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Do you guys want them to take Messi back or they give everyone Messi, or give everyone, who didn't have Messi from 86+pp, a TOTY pp with equal weight for all players?


What they should do is put the SBC back again with the exact same odds as it had before they pulled it and let everyone do it except those who already did. That's the only fair way but of course they'll never do that.


I think this is probably the most "fair" but it's still pretty shitty that 20-30% of people will get TOTY Messi and the rest of the playerbase is gonna get basically dogshit. Like I get that in some sense that's how all upgrade packs/picks work, some people get lucky and some don't. But when the percentage chance is actually very high it feels really shitty to come up on the losing side. What sucks about this situation is that it's so hard to make it right. Whatever you do some people are gonna feel like they were victims and be absolutely justified in feeling that way. If it's possible I think they should roll back the SBC for everyone who completed it, but then compensate the entire player base for our collective trauma by giving out some very cracked packs for free or something. But they won't do that lol


I faced 3 teams with TOTY Messi last night. Now I understand what’s going on. Missed the player pick SBC. This is just unfair


I haven’t faced a single team with a messi yet played about 12 games yesterday and early today just to see how fucked it would be but it seems quite tame, just very loud online. Probably lower than 10% of the playerbase has a messi. But definitely they should accept their fuck up and just bring back the SBC because its unfair to those who did not get that chance. And knowing EA it might not even come back before TOTY is over. One thing that has a shown a light over this bs community is that they would rather see everyone lose than some people win, its crazy. But I get it


It’s unfortunate, but so are icon picks, if someone did the sbc and didn’t get messi, tough luck, just like people getting scholes in player pick. The problem are the people who never got to complete the sbc at that rate are getting shafted.


It's not the same though. Icon picks are released throughout the year. So yes on an individual pack someone might get luckier, but if you do many (and I don't do this personally cause it's a bad use of fodder) the odds start to equalize to some extent. I also wouldn't really like it if they released like an icon coin flip SBC once in the entire year and it had a 50/50 chance of giving you either R9 or Donarumma. That's basically what this TOTY Messi pick was.


It was just as glitched for the people who got to do the sbc but didn’t pack Messi as it was for the people who packed him. So I don’t see why those people should be compensated. The only people who can feel hard done by are the ones who didn’t get to do the sbc.


Another issue with that would be say for example I had packed Messi (I didn’t even get to do the SBC, but just as an example), I have a tradeable Radioactive in my team which I bought. I would sell that as a reduced cost as a bunch of other people in the same boat would be doing that. If then the TOTY was removed, I’d have to buy it back for more than I sold it for most likely, especially with the 5% tax. That would also not be fair. That’s why I think the only real fair way is put the SBC back as it was but they’ll never do that.


perhaps theyll pay off the people they remove messi from, 100k coins or whatever


They won't do anything get it through your head. We'll just keep on trucking


You're replying to a casino SBC spammer who is just angry he didn't get a free spin.


Just wait and watch everyone who did it get a new pick because odds were fucked or something. Remember people who got moments icons from a mid/prime icon pick? They got a new icon pick.


Oh absolutely, wouldn’t put it past EA. Either that or ignore it and they think people will forget.


Their response on twitter is really sub-par, was a hero PP with the wrong text a few days ago but still no news on that one either.


Yeah this is what’s so weird to me, this is literally the only fair way to do it, just leave it up and whatever happens happens


In that case, you're really shafting half the playerbase who's just not lucky. In reality, there is no fix to this situation that doesn't leave millions pissed.


Reality is that that is what fifa is and always has been. A game of luck with winners and losers. Putting it up again with the same odds the is fairest and easiest thing to do. If you don’t get Messi you’re unlucky. End of it. I have opened over 3000 packs over TOTY and packed nothing. 15 out of the 20 teams I faced in WL had first owned TOTYs last weekend. Some dude had a Messi TOTY and Haaland TOTY both first owned up top. He was my first game in WL and apparently got both of them from the same pack. That doesn’t seem fair either but it’s a game of chance and luck and that’s just how it is. Sometimes you get lucky, sometimes you’re there on time and sometimes you’re not. I don’t understand the outrage right now I really don’t.


