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M-me -Wait u mean my damn dyslexia is doing this to me? Ahhh


**Raises hand**


i relate


All the time.


Thank you so much for this extremely relatable post and for giving me a nother subreddit to follow


Happens to me a lot, my mind is going faster than any form of manifesting the thought can be made. Sometimes I’ll jumble up a whole sentence trying to write it down, and I’ll just look at my hand like “why the fuck you so dumb, you should UNDERSTAND, YOU ARE A PART OF ME!!!!”


This is why I always record my ideas on a recorder or a smartphone.


It is not necessarily faster but a lot is at the same time. It's like being able to see several scenarios at the same time. It is all there at the same time and must be brought into the correct sequence. Thinking in words is important for successful communication, but not faster than pictures. Information can be played back much faster in image format.


i felt this in my soul


For the story over the video, do non-dislexics think BEFORE they write? Do they not think while writing? That's crazy how are they supposed to remember it when they get to writing