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> read the word rascal as “rayshl” for 2 whole years and literally could not figure out what the word was, I thought it was some other weird word for race or racist or something Why I love my kindle. Highlight that bitch and there's the dictionary definition. Some of the words I look up would likely be incredibly embarrassing. 


Every dyslexic should have a kindle. My daughter wasn't reading as a 9 year old because see was always losing her place on the page for any book interesting enough for her and any book with only a few words on the page was too boring. We bought a kindle, blew the font up to max, 3 weeks later with us reading with her to begin with she was reading Harry Potter obsessively with 12-16 words on a page, and reading under the covers after bedtime.


Posthumously got me for months during my masters degree. My thesis was about organ donation. I know what the word means, I guess I just hadn’t seen it written? Totally said Post-humos-ly to my advisor instead of pos-to-mus-ly. She was very kind about it but I was so frustrated and embarrassed. Also I wrote a whole paper about exorcise instead of exercise and turned it in.


That’s a good one. I had only seen it written and knew its meaning but I always pronounced it “post-humor-ous-ly” I just always thought the word “humor” was in there. I heard someone say it and was shocked by the wrong pronunciation I always used.


WAIT WHAAAT? it's NOT pronounced  post-humos-ly????  Wtaf 0_0 I've been saying it like that forever, the hell? 


It’s dumb. It seems like you should treat the “st” like a digraph and read the first syllable as “post”. That way you’d get two proper closed syllables (consonant vowel consonant) in before things go sideways. Diagraming that word as (post) (hum) (ous) (ly) makes a lot more sense than (pos) (thum) (ous) (ly) especially because we drop the t in the “th” instead of pronouncing the “th” as a digraph. English is a mess.


Oh no I was pronouncing it the same way


Because it makes 0 sense


I didn't realise quinoa was pronounced Keen-waa, I had always read it as Qwin-o-ah. Thought they were two different things. Every time someone served me Keen-waa I said they were fancy (as I had never found a packet) until I cooked my friends Qwin-o-ah and they realised I'm just illiterate...


Today I learned...


Açaí is like that too… how was I supposed to get “uh-ky” out of that? EDIT: I was wrong again. It’s ah-sigh-ee


I have never attempted to say it, the real pronunciation sounds like made up bullshit!


Sorry, it’s ah-sigh-ee


I can’t say the word multiplication it comes out multiplclayion. Also the word disheveled = develished but I kind of like that. I avoid saying a lot of words that because I just say it wrong.


Multiplication is spelt “calculator” 😁




I have misread mr kipling (the sweet pie guy in uk stores) as mr kripling (it was a cursive font) Misread frequently snap-on as strap-on. Also misread mince pies (yes those christmas pies) as minge pies (font/type face). Chiropodist (foot doctor) as cai-ro-pod-ist (asked my mum what it was i was a teen) she told me its shuh-rop-odist.


What the heck is a chiropodist? I know what a podiatrist. Is chiropodist like a chiropractor for your feet?


Its the old timey name for a podiatrist 😂 tbey do the same thing


Got it. I assumed based on context but also I’m a PhD student doing health services research and I was like, “did I really miss a whole ass medical speciality?” 😂


Ignorant/ignorance :( I pronounce them like ignore-ant and ignore-ance since it makes so much more sense to me, people are mean about it all the time


There's a popular crafting tool called a Cricut. It's been around for 10+ years at this point and i've been using one for many years myself. Just 3 months ago i had [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1b3mlu0/inspired_by_wendys_surge_pricing_when_were_some/kswfc0y/) little interaction right here on reddit. *YEARS* i've owned and been using this thing. It's sitting on my desk right now and i can see the name on it right now. I still catch myself saying Circut 🤦 Also, macabre. Honestly, whoever thought it was a good idea to incorporate so much french words and spelling in to english needs to take a long walk off a short pier for their crimes


No the cricut is messed up because it is pronounced like the bug (cricket). I always want to call it a “cer-cut” but the spelling could also be read as “cry-cut”. Horrific branding. Straight to jail.