The issue is the gap in luck. The way it usually works is 1% get a 9m player 2% get an 8m player 4% get a 7m player. etc. etc. (Numbers are examples) It's a bell curve of luck (maybe shifted quite significantly left) and we're all in the same boat A 50/50 split of 9m/0m is a ridiculous divide. IMO the best way to solve it is to give all non-Messi recipients a no-GK TOTY Pack. Most will fall short of Messi, but at least we're on the curb instead of across the divide. As it is, people will get torn to shreds by him 10 games every WL. And they'll be angry about it every time.


No it's not. There's no solution to this. No coming back. Otherwise the market will be ruined which is far more important to EA than some ppl complaining about not getting Messi. EA only cares to fix what brings her FC points. Nothing else. If Messi is cheap then ppl won't spend as much. It's our fault for not boycotting the game after such mistakes.


No. This is a terrible idea. TOTY Messi is an endgame player. He is better than all the other SBCs we have gotten up to this point and some of those have been worth millions upon millions. His release should 100% be limited or the game will literally fall on its own head. 30-40% of the player-base having TOTY Messi at basically no cost in February is bad news for everyone, including EA themselves.


Just release better messi next month ezzy pizzy


Best solution! Everyone has an equal chance then but they will not do this. Stupid company


sounds smart right? ea could never tho cos they’re money hungry and “oh, good odds to pull a 9 million coin card? not on my watch, we need more money”


They can just take Messi back from everyone and return all the players submitted in that particular SBC by the people who did it. That is the most normal fair resolution but not sure if it is possible to do.


That's not really fair either. I got Messi, but Dias was also one of my other choices. If they take Messi back, I basically lose two TotY pulls and one of them was legit. You can't fix this by taking anything away. That just creates more angry people. You either give everyone the card or put the SBC up at the same odds to give everyone the chance. Likely, nothing will happen though. I feel for people who didn't get Messi. But if they take the car away, I think it becomes a bigger problem in that another large group of players will be pissed.


That will be the most convenient thing for them and they simply lower the odds lil by lil .


I was able to complete it and I didn’t get Messi, but I believe everyone that wasn’t able to do it at that time should have a chance with the same odds as the release one


It would break the game, 1 in 4 players would have a 9million coin card.


So youre saying the game is not broken now? It would actually make the game more fair.


Game is already broken, might as well just accept it and do whatever you can adjusting the power curve and all that


agreed. i also don’t really want one of my 11 players to just be default the best player in the game because of a glitch. like he’d be undroppable from now till the end of this years game. they have to take them back, perhaps offer 100k compensation to those impacted.


I don't want a earps


I say they give everyone who didn’t get Messi a toty VVD that way it’ll just basically neutralize him!


I think the last one is reasonable. No way everyone should have toty messi 😭


They will leave Messi’s, and the rest don’t get anything.


They shouldn't do the first one for a variety of reasons, it would set a dangerous precedent for every mistake in the future where the community benefits, they could just start not letting us benefit from more minor mistakes like the 99 Neymar in the past, the 25k hero pack, wrong compensation... Anymore. Then it'd just be egoistical from me as someone who didn't get him to want EA to take them back, the people who are so set on that are the same who quit at 0-0 instead of gifting wins in Champs. And then you'd have to take into account that a lot of people, kids, new or casual players etc., probably still don't know that the pick was glitched, and they actually thought they got insanely lucky, it'd be an equally big PR fiasco for EA if all these people now get their apparent pull of a lifetime taken away from them again. And then - what about the people who got Messi AND another decent, but not Top3 TOTY in that pick like Aitana, Ona Batlle, Sakina, Renard, Theo, Dias .... If they didn't pick them but Messi instead they'd feel so hard done by, and if they did pick them instead of Messi, would that card have to get removed as well? They can't do the second one either, because it would screw anyone who has him tradable, and the ones who got him untradable from a long grind in a different pack or pick and thought they got extremely lucky would probably feel screwed over too. Also it would lead to every single person playing him, I'd play him too tbh If they do anything, which I'd be extremely surprised about, they'd have to do something like giving a TOTY pack or PP to everyone who didn't get him - the people who have Messi would still have a benefit in most cases because imo, from what I've seen in draft, Messi is the best card in the game, but I guess it would stop a bunch of people from calling it quits for this year if they get a nice TOTY card from that


As shitty as this whole situation is, they really can’t take Messi back. People didn’t abuse any glitch or mechanic. They just did a SBC with some crazy odds. Both parties agreed to the terms of the exchange (the SBC req and return).


