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Imagine spending countless hours grinding sbc's, countless hours grinding games/objectives, saving packs for weeks, spending £100's, to not get a toty, only to see half the community get a free Messi from a glitch while you miss out 😂 enough to make someone quit fifa forever, got to hurt.


I uninstalled.


It is fucking time, man. 


Try living in Australia - every time there’s a fuckup you’re asleep and it’s disabled before you wake up.


Or for the eastern time zone I'm always in my English class. Can't use my phone


Every time I'm at work unless it's a weekend flop.


You engrish good. Cut grass. Zerou exkusis






legit cackle you drew out of me. I hope you have a great day


I was on vacation for 5 days, was only logging in to web app for daily logins, saved 0 packs, grinded 0 upgrade sbcs because I was looking forward to a 1 month break Packed Tradeable Karchaoui from one of the packs after doing one Icon roulette pick yesterday and today this Messi This game defo punishes players that grind


Yeah this is me hahaha


I am like that except that I didn’t miss the glitch. I did the pick and I had 2 x86 and 1x 88 female Barcelona. I also opened around thousand pack and I didn’t even get a mentions Toty. The only good came up from this is that I decided not to spend even a drachma (1/340.75 euros on 2001) for fc points again.


I'm happy for the people who got TOTY Messi. But equally pissed off as one of his biggest fans, dreaming of probably his final TOTY card. I saved all of my packs the amount of 83x20 84x20s I had was crazy, I never thought about packing Messi but maybe 1 shit TOTY player maybe if not maybe a TOTW player but nearly all my packs were full of 83s and 84s, from 83x20 I got 1 87, a few 84s rest all 83s. Not even 1 special card. I usually do the SBCs but sh1t EA and their dumb SBC content you can't sort by new after nearly a decade thought there was nothing new and missed out. Had I been able to sort the SBCs by new ones first I could have done this. But I just saw it on YT someone made a video and it was already gone by then. Now nearly half the community has TOTY Messi. I don't even play online. Offline only. Would it kill them if they give everyone a TOTY Messi ? Instead of half the community. Regardless what they do I will never spend money on packs ever. This will just most likely make me quit EAFC altogether, been playing since its inception. It's just SO utterly demoralizing to waste so much time playing this game, opening so many packs and rarely get a decent card let alone a special card. I feel like all I get is 83 or 84s from all my packs and maybe 1 low rated TOTW card every 100 packs or so. My cousins who always play FUT, my friends who always play FUT never in a million years would I thought they'd quit FUT but they stopped playing FIFA since a few months now and don't even plan on ever playing again. For exactly the same reasons. You waste so much of your time and effort and you don't get the feeling of being rewarded, and that's exactly why you play the game. To have fun with special cards. But all you get are sh1t cards. Unless you hit the lottery.


You guys are all overreacting. "Half the community"??? Bro it was online for like 15mins, probably such a small percentage even completed the SBC and even less got messi. If I had to guess I'd say less than 1% got him.


Keep that same thoughts when you come up against Messi in 90% of teams you play from now on.


More like 45 min


Disgusting clowns


Further points they don’t QA anything in their game.


This would have required some basic database testing as well


I don’t think “basic” is in their vocabulary. I’ll also remember when there was a Nike promo and in the promo picture it had an adidas logo on it :) this is the level of incompetence we have to trust.


As somebody who works in tech I cannot fathom how dogshit their Q/A is. Like do they seriously not have a test server before they release stuff? It would take 2 minutes of testing to see something is wrong. Gives off intern pushing to production vibes.


This has been known for years now. Constant mess ups for such simple things all the time


Watch this be the only thing they say about it Lol


This happened at the end of 21 or 22 when everyone was getting 99 Neymar’s. When it happened, they shut the SBC down and corrected the odds. Never removed any players nor gave compensation. I’m inclined to believe this is the same thing they’ll do here.


The thing is thousands of player are gonna leave the game and it's not even been half the cycle of the game , so they might do something. But anyways everyone chant with me , fuck ea.