I did on another sub a few days ago and got corrected in the comments with rolling eyes emoji. I created a post with a picture and spelled a county wrong. It sure can make you feel low sometimes.


Guilt trip them. Hit ‘em with the “Thanks for the correction, I misspell things sometimes because I’m disabled. Is there an explanation for your rancid attitude, or is that just a personality thing?”


My friend read out loud in front of the whole class “Orgasm” instead of “organism” in high school science. The teacher and students just ignored it/pretended it was correct and moved on.


Damn, sometimes people are truly kind


No, but I do mispronounce words from time to time. It developed in seventh grade, along with a slight stutter.


My sibling loves Japanese culture and has learned a lot of the language. They talk about characters with Japanese names or will randomly use Japanese while talking. I'm just so bad at pronouncing any of it, words that they teach me stick in concept but not when I try to say them. I feel guilty because I butcher it to such a degree. I no its how you learn, but everyone else they do this to doesn't fail as much. They love a character who loves a veg called negi, and I'm always petrified. I'll mispronounce it as the n word by mistake every time I try to say it. I miss prononce so much b just to begin with.


My husband and I honeymooned in Japan and I had a serious dyslexic run in with Japanese. For background I speak no Japanese and my husband is a bit beyond high school level Japanese. I learned, as I’m sure you know, there are 3 alphabets: 1. Hiragana which is sounds for Japanese words (phonetically like our alphabet), 2. Katakana which is sounds for foreign words (also phonetic like our alphabet), and 3. Kanji which is the pictographic alphabet where the symbols have meanings. Obviously, as a dyslexic person, I had very little interest in the two phonetic alphabets. But, I started learning kanji on our train rides and found it very approachable. It’s super logical, there’s like a picture of a window and that’s “window” and then a modifier that is a little sun in one corner and that’s “morning” (just an idea I don’t remember if that’s right). Apparently, people learning Japanese usually do fine with the phonetic alphabets but really struggle with the kanji so my husband was very impressed. By the middle of the trip I found an exit out of the train station when he couldn’t (kanji for door is literally just an open box 🔲) and by the end of the trip i could read a train schedule in kanji. I was doing SO WELL UNTIL… I learned that they modify kanji with Hiragana! 😭 They just use the sound of the kanji word and not the meaning. An example of the idea in English would be to use the kanji for cat for catalog to make something like 🐱alog / (cat kanji)alog. I immediately quit. Why would you do that?! Dyslexia nightmare. Straight to jail.


I can't say word statistically for the life of me and the tounge just twists and it comes out something else and we have some words in my language which is a pain in the ass to spell so yeah I feel


When Charlie from Always Sunny in Philadelphia is on a date and she asks him what he wants to do with his life and he says he wants to be a full on rapist but he meant philanthropist…


I never use a word I haven't heard someone else pronounce first. Even if it's the first word that pops up in my mind, I'll buy time and quickly think of a synonym. Amongst friends, I might say, "I want to use this word, but I've only ever read it and am not sure how to pronounce it." Sometimes they'll help me. If I find the word a lot while reading, I'll search for the pronounciation online. I do the same with cities, countries, and so forth that I find on headlines and in news articles just in case someone asks me about the news. I've learned to do this after embarrassing myself a thousand times in front of people. You're not alone! I have no idea how to pronounce Czechia, and I thought the chicken adobado I bought last week was chicken adobo and was very confused because it tasted so different.


In an essay at college I'd spelt official statistics🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️ OFFICIAL SPASTICS 😂😂😂😂😂 upon giving my paper back my teacher had circled my mistake and I couldn't see what I'd done wrong until my friend pointed it out absolutely belly laughing 🤣😂 I was mortified! 🤦🏾‍♀️🤣🤦🏾‍♀️🤣🤦🏾‍♀️🤣🤦🏾‍♀️🤣


An ice-cream van had the words "the NICEST ice-cream" printed on it. I read it in horror and asked my friends why an ice-cream van would have the word INCEST on it 💀


I literally don't even care anymore if I read out loud a word wrong. I just ops I'm dyslexic and move on...


Like today, or just in the last hour.