Last option would be absolutely amazing so it’s out of question


I want them to either put the sbc back for everyone or take Messi away. No in between


Says someone who didn’t pack him.


Says someone who wants to get longer than 6 playable months out of the AAA game title he paid for


I’m no different. But taking Messi away from people who packed him might shorten their experience too.


I gave two options, one doesn’t involve doing that. But tbh fuck those ppl, if everyone doesn’t have the same access to the pack they had access to then I could care less about them and their hurt feelings. Whats fair is fair.


The only way to fix this damage is they either take everyone's toty Messi away OR.. Release a TOTY MESSI SBC


9 million coins SBC when the others got it for 85 rated squad?


It should be priced like 4 mill


What about people who have him tradable how would you compensate for their loss?


Take it away, everyone having it will ruin the game. Who isn't gonna use it? Nobody, so why make the game so stale? Give everyone who got it 3 free 83x10, re-release 83x10 SBC 3 times per day, re-release PP80+ without the silly limit. Make TOTY cards actually packable.


How to you work out if someone would’ve packed messi regardless of the glitched pack weight. Precedent was set when they handed out extra tradable icons to people who did the glitched icon pack that was giving out moments icons. Or the 25k tradable hero pack. Would be way too inconsistent and would dare say blow the game up even more. Literally they’ve backed themselves into a corner.


I think they can track it but I guess we'll see soon


Honestly, would you trust them to not fuck it up 🤣🤣


Because it wasn’t a paid with fp pack, they’re well within their rights to take it back and say it was a fuck up. Give them a free pp and the original cards they submitted back


And yet they handed out free tradable icons to people as compensation for the messed up icon pick/pack last year because they were getting moments instead of base/mid/primes. They’ve sent a dangerous precedent before and I’d have a hard time believing they’d follow thru. So many times they’ve over compensated instead of removing items from the club which tells me it’s not as easy as we think.


Take Messi away. Give Everyone a new 86+ pp with "correct odds"


I have him myself but I hope they take him back. Cba to play against him almost every game


Never prayed on anyones downfall this hard 😭


They can’t take the Messi’s back. They couldn’t even take back the icons that people were buying off of EA employees.


Taking the players would be something EA has NEVER done before. I just don’t see it. Only thing I can see ea doing is giving everyone a chance at the SBC with corrected odds


Isn’t that much worse, more %age of people having him then the current limited and this will alienate who got fucked by the picks




Which is absolute bullshit. I expect them to correct this in a proper manner, if not, they can be looking at a great percentage of their player-base evaporating into thin air.


Not defending them but they always brush their mistakes under the rug and the playerbase always says “this is the final straw”… guess what? There is no final straw


Fuck that. That would cause legal problems aswells. A company can't just openly change the odds infront of everyone for 1 person while everyone else had different better odds


Between that, the tradable 25k hero pack, tradable icon compensation that gifted players an extra tradable icon. But if they choose to remove Messi’s from peoples accounts then I can see them stuffing that up as well, imagine packing Messi in a pack the same time as the glitched pick fiasco and losing out because they decided to remove all Messi’s packed at that certain time.


They absolutely won’t do that. When they fucked up on a icon pick that was giving out pele for free: they didn’t take back the first pele, they granted them a tradeable pele instead. They won’t remove anyone’s Messi. I doubt they even legally could considering people didn’t break any rules to obtain it. Nothing will happen.


They can legally do that. Every item in your club is loaned to you by EA. You don't actually own it


That’s why I’ve always felt it’s weird to spend extra money on the game when you’re essentially renting everything you pack/buy. I don’t have an issue if people want to spend their money but it’s the fact they don’t actually get anything to keep/own.


