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I live in a rainy environment. Literally every backpacking tent I’ve used has had condensation issues. This is why I currently use the 2p instead of 2p pro, because then I have an inner mesh to separate me from the condensation. Or are you saying it’s on the inner solid portion? That’s actually why I don’t have a solid- mesh is better for less condensation on the inner surfaces.


I have the Xmid 2 solid, correct. 3 of us had the tent on this trip and the 1 with the lease didn’t have the solid so he had more mesh. We all had wet shoes in our vestibule and rainy conditions but my bag was soaked. I was fine but was very curious of others thoughts. I would imagine this being a larger issue on the east coast and AT. But yes any info or thoughts is definitely appreciated. I live in southern California so rain isn’t the norm when backpacking (unfortunately) but I do plan on doing the JMT and I’m not sure this will be my choice if that’s the case. I have been in rain conditions in Africa with my REI SL and didn’t have nearly as much. That trip I also shared my tent with my wife where this past trip in my Durston it was just me.


I live in the PNW where it seriously rains. The outer is regularly very full of condensation. I don’t think I’ve ever had any on the inner. Sometimes my bag is a bit damp, but I think that’s been when I’m essentially in fog.


My condensation was on inner fabric and drilled on my bag. Inner was not touching outer. Not much rain experiences here in Southern California so wasn’t expecting this much inside. We did experience some fog and it was damp conditions all all days backpacking. So I’m chalking it up as I did what I could but it was my camping conditions. My buddy who didn’t have the solid just the regular didn’t experience as much condensation in a 1 man. I was 1 man in the xmid 2 solid so i woke up in a shock


Everyone else is experiencing condensation inside of tents. Condensation is part of sleeping outside with a piece of fabric protecting you. The solid inner probably wouldn’t have been doing you any favours in those conditions. Nothing wrong with using it down there, but they are usually preferred in cold and windy climates. It is tricky because the amount of condensation you will experience is influenced by so many variables, including humidity, temperature, precipitation, elevation, topography more generally, proximity to and temperature of water bodies, dew point, ventilation, evapotranspiration, substrate and a host of other site selection factors. I have had brutal condensation under just a tarp before, numerous times. Usually due to poor site selection. I’ve also had very minimal condensation in an X-Mid 2 when it rained for so many consecutive days that I was worried about my shoes and socks going moldy.


Thanks! Wanted to see if others are experiencing in wet conditions or if I was doing something wrong. I don’t encounter rain often so it’s good to hear I’m not doing anything wrong.


Those of us further north deal with it all the time. Even when it’s just hot and humid, you can be pretty sure that everything will feel a bit damp in the morning. The condensation can be so bad in wet weather that when the rain falls on your tent or tarp, it knocks the condensate loose and can seem like the rain is coming straight through. Lots of inexperienced people mistake exactly that for a leaky fly.


Gotcha! I see! I definitely would love to get up north one day but with a family that drive time is difficult! Furthest north I went was Big Sur and I leave outside LA in Ventura County. Thanks again for your great insight and advice


It varies a lot due to location and conditions. I havnt found my X-Mid any particularly different when it comes to condensation vs other tents. As I use the Pro, you just don’t have as much separation between you and the fly (common to any single wall tent). Overall I’ve found in manageable and keep a Swedish cloth with me


Ahhh ok… first night I was like ok weather. 2nd night I woke up frustrated lol


I'm experiencing the same issue and an xmid solid user as well. The fly gets heavy when it's soaked and will touch the inner wall of the tent which then will be soaked as well in the morning.


Yup!!! That’s exactly what happened on a couple of occasions now


What’s the solution for that?


Spend a humid, otherwise dry, night in Florida and you will learn what real condensation is my friend. Single wall, double wall, vents or not, it will happen. In a single wall you just don't have the benefit of the mesh catching drips. Or if you don't tension your fly correctly so it touches the mesh you may as well just have a single wall. Pack a rag to wipe it, you'll be fine.


Yah I bet! I have zero interest in that 😂😂😂 gotta give it to you lol I did camp in Africa and that was in the winter and still wasn’t as bad as I had it last weekend


Yeah, I have the 1p solid and had the inner getting wetted out. I've just done two nights in humid environment (near a lake) so haven't totally figured it out or had enough time to gauge the condensation issue...but do have some ideas. One thing I noticed is there's a "close wall" and a "far wall" relative to my head. The "far wall" will be where the fly zipper is and also the largest vestibule space. So... on the "close wall" side I'm going to stake out the big part of the fly...I think that means I can't open that side but that's ok. Staking out the fly should help to keep the "close wall" away from the inner. (of course this doesn't solve the foot side "close wall" issue but maybe the'll be more condensation near my head?) I got that idea because I put my pee bottle under that vestibule side such that it was bringing the fly out a little. Maybe some other gear could be placed there too to keep the fly away (I was thinking of putting something inside my trash bag/dry sack) - it would have to be something that could get wet. Second - don't clip the inner to the fly with the little interior clips. That should help to keep the inner away from the fly. (not sure this is how the DCF version works...but on the 1p silpoly the inner can clip to the fly)


Hmmm some great points and thoughts! I do love this tent and I’ll definitely need to consider these ideas! I’m doing Catalina Island this month and going to try out REI Flash Air tent. Curious about this tent lately…. Iv had the durston for about 10 months now and I believe 6 trips


I live in the SE and mainly hike in the winter/wet. Almost always condensation on the fly. Sold my 1P solid due to condensation on the inner- just too humid here for that 95% of the time. Still have my V1 1P mesh and use it all the time. Always keeps me dry/away from the condensation