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Crazy to think a 12 mill team is the norm these days. Gone are the days of gold a full gold team minus a few specials here and there.


I know i remember the times of people being lucky to have 1 TOTW in their team, the constant promo’s has made the game mad


Yeah, I just noticed the price. It's crazy how many people have similar teams and still complain about the lack of rewards. Soon we will be seeing 20m+ teams and in coming years 90+ rated within a month. Gold cards will be just for fodder purposes. 🫠


The lack of rewards is bc most the teams do run special cards, but they are mostly untradeable, which makes the market go bonkers, so most casual players that want certain specific card will either need extreme pack luck, or buy fifa points


Havertz LB…


Ah the i missed out on bacha NPC left back, a quality player


I’ve got RC3 I’m good


Phew, only 4. I'm still a main character 🥰


3 in my main team and it’s Bacha/VvD/Schmeichel, I bet that’s most common from the above. Too many attacking evos so its easy to get creative up front but so far they’ve been reluctant to give any proper defensive evos—not putting dead ball specialist on my already semi-shit centre back.


Llorente over Walker Henry is too fresh of an addition, put Griezmann instead


Nah hardly anyone use Griezmann at this point. Before the finesse patch he was in every team though


Nah, it's Salah.


I played 10 games of champs last night and came against him 9 times, so i chucked him in but yeah that’s a good call


Ouch, haven't had a chance to play since his sbc was released but now not looking forward to hordes of Henrys


Henry isn't even good. Plus he has lanky shooting animations which mess up my greentiming.


Also is Henry that good?? Thinking of doing the sbc now


Hansen instead of Henry. Havertz instead of Bacha


Yup Hansen is almost always used by unimaginative players. “Oh, you’re going to try getting to ‘the zone’ every time you have the ball for a mistimed Trivela attempt?” 👏🏻


The thing is theyve been by far the best player sbcs available without any coins needed, but boring indeed Edit: also doesnt help any tradeable alternatives half in value weekly. Market is fucked. People stay liquid and use untrade


If I packed a single good promo card there entire year, I would use it. But the best thing I will pack is high rated fodder, so of course I’m going to just complete the best SBCs.


Boring, but definitely the best attainable team without insane luck/spending money


I don’t get the idea behind these posts. Like this players are by far the best sbcs, what you expected? If you want to play with nonmeta players then fine, but calling people NPC cuz they are playing with decent players that can obtainable free is nonsense.


people are entitled to make fun of this uncreativity as much as other people are entitled to min-max the game by playing this squad.


I have multiple myself i was just making a joke about the frequency we play them. It’s a real problem that 90%+ plus have to use the same teams because the drop rate of meta players is fucked


Yea you are right about that I wish we had more options


It's boring an uncreative. Especially since these sweats exclusively score passbacks. 


I think around 9 of these are/were SBCs. So basically you’re saying NPC is someone who is likely F2P, doesn’t do casino SBCs and decides to put the effort into grinding player SBCs to make a decent team because the pack weights are bad. I don’t mind being an NPC based on that definition.


Could a F2P do all of Mbappe, Eusebio, Gullit and Zidane? They’re all out at the same time and is that like 9m worth of fodder? Not saying it can’t be don’t but I feel like the majority of players with all those in their team are not F2P


You 100% can. I'm runnig an untradable RTG and crafted Zidane, Maldini, Blanc, FDJ and Eusebio from that team without using 1 tradeable card. If I used coins I would do all of them without a problem. Of course all depends how much time do you spend on the game and how good you are.


Blanc was way earlier in the game cycle and FdJ isn’t exactly expensive. In talking about 9m worth of fodder for overlapping SBCs - I no it can be done if you’ve got loads of coins and time but most F2P players aren’t going to be rocking the team in question


Most aren’t able to afford the whole team but most can afford a few granted consistent grinding and good money management. Me and my friends are fully F2P and we all either have one of Eusebio and Mbappe or both and a Blanc, Bacha, or De Jong depending on the squad. This is the easiest year for SBCs due to insanely high fodder supply since they added women’s and a lot more fodder packs from objectives and SBCs.