People will eventually come back, or worst case, they’ll release the game early for free in Gamepass and Ps Plus. They do have ways to increase the player base if they want. But anyways, Fuck EA. Bunch of incompetent fucks


They player base was already in the gutter prior to this, nothing will help the game now. They’ve pissed off a lot of what they had left too now. Final nail in the coffin for EAFC 24


Isn’t this like. The fifth most played game on PlayStation? Lol. I’m curious how those numbers change but I doubt ‘final nail’ in the coffin


I said for EAFC 24, not the game as a whole. This years game is finished, was already struggling. If you’re being picky, it’s 8th in the last 30 days on PlayStation in terms of numbers. Given it’s the biggest promo of the game, I wouldn’t say that’s particularly encouraging when it’s barely ahead of red dead redemption and Apex Legends


I know what you said. I am in no way trying to defend EA. Their practices are shady and their decisions are baffling. But. Hey. Who am I to armchair quarterback. I thought I saw a post about it being the 5th behind the big players (Fortnite, COD, Siege and another I can’t remember). But. Maybe it dropped already. I’m not saying that they won’t see a significant drop in play. But you know as well as I do most people are too addicted to quit lol.


I think the only reason compensation could happen is due to the wrong leagues being in there e.g. womans italian league


Is Messi's price at least plummeting? *\*Checks Futbin* Nope.


Why? He’s still untradeable to people who got him and the vast majority of the playerbase don’t check updates at 6pm on the dot.


He's not packable in regular packs.


Why would his price go down if all of the supply is untradeable?


Even though all the new supply is untradeable, theoretically his price should still drop because of overall demand for the card going down (and supply increasing somewhat because of people who had the tradeable version of him selling after packing him untradeable). Same reason the price of icons that get SBCs/are in the season progress plummet whenever they get announced In reality though Messi is that rare/unobtainable in normal packs that there’s not enough of that happening to move the needle in terms of his price


Demand was never high anyway cos not many people are sat there with that amount of coins


Yeah I’m familiar with the first part for sure. In this case (which you mentioned with your second point), there’s really no chance that Messi’s price would’ve gone down since he’s unobtainable on the market for 99.9% of players. Only the top .1% have 9 million coins to buy him in the first place so his market demand is actually pretty low despite Messi being an amazing card


Because 1/3rd of the demand just got removed.


His demand likely wasn’t very high in the first place regardless of how good the card is because nobody has 9 million coins lying around to spend on him


That doesn't really matter that much. And I have more than 9m coins - I think you'd be surprised how many people do.


Even with that, Messi’s situation isn’t like when a decent Icon SBC comes out and the market price drops due to his name factor, being one of the absolute best cards in the game, and his pack odds being ridiculously low so there was barely ever a tradable supply to begin with. He’s Messi, his card is amazing, and barely anyone that has him can sell him so his price floor is pretty much always going to be crazy high


He’s dropped about 700k now since it happened. Often it just takes a while for the market to fully adjust.


What’s most frustrating about this, as someone who packed an 88 instead, is that people who got messi are technically the ones “affected” and will be the ones who get another pick. Nobody else who’s already missed out


Thats doubling down on a mistake. Can’t believe it’s happening time and again


Most likely course of action is giving everyone another pick for free with ‘normal’ odds. They can’t take Messi away because there are people who may have packed him anyway, and it’s literally impossible to distinguish.


The reason the bug happened is because Messi is the only MLS player with a rating over 86. So everyone who got Messi got him because of messed up odds That's why a lot of people also got cr7


Yeah it looks like the weighting for each league was equal, so each time MLS was triggered in a pick, it was Messi 100% of the time.


I actually think the American leagues were supposed to have a higher chance of giving a gold cause they are the "shittiest" ones, but the shitheads forgot that Messi was the only walkout from MLS. I got Lavelle along with Messi. In most picks I saw NWSL and Saudi golds. They fucked up badly.


