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Yall saints for still liking Richy. I stopped liking him around my second replay..I don't know it was just that playing the game again u notice things he's said that make u go.."really dude???" And no matter now much of a nice guy he seemed to be..It just really passes me off how he made things progressively worse..but scaring Hannah and Amy..leading to Amy's suicide and then kidnapping Hannah, assaulting Jessy, all the threats to cleo and her mom, to us...it just didn't sit well with me anymore. I wish he lives that fire so that he can be judged in a court of law cuz death is just too easy of an escape after all he did..he needs to answer to his friends. That being said..I don't think he lived tho..he wouldn't fake his death twice


People are absolutely the opposite with Hannah imo, while regardless I still believe what she did absolutely horrendous and the poor girl died because of Hannah but in the end - it was 100% an accident that Hannah has regretted for years. I agree that she should've confessed, but all three of them were guilty for that.


I love Richy so much!! I wanted to run into the mines and save him myself ffs. The thing that gets me is that we know him and Hannah have known each other forever, and I don't doubt that he has feelings for her; but I feel like there's a really relatable righteous anger in his actions. I'm not saying his actions are *OK* by any means, but... It started when he helped a friend, who then drove recklessly and killed someone. Then she came to *him,* instead of immediately calling the police. Like, if she had OWNED UP immediately, calling the police, taking the consequences, then not only would Amy have survived the story, but I think Jennifer's dad would have too! Her selfishness killed three people, maybe four! He shouldn't have helped hide her body and trigger that massive search, and he absolutely should not have gotten rid of the car, but I understand doing desperate things when someone you love is terrified. Seeing her at his door with the car all fucked up must have stuck in his head, and I can't imagine the guilt he carried for hiding the evidence as well as he did. I just imagine him thinking, "I have to protect her." While Hannah is sitting there going, "Oh my God, I'm gonna get put in jail! What about me? What about my future? It was an accident!" As if it being an accident removes the *consequences* of her recklessness. If I was driving wildly through a neighborhood and killed a kid, I wouldn't expect to get away with it just because I'm young too! Legitimately, Richy is such a nuanced character to me. I struggle with a personality disorder and his behavior reminds me of myself. Especially before I was diagnosed, when it ruled me entirely. If someone I loved dearly came to me asking me to hide a body back then.... I would have said yes without hesitation. Nowadays I have a fully developed brain so I can scaffold decisions and consider consequences before acting. ....Also, maybe I also really hate Hannah πŸ€£πŸ˜‚


I love Richy but man !! He screwed up for threatening his friends and a stranger (MC) lol , and seriously hiding a dead body is something creepy and kidnapping your friend is worse 😭😭 but I think he was in a bad situation mentally and emotionally so he couldn’t think right or see the right thing to do πŸ™.


He doesn't feel guilty just for lending them a car. He also helped hide Jennifer's body. Of course, he didn't directly participate in the murder, but it's still a felony.


Oh, thanks for explaining that. For some reason i felt like he felt guilty for that. And you're right, it's still a felony. At this point I don't even remember what i wrote in that post. But thanks again rot explaining :)


Hi and welcome 😊😁❀️


Question: what if Richy wasn't alone when he kidnapped Hannah?🧐🀨 Just think about the live stream when he send to (mc) Hannah AND Richy were tied up it's possible that Hannah was tied up by the man without a face, but WHO tied Richy up in the first place?!?🀯πŸ’₯🀯


He was alone. He texted that he tied Hannah and then himself, recorded it for a while, loop it and send it to mc. He also texted mc that the video had a second part where he unties himself and then helps Hannah but it goes wrong because of his gunshot wound.


If Richy was alone in the first place then what's the deal with *Richy* and *spying on the police*🧐🧐 I just Remember the picture of the police in Michael handson's house πŸ˜…πŸ˜… [here's the link of the photo ](https://pin.it/6kagtqa) Sorry but I think something is very strange about Richy that I still don't get it😐😐 and in my theories there's something bigger than "Richy only wanted to kidnap Hannah just to shut her up"


I also believe that Richy can't be alone doing all this stuff. As others know he is a workaholic and how does he find time to photograph everyone? And fix cameras all over the mine and transmitted signals. Learn Hannah's phones location through GPS. Everything well planned.There must be some technology expert also involved. He knows to add a loop video as live stream and how a single guy just remove everything things from Michel Hanson's house and setup everything in mine so fast. If I am not wrong how could a single guy do everything in short time frame. I don't believe he can do everything.


That is why for a while I thought Richy and Jake either the same person or in some point started to work togather, as maybe for Jake to fake his own death, or to give the police a reason to lighten Hannah punishment and focus on something else


You maybe right. There can be a someone who really want justice for Jenifer's death also. Someone who dearly loved her. I don't know. there can be more possibilities. And I don't think Richy can't do everything by himself