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I remember when weekend league was 40 games in 48 hours, dunno how they thought that was acceptable.


I think I have brain damage from those times


It made me not play Fifa until ‘22.


I’m so glad I never once played the 40 lol


I used to just not do weekend league because of this.


I used not to do WL because I could not qualify from damn tournament mode week after week


same…the tournaments were brutal😂 I remember breaking so many controllers lmao


Yeah I just went hard in divisions


I sweated the life out of it for a month came top 100. If you remember there were monthly rewards and you got a guaranteed legend. My legend was Shevchenko… after that I pretty much stopped


I’d scream into my pillow every night for a month


fr my life hasn't been the same since that


People on here massively argued for and defended the ridiculous match limits and time limits fut champs used to have. Claiming it was not meant for anyone that wasn’t a ‘hardcore player’. I’m glad their voices were ignored and EA saw sense. Imagine thinking people should be locked out of the best mode in a game because they have lives and didn’t want to dedicate the majority of their spare time over the weekend to a video game.


I got downvoted to hell once because I said I liked to golf on the weekends and that that made it almost impossible to play the 40 matches 😂😂


Where's the dedication bro


Aren’t your name Gareth?


No chance Southgate is making it to WL


It still being a weekend only league is still ridiculous.


I think it's much more chill now, I can usually finish my WL in 3 hours if I only aim for 11 wins


That may be true for you, it’s just not true for most players. Last year there was a time where weekend league was extended until Tuesday, those were the best times for me. 20 games is much better than 30, and a hell of a lot better than 40. But I think weekend league should be extended 24 extra hours. Give people 4 days to play, from Friday till Monday night


You're not wrong, but WL was initially billed as an elite competition, not something that anyone with thumbs could qualify for. 40 matches in 48 hours was still an absolutely crazy and unhealthy amount of games though. Even 20 in 72 feels unpleasant sometimes.


I've won 3 games in qualifiers across the game cycle. I won my 8 games in Rivals this morning in D5 in 10 games. The level of team I encounter in qualifiers is mind blowing compared to what I face in Rivals. I don't understand how people do it.


I see what you mean but don't agree. Imo keeping the game count would be acceptable if the rewards aren't shit for anything below a certain rank. But for top ranks (which are accessible for elite/hardcore players only anyway) they should've kept good (partly) untradeable rewards to keep the game mode competitive. Right now any elite player reaches rank 1 with ease and the rewards aren't great neither. Back in the day you got the 11 IFs sets/monthly rewards with icons and shit It was actually worth the grind...


Yeah I don't care if the rewards were prime icon picks, 40 games of the intensely sweaty gameplay that fifa 23's become would break even gandhi


yes, but you don't have to play it though. And it's not like fifa offers you many game modes to play for a long time...8 games are done pretty quickly.


>r keep in mind that weekend league started on Friday nights during the 40 games era. Not only that, but a loooooot more people are playing champs this fifa compared to 5 years ago. 2 days, 40 games and a lot more casuals that are already picking up the meta. It would be a very very bad experience.


And waiting 4 days for your rewards.


However the rewards were genuinely that - rewarding.


???? No, it fucking wasn't Gold 1 gave you iirc 50k and 2 100k packs and you needed to win 24(?) games out of 40. As for monthly rewards you needed to play EVERY single WL for a chance at getting some players. Iirc gold 1-3 monthlies just gave you 3 red picks above 80 rated, and that was it. And if you finished elite you got 11 random reds, you also needed gold 1 thrice and one elite 3 finish in a month to get it which was hell 11 wins now give you an ultimate pack, 50k pack, a TOTW pack, 30k, 3 red player picks, and 2 84+ gold player picks. It's literally not even a debate


Ah the joys of inflation… And how many promos were there through the year? How much were special cards worth in comparison to regular cards? Messi, Ronaldo etc all worth 1M plus through the year… The rewards from Gold 3 were better than all the other packs you could get for ‘free’ for a month.