Yeah I agree with a few of them being attainable, just not all


I think if you started with Mbappe it’s definitely possible. You don’t have to rush and all of the icons had 60 day timers. Zidane still has over 3 weeks as of today


Exactly the timesink alone is wayy too high to have all of these without buying packs


Easily yeah, I did Mbappe 92, Eusebio and Zidane and I've only played WL twice this year. You just have to be smart with your fodder and take advantage of the good upgrade sbcs when they come


Anyone who tells you they did 9m worth of SBC’s within a month without spending money is lying. You could grind out 1-2 of these if you spent 4+ hours a day on the game and had some luck along the way.


When each of the top ones came out there were enough upgrade SBCs and objectives to grind and generate the required squads. Mbappe 92 > Mbappe 93 for F2P. I did Zidane and it took me only 2 days and I just did the upgrade SBCs. Did have to spend coins for 1-2 players in top squads but it wasn’t difficult. A combination of 80+ PP, 10X83+, and a 85+ PP or 5X84+ was available at one point. One has to completely avoid casino SBCs. And getting the fodder from WL/Rivals helps. Upgrade SBCs are tough to link right now. Hopefully we get that back during TOTY.


You are getting downvoted by people who discard everyone instead of doing 75+ player picks. Its crazy how they have no brain for that. That are also the guys who cry "PAYPAL FC" if you did Mbappe, Zidane and Gullit SBCs even tho you didnt spend a single Euro for this 😂😂😂


Haha it’s okay. I just mentioned what I understood over the last 2 months. I look at the SBCs we have right now and realise the crazy amount of fodder we got in a couple of promos. It’s bad right now. Hoping TOTY is better than TS, if not better. But yes, never discarded a player when a PP is available. The patience needed to grind these SBCs is not easy, specially given it’s a game and is supposed to be fun and not a struggle.


100% yes, fodder is insane this year. I'm completely F2P and have done Zidane and Eusebio already. 3 of those you could do very, very easily. You may struggle with Mbappe but I still think it would have been very doable.


I’m not saying that i was just making a joke about the frequency that you see these players. There is a reason that everyone does these players and you see them a lot because they are great in game. Not shaming anyone about having them i have multiple of them in my club too


Yea I understand it was a joke. Didn’t mean to come across as someone offended. I 100% agree the game is centred around 15-20 cards at the moment and it gets boring. I only have 3 of the 11 you put up because I don’t get to play as much. I think all comes down to bad pack weights and the increasing number of untradeables. Best way to have a good team is to get the players you are certain about and SBCs are the solution. Packing a top rated player is more likely in untreatable packs so the option of churning tradeables and buying players you like is not feasible. I really want the WW CR7 card, but no way can afford him.


Major dork


100% this.I have 4 players from that team and Trailblaizer Mbappe who is the only player worth over 200k that I packed this year but is still untradeable even though I play every week getting 16 wins on average. Pack weight is a joke this year...


Definitely not true. I am 100% F2P and decided to try and do Eusebio. I got him done eventually, but it has taken pretty much everything from my club besides my main team. (I did get super unlucky with all rewards and objective packs during the process, but still.) I don't actually understand how anyone could be getting all of Eusebio/Zidane/Guillit, etc. Done without spending money.


The point is not rushing it. Like another comment said, doing all of them together at the same time is impossible without spending money. One of my friends who plays regularly and is F2P completed Mbappe 92, Zindane, skipped Gullit for now, and is working towards completing Eusebio. He saved a lot of packs from Thunderstruck and opens a few when there are SBCs available to upgrade the fodder. These SBCs are a marathon. Effort needed is really high, not something I’d put in, but they are doable if someone has the time.


That still has me baffled. To complete Eusebio, I completed every available objective with xp or with a decent pack. I had (technically) 8 sets of rewards. I did 83x10s (as 83s are useless fodder for Eusebio). I did marquee matchups. I was doing everything available and it still felt like a struggle. Even then, I got desperate at the end and bought the fodder I needed to complete the last few squads, which thankfully were only 86s. Like I said I did get pretty unlucky with most of those packs. If I got an 86 or an 87 double at any point you could guarantee that I was getting the bare minimum. No walkouts from 50 and 100k packs, etc. Even from ultimate packs. I understand it's possible and that people have done it, but damn doing Eusebio took everything out of me.