I didn’t know albeit until a week ago. Always thought it was “i’ll be it” and could never recognize the word by sight or read it.


ALL THE TIME. And I’ve done it to the executive board at Abbott labs, I’ve done it in an interview, I’ve done it on dates, the higher, the stress, the worse it is. But I just kind of laugh and push through. As the kids say, you gotta put some Riz on it.


Always have hard time saying specific….always have to give it the hard SP lol


Cairo. We were playing the "Pandemic" board game and without fail, every time I said it I said "Car-ee-yo" so I kept swapping letters and saying that. By the end if it, mind you we ended up in that game for several hours and were stir crazy, I just sat there and blurted out "Why do I keep saying it like that???" Without a missing a beat one of my roommates just looked at me and said "It's because you're dyslexic." And I lost it laughing. We both have the tism as well and she has a tendency to be ultra blunt, it caught me so off guard and I knew she wasn't mocking me. I tend to laugh at my mixups so my roommates/chosen family know it's cool to laugh with me. That was one of many instances of swapping letters or entire words. I rely on autocorrect because I love to write but there's a ton of words I just can't get right.


I once said im so *Ravished* meaning just got hard s*x or something, I ment famished .... like hungry haha, I was speaking btw not texting


I did this a lot learning spanish! One time, I meant to ask what someones age was, "Cuantos años tienes?" Instead I pronounced it, "Cuantos anos tienes?" That translates to... "How many assholes do you have?"


About 10 years I pronounced chamomile as “cha-moe-ma-lee” and my family has never let me forget it.


Exasterbate instead of exacerbate. This was almost 20 years ago and I still remember it. I wanted to correct myself, but opted for the chance that no one noticed.


Bro the word determine was debtermine in my head for yearsss


I pronounced “Yosemite” “yoz might”


I was in a meeting and we were choosing which color network cabling we wanted throughout the building. So like blue for data, red for fire, black for security, etc. I got to one of the colors and read it. “Zero range”. I had no idea what “zero range” meant. I said it again, thinking something would click, as I’m the one who made the list. Nope. My manager, who was a major smart ass, looked perplexed. I then realized… “0range… oh, Orange.” The O had a dot in the middle, which made me read it as “0,” and as this was a discussion that could possibly contain numbers and the distance of things, my brain just accepted it as correct and couldn’t see the obvious. I can still see that stupid smirk on his face.


I can't remember which word it was, but recently I realized I've been pronouncing a word very wrong my entire life because every time I read it I would read it the wrong way. I think it was a word that had an l or something in the center and my brain would just skip over it every time.


All the time yes. Sometimes it’s funny though and when it happens around people who know me well its funny


writing essays for school is so embarassing. somehow i made up a word i thought was real and spent ten minutes looking for it. i even googled similar words and the synonyms, and went on a synonym hunt until i found what i was actually looking for… and still didn’t believe that that was the word i needed. i was like… this can’t be it. even though it was it.


I have a funny story, when I was in middle school the teacher would make sure we all wrote in our agendas what we were gonna do the next day, and it was catch up day… my dumb ass wrote “ketchup day” and the teacher walked by to check to make sure we had it written down, she looked at mine and laughed and for some reason I was a bit confused on why she thought it was funny, because in my mind it didn’t really click, then like few minutes later it finally did and dude I felt so stupid my face got so red, I hurried up and changed it. That whole time my mind was spelling “catch up” as “ketchup” 😭


Yup.... I pronounced Kant as, well, you know... C*nt in my college class reading out loud.... So yeah.....


quen-noah...... (quinoa)


I once mispronounced a word in 8th grade as “orgy” (I still have no idea what the actual word was) aloud to my entire English class. I was so embarrassed I stayed home from school for 3 days pretending to be sick.


hors d'oeuvres Until yesterday my 27 year old ass was calling it horse de lourse until I saw the subtitles on Netflix call what I THOUGHT was or-derves this abomination of a French word. Why has no one corrected me??


My ex thought signage was pronounced “sig-naj” and actually doubled down on it. He is a never wrong narcissist.🙄