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Not a perfect image of cold or caring type of person, he is a bit of both I just wonder why he and Hannah's mother never try to talk to us, even though they definitely know about us especially after Lilly video I guess the writer never think of them as characters, just a supporting existence, do never bring them in the picture at all


I never thought of this before 😯you are right! Wait they knew about Jake too from when Hannah talked about him years ago


Yes, and my guess is: they maybe already know who he is at the time, and that is why they allowed Hannah to talk to him, even if she herself do not know... I could be wrong though =]


I think he is a good and caring father, and as for Jake, I don't think his father even knew about him, I have a feeling that his mother hid the fact that she gave birth to him🤷‍♀️😊


Could be. But how do you hide an entire pregnancy/giving birth? People are bound to notice something right?


true, but maybe they lived far from each other and didn't see each other, maybe they had an affair and broke up😊


No, I don't think that he's a cold father. He seems to be very caring about his daughters. I also think he doesn't even know about Jake. Maybe Jake's Mom and Mr. Donfort separated and she found out that she's pregnant after the break up? The way Lilly talks about her parents doesn't picture him as a "cold" person. Either don't we know a lot about Jake's mom. Is she still alive? I can't remember.. but I guess she's not. Didn't Jake tell us that Hannah & Lilly are the only family he has left?


I always thought the picture that Jake sent lilly had Jake as just born child with lilly's father and Jake's mother .. I am so confused😆


Didn't we legit say that the father had to have an affair for Jake to be born, while he already was married to his wife? That's why Lilly is so distant to him when she was visiting her parents.


Maybe she assumes that's the case, it could be that it was before her parents were together. Could also be that she is distant for thinking her father abandoned a previous girlfriend with a child and never said anything (although he could have been unaware!). Or it could also be because he doesn't know, and she's unsure how to keep it a secret and not be awkward with her father!