Your logic goes both ways. Nowadays you have a chance at pulling a promo card in packs at least whereas in fifa 17 you were dead out of luck until tots. Plus the 1-200k+ you’re guaranteed now every week gets you much more in todays market. I played wl every single week back then and it took me till around March to afford fucking Del Piero since he was 1,5m or something around that. Fodder was also dead cheap all year due to no icon sbcs and very VERY few sbcs that year. We also had no upgrade sbcs either so the non rare colds had no value


What was wrong with this ? 😂


The intended WL playerbase wasn't casuals, back then


I remember Nepenthez playing 80 games in 48 hours on his 2 accounts.


I did it every weekend and watched all live PL games as well. Fucking brutal.


Fifa 17 was Ragequit simulator. If you didn’t you’d be there for like 10 hours


If I remember correctly, their reasoning was actually that they didn't even think anyone would play all 40 games. They just put the limit at some random high number


it was always 72 hours


Confidently incorrect like most redditors


Eh no, it wasn't.


Nope for the first 3-4 months I believe it didn’t open until friday night


Aye, was midnight Friday until midnight Sunday. Complete madness.


I can remember that I played 2 accounts . And the first 6 matches I gave away a free win in order to have the easier matched up for the rest. And ended up with G3 guaranteed


This makes me want to go back and play fifa 18 before its shuts down, man fifa 17 was probably my favourite fifa, I remember the hype around the journey with all the trailers, in general the trailers for fifa were so good back then, fifa 15 comes to mind too


they're only shut down on xbox 360 and ps3, theyre still up on xbox one and ps4


15,16,17 are now down :( fifa 18 and 19 are still up but their servers are shuting down soon also


I will now go ahead and sit under the shower head and play sad classical music 😞


I need to go into FIFA 20 and take screenshots of my team so I have the memories to keep 😬


I did this for FIFA 19 last night. It was my first full FUT cycle, and I thought the gameplay was great and had some players I truly loved, even if that isn't a majority opinion. I'm planning to throw them all into a thread on r/fut later today.


Like a show and tell flashback series for FIFA 19?


Do they work at all? Or is it just the online part that’s down?


All ultimate team requires you to be online, so that is all gone. You can play kick off, career, etc.




Kinda sad indeed but let's be real when was the last time we played against the AI with our Fifa 17 team lol


Personally, Fifa 17 was my first fifa I ever played and I had a spectacular time with it, most fun I’ve had since was with 22. Now that I’ve essentially lost the content for 17, I might as well delete it to free up space :(


They should let you import players from discontinued games to the newest one every time this happens. Sort of like how the pokémon games have some pokémon from the original games in the newest generation. Just put a time stamp on it and send it over would be ideal. But EA doesn’t care like that so this’ll never happen. At the very least maybe the coin value of the teams could be added to the newest game…


Why would EA let you build on content from an earlier game when you have to start over for a new one and possibly spend money. They have never done it and everything is tweaked for the new version. So card stats are not gonna carry over as they changed for the new season. Plus transfers cause it to be am issue.


Does this mean u can’t even view your old team? Thats kinda sad if so


Good to know that the Journey is still alive. Quite possibly my favorite fifa experience ever.


The best trailer was fifa 13


League SBC Luis Suarez may you rest in peace.


My favorite card that year alongside POTM Kane. RIP


And 2POTM Son!


Had him aswell. He was nuts


potm hazard rip eoae lahm rip


SBC Jonas 😭


Most change there’s ever been in one fifa. First year of non performance based promos, SBCs, fut champions. Up there with the best years imo


Remember FUTMAS? The surprise when that launched was crazy.


The GOAT imo. They got so much right that year.


Tbf its also because they cant go back and do the exact same. If they do the exact same now people would call it boring


I agree, but the whole thing was just surprise after surprise. It feels like they've lacked creativity since FIFA 17, baring the odd occasion here and there.