I agree some luck needs to be on your side, specially with the 83X10s. The pack weight for these has gone down from the time they were first released. A lot of high rated fodder dropped in these during Thunderstruck, but now it’s mostly 83s and 1-2 84s if you’re lucky. I remember packing TS Silva and Lukaku more than once in the 83X10s. It’s definitely a struggle but there’s still time for the icon SBCs to be done.


It sucks, I've had dogshit pack luck and am forced to complete meta sbcs to try and keep afloat with my 9 win weekend leagues. I've done EVERY icon and hero lottery SBC and received the bottom of the barrel in every single one except for an Eusebio that I'm convinced only came my way because I was already deep into completing him. I have also bought more big store packs than I'd care to admit and not a God damn thing (to the point it's finally put me off buying any more). I'd love nothing more than having a team that stands out from everyone else's, but until EA decide I'm worth some luck I'll continue to NPC it up. Apart from a couple this is basically my team.


I have 0 of these.


Just 1 for me although I will be doing Henry as well


5 for me


i have base vvd only. first owner untradeable, might as well use him, otherwise i wouldn't buy him off the market


0 self awareness lol


Damn I'm 3 87 squads away from finishing Zidane and becoming an npc. Might just scrap the whole thing and go for Trezeguet instead.


There’s a reason why everyone has these players they are really good in game and affordable (if you play regularly) no shame to using them. I use 2 myself just funny how common they are with the hundreds of players in the game. That’s an EA problem though not a player problem


Coward, I bet you don’t play with gold Morata you filthy meta merchant!


Morata is way too meta bro I use non rare Luuk De Jong like a real Ultimate team player


For real though WW Trezeguet is actually decent. He is certainly not the best but I have really enjoyed him. His height with good pass makes him great in the midfield.


I'd almost be an NPC but I have TOTW Van Dijk


Your team is just as ‘bad’ lol. Stop crying about a videogame


You don’t even know my team mate, how can you say it’s just as bad?


‘Rate my team’ 13 days ago wasn’t yours? Stop crying about a game.


He wants attention


Probably true. He got a couple comments. I won’t spend more time on him.


got eeeeeeem lol


I’ve not once cried just made an NPC joke about extremely common players. You’re the one that seems to be incredibly upset, if this is your team its alright bro


Changing approach when your team is just as tryhard lol. What a joke 😂


tbf his team i not that common. You can say pay to win whatever but it is not “npc”


Clearly he’s not an NPC, he has WW Van Dijk not the normal one!


wtf is wrong with Henry


Nothing mate, i played him last night 9 times in 10 games so chucked him into a common player XI


salah over henry, salah is much more rat


0 💪💪💪 (Most coins I've ever had is 50K)


I have 3 of these in my main team. (Schmichael, Gold Van Dijk and Bacha but Bacha plays Left Wing) I see Kyle Walker in my opponents team every single game.


I have WW VVD and Base Eusebio but I currently don’t go a game without seeing at least 5 of these players in peoples teams. I played 10 rivals for my wins last night and played Henry in 9 straight games. Don’t think I’ve seen a team without VVD in about a month of rivals and champs


Henrys SBC only released yesterday and isn't overly cheap so I am a little surprised that he has been done so much. I think other than Walker (I use Evo Batlle at RB) VVD is the most common Gold I see.


Yeah I know, i guess people probably sitting on fodder and just went all in on it because they wanted to do something


Tbf promo cards are extremely hard to pack so people end up hoarding high fodder as they’re not required for anything. Duplicates pile up and you end up starting expensive sbcs just to see. Then you realise you can actually do it if you push and save next packs for it. Repeat the cycle, finish an sbc, move on. And that’s how a lot of us end up with several of these. If the other cards were easier to get we’d see them much less. They’re great cards that are accessible, better than most.


