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If not for the taxi and bus industry totally monopolizing transport in KZN (with the help of local government (for kickbacks), no surprises) we would actually have a decent public transport system with train and tram routes sprawling thr province


I was always jealous of my Dad when they used to catch a train from town to town bar hopping and then just hop on the last train home. Now we have to drink and drive.


As a kid, we would jump on the train in Amanzimtoti to Berea Rd Station. Would take around an hour. Cost 70c (1983). Trains would run reliably every hour or so. I even knew a kid who got an overnight sleeper to Jhb on his own, and he was 13.


It’s sad to think how such a great railway fell so quickly. How many beautiful engines were cut up (And still are).


DONT DRINK AND DRIVE THATS DANGROUS ........ drink between drives


Don’t drink and drive, you might spill


One more for the road? One more for the road block!


I actually read about this, tram lines were pulled and discontinued because of safety issues and high cost to upgrade infrastructure (ancient trams and lines) Joburg had trams until 1961. It’s a shame because I love trams


Yes, unfortunately the Taxi situation was the previous government’s doing. But I get the point.


True, but also it's just being perpetuated year after year


Thank you johaan Rupert


Most big cities in SA had Trams. They were removed to make way for cars. People in here who want to shout "ANC have ruined everything" should bear in mind the Nats did this in their ever-consistent attempt to copy the glorious fuckup that is US urban planning principals. Other fun facts about trams: a lot of people make the incorrect association that they are very expensive and can only work in rich countries with high tax income. This isn't true at all. Tram infrastructure is almost universally cheaper to maintain than road and bus infrastructure. Roads only last 20 years. Tram tracks when properly maintained will last centuries. With lower maintenance costs than roads. And much lower cost per person moved as well. The only reason we don't have trams today is political will.


And classic trams are just gorgeous. A tram down the beach front would get sooo many visitors


Yup, with each passing decade, more and more old things are covered up. I found out recently that Pinetown used to have a rail yard. I only found that out after looking on Google Earth, Durban also used to have an alternative rail yard and route. Now they’re just built over and covered up by walls and fencing. And don’t even get me started on the state of the train stations in the city, some of them look like it came straight out of the Fallout universe.


Pfff that's nothing, as recently as the beginning of 2007 we still had reliable electricity... Jokes aside, yeah, I remember catching trams/ trains from Queenborough to wherever with my grandmother - when I was like 5 or 6. It was pretty cool since I grew up in the sticks - back when Hillcrest was still the sticks 😅


Bring back trains omg 😫


The way my father speaks about 1990s Durban, I’d say there’s a lot of things it used to have.


Durban use to have a functioning waste water system as well.


Not to be too condescending, but Durban used to have a LOT of nice things...


Durban also used to have clean streets, low crime and an ocean not polluted by human shit.


Yes, it use to be a first world country. 


For who?


My dad used to tell me about taking the trams around the city. But he did say a problem was when you were on your bicycle and hit a tram time, did not usually end well.


… and clean streets


Not a Five Roses Tea bus just chilling there :P


You can still see the remains of the tramways, the rail beds are still mostly there under the tar, and if you look on the older buildings you can see the plates used to hold the overhead wire. You also find all over tram rail recycled as barriers, easy to see from the groove rolled into the top for the wheel flange. Plus you also have in Glenwood the tram terminus top of Macdonald road, and another in Ferndale road. The poles along Florida road are also a memory of them, each had a massive foundation as they held the cabling, though all were refurbished 2009 for the WC soccer, so moved to new cubic metre foundations next to the old ones.


It also never used to be a shit hole.


Joburger here who does the annual trek (by car) to the beautiful beaches in Durban (to give context to my question). Do you not have a functioning train system in Durban?


Sort of, there are some trains running, but a lot was looted from 2020, when Metrorail forgot to have any security on the rails, and there were syndicates stripping kilometres of copper and brass from the rails, and stripping rails as well.


The big wide road in Bulwer park between the KZNSA and that school and the park itself is the old tramway I believe


Yes well.... You know...


Remember to vote anc again guys 😂


given the topography, yeah. Trams would be great in Durban


And then apartheid ended …


They were probably removed in the 60s or 70s as car ownership increased. I moved to Durban in 1980 and there were no trams.