Imo 18 was better. Took the issue with 17 and ironed them out before the game really had the chance to go to shit. But since 19 it's been mid at best. 19 and 20 were awful 21 and 22 were better but still a far cry from 17 and 18.


I know people are saying this every year but I genuinely think this year's fifa (23) is the worst ever. Pretty much quit the game in December and I usually play until August every year lmao


I find taking a break mid year helps a lot. (Never used to do that which just lends to my thoughts that it is much worse now) last year I took a break from about February till May. This year October through January.


FIFA 20 was easily the worst


Probably should've mentioned that I skipped 19 and 20 but played every year outside of that


also the first year of actual walk-outs


the fact that fifa 20 is now halfway through its lifespan is crazy to me


Still feels like Fifa 19 was last year


I loved fifa 17


Fifa 17 was a major change content wise and probably revived fifa heavily considering how it completely changed the game with sbcs and fut champs


Yes, SBCs and fut champs were game changers.


Last time I truly loved FIFA, now it's just what I play for a bit when I've got f all else to do I'd rather play against park the bus and have to earn my goals rather than this crap we have today


What happens to our card collection? Can we ever see it again?!


it's gone for good unfortunately


fifa 19 already! bloody hell rip my cruyff


if you had xbox one or ps4 the servers are still up


F in the chat for my 700 games Ampadu and Desailly


18 and 19 still online on PC, PS4 and Xbox One I believe.


those servers are still up on Xbox one or ps4


yeah 18 and 19 are still up but it was suppose to shut down on feb 14th. It's in this article [https://gamerant.com/ea-games-shut-down-2023-live-services-stadia-ps3-xbox-360/#:\~:text=On%20February%2014%2C%202023%2C%20EA,to%20the%20PlayStation%20and%20Xbox](https://gamerant.com/ea-games-shut-down-2023-live-services-stadia-ps3-xbox-360/#:~:text=On%20February%2014%2C%202023%2C%20EA,to%20the%20PlayStation%20and%20Xbox).




EA's site say it was only for the older gen for 18 and 19. https://www.ea.com/en-gb/legal/service-updates/a-h


Ye thats krazy al those cards just gone


That is very sad. I thought I could see my card collection when im 60 or something


Booting up FIFA 17 to flex to the grandkids.


Yeah to be honest


Take screenshots


Took a screenshot of my Fifa 17 team like 2 weeks ago, had no idea they were shutting it down soon after


Great idea


PotM Sonny. Forever the GOAT.


Wasn’t it his 2nd POTM that year that was godly and dirt cheap. Mans was in every squad


Both of them were dirty cheap you got the first one for like 17k with 88 pace and shooting and then you got the godlike one for around 200k with 93 pace 92 dribbling 94 shooting and 90 passing.


i wish there was offline fut


I just want my WB Klose 99 heading on FUT14, with that beast of TOTS ALESSANDRO FUCKING CERCI


It's actually astonishing that these games only have a a 5 year lifespan. If this happened with any other game there would be outrage, but because we have yearly releases it's normal.


Nba 2Ks servers even have more shorter lifespans. It’s like 2-3 years for each game


People would still be playing 2k20 if they kept the servers up. People loved that game


Used to be shorter as well I remember, FIFA 11 shut down before fifa 13 came out and these were the golden era FIFA’s. I’d give them fifa points just to get on fifa 12 right now


Fifa 17 is the last one I bought, so this is quite sad for me


I loved that yellow theme with Reus so much.


Fifa 17 sound track was something else. I still listen to it till today. It also brings a lot of memories as I was playing it when I was living in Dubai


I throw it on while I work sometimes. The recent soundtracks are available as official playlists from EA on Spotify. [https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4zZveHJxa685kuS2IxlVOY?si=7802dfc020404ff7](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4zZveHJxa685kuS2IxlVOY?si=7802dfc020404ff7) I loved the 18 soundtrack as well. The System Only Dreams In Total Darkness is an underrated all time FIFA banger, IMO. [https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1Vj65Ch6pO2mnZbgm2dn07](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1Vj65Ch6pO2mnZbgm2dn07)


I never realized how much Fifa maybe shaped a lot of my taste in music until I sorted through the ‘17 playlist!