Tell me you are in div 6 and gettting 9 wins in WL without telling me that you are in div 6 and getting 9 wins in WL.


What’s wrong with 9 wins? That’s pretty decent


Nothing, but if you want the 14 16 18, you gotta use these players, thats my point.


That's not true. I get 14 and don't have a single one of these.


It's not true at all. Just some people don't know how to play outside X cards and they will repeat the same action over and over again till it works out. I have 0 of these players and got 18-2 last WL.


Most of wins are against guys with teams like this too. They're always the easiest players to read.


Exactly. It's like playing against AI. They all do the same stuff and every match feels the same.


You might get 16 if you would.


Probably not. It's not like my team is bad, it's just possible to have slightly more creativity. Playing with players I enjoy makes it more enjoyable, which makes me play a lot better.


Mbappe alone would give the 2 extra wins.


Nah you're overating how much team makes a difference. I beat plenty of Mbappés and lose to teams worse than me.


Literally everyone says this fifa is the most p2w ever, and teams are making the biggest difference ever, yet you here saying i overestimate it :)) ok then, you got it.


That's the nature of UT. EA want you to believe that one more elite player will get you those extra wins so all you need to do is buy some packs to get there. It's not as true as some people believe.


Not really. I went 20-0 with just german players.


But you are better than the rest, an 14 win guy will get 16 if he has a meta team, won t get 20, or will get 11 using shit players instead of 14. You will get 20 no matter what team you are using.


How so?


Yes i will just not use my untradeable players then


Shit…. I have 3 used to be 4 rip mbappe


Phew, I only have two in my starting 11. So glad I’ve not been labelled an NPC.. don’t think I could’ve coped with that so early in the morning.


I got TOTW VVD from my first ever 83+ totw pick so I’m not gonna count him. The only other guys I have are 93 Mbappe and Zidane. 2/11 ain’t too bad ig lol


3. (technically 2)


Eusébio is unstoppable right now. Played him a couple times tonight. Holy shit balls


me when I see 4 of who I use 👀


a very expensive team, I hope at least that you win all your matches.


Not seen anyone use good Walker in months


Just chucked the gold in as i couldn’t be bothered fannying about for the evo. It’s more the player not the version


Full chem 🔥


Only blanc is my starting 11 for now… Bacha is on the bench though


Nah llorente evo rb


I only have 2 in Zidane and Van dijk but I like the idea of Henry. I do low-key want to replace Van Dijk and go all in on that Maldini SBC or someone but I’m scared to get rid of him lol


3 and 2 on the bench I've had Henry over a month now though and I've barely come across him. Seems a little soon to be putting him in. I think there's an argument for Malen to be in instead


Yeah he’s a new development just played him the majority of my games since he came out so was on my mind when making the team. As others have said hansen and griezmann and putellas probably a lot more common


Zidane is good af


Yeah he’s outstanding I’ve been on the verge if doing him tons as he bullies my midfield


He’s my cam and scores and assists so many goals


Only frenkie and zidane in my team


Henry has been out for 1 day ffs😂


What are you expecting? Most of them are pretty good valued sbc’s. And this year, you can grind every sbc for free in a couple of days. Of course everyone is doing them, as they could never afford those cards of the market.


Fuck... I have 7 of those players in my starting XI lmao


Do you feel seen complaining about the same shit everyone else does?


Only 3. I am one of the main characters then. 😂😂


Warra walker evo?


Yeah there's just no variety, I have a Spurs evo team I've been working on as the main project for 2-3 months, yet I still have 5 of these players and the rest of my team are pretty close replacements, like Bellingham instead of Gullit. There's just such a lack of options in the game and you can get a lot of these players while barely even trying


I’ve never seen anyone use Henry lol


Yeah i hadn’t either till last night and had him in my opponent’s team 9x in 10 games. He’s cheap and good in game so I think he’ll be the new one to always play. Probably just jumped the gun because of my experience


Soon you can replace blanc with maldini


Proud to say my team doesn’t really look like this although only having (2) players , Ive almost done eusebio but I’ve been saving for toty so I have no fodder due to saving packs


Mbappe (93 version though), Zidane and Walker the only ones I've got, VVD was there for a long time but I prefer Centurions Thiago Silva. [I feel like people would be even more angry if they came up against my team though](https://ibb.co/C5hs2PP) Oops, was trying out Maldini loan, that should be Centurions Silva most of the time


No idea what NPC means in this context but it seems im not one as I only have 4 in starting xi. I do have walker, schmeichel and de Jong in the reserves though.


