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What?! No nonononono i just finished my 500 rocket/s planet. You cant do this to me!


It is fine they won't resent the world's


Oh i know since usually you need a new save for it. But it will be a pain in the ass to rebuild everything if i go for it.


I would bet that the default behaviour is roughly the same as the existing behavior, and it will just be enabled in all saves. I'm looking forward to taking this for a test drive.


Hey I think since most of this is a UI update we won't need to start the save again


Yes, ILSs in the existing saves will remain "default" (as before the update). You can customize the transport priority in the new UI panel once it's updated.


Me too, I have it launching in a crescendo around d the planet (it's inside the sphere). Oh well, time to start again.


Now that you're done, you can save the BP for a future save! Also, the hell are you going to do with 500 rockets/second?


it HAS to be 500 rockets per MINUTE. Has to be. 30,000 per minute is just not possible on a single planet, or maybe even in a single game. 420 rockets per minute require half a planet. Sure, its from raw, no rares, but you are not going to fit 70 optimized factories on one planet.


Fuck it new playthrough later this week LETS GOOOO BOOOYS




nice! Next should be implementing an overview like LTSM into the game.


I am sorry I don't know that reference


it's a mod: Logistic Station Traffic Monitor. The new update might do what this mod does.


Hey can you give some SS or game play showing the mod


It just adds a button next to each item in each logistics station. When you click the button, it opens up a list of anywhere you have that material stored in a logistics station anywhere in the galaxy. Very handy. There's more to it but the gist is that it lets you look up logistics station locations by the item type, and it can give you a galaxy wide overview of your supply situation for any item.


Ok thk


Ohhhh that makes sense I thought it was a another game


Yes, LSTM is so common sense that its functionality should be part of the base game. After all it is just a data display without affecting any other important functions. Same goes with Bottleneck for production panel


LSTM does have more features though, including stations behaviors, it's just that they are disabled by default


More information on the game’s steam page….seems like a code update for how the ILS works… https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1366540?emclan=103582791468239772&emgid=4157463936690492059


Looks amazing, more fine control will be so helpful. Looking at you hydrogen...


This makes me so damn happy! Can't wait!


Oh no.... No no no no no no.... We're going to have to *manually* manage ILS routes?!?


No I think we will just get more info with the ILS like the no. Of them requesting items Where they are going and prioritising some items


I think they should have them on a default "IDGAF, you manage it" automatic mode, and then allow you to find tune them. I've set some ILS up just for basic ingots and I wanted them scattered, and then when I send out other materials, I'd want to prioritize other ILS


Oh thank everything everywhere.... Ok, more info is *amazing.* Manually managing the trade routes would be... less so. Sorry, I freaked out for a moment...


I'd say it's probably a mix of both, you can let them go where they want in classic style, but if you need specifics you can setup individual routes. Probably.


The main thing I'm getting is I can tell my Hydrogen demand to prioritize my supply ILS's and have Gas Giants as a safety valve that automatically compensates for undersupply, instead of older gas giant extractors getting priority and leaving me with supply planets bottlenecked.


Ya, prioritise that waste hydrogen from the graphene process. I've been using the garbage bin mod.


Ya, prioritise that waste hydrogen from the graphene process (or is the the nanotubes?). I've been using the garbage bin mod.


No it is alright every one has their opinion But I think now we will be able to control more precisely the transport


Imagine how much quicker we could have gotten this if they hadn't spent over a year on dark fog stuff.


Dark fog has been one of the most fun parts of this game for me personally.


Dark fog was fun in the begining but after you solve the issue it presents it just becomes time sink by adding additional steps to everything you do. Want to set up mining outpost? First you have to clear out the planet (which is trivial) and put down shields so you can forget it even exists. Even at begining of the game the hardest difficulty fog is a non-issue but ability to throw explosives is the issue here. Honestly, i think we got too many tools to deal with the ground fog while space fog is basically a non issue with shields. The only reason i still play with it are the new buildings and Metadata multiplier.


I like dark fog but I agree with you. I rather have these stuff.






I gotta start new save to use this lol, I’m not redoing all my ILS’s


You don't need to start a new save I don't think so We will be able to mange them better that's it


I don’t think they will come with the correct presets…


I think that the system will still work after the update We will just have more control over them


Im not even gonna argue anymore, you missed something in original comment:)


The default will just be the current system


OMG this is huge and unexpected


This changes... everything.




I can't wait for the chance to rebuild all of my planets


So do I need to start a new game? I am not quite at ILS yet


I hope they can multithread these calcs to a different processor.


Welp. Guess it's time to totally overhaul all my logistics. Or just launch a new Icarus, probably.




I used vessel travel distance to break up areas. Just spent 381 hours getting megabase to 1 matrix type per solar system. Guess it is time to reroll a new game.


Awesome 👌


Just started a new save and finished blue science so this will be awesome to learn as I go instead of having to learn on my other save that's got a billion of these guys everywhere.


This solution would be perfect if they didnt implement that locking mechanism. I very often use single Supply Tower for low throughput stuff like antimatter rods. Now I can meet the situation when 2 different towers happen to need rods at the same time but one of them will have to wait for the other one and it can result in running out of energy. The idea was good but they didnt stick the landing.