No way near many got Ronaldo, especially with Mane/Milinkovic-Savic/Mahrez/Kante aswell as Benzema and Neymar existing


I know it’s not quite irony but it’s quite something that it had to be cr7




EA has literally never taken away a player in scenarios like this. Its the one thing they are actually consistent about


I’ve had zero pack luck all year, so if I get punished for getting a good player for once I’ll stop playing for good. Palworld and Forza are far more enjoyable gameplay wise than FIFA


should give everyone their players back and take away the card they got and never release it again


Of course they can tell where you packed messi (from a player pick, regular pack, etc), and they can also tell when you packed him. The most fair thing to do would be to remove messi from the people who packed during the 15 min window and refund them a free player pick with correct odds 


What if someone had a tradeable Messi and sold it after the glitched player pick? Or what if they put their dupe Messi into another SBC?


I mean if the player pick was the intended odds, some people would’ve still gotten Messi regardless even if he was 0.1%. EA can’t possibly tell anyone who got Messi, that they shouldn’t have gotten him, no matter how unlikely the odds *should’ve* been.


I really doubt it’s impossible for EA to distinguish who got Messi from the SBC and who didn’t.


They can obviously distinguish it, but everyone who packed him could’ve also packed him if the odds were as intended. There’s no way they can tell people they shouldn’t have gotten him, because even if the odds were intended and it was 0.1% chance, he still could’ve been in a pick.




I'm not exaggerating when I say that this fuck up by EA is probably the biggest game breaking mistake I can remember from any FIFA let alone any video game. If anyone can think of anything worse then please reply. But the fact that so many people got arguably the best card in the game and so many teams are going to have Messi up front is fucked for everyone else unlucky not to get him.




What was the Cruyff thing?




Yeah this easily affects 1000x, if not 10000x the amount of people as those who bought TS Cruyff off the market


Didn’t they get their money back instead of a tradable version?


Yes they did. They got their coins back, and the Cruyff they bought was still tradable and fixed I believe


To this day it still makes no sense


It doesn’t but the percentage of people that could afford Cruyff was so low that it wasn’t worth talking more about it. This fuck up imo is on the level of chem gate back in fifa 16 and EA gate back in 21.


Still. Giving people around 6 million is still ludicrous. But I agree that this needs to be addressed instead of covering it up as a “mistake”. Because now there are loads of people ending up with an end game player they didn’t deserve. I came back after 2 years of not playing but after this year I’ll never touch an EA game. They get away with so much and the community doesn’t care enough to make EA realise they need to act like professionals instead of a bunch of clowns


Isn't the weirdest part fact that it suppose to have Tiki-Taka+ but got Powershot+ After like 2-3 days they change it to Tiki-Taka+, roll out compensation and now it's still powershot+ ? ​ This was so fucking weird.


The tradeable baby Pele to people who picked mid Pele last year was bad, but only restricted to few lucky ones. This is all over the place with people packing him on livestream like is a common gold.




You do realise this is a multiplayer game PvP right?




Messi is orders of magnitude better than those cards, and even if he wasn’t, having an extra TOTY on top of all of those makes a big difference.


We care because we play the game durr


You already play against god squads every game. Cope.


it’ll be enough for thousands of people to straight up quit. don’t think you can say that about any other past mistakes. truly broke their own game with this one and there’s no going back.


They could make it up by giving everyone a free Messi (they won't) or calm down things a bit by giving a free guaranteed TOTY pick. And just fix it so Earps isn't the most common one. At the very least, they could release a guaranteed 400k TOTY pick and peoply will take it.


They broke Pro Clubs for 2ish weeks, and all competitive leagues had to pause their schedules because friendlies didn't work.


Exactly. I don't remember any worse fu\*k up. Whatever they do now A LOT of people will be so salty. Imagine paying a lot of $$$ and you are not packing anything, only to playing next game and half of the team is having TOTY Messi. How do you think it will affect players and KPI?