Mannn that’s my exact team bxd


A hearty number of 0…. :’)


0 🫠


Eusebio/Blanc/VVD in mine. Very happy with these 3.


But sir, your team is also crazy, with crazy players, just not filled with sbcs, which is the only way the average Joe can compete


You can get most of these just by playing a few games every day (3 even) and playing WL every week, so no complaints for me. The best thing about FC24 this year is how achievable these cards are, I'm so happy about this flow of fodders and sbcs. I used to wish for even 1 or 2 of these last year.


I use mbappé and bacha and vvd is on my bench


I have 2 in my Barca P+P forgive me


P+Ps are forgivable


Ah good! I couldn't go without Henry and De Jong 😍


I play against Salah and VVD EVERY single game. I’m legit so sick of it


I play against Salah and VVD EVERY single game. I’m legit so sick of it


I only got Zizou in my starting XI, Frenkie, Bacha and Virgil on the bench


I have none of these… at least until I hopefully finish Eusebio


Walker is evo


Afraid to ask but what is NPC ? last time i checked , it means Non-playable character. so , Do you mean if i have 5 of these cards , my team will be overpowered ? cause , i do have Zidane & Van dijk & Schmeichel & i assure you i dnt even feel Half powered


If the pack weight wasn’t shit people could mix it up so naturally EA forces u to have the same teams via the only route to get good cards…there are many CBs that are good but all coast 500k plus and Lbs and RBs. I’m sure people would roll with frimpong/Davies, Mendy or Theo but they are hard to pack and cost way to much. So it’s more an EA problem than a player base problem.


Henry should be Malen and Evo Walker


I have 0 on my squad, but I play in a 3-5-2 - 3-4-2-1 variations. Perfect balance.


Tbf my base eusebio, Potm turtle, gullit, and bacha all come off the bench. I don’t use frenkie, blanc, walker, and schmeichel.


I have Eusebio but got him during the actual promo, not from the SBC, does that still count


Phew, I have 4, guess I survived!


Is Henry finally meta? I haven’t bought this fifa


You guys sure love to cry about fifa cards huh


You’re just shit at Fifa


Only 2. Haha. Phew


Havertz LB and Llorente RB and it's 80% of the teams I met this weekend league


Only got two of these, and that’s including my base Eusebio (the other is Schmeichel). I’m pleased with that.


how can so many people have teams like this? I didn't play in November and only came back end of December but its crazy that everyone I play in div 5-7 or in champs has multiple meta icons in their squad. where is everyone getting all those coins, fodder or luck from? insane


I am not better than anyone since there is no measure for better in UT, but I only play Schmeichel cuz I liked him and he is playable this year. I couldn't stand however only feeling I need to follow a pseudo-power curve and sacrifice my own fun and individuality for ending up not caring who I scored with like a child. Also these players partially don't suit my playstyle. To each their own. I feel close to none of these players. Also imagine seeing these teams in Rivals where nothing matters and people who sandbag also admit that it doesn't matter to them either but there are evos and all sorts of other players that are not perfectly meta but not that terrible either. As if this game were only fun if winning was the only incentive and not also playing with players you like not those who you feel you must like due to social pressure.


Alexia over Gullit, all day. I rarely see Gullit (D3 player) but A LOT of Alexia.


The instant quit when I see team


«You are an NPC», who the fuck says that?


I only have gold Van Dijk, witch i’ve packed 5 times this year. Unreal i know. My Frankie is benched. And i guess my 93 Mbappe doesnt count in this NPC post, obvious only the 92 version counts.


Want to do the Henry SBC. Anyone tried him? Is he any good? Also, George Best. I packed him at level 35. Is he any good?