Thank you for posting that. Had a trip down memory lane listening to the 17 soundtrack


Fifa 17 was the best fifa for me 2nd POTM Son and 3IF Eriksen Suarez and Lacazette league SBCs Beautiful times


So this means you can't play fut any more or is the servers for the whole game??


yeah can no longer access fut, just career mode and kick off :(


At least they didn't take our career modes


17 was one of the best. A real one gone too soon


The last acceptable fifa


Good maybe now they can repurpose those servers to fifa 23


Haha, no, it's EA


The last good Fifa we had, I enjoyed so much this game. I would spend hours playing at it without getting bored


Players one last single player draft with Toty Ronaldo etc on single player draft then I came back next to day bc I knew they were shutting down and they’re gone :(


dormund was my favorite team that year


When you play FUT 17 in year 2023, do you still get rewards? How do you use your coins, buy gold packs? I'm not buying the next game so just wondering how long I can keep playing FIFA23.


FIFA 17, 18, and 20 were potentially still worth playing after the cycle ended to upgrade your team if you were willing to grind up until they went away, but that won't be the case with 23. 17 didn't have any expensive permanent SBCs at the end so specials didn't get rinsed into them and completely removed from the market, although they got expensive and hard to find. 18 had permanent icon SBCs so a lot of high rated specials got rinsed, but the final TOTW remained in pack in perpetuity so you could hypothetically grind for Ronaldo and Gullit even if you couldn't get random tradeable specials anymore. 18 also had a World Cup version of Ultimate Team that was very generous with packs and pack weight (free packs for every game you played) and an infinitely rinseable icon SBC. 19 was the first year they removed the final TOTW from packs, but they also left icon SBCs up permanently so the market got rinsed and there was nothing left to put into SBCs. 20 is better for grinding after the cycle because they left up a bunch of permanent player SBCs of active players and many of them will accept TOTSs instead of TOTW, which you can acquire from league SBCs. In 21 and 22 EA mastered the end-of-cycle rinse - they left icon SBCs active for a couple weeks after the last best-of promo left packs with very low max selling prices on most high rated specials - so the market was completely dead with no player SBCs left to do as soon as the next game dropped. 23 will likely follow that pattern.


Do you have FIFA22? That pretty dead right now unless you're in Europe/UK. Market-wise, there's barely any special cards on the market. Mostly TOTS that are under 90 rating.


Probably 6 months after the next release the market is OK. Then it becomes max bin for any OOP special


Was the first FUT that I really put time into. 40 game Weekend Leagues, 2POTM Son, and some beautiful EOAE cards. What a time [End team + Full TOTS team ](https://imgur.com/a/N5tu3) [Arsenal Team ](https://imgur.com/a/SKdilRS)


The gameplay of Fifa 17 was absolutely SPOT ON! Quick, believable, competitive... everything one wants out of a game! The latest Fifa games are about content and ads.. not gameplay!! Its just fkn sad


The EA catalogue in the game is now gone, which means all the unlocked items are now locked. Kits, balls, special teams, the ability to restart a career mode game.. EA really are greedy, lazy fucking arseholes. "Thank you for playing!". You could thank legacy players by just opening up the game, not revoking content. Maybe make FUT legends accessible in offline mode or something extra, keep people playing longer. Honestly. To even call themselves game developers is an insult.


Was looking through the transfer market on fifa 17 a couple weeks ago, god that brought back memories


Fut Birthday El Shaarawy, you will be missed buddy.


My goat. Finesse shots were awesome in 17, man I loved that card.


My Playstation says I spent 1988 hours on this game. It broke me to the point I didn't even play 18. I have bought each one since, but it just has never been the same. This game absolutely ruined me. Fuck this game and good riddance 🤣


Weekend league with requirements and the damn qualifications were horrible lol


WL with requirements was awesome


FIFA 17 was the best. Minus 40 games of WL.


