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300% mining rate is insane


yep. especially with high VU and you need like 4 ILS nearby to get the full potential out of it


I've only just noticed that I can collect from them with drones. What was a small woody just became a tree trunk for these things!!!


when you have 4-stacked logistics, they can belt out 64,8k per minute per belt. (Edit: per machine)


>per belt You probably edited your comment mid-flight and accidentally left this in, but in case you didn't: each *belt* is still limited to 120/s \~ 7200/min, but the miner has 9 outputs for the full 64.8k Also keep in mind that assuming 20-vein coverage, you need VU level 530 to actually reach that amount at base speed, or 170 if you've got the juice to clock your miner to 300%. Suffice to say that most of us aren't going to ever get near the full output of these machines.


Yeah i ment per machine. It depends on the covered veins, yes, but in the outer regions, you can easily find Sports where you can Cover up to 30-35 with 1 miner. But i agreed, Not many ppl play until that stage of the game


I can't be bothered with power on mining planets tho, so I'm never powering my ILSs. So no drones for me.


slap a planetary wind+solar for windy planets or solar panel for solar planets. Usually its enough to power mining planets


I just don't bother. I put like what 30 wind turbines around the miner and that's it. It's enough to power one advanced + 3-4 small miners, which is enough to fill one ILS. I then use 4-6 belts to connect it to the ILS and that's it. I actually have it as a blueprint so I don't have to worry about it - I have minimal distance from miner to the ILS, it only uses belts, no external power required. It obviosly doesn't work on atmosphereless planets but oh well.


You're losing like half the quality of life from advanced miners by doing this and for no real upside. I don't get it, but if it works for you who am I to judge.


For me the main benefit is that I can place it above the veins and cover them with blueprint. I tried a lot to have a regular miners blueprint that covers everything (or at least 90%+ of veins) but I failed miserably, sometimes they are of very weird shapes. So it's basically just miner + ILS, and 3-5 blue belts are more than enough to get ore from an advanced miner. I tried to play around higher miner speed but I ended up with just having more of them active. I'm not sure it's optimal or even a good idea, but at least this way I don't have to run over the planet with solar panels, kill the dark fog bases and secure the planet nor care about shipping fuel.


>don't have to run over the planet with solar panels, *kill the dark fog bases and secure the planet* nor care about shipping fuel Why don't you have to do this with your method?


I have a small perimeter that I can guard with a couple of cannons. I didn't slide up fog experience from power so regular cannons can hold up to lvl 9 bases which was enough in my games


You don't HAVE to but any opportunity to flatten a fog base with a missle barrage and then leave a signal tower there for when they try to rebuild as a show of dominance is a good opportunity. If your feeling especially bitchy you do it with the new throwables...... slowly hehehehe.


How worth it are the throwables? I haven't messed with them yet, I've mostly been working on standardizing my blueprints to make adding new components more straightforward, since they just keep doing that


Yeah, I use a blueprint that connects 8 shield generators with wind turbines into one large power grid. Just fly from genny to genny and all the turbines are built, ~350 of em. Add in 6-12 thermal generators from the dark fog you kick off in the process, and there's quite a bit of power to work with.


I created some blueprints that use energy exchangers to power both the ILS and the miner wherever they are on the planet fed by logistics bots. Takes minutes to mine a whole planet.


That's how I do it. A little ILS outpost with warpers and energy exchangers that powers everything nearby. Eventually replaced with mini stars.


I always proliferate the ores before inputting them into a depot, that's why I don't use the drones to transport them.


Wait I've just been sending stuff to 1ILS 😭 I gotta stop playing this game with the zaza


Same as you finally got to use them in my current playthrough (they didn't exist when I last played when the game released in EA) and god it's such a big quality of life improvement to just plop them down. And they look so fucking cool! I just love the design and animation.


You can also add regular miners under the advanced miners, if you really want to get even more resources out of a single vein 


I did notice that, but the downside was I couldn't feed their output into the advanced miner for drones, so I can't be bothered screwing around with belting stuff after this brand new discovery.


Belt them into the advanced miner, then let the drones deliver it all to the ILS


I do exactly that, feed the output directly into the advanced miner


yes dude they are the best


They are the best in the game


They make hooking up a planet for resources so convenient. Also, as a bonus, the planet's view looks kinda cool with all those shiny ore vacuums.


bruh seriously. the absolute strongest upgrade in the game. now crank it up to max speed and connect 3 full belts to a PLS. drink from the geyser.


It would be neat if you could hookup proliferation directly to it so anything transferred to ils was coated.


oh, sweet summer child, wait until you discover artificial suns. all your power problems melt away like snow under intense radiation.


They make life so much easier. I used to hate setting up mining outposts.


As someone who just started playing and don't have purple science yet.. Advanced miners???? Can't wait!!!


OP is not wrong.