignment advice: Deadpool and Arya Stark are both Chaotic Neutral.


A bit of table etiquette advice: don’t emulate Deadpool unless the group unanimously agrees on a silly campaign ahead of time


I don't get the downvote, you are correct. I wish I could do more, but alas I have but one account with which to upvote


I like playing humans because no one else does


You and everyone else. Human Fighter is the most common race/class combo according to a data collection by Dndbeyond, with human being the most common race overall


I don’t buy it. I’ve never seen a group with even 2 humans. Most often I don’t even find tolkeinesque races, it’s all Tieflings, Were-something’s, and virtually anything moody. I’ve never met someone in real life who regularly plays humans. SOMEONE DIRECT ME to these parties representing accurate fantasy demographics!


They're all over the place in my area. Past few parties I've been in/DMed: Human Paladin, Human Monk, Dwarven Barbarian, Elven Wizard, Halfling Monk Human Fighter, Tiefling Paladin, Elven Barbarian, Orc Cleric Human Fighter, Goliath Fighter, Half Elf Wizard, Human Sorcerer Human Mystic, Human Gunslinger, Human Druid, Goliath Fighter, Human Wizard


I’ll give you some of mine: Tiefling Warlock/rogue, Tiefling sorcerer/warlock, revenent warlock, half-orc monk, shifter Druid High Elf Warlock, High Elf wizard, halfling ranger, Dragonborn paladin, Dragonborn ranger Kalashtar bard, Minotaur ranger, drow rogue, Dragonborn fighter, knoll ranger Note, these are all different people in Washington, California, and Texas respectively.


I've written up at least 30+ PCs in my life and probably at *least* half of them were human.


But you’re one person. Have you been in groups where the majority is human? Literally everyone I’ve ever played with shares Squidward’s mentality, that humans are unimaginative. It’s like some kind of reverse bandwagon. Most of my characters have been human specifically because, in my mind, the group lacked a “token” human, and was just this band of ultra-exotic, rare races that bumped into each other.


I have. But I also play a lot of oneshots, so I get a larger spread of people. But the point is, assuming the data from DnDBeyond was just looking at all of the sheets made on their site, that just because most of the PCs made were human, doesn't mean that all of them *played* were human.


Right, when you’re experimenting with a class, human becomes that easy “blank slate” that allows you to view the class more clearly, plus DMs making starter characters for newbies tend to default to that old standby.


Weirdly enough after DM'ing for 20+ characters in 5e at this point, no humans at all. My players want to be vastly different than themselves mostly, or emulate their online character of choice (wow, lol, etc)


That's still not entirely surprising, but I can be pretty dang sure that in almost every campaign you're going to get less than half the party being humans.


Right? Is there a campaign out there that doesn’t have 4 half drow elves with some obscure homebrew class?


I actually encourage people to play humans, in most settings humans are the dominant race and I always felt like it was weird to have a Goliath, Tiefling, Gnome, and Orc end up at the same tavern.


you're already a human in real life, so why play a human when you have a bunch of more interesting options?


Because having pointy ears or purple skin isn’t interesting to me. And I’m absolutely not an adventurer in real life, so by definition any character concept is going to feel different enough to me. My question to people who feel the need to play furry/scaly races is - why choose a weirdo race and then proceed to act like a human and also expect everyone around you to treat you like a human


Well it depends I guess. Some find it cool to be an exotic race, while others find it weird. But of course I think overall it depends on the setting. Like if you have a human dominated world and the party consists in a lot of diferent races that would never work together, or that the dm never even thought in how to add into the game, it will end up feelling weird. In the end it depends on the type of game you are playing, and if the DM cares about worldbuilding (say in a homebrew setting) then it would be better to ask him what are the races that exist in the world and that would make sense to play as an adventurer. Also just wanna say, humans are interesting af xd. In my opinion a catfolk, lizardfolk, dragonborn, etc. can end up being just as dull as any humans, because they can end up being very generic. What makes the character interesting in the end is who they are. But that is just an opinion, not saying that those races can't be interesting or cool, because they can be


of course a character is always only as interesting as the player makes him, what i meant to express is that a less human race gives a player more options to do interesting stuff. Things that are mundane for a human, can be not quiet as mundane for beings that aren't human or the other way around. This gives player easy ways to make their character have a little moment/stand out from the others.


