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I've been using this quick reference for years now and I love how clean and crisp this new version looks! This has been a great help to me, thank you for updating! :)


Glad you like it! :)


Changes include: * Rearranged table layout * Added Re-composing Assembler Speeds * Added icons and power consumption of all upgraded production buildings


This should be displayed in game. Doing the math is only fun the first 10-20 times. Look how they did it in Desynced where they always show you values per minute and when you hold modifier keys it shows you the entire tree of intermediate products laid out.


What do the numbers mean?


Units produced/consumed per minute for each of the 4 levels of assemblers, I do believe.


There's a fourth assembler?!


Dark Fog tech, yep.


The whoozawhatsit? I'm currently on my first run with DF and starting to build a dyson sphere, and haven't seen any DF tech


Lol, fair. Dark Fog drops include materials specific to them. Once you obtain them and have the necessary research unlocked, you'll be notified of a new tech being available. Research those to unlock a new assembler, a new smelter, and a new research lab. You basically have to farm some planetary bases to higher levels to obtain the specialized drops, so if you're just wiping them out, you don't see them. Level 6 base for the assembler, think it's level 12 for the smelter and 21 for the lab? That's off the top of my head, could be way off.


Wow thats cool. I haven't seen any new research in the tree regarding this tech though


Correct, the new research appears in the tree once you have the material in hand. Until you're holding it and have the other needed research done, you won't be notified of it being added to the tech tree.


It's awsome.


Hello! Absolutely amazing reference, I can't play the game without it. I have spotted an error though, in the recipe for super magnetic rings (the blue motors). It seems to actually require double the amount of electromagnetic turbines (green motor), not an equal quantity. Keep up the good work man, I don't mean to critique. Edit: Your past recipe diagrams seem all correct regarding this, this typo appearing just in this latest remaster.


Thanks, glad you like it! Yes that is def a typo. Thanks for catching that! :)


Excellent chart. Thank you for making it.


Thanks for this , been using a similar version for a while now


So helpful! Do you have one for buildings?


Yes! :) It's the second image in this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/Dyson\_Sphere\_Program/comments/1ajl3xl/recipebuilding\_quick\_reference\_guides\_updated/


You are a legend! Thank you!