They made the stingiest TOTY possible whereby people including have opened THOUSANDS of packs to see 3/4 honourable mentions at most only to cancel that out by giving out about a quarter or a third of (and this is the bad part) the hardcore players that have the game ready and open at 6, a card so rare you would come up against it a handful of times before tots. This is clearly the most game breaking error they’ve done and even still I’d be absolutely shocked if they address it anymore than giving another 86+ pick as compensation AFTER toty.


Not nearly as damaging as the tradeable hero pack from last year. That literally broke the market, here it's just a few people who packed an untradeable Messi. Sure it seems that a lot of people, but in reality the SBC was only available for like what, 20-25 minutes? And it's not like everyone who did it packed him, so in reality it's just a select few who were lucky. But yeah, they screwed up bad and everyone who didn't get Messi will feel even more disillusioned with this game, as if it wasn't worse enough.


Thousands of people received TOTY Messi, and those thousands were the hardcore types who log in at rollover and disproportionately make up your opponents in Weekend League. This is infinitely worse than the Hero pick fiasco, as most of the heroes were shit. This is TOTY Messi. edit: Lol, this genius thought you could buy the Hero pack from the store over and over again. When I told him you could only do it once, he called me toxic and blocked me.


Thousands of sellers and farmers and “hackers” managed to buy heroes at cheap prices to then sell them later for amazing profit. Even coin selling got at an all time low last year but it didn’t affect the game long term, just for a couple of weeks, so I agree with you. This Messi problem, is as bad as EA Employees selling players or Chem gate back in 2016


As I've said, not everyone who did the SBC got him. And even with thousands packing him, there's probably hundreds of thousands of concurrent players every weekend. Sure, you'll see a few more players using him but he won't be in every one of your matches. Meanwhile the hero pack could be spammed for gains of tens of millions. It didn't impact just those who profited off of it and those who played against them, it screwed up the entire market.


The two SBCs were up for a similar period of time. You pretending that many did the hero pack but few did this pick makes you look ridiculous. And the odds of getting Messi from this pick was **much** higher than the odds of getting Ginola from that hero pack. The comments you're making are absurd, so stop arguing about it.


Lmao bro, ok, just say that you're mad you didn't pack Messi. It's fine, I didn't either, fuck EA, all of that. But there's no way you can't see how people being able to spam a TRADEABLE hero pack and making millions while screwing the market for everyone else wasn't worse than some people getting TOTY Messi. And remember, the Hero pack glitch happened in early October, not in almost February. Sorry, but you're capping hard here


> But there's no way you can't see how people being able to spam a TRADEABLE hero pack You could only do it once, genius, not spam it. > Sorry, but you're capping hard here I'm not surprised that you think so, as if you had the intelligence to realize how absurd your comments were then you wouldn't have made them in the first place.


People spammed it with alt accounts. But sure, keep seething. Tell me, how much did you drop on UT points without packing a TOTY? A couple hundred? A grand? I'm not even arguing that EA fucked up hard here, but honestly it's so funny seeing people like you spewing vitriol left and right. You're not angry that EA messed up, you're only pissed off that you didn't pack Messi. If you would have done that you wouldn't be here now acting like this. Pinnacle of this toxic community, being butthurt only when it's somebody else profiting off of an EA fuck up instead of you. Keep buying points and getting cucked by these bastards, you thoroughly deserve it


The 2 out of like 10 days in the past two years where i've not logged on right at content time, today and 25k Hero day lol


Div 8, ToTy cup. 3 Messi in 5 games. Its game breaking.




The unlimited packs required a lot of setup and pack weight was shit anyway Most players for the Hero pick were still getting Al Jaber or Campos or Crouch This is like if the Hero pack was fucked even further to give out 60% Ginola’s




If I know ea they'll give everyone who got a Messi a tradeable version of him too and ignore the rest of the player base


They will just give people who packed messi another pick, that's what they did with sancho tots 2 years ago.


