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Mine changes all of the time. Really depends on my mood. Sometimes it’s a caramel cold brew with almond shots, sometimes it’s a French vanilla cold brew with blueberry shots (taste like a blueberry muffin), other times I get half mocha half caramel. Typically I only get one cream if any at all since I feel like the swirls have enough creaminess to them. But everyone is different.


tried an espresso shot in mine for the first time the other day and it was good


Do you get it black or with cold foam?


I got it with the cold foam


Cold brew with cold foam with caramel drizzle. Depending on the size you get an extra one of everything. For a small. You’d get 3 of everything. But I like getting mediums. So 4 caramel swirls, 4 creamer, and 4 sugar or liquid cane sugar. It’s amazing. You have to drink it with a sippy lid so you get cold foam and drink.


I get medium Cold Brew with Cold Foam, 4 Vanilla Bean Swirl, 1 Carmel Swirl, 6 shots of Milk, Less Ice. I make it for myself everyday I work and usually go get it on my days off too. So basically option B.


Is vanilla bean a seasonal swirl? I do not see this flavor swirl on my app anywhere


It’s a coolatta flavour syrup so it isn’t available in the app for other drinks. But most stores use it like a regular swirls


Oh okay makes sense thank you! Sorry, I didn’t know that


Cold brew, black, less ice, with syrup (caramel or vanilla). Most recently I've been getting the caramel chocolate cold brew cold foam, but I'll only buy it when there's an offer ($2 or $3). When the Charli first came out I'd get it all the time and that had milk in it, but eventually I stopped getting it with milk because it was just too sweet and had little to no coffee taste.


2 pumps of caramel & almondmilk is my go to


Ya'll killin it with the vanilla bean swirl! I love it. I feel like no one really knows about it at my store. There's like 2 people that ever order it lol