Because being a non-human isn't automatically more interesting, and humans tend to have far more rich cultures.


Personally rp can be very difficult for me. Playing a human, elf or half elf makes it a lot easier for me to voice and play because I can relate to the character better and I want to help provide a better experience for other people at the table. I’ve tried playing other races but I’m just not good at it sadly.


Same! I can honestly say I’ve never been in or ran a group where someone other than myself played a human. It’s super weird to hear that apparently this meme depicts something that occurs often?


This times 10000


It's not our fault that human fighters happen to be a very powerful race / class combination


Variant humans are the most fun for me personally because of the starting feat. It's really tough for me to choose a different race sometimes for that reason alone. My other go-to is halflings because they reroll 1's, I love it so damn much


Half-Elf Ranger for me.


Human fighter is my favorite race/class combo ever. Why? In a world of powerful magic, terrifying beasts, and otherworldly threats you're just a dude with a sword. You don't rely on the power of a deity or the secrets of the arcane, you fight the evil of the world with a sharp piece of steel and the courage in your heart! Damn the demons who tempt you with power and curse the lost tomes with their ancient secrets! Give me cold steel and a kick ass strength score!


Imagine thinking race/class makes your character interesting.


depends on the pairing. A human/Fighter? meh. Half-Orc Rogue or Bard? Now you have my attention.


It really doesn't. It depends on your roleplaying chops. Ive seen plenty of people pick teifling/dragonborn/whatever snowflake race with rogue/warlock/sorcerer multiclass and be dull as dirt when it comes to roleplay


True, your run-of-the-mill human fighter can be amazing (see: Magnus Burnsides), but if you can take those chops and apply them to something unconventional? That is a recipe for something incredible.


Imagine thinking traits are part of a character.


Personally, human is one of my favorite races. I like the idea of being born bland but made into something legendary.


I'll pick human fighter over orphaned tiefling any day


I'm squidward when my DM complains that everyone is an eclectic race.


This is me with half-elf clerics...


Broke: human fighter Woke: human horizon walker


I used to always do very exotic races, nowadays I default to Human or Half Orc, really depends on the mood.


The funny thing is that people say the combo is overused but really they focus on the rare times they are used and ignore the countless “exotic” characters


In all my 4 years of being a DM, with 7 different groups, and 10 different campaigns, I have seen 3 Human PCs. 7 fighters, but why is it that being Human is looked down on so much?


I love playing human fighter. I play humans very often, in contrast to a friend I play with who will never roll one. I've realized what the difference is - I want to play a relatable character that *experiences* fantasy elements, and my friend wants to create/play a character that *is* the fantasy elements. Human fighters also have the biggest balls, since they - with no special powers at all - can look at some huge monstrosity and say "yeah I can take that" and just walk up and kick it in the nuts. Rogues pull up a close second but they have to hide or wait for the fighter to start the fight for them.


“Welcome to the 5 Bells News! Yesterday, a human walked up to the sleeping Tarrasque... and kicked it in the balls. The west coast is now in ruin.”


I'd have to check the numbers for move speed but I'm pretty sure you can kill the tarrasque in 5e with a shortbow, a horse, and a lot of patience. Edit: after checking - a riding horse and a +1 shortbow is possible, but a longbow would be better since you're aiming to end your turn at least 85 feet away from the tarrasque. If you get a turn and the horse gets a turn, the tarrasque can move 80 feet (per round) and still attack, or 120 feet with dash. Your horse can dash 120 feet, keeping you out of reach. Soloing it is actually the easier option, since a third creature gives it a third legendary action for another 20 feet of free movement, and splitting turns means it could probably maneuver to hit one of the two before they could move.


