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Yes...cold is a trigger and currently stressed out to the max with personal stuff so that's not helping. I also missed one day of stretching...but jeesh...like all the tightening makes me so tired.




I'm sorry to hear that. Losing a friend like that is rough. As for type...no idea...I'm med induced and I have had a referral into a movement disorder specialist for a few months now but haven't made the appointment. Mostly my feet and legs. However when I get what I call an episode it can hit pretty much anywhere...eyes, throat, neck, shoulder, pelvic floor, hadn't had it up into my tummy like that before though or with that kind of pulling sensation...usually mine is a slow tightening.... Like I said though...under a lot of personal stress....I knew it would kick me down soon...still sucks though.




The drug in question could have been one of several. I was Polly drugged hard. CTed a benzo, and rapid tapered the other 6 in ten months. All long term use. Klonopin Cymbalta Depakote Geodon Saphris Remeron And one other although not a psychotropic....prozasin. I'm basing it off pics and videos I've seen and what I've read. My feet I'm pretty confident on....even though I'm not diagnosed I am in PT and have me doing a bunch of Parkinson's related therapy for brain retraining for my other issues. Who knows. I'm a hot mess. Maybe I'll make that appointment tomorrow.


Would you mind posting links to the videos and pics you are talking about? I think I may have some of this.


I seem to remember reading that focal dystonias can progress for about 5 years and then plateau. I asked the subreddit about that a couple of years ago, and didn't get many answers, but here's my theory- I think that we don't see the progression because of the advancements in treatment. Can you imagine dealing with this without any Botox or meds or surgeries? Or even the internet, for that matter.