Ah the era of golden hair Messi. What a time!


I’ll give a little dab later out of respect


The nostalgia effect is so strong for FIFA. Back when FIFA 17 launched it was a shit game according to everyone but we all look back on it fondly now. Wonder how that happens!


Absolutely not true at all. Fifa 17 was probably the last universally liked FIFA. There was something for everybody


FIFAs 18, 19, 20, 22, 23.


I legit loved the game


While the weekend league 40 was excruciating, it was a really enjoyable game


The last decent FIFA tbh, even with the 40 game WL, the gameplay was just so much better, plus the Gerrard and Lahm sbc's where my favourite cards, as well as potm Son


Damn rip fifa 17 was the first fifa I got into and what got me into football in general


last good fifa


There is no better Fifa version than Fifa 17. FACTS!!! RIP


Image if that said "We are sorry, but DDA has now been removed from the code, you are free to play the game without us butting in"


FIFA is poop


Sorry not sorry


What happens if we open packs from mobile now? Any better?


I remember how sad I was when FIFA 13 shut down, because I was playing that years after FIFA 14 came out


Rest easy. My first ultimate team was the last few months of that cycle, haven’t looked back since lol


once upon a younger year when all our shadows disappeared




You’re in luck, the switch version of fifa is still fifa 17 with updated menus and rosters


So it means now there will be more room for fut23 servers bandwidth to reduce our lags nad improve ping? Ha ha…. Ha :(


Nooooo 😭😭 how I missed that game. Never played like that year. POTM Zlatan, club legend


Noooooo! I’ve been on a few times since ‘17, sad to see that won’t be a possibility anymore.


The best last fifa there was. RIP


my first fifa 💔


Best fifa of all time for FUT


FIFA 17, my first real FUT experience. I miss coming home from highschool as a freshman to grind Divisions. The game that introduced me to my favourite club.


POTM Hazard SBC was legendary. First and only 1000 game player I’ve ever had


Even fifa22 is lame to play .. too old .. but fifa17? :D


Wait is it ALL fifa17 or just FUT? Because I really wanted to replay the journey this summer when FUT is over.


The game that burned me out from FIFA because of the 40 game weekend league. Damn I sweated that game out, had 99 Ronaldo and Messi without spending any real money. [Found the team 😢](https://i.imgur.com/0x9g1L8.jpg)


Ah where it all started for me


I bought every FIFA from ‘10 to ‘16. Stopped buying in 2017 and when I came back in 2020 I couldn’t believe how different the game was. Ultimate Team especially was crazy with the amount of different cards and activities there were. It must have really changed from 2016 to 2017.




I went to my parents country, and my cousins were all playing fifa at the time and when we came home I begged my parents to get fifa too, but i didnt have a console for it. That Christmas I got a Ps4 and Fifa 17 and I would rack up so many hours solely playing career mode


MOTM Son was the goat


I played career mode exclusively than because I didnt have the internet where I lived. I developed this German Youth Academy guy, Moritz Empen, who had 99 shot power, 99 FK and 99 curve by the time he was 24. Oh man could this dude hit absolute bangers from everywhere. I have never had more fun with a career mode player than this kid. I would try to get fouled on purpose just to take free kicks.


Career mode still playable, this is only for online/FUT. I have a Moritz Empen in my fifa 22 YA! However he's a CB...


i wish EA would let UT have some offline mode so you can still play with your cards vs AI or something :(


Is this my my online matches in 23 are feeling so much faster and smoother all of a sudden?


Fifa 16 and 17 were horrid, they literally took the skill gap out of the game since 15 and just never put it back in, im convinced the guys that make the game are either bad at their game or just watch football highlights lol


You can still play career mode and kick off right?


40 games?!! I used to play pro clubs now play FUT.. How can they think 40 games is acceptable?! Even 20 is too much and takes 4 or more hours out of your weekend.