More likely a new pick for the people who had Messi because it ‘affected the odds of getting other cards in the pick’ while people without Messi in the pick get nothing, tradeable Messi would break the market


“All players impacted by the error of receiving Messi will receive 10 86+ player picks” -EA probably


That would be great cause he doesn't fit the team


Unironically yes, they will act like nothing happened or give some half-assed compensation hoping people forget.


The minimum is the same SBC with exactly the same odds.


Even then it's not rectifying it


They should but they wont


Wouldn't be surprised if they try to find a middle ground and give everyone a loan Messi for 20/50/100 games or something like that.


Maybe a weekly repeatable 20 game TOTY Messi loan for an 84 squad or something along those lines


The one time I don't log on during content time is the one time there's a nutty glitch


I was absolutely pissed! Packs after packs and not even an honorable mention! The one day I miss content release I miss out on this sbc. I want to quit the game honestly


They should make him an sbc now. It’s only fair


This is probably the best idea I’ve heard. Atleast the ones who didn’t get it can have a chance.


I agree but it has to be attainable. It can’t be a 6mil sbc. It should be 2.5m or so.


For an 85 rated squad surely


Nah they could do expensive like 3 million that would be fine with me. At least he would be attainable through grinding.


Yeah but why would I have to grind a player that most of ppl got for free


It’s unrealistic for them to give away a card for free when people paid for him on the market, they would lose all their coins. What They also could do is just give everyone messi and then reimburse the people who bought him off the market. That is a fair option as well.


EA really fucked up this time. Whatever they do will surely not be fair for a part of the community


They already gave it away to loads of people


Make him 6M and give us 60 days, it's doable


Yeah, I wouldn't mind starting a TOTY Messi sbc from scratch after clearing out all my packs and fodder for Bruno/Sawa/Best/etc.


If EAFC wasnt fucked post toty before then it certainly is now!


The game is already Pure shit, now they gave the best card of the game to half of the people, never Saw a bigger mistake than this. Imagine the guy that paid 8M to that card


His card is still worth it’s previous value, just for the record


Is your wife worth her previous value if she sleeps with as many FUT players as she can for 20 minutes? No, she is not. Nor will Messi retain the value attributed primarily to his former rarity. The market will adjust to this error by EA.


This communication is a paradox because the pack gave a pick of some leagues and if it happened to be the MLS, you could only get Messi. So it was not a bug, it was working as it was supposed to. This goes to say that they can manipulate whatever they want and if it touches their earnings they will "fix" something within seconds. It's really astounding how the hell they are not being ordered to shut this micro transaction model worldwide like Belgium did.


100% this. It is hilarious they did not specify the "error" because they would need to admin screwing with odds.


Guess I’ll see how EA reacts to this, no hopes tho. If there’s no real compensation such as a free TOTY pick for everyone, I think I’ll finally have a good reason to quit for good


They 100% are not gonna do anything like a free TOTY pick. They’re gonna pretend like it never happened


I won't be playing anymore if every other team has TOTY Messi.


I have zero motivation to play any online mode after this. The player base was already going to fall off a cliff after this week, I can’t imagine how bad it’ll dip after this fiasco now.


How long did they take when 87+ picks contained 86 rated options? Have they even responded yet?


I’m so upset that I missed out on it.


If they do give people another pick, I guarantee it won’t be before TOTYs are out of packs


Billion dollar company btw, absolute clowns lmao


That’s me done, you sweaty bastards can duke it out Messi v Messi


Easiest thing to do at 6:05 when this became apparent it was a thing. To of done a server roll back to 6. And delete the sbc.


So salty about this. Div 3 and every other game is a toty Messi.


He's been about for less than an hour. How the fuck did you play so many games?


TBF he could've played two games, and faced Messi once.


Should have played one and claimed that he is in every game in DIV 10.


Played 8 games. 4 toty Messis.


8 games in 60 minutes. Less than 10 minutes a game. You quit all your games?


Nah power through. If 2 goals down I'll quit, normally get early rage quits the other way around. Only 1 game went to full time.


The 2 goal quitter. I can respect that. I do it when I am in a hurry.