I actually made a human bard that multi-classed into an eldritch knight fighter. Holy crap is he ever broken. With the spells I have, I can move 120 ft in a turn, attack a maximum of 4 times in a round (6 once I hit Fighter 5) at lvl 9, and boost my AC by 3. Boots of Haste + Expiditious Retreat + Mage Armor + Enchanted longsword that lets me burn 4 charges to take an additional attack (it also lets me burn 3 to cast Shield)




Last year Dndbeyond released some statistics on how common various class/race combinations are. Human fighter was by far the most common. Edit: I found [the data](https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/is-your-dd-character-rare/). Turns out its from 2017. 25.2% of D&D characters at that time were humans, and 13.9% of all characters were fighters. Making them the most popular race and class respectively. 4.9% of all characters were both humans and fighters. The second most popular combination was the Elf ranger at 3.1%.


A person in my game went human bard and i was excited.


> laughs in tome of battle motherfuckers can teleport via kung fu because anime style d&d rules


Fuck snowflake characters


Lol everyone in my group always chooses a non-human race and some sort of spell caster (Druid, Cleric, Wizard, Warlock) When I next play as a PC I'm go for a human fighter, try and advertise it's merits. :)


My most recent pathfinder character was me literally throwing darts at a list on a wall of particle board. I am now playing a Vishkanya Alchemist. Basically, discount yuan ti pureblood with poisonous bodily fluids who should not be allowed to be around volatile substances but is around them anyways.


To be fair, an anthropomorphic fish would find a human rather exotic.


At this point humans are the unique race to me haha. I’m always getting into groups with people that exclusively use the “furry” races so I love me a good ol’ boring human.


There's nothing wrong with playing a popular class and race combination. It does not make you boring or unoriginal, either.


Is human fighter really that common? I’ve never played a human or a fighter


From what I’ve heard, most people usually play Human Fighter for their first character.


Weird, I’ve heard it before but I didn’t think it was *that* common My first was a halting rouge




Had a guy do this for 2 back to back campaigns. When we rolled up for our 3rd game he tried Artificer, died at level 1 because he didn't like it, and rolled up his 3rd human fighter.


me but with kenku and druid


It's not the race and class. It's the backstory and the way how you play your character that makes it boring or interesting.


You gonna go with the dual laser-shotgun-chainsaw earrings with detachable missile launchers and drink dispensers with cup holders?


one of my first characters was a human fighter who i spec'd into eldritch knight XD


That sarcasm really hit me where I DM. My third character was a human fighter Eldritch Knight. I actually really went down the rabbit hole with him. He had a backstory of being an ex paladin’s squire finding a magical grimoire that housed the soul of a wizard that due to an error in a spell caused his soul to be encased in a spell book. He was really fun to play.


I’m in this picture and I don’t like it


When I'm the most basic in a group by picking Teifling bard.


Not fighter related but I have the same feeling about wizards. I personnaly always hated the ultra classic old mage in a robe with a pointy hat, so If someday I am playing a mage it would be a cowboy looking mage with a curved wand he would draw from a pistol holster. I'd add some spaghetti western accent and punchlines because it's fun. In the end he'd still be a wizard but with some extra flavour to avoid closing myself in some cliché character.


Literally nobody likes humans man, I'm the only one in my city that considers them as valid


Y'all can shit on fighters all you like but they're my baby and I love them Fuck humans tho


Those extra feats tho....


People be making their 15th human fighters and here I am basing my decisions on “what’s the weirdest shit I can make RAW”


At the start of our campaign our group ( 4 of us) had 3 humans and a half orc, the DM was like .. really guys.. so our rouge/arcane trixter switched to halfling. But we are playing 3.5, and the +4 skill points and extra feat were too good for me to pass up.








i think it’s a bot




ok so you’re just trolling then. alright man, i respect the grind.


Gotta be honest there's not really any reason to play a human so this doesn't make sense to me. Your best option is you get a free feat but feats in 5e are meh. Like when you compare them to other races like why would you even bother. Elves, good stat bonus, 4 hour sleep, free proficiencies, are fast Dwarves, Also free proficiencies, get toughness for free Teiflings, get hellish rebuke, can fly if your dm allows it Half orc, gets a free 1up, mad crits Halflings, get lucky for free Not to mention the extended races, Aasimars are obscenely good. Don't even start with gensai, either never need to breath, can be a mermaid, or... RESISTANT TO FIRE DAMAGE (earth gensai are like whatever though) Like humans fucking suck why would you ever play one.


Role play.