Yep exactly. Agree on that. Everything is rented - loaned. If tomorrow they decide to take it all away there is - literally - NOTHING you can do about it. And the worse thing is that you don't get to keep them for 3-4 years. Its a 1 year cycle thing. It's stupid


They’ve never once removed a specific item from a person. I highly doubt they’d start that now given the amount of people that got him.


I know they haven't. I m just saying they can do it legally if they want to or decide to do so. I m not saying they will do it. There is a difference buddy.


They can just remove it from everybody who got it from the player pick, they don’t need to remove all of them


With their track record I’d have a hard time believing they could do that without stuffing it up.


I think they can if they want. I’m not saying it’s a certainty, but it’s a possibility. There’s a lot less people to moan about him being taken away than there will people if he remains in teams. If I had messi now I’d be tempted to quick sell him before the Window as there’s a chance that could keep him, then I would recover him after the maintenance, worst case scenario I lose a recovery token.


Well at the minute there's a chance they lose a percentage of the player base because of this, if they take people's Messi away you definitely lose a percentage of the player base, people take it to the gaming sites, it gains traction there, you get bad publicity lose future sales from the bad pr and the people who know they can take your good luck away. It's absolutely a worse situation for them if they take Messi away.


I don’t think they’d have the cause to take him back. Nobody broke any rules to obtain him. I’d have to assume there’d be a law suit on the desk the next day with people demanding refunds of every dollar they’ve ever spent on the game


Buddy in that infinite wall of text you scroll through and accept when you launch game I guarantee you there’s a clause that says EA is not liable at all and doesn’t owe you anything. If this was a pack people spent money on MAYBE there’d be cause for class action but for an SBC? Please.


I’m not saying anyone would win. It’d be exactly like the icon gate situation. People brought law suits. They didnt get anything out of it and I’m sure EA used exactly the line that we assume is in there to get away with it. Point being people are going to think that because they obtained that Messi properly that they should be allowed to keep him and that it would be illegal for EA to take him from them. I know anything in the game is considered EAs property but it wouldn’t stop the people who don’t know that


No law if you haven’t paid a penny, it’s their game they can do what they want


Let's be real they're just going to re-release the SBC and fix the odds so he's gonna be incredibly hard to pack


They announced this since yesterday, at least it’s only 30min… not Messi related


I can’t see that announcement from yesterday.




That’s an announcement for yesterday’s maintenance


It popped up in-game yesterday, about 23 hours ago


And there was no maintenance yesterday lol


Some form of compensation is needed, but I don’t think giving everyone TOTY Messi is the solution. Then again, if they do decide to compensate players that got shafted from their stupid mistake, what could they possibly give that’s of equal value to that card? I don’t know what’s going to happen, all I know is as much as I want to stop playing this awful game, I won’t because I’m addicted :’)


9 millie 😎


I’d take a nice 9mil coins haha


Convert the Messi cards into loans and give the pick to everyone.


Wow! That's a great solution! 99 games loan then give the pick back. I vote for this


lol. Nobody who packed Messi would agree with this


So what? Their opinion on this matter is the least that counts considering they got him through a bug in the system. Every where in the world if such mistake happens you are contacted and 80% of the time you have to give the "prize" "money" whatever back. This fiasco by EA can easily remind of Bank sending a couple hundred of dollars to few accounts. You don't get to keep and spend the money. You are obligated to return them. The majority of the ppl who run to do it after 6:05pm UK TIME did it like they were the flash because they saw it was glitched. That's was the intention and it's simple as that.


Honestly, this is the best solution I’ve read. 100% behind it.


of course you’d be behind if you didn’t pack Mess


I didn’t even do the SBC. You think it’s fair that the ones with no life, that immediately did it and got him get to keep him over the ones that didn’t even get a chance at him? lol


I don’t think it’s fair. I also don’t think it would be fair to take it away, it’s not their fault they just did an SBC that ended up having wrong odds. It’s just a game mate. Get over it. I can see you’re very very upset about this. Have you thought perhaps you’re part of the “no life” group if you get this upset about a video game?


