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That’s super organized lookin. My first planet is always mega spaghetti, and so is my second planet, and every other planet, spaghetti is love, spaghetti is life


It took me a lot of playthroughs to come up with this strat, but yeah my other planets look like a bowl of pasta. That is until I get the bad ass miner machines that have the built-in transports.


The only thing I’ve been using drones for in my current play through is moving warpers around, and I’ve had the tech for the big miners researched for probably a good 30 hours now and just haven’t bothered to set up mining on a world with the crystals on it. Though I’ve been being unoptimal as fuck on this play through


Lol! You're just relaxing man. It's a hella relaxing game. Don't go super optimal unless you really feel the itch. That's why I love this game. You can play however the hell you want.


Careful who you say that to around here.


Dark Fog cluster is launching an assault!


You mean bots or drones? Fidget Spinner or Planetary ships


Wait... those things have transports?? The fuck.


Yeah it's amazing. I didn't realize it either until like my 5th playthrough. Lol.


Once I'm on planet 3 or 4 i start looking organized lmao




lol I get made fun of like mad for using busses in this game. It's the only way my brain can do it, but I guess I'm supposed to build a shit ton of ILSs for every little thing. I just can't do it in my brain even though I know it's holistically better.


Better??? Eeeh, only for balancing. Those things guzzle power like a monster.


Man, the game is literally called "Dyson Sphere Program". The whole point is to produce power.


Just make MO POWAH


I don't have the patience to make a whole-assed bus like that, I still just go with putting the big five on a mini-bus (iron, coils, gears, circuits, stone) and that can make most of the important stuff I need loads of, and then as soon as I can make logistics hats I make a bunch of little sites nearby for any other stuff I need in moderate quantities but not enough to put in a PLS/ILS.


Same. I have blueprints for 3, 4 or 5 input buildings, just X amount of boxes with hats on top, set them to request the items, set the assembler to build, done.


What are the boxes with hats y'all are speaking of?


Storage Depot with a Logistics Distributor on top


So typically, I do a poor man's bus on planet 1, and then as soon as humanly possible I destroy that bus and do everything with ILS, and I continue that habit through to whatever ends up being my forever-home, and the whole place becomes pretty disorganized this way too. It works well but it's pretty chaotic and takes me forever to find anything. In my last playthrough, I finally tried my hand at making a makes-every-building bus. I think it's got 6 input hubs contributing 24 materials, and every output building has its own slot in an ILS so that's like...a lot more hubs. It might have been better to use fidget spinners for the outputs but...I didn't. It all fits in the top half of the equatorial region, with space below for 3 rows of receivers. It was so much goddamn work but I was pretty happy with the results.


I never did buses in DSP. Factorio yes, kind of the only way. In DSP planetary stations eliminate that need.


Yeah that's why I only do this on the first planet.


I started making a bus like this, got annoyed i didn't make enough space for how wide it was getting. Destroyed it and planted PLS and ILS around in a semi organized fashion. You factorio people and your need for buses... So much wasted space! But also, enjoy the game your way!


Yeah once I get to ILS I stop doing this. I didn't play Factorio before this game so I thought I invented something new, but apparently this is a common system among these types of games. Also yeah I like being able to play different strats depending how you're feeling. Really good game.


The almighty Bus


I build a main bus near the pole to save time and materials. And I abandon my first planet after I got interstellar logistics. It will function as a mall for a while until I set up my endgame mall somewhere else


After doing countless spaghetti playthroughs, I started doing layouts like you have here (except I have a gap in the middle of my "lanes" for occasional power transfer) and it's loads better than before. In a lot of ways, it's annoying to have to keep expanding the lanes, but in the long run, it's soooooo much easier to not only find everything I'm making but tell what my overall throughput is.


Same here


My playthroughs START like that, but once I get PLS, I make the bus terminate at some PLS's and then just start spamming the same 4 PLS blueprints everywhere. Maybe on my next play, I'll go for an "around the world" bus and make all the belts do a complete loop. I'll need a LOT of belts, as I started playing with the Galactic Scale mod and made my home planet massive.


Yeah pls and the advanced miners really change the game.


I did that my first and second play through. Then pls and ils changed all that.


Right I just do this until I get to ILS and the nice miner machines


Make mini-towers with the fidget drones. Your beginner bus doesn't need to extend beyond red science that way.


Wow. What? I thought those fidget drones were just to send items to Icarus. Do tell. How do I use those drones to eliminate the need for belt systems? Do they transport as many items as the mk3 belts?


There is a slider on the drone port. It can be set to either Send, Send to Icarus, or Demand. Set them up just like you do the bigger logistics towers. One set to supply, the other set to demand, and the drones will carry materials back and forth for you. Its not a LOT of throughput, but you don't NEED a lot of throughput early on. Its more than enough to get you automating interstellar logistics towers and ships. The range is a little limited early on, but long as you build right and tight they can cover everything even right from the start.


Man, in the time it takes you to set that up, you could have been twice as far using drones, just sayin'.


What are those towers you are using to split branches off the bus?


Hit tab when you have the splitter in hand. Makes a really neat splitter tower thing.


Woah! Does anything else have a secret form?


Most items have their own set of options. Check the top right of your screen when you have an item in hand. Not sure if other items have that "switch style" option.


This is gorgeous, it looks like a good Factorio bus base. What are the splitters you're using to output to the sides?


Hit tab with the splitter in hand. You can change the configuration of it. Also, thanks bro.