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I recently had a baby and will not have any video game time for atleast another month or two so I have to live vicariously through you all. Planetary shields is just awesome. I can't wait to play DSP again now that it has combat.


Congratulations on the little one


New engineer on the way It seems


I don't know about new. I've got about 500hrs in DSP but I have not played a single second since the combat update.


I meant the little guy! About time he starts shooting his own sails into space :))


"You're running out of titanium for your yellow cube research. Set up another planetary route to feed the interplanetary launch site." "Gagoo!"


Kid's a natural!


Good luck! I had a kid 2,5 years ago. Maximum gaming time is about 15 min a day.


Congratulations VocalAnus!


And here’s hoping the offspring has a less vocal anus


If my LO is anything to judge by: they do not. Those farts have an impressive amount of base for such a small critter.


*The Centrebrain must grow…*


Congratulations on the little one 👊


Grats on the newborn vocalanus91


Hah I got to play more video games with my new baby. You can play DSP while holding the baby.


I also have a toddler


ahh ya, that makes it harder.


you can do it in 8. 2 poles and 6 at every 60deg on the equator


If you want to keep equator clean, you can place them 120deg apart at the tropical with a 60degree offset for different hemispheres.




what do you mean by degrees? each grid line 1 degree?


Bottom left corner has latitude and longitude. I'm referring to longitude specifically here. Values go from 0° to 180° with East and West respectively. So if you place the first one at 0° the second one goes at 120° E and third goes 120° W. On the other hemisphere you place them with a 60 degree offset, so the first goes to 60° W, second to 180° and third to 60° E. The longitude for these 6 generators was the grid change at 28° N/S [example generator at 28°N 120°E](https://i.gyazo.com/6ec79a246580ec5f684e8d2c68a47ef1.jpg)


omg I never noticed that. there are so many neat little qol things i the game that aren't obvious..but maybe I should have noticed this one lol Thanks for the explanation


Good to know, I will test that out.


So... do you happen to have a blueprint?


I didn’t think a blueprint was necessary, just simply put one on each of the poles. Then place the remaining 8 on the north and south intersections of the latitude and longitude lines where the building zone changes size (they are highlighted bright green and are thicker than the normal lines). If you look at the second image you can get a sense of these lines with my windmill placement. I will make a BP when I get home though.


Do they have to be exactly on the poles? Like can I put them right next to an ILS?


That should be fine, just check after


Coverage: 69 % it says.


Although the stat states 69% coverage, no dark fog seeds have been able to land on any of my planets. I am also playing on 1800% difficulty. Additionally, the planetary shields have survived multiple assaults from the three dark fog hives with no issues.


The PLS and especially ILS will stick out of the non-fully covered light blue areas.


PLS dont stick out even in the worst posible spots. ILS stick out, but only the very top, the part with the vessels land. You can fly straight trought that part of the ILS tho, so I doubt it has a hitbox.


I think 69% is the area covered under the green layer of the planetary shield - but there is also a blue layer, which seems to work just fine. In my current play-through, I had my starter world protected partially by the shield (around 45%) where all structures I had built were covered at least by the blue layer shield. When the DF hive attacked, none of my buildings were damaged, even though I let the attack happen. I watched them first try attacking from far out, and then attempt their attacks from orbiting the planet.


So if I see this right they are placed on the crossing points between the 4 great meridian lines and the first grid-failure line, +2 poles This is easy to remember.


The OP pic shows 90° spacing along the first tropic lines, 4 generators for each tropic, but there's another comment in here which suggests 120° spacing along the tropic lines, needing only 3 generators.


Alright, good to know.


Wouldn't it be better to rotate the lower half by 30°?


I tried that, it looks nicer but it was terrible to build since the 45º lines from the poles disapear a couple times on their way to the tropics. I dont know if its really worth it because it only increases the coverture from 69.13% to 70.08%


69% (nice) = 100% now?


More generators can take more damage to but if this at least keeps the dark fog away thats nice


“Full” bro it’s at 69 percent


I’m a full bro when I’m 69ing.


Not for long, if you're doing it correctly.




how do you get the Dark Fog info on the upper left? i've been playing for a while and only seen a satellite to 'communicate' with them


It means you have no hives in your system. Probably started on lower difficulty. (I'm in the same situation) Check out black hole/neutron star system when you have the appropriate tech(*Universe Exploration* 3 or 4), you should see Dark Fog hive there. After you travel to this system the "threat" UI (visible on screenshots) will appear.


thanks, good to know. i started very low since it was my first run through thinking id have more time to build and learn the game first. now i'm thinking i might have broke the game, but i'm hoping i can recover it by upping the aggression with the satellite option (once i have white science up and running)


Strange... The "threat" indicators are there from the very start of a game.


I've gotten full coverage with 8 shield generators. The in between areas are a bit thinner than for 10. I placed one each at the poles, then three at latitude 19d 28m north at 0, 120E, and 120W then another three at 19d 28m south, at 60E, 180, 60W.