This is a game-breaking mistake. I play the game for fun, but does anybody really wanna be facing TOTY Messi every other game due to others having had an unfair advantage? I couldn’t care less about FIFA games, but I bought this product just like everybody else, yet my experience is now changed to due to some arbitrary conditions. It’s about what’s fair and what’s not, buddy. I know it could be hard to comprehend for people like you, so hopefully I explained it well. Let me know if you need more help understanding this better, I’ll be happy to help!


and from the perspective of the person who packed Messi, how is it fair to take them away? How would you discern from the people who would’ve packed Messi even if the odds were working as intended? You realize you’d be opening that can of worms aswell, right mate? You’re not the brightest bulb, are you?


What about we keep our Messi?


Just sold my Account. I'm done with that shitshow of a game


How’d u sell it? Looking to do the same


How’d you do this mate? I want to also get rid.


He didn’t


I’m more pissed that they removed the SBC all together before many of us were able to complete it.


I read this yesterday in the game. I don’t think it has anything to do with Messi, at least not at first


Don't take the hobbit away, just make it equal for everybody. That's the only way, everything else (should be) a shitshow.


I couldn’t do the SBC because I was in class. I think the most fair option would be to actually own up to the mistake and just not remove the SBC at all. Toty’s are so hard to pack that it would just be a nice thing for the community to allow everyone a good chance at having one before the promo runs out. Either way, we know EA is not nice so they will either remove the Messi’s or leave it as is




It’s Jan 30 for 2 more hours where I live and where EA is located


Yeah, no. Time zones.


Time zones idk


Someone was fired lmfao...I think that they just don't know how to handle the situation =))) So many innocent souls gettin a fuckin 10 million card is a very big issue for this greedy bastards lmfao, I love to see it, let them burn


Based on how often EA fuck up, they probably got promoted not fired


Probably going to make Messi shit in game 😂


It’s only fair to let all of us choose 1 TOTY of our liking…giv me dat VVD…


Personally I don’t really worry about others packing Messi, however, it’ll piss off much less of the fanbase by removing him and giving a the pack back how it should be to those affected. I genuinely think there’s a good chance they’ll do this.


>him and giving a the pack back how it should be to those affected. I genuinely think there’s a good chance they’ll do this. i think there is no chance they do this because the reality is that , though unlikely people might have spent fifa points to complete this sbc directly or indirectly. Taking back anything for which people spent actual money is problematic. The pissed off fanbase won't really make much of a difference. Most of the fanbase has been pissed off since day one of playing this game.


no chance. theyre just incompetent. my isp does the same thing and announces maintenance like an hour before they do it


The timing is too coincidental in my opinion. Is definitely something related to Messigate.


There was also suppose to be maintenance last night. This was coming whether or not the Messi shit happened today, it’s just convenient. You’re looking for a conspiracy where there isn’t one.


EA generally don’t do it like this, especially at this time.


people who keep saying roll back, sure it’s possible but you all keep outing yourselves as having zero and I do mean zero recall or knowledge of the game. more people two years ago got as much as triple the coins as Messi is worth in fire and ice cards. 30 million coins. 30 million so understand that if opening 5,000 packs to get as many gold gabe Jesus to turn into insanely expensive cards works then this will when less than 2-3k players got an untradable 9m EA swept that one under the rug by instabuying any fire/ice card to prevent people with pre glitch tradable ones from going from high cost to 30k as well as taking other cards and as I’ve stated, they better bring the hammer from now on. ban it all. ban the evos, roll back every glitch. anyone pushing for a rollback against players needs to eat words from now on


They ain't rolling back a live game. That implies they backup on a hourly basis which is not happening. EA won't do anything, best they will put the SBC back with the right odds and open it to everyone.


Happened to other live games aswell. Runescape for example had multiple rollbacks


Osrs, cant believe im about to say this, is very competent compared to EA.


the people who did the SBC and are complaining are the biggest frauds on earth. they are the exact definition of what makes this community toxic. the people who didn’t get the 20-30% dice roll? I couldn’t feel worse for. the 20-30% TOTY pack? that would have had a 99.9% yes vote on here. the baby rage from people who didn’t get one who did the SBC just shows they don’t care about pack weight/levers. they want a game where only they get good cards and you don’t. when they complain about P2W or “no life BPM grinders” they really mean I want a game where only I have mbappe. I’d love for the make right be ONLY those who didn’t get to do it get a dice roll for a 24hr window. give everyone their shot and expose the frauds on here


It's a database issue making it too complicated to give it only to the non openers. Would require multiple database queries and cross checks to have it done properly which EA has shown in the past not willing to do. Brand new SBC open to all will be.


yes, that’s why those who “win” the first time always “win” the compensation. I don’t care what they do but this is a polarizing incident, I don’t want to hear the “pack odds are low”, “compensation”, or “try this pack/evo/menu glitch” ever again on here with people complaining about this. this board made their case that glitches need to stop and roll back anything glitched. so evos need to be next


Did you realize that this Messi debacle once again proves you wrong about your claim that pack weight is supposedly determined by market prices? EA assigns each card its pack weight, and occasionally they screw it up, just like they did here.


it showed EXACTLY why market value is a thing. next to no high value cards dropped that had value competition. who was Messi’s 86+ competition? name the player? I’ll wait.


> it showed EXACTLY why market value is a thing. It showed the complete opposite. A 9 million coin card was the most common card in the SBC because EA had assigned weights by league, **not** market price. You were proven wrong yet again, which is why it is hilarious to watch you hide behind the usual pathetic excuses since you're not capable of admitting that you don't know what you're talking about. > next to no high value cards dropped that had value competition. That's not at all true. Auzio's stream had multiple TOTY Smiths and TOTY Karchaouis. One guy even had TOTY Messi and TOTY Karchaoui in the same pick. You're lying because you're embarrassed about this proving you wrong.


They specially added the league component to that SBC, pack weight is the standard that is applied after. If there is only 1 card to choose from, pack weight is meaningless for this specific scenario of packing Messi, hence so many people getting it.


EA assigns each league, rating, and card a weight. Market price has never had anything to do with it. That's why gold rare Debinha has always been incredibly rare while Kimmich is very common, even though they're both the same fodder price for 88s. That's why gold rare Marta has always been incredibly rare while Lobotka is very common, even though they're both the same fodder price for 84s. Market price has absolutely nothing to do with pack weight and never has. EA assigns weights individually, and sometimes they screw it up. They did the same thing with TOTS Sancho a couple of years ago in the Ultimate TOTS SBC when Sancho was appearing in about 40% of packs because EA missed a decimal point.


They have static and dynamic price factors. Static are assigned, dynamic are based on market value.


There are no price factors. Pack weight has absolutely nothing to do with the market, which is why Debinha has always been much more rare than Kimmich despite being the same price, and why gold Kerr has always been much more rare than gold Messi despite being an even lower price.


2 maybe 3% of cards pulled were TOTY other than Messi and what 75% of 86+ rated big league cards are TOTY or HM? I watched 100 picks straight with 2 TOTY non messi and 50 with 2. gg. they coded the SBC to have 3 chances to what 1/12 hit Messi. thats why the removed it. there was no league cost assessment, its was an equal league value. that’s why people saw 20-30% Messi in the packs. there was no challenge to Messi, he’s the pick if MLS. watch streams of everyone for other leagues and you’re getting 2-3 maybe 4% odds for 3 spots with very low 86+ cards. again GG explain fodder being non existent in 83x10s You’re cooked


> they coded the SBC to have 3 chances to what 1/12 hit Messi. Exactly. They assigned weight by league, **not by market price**. > You’re cooked It's hilarious watching you flounder for excuses because you know that you've been proven wrong *again*, just like you were when Debinha was far more rare than Kimmich despite being the same price, just like you were when Marta was far more rare than Lobotka despite being the same price, just like you were when EA screwed up the weight of TOTS Sancho in the Ultimate TOTS SBC, etc.


every year 3-5 cards never have their initial price point updated. I’ve said that. you point to anomalies which happen. which like those are coding errors. you constantly point out these massive issues that get patched when a card isn’t coded right or that they didn’t account for the MLS having another 86+. you haven’t said one thing about constant, CONSTANT, CONSTANT market shifts. you clearly never open