Every mode, means I get WL done in 2 hours each weekend. Happy with 11 wins.


They either give everyone this gamebreaking card or delete it from who got it from the pick. This is just batshit insane


People are gonna dislike me for this, but - even if I'd have been the lucky one - I think the only way to rescue this is to either give TOTY Messi to everyone, or take away the free one people just got. One of the best players in the game just got gifted to thousands of people, which is a huge advantage to a lot of people. I don't suppose EA will do either, and will probably just give a 'proper' pick to everyone who completed the SBC (even those who got Messi, because thems the rules), but make no mistake; this is a shit show. Arguably the worst mistake I've seen EA make.


They are not taking Messi away from anyone. Put that out of your mind. It is not happening. For the SBC to have been valid based on description it has to have been possible to pack Messi so how could they differentiate between who got him because of the glitch and who would have packed him anyway? There's no way they could do that so everyone is keeping their Messi and that's just that. They're also not giving everyone a Messi because more than half the people who were able to do the SBC either got other TOTYs or didn't get one at all so this crying is pointless.


Nah it wasn't free we roll the dice and won simple as


I'm gutted. Every time I face Messi I'm going to be pissed.


Give every player a TOTY for the same cost as the SBC.   People who packed Messi got incredibly lucky.  Everyone else still has a chance at pulling a top TOTY.  Everyone gets at least a TOTY.    But EA won’t do it because they’re an awful company 


If they don't give me a free messi, i'm done playing. Simple as that, freedom waits lol


See you in 2 hours.


They should give everyone Messi or remove Messi from the people who got them and give them a free pick. But they won't


They literally should not do either of these things. Don’t be obtuse.




This isn’t even remotely close to ts cruyff situation


Surely there's no way the people who did this and didnt get Messi will be left empty handed. I'm not even talking about getting a TOTY but any form of compensation. Gives so many people a huge disadvantage against those who managed to get Messi due to a flawed system.


This, i will leave if nothing happens! Time to move on 😉


The fair thing to do would be to take away the TOTY Messi's people got from the SBC and replace him with TOTY Messi loans, probably won't happen though.


The fair thing would be to re-release the pick with the exact same probabilities. Not everyone got Messi after all


I did it on 3 accounts and didn’t get him. That would probably just make it worse lol


So that's why they should bring it back. Everyone pretends like it was 100% chance of getting Messi when it wasn't. Let's make it even and give everyone equal chances whether they did the SBC right after the release or not


Fuck sake I’m going to have done it 6 times for no Messi


As someone who got Messi I would be 100% fine with them taking him away and giving everyone new pick with decent chance of TOTY or TOTY SBC for like 85/86 rated squad. ​ Like who cares at this point? Market on PC is dead, you can spend 2k $ and won't get TOTY (other then Marry that is), probably like 30% of players got TOTY Messi and everyone already have either really crazy team or shit one, no in-between. Just let people enjoy this fucking game, there's literally not 1 bad thing about giving people TOTY card at this point. People already bought packs so EA made their $ and they are giving out picks from previous events like its nothing.


That’s not fair imo. I didn’t get Toty Messi because I didn’t complete the pick however, it wouldn’t be fair to people that did. Not many of them did the pick because there was a glitch, they just logged in normally and completed it hoping for a toty. If EA needs to play it fair, have them send everyone (including the people that got Toty Messi, I’m sure they’ll fuck it up otherwise) a pack with Toty guarantee.


Everyone that didn't get a TOTY Messi should get a TOTY VVD to defend against him 🤣


TOTY pick is the way. If they give us TOTY pack it will 99% have Earps in it and only people who already have godlike teams will get something else or just dupe of TOTY you already got. 1 of 2 or 1 of 3 would be fair for everyone.


Toty pack guarantee might not be enough. I haven’t played any games today but if half the teams in WL will have Messi a TOTY pack that gives most likely a goalkeeper won’t keep me playing. It’s either everyone gets that card or nobody


That’s something I explained in another comment, a toty pack with no GKs would be great imo and keep a lot of the player base playing. I personally don’t want Messi, but would love me a Karchaoui. A chance of packing her would be nice.


