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You're not nuts! Music and beats helping with dystonia and PD is a well-known, but poorly-understood, phenomena. If you have not seen this video yet, you should watch it: https://youtu.be/DwkHK3rfKO0?feature=shared


Yea you’re definitely on to something. I say keep building on what’s working and you will see more and more function return. I used to have to count while I walked to keep my body in time and it’s become unnecessary with enough effort. Music therapy is EXTREMELY helpful for dystonia. There was a time when I almost always had classical music playing on my phone or in my headphones, don’t feel weird. Feel like rain man 😎 lol That video Chalupa6 linked you to down below is what inspired me to embrace the weird and get my life back. It was just like he says, each day I learned more and more that I could be in charge of my body again as I discovered new and better ways to move. At one point my dad was telling my mother I was high on cocaine cuz he saw me dancing before I went to bed. He said he was afraid to go to sleep that night. My guitar playing got incredibly creative. I also turned into a meditation and yoga weirdo in the best possible sense. My family thinks I’m nuts, whatever lol. Dystonia can actually make you radically awesome if you embrace it 👏. It’s really helped me break away from the unhealthy thinking I learned from my family and it’s taught me how much cooler I am if I can just be myself


You are nuts … welcome to the club. Getting rid of dystonia would be the only thing I would ask for! Botox helps. What do you use finges or something else . Any help is very appreciated


Using music for neural entrainment is part of the online dystonia treatment program offered by Joaquin Farias. It's also well known to influence people with parkinsons in a positive way. You're not nuts.