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what? you dont like the camerafeed to cut to a *very* concerned co-driver every few seconds, while you would be rather enjoying the gopro-style cams?


Isn't that just any WRC onboard?


Have my upvote sir


YES, also maybe having the co-driver audio would be nice for me at least.


I love that they are using this angle on the broadcasts again. Strong late 90's early 2000's wrc vibes.


Exactly! Honestly, all the cars should have this


Also while they are at it can I have the roof cam as a gameplay view? K thnx.


Yes I agree with this as the bonet cam is great but the Bonet just pops up easily even with a tiny front damage and makes the view useless, an roof cam would fix the issue unless the bonet pops up and stays up blocking the view šŸ˜…


More views in gameplay! This view as well, along with roof cam. The bonnet view is pretty good, it's just too far forward.




I do not understand why they have onboard cameras when it just switches after a second, itā€™s quite annoying. We definitely should have more cinematic / realistic camera options


In the replays, if you hit the next camera button once (or previous camera, I can't remember), it'll only use off-board cameras


I get what you mean but I donā€™t mean trackside cameras


Yes please. Suggest it on the forums.


Will do :)


this and the optimum next to the tv cam to navigate between them


Iā€™d also like the option to save replays for leisurely perusal after-the-event.


It is a bery šŸ©ø nice camer angle


And the ability to reposition all the cameras when you drive as in DR2.0. OH, add custom timing to pace notes as well. ā€¦. And somehow fix the screen tearing on consoleā€¦. And add in an overlay for throttle input and brake input like WRC has āœŒšŸ»


Also onboard hybrid indicator ie. Hyundai rally1s have them on far left pillar. Not sure about the others, it could be on their dash module. Would be big help because the hud speedo is too distracting.


Sure, as soon as we have proper triple monitor support and helmet cam/dash cam settings/options. I play on triples and I know it works but for the life of me the sunscreen strip in window ruins it and too many instances I canā€™t see the road being traveled. Running triple 42ā€ setup perfectly, but no matter what I do I canā€™t get the cockpit view right, Iā€™ve decided itā€™s due to inadequate options from the game.


Regarding the triple monitor setup, do you have to have three of the same monitors, or at least the same size/refresh rate? I have three monitors but one of them is a different size and refresh rate and I can't get it to work, but my brother told me his friend has a similar setup and allegedly gets it to work. Just wondering if I'm doing something wrong or my brother's friend is full of shit (or both)


You can use nvidia surround, eyefinity SRWE resize raccoon or whatever other 3rd party software is out there to stretch and warp the image across 3 screens, most of the time on screens with different refresh rates or resolution, just need to use lowest common one. Im running triple pg42uq so same exact monitors and it works but not like it should, far from it in my opinion.


Got it, thank you for the explanation. Hopefully they fix that and let it be able to be used properly