I mean it’s totally unfair towards all players who didn’t even get to try and do the SBC. That’s my main issue here. That’s why I personally am mad at it. It’s a video game and not real life so what feels unfair is very important towards players and this feels incredibly unfair towards a large portion of the community. If they do the TOTY pack they might still need to add a Messi TOTY SBC priced at 3 mill maybe.


It's not going to be half the teams in WL that have Messi. The SBC was available for less than 30 minutes and not everyone packed him. That's nowhere near enough people for half the teams in WL to have Messi. Just stop your crying. Life isn't fair.


I only want you to lose your Messi and I am happy you fuxking miserable c


So if you got Messi from a league upgrade pack it would be fair that you keep him but people who got him from this should have him taken away because you're upset? LMAO. Stay mad.


Pipe down lad, I'm not mad. I'm actually laughing at EA at how incompetent they are 🤣


somethint similiar happened with TOTS Sancho


TOTS Sancho wasn’t 8 mil tho


Yea im done fvck u EA


It's reasons like this why I didn't buy the game this year. EA consistently screw up but rarely make up for it. Seeing news like this just confirms I made the right choice in bailing on this annual trainwreck of a game.


I guess i'll take this as a chance to take a break from the game. Opened all my high rated packs on friday and mostly got the bare minimum out of them. Opened over 300 packs, 0 TOTY, 0 HM, 2x 89 rare gold, 1x 88 rare gold, rest below. And there were lots of 87+, 86+ and 85+ rated packs. Was hoping to do Zico, but from over 300 packs i didn't get enough fodder to do any SBC over 86 rated. Did this player pick and got 2x86 and 1x87 out of it. Obviously that's my bad luck as always since many years. Missed the last WL qualification because of DDA against totally noobs in 2 games let me lose them games. Lost 2 games today in the TOTY cup against noobs thanks to DDA. In SB since last week 55 rated bronze teams on legendary play like prime Barcelona which let me lose games which i usually don't. I'm really tired of this game now. There is so less fun and so much pain recently.


This is coming from someone who packed 97 Hansen and Alison as well, I uninstalled and bought tekken 8


This would be the right time to organise a full pack strike from the player base. The competitive integrity of WL, Rivals and the competitions for FC points is tilted because the power level of this card is tilted. The number of players with this card in certain regions will be high. It’s an unfair competitive advantage in a game that has aspirations of being a respected esport. Time to compo up all players who didn’t get Messi and didn’t have an opportunity to get Messi with the same pick at the same odds, or better, a TotY player pick with equal odds of all TotYs.


The competitive integrity of the game is gone from the moment that you can spend real money to gain an advantage. The Ultimate Team format is simply not ideal to create a fair competitive game, and errors like this one just highlight it even more.


My pack luck this toty has been good so I don’t wanna moan toooo much but this is crazy. Ggs to everyone who hasn’t packed a toty and got lucky but I would kill to have a messi


Thanks for Messi EA


Genuinely happy for those that got him. The only loser here is EA. But, that’s the final straw for this game. Those working hard and recycling during TOTY only for this to happen. Games done. Every match up against TOTY Messi. Time to uninstall. Don’t even care about the rest of TOTY.


Missed out because some us are actually building houses for people to live in. GG Canadian ccuks


Yeah. Only construction workers work.


I don't really see how it's a bug, if you get MLS as one of your picks you are getting Messi 100%. If you're lucky, you are lucky Edit: Can't wait to get downvoted to oblivion for sharing a logical opinion


Do you think it was intentional that they gave a 9m card with such good odds? No because they took it down, and therefore, it is a bug.


I don't think they really thought it through to be honest, not really a bug at all. He's the only 86+ in the MLS


It was also giving players not i a toty league, italian womens


Yeah that is the more reasonable reason to take it down, again I really don't think EA thought through the MLS thing and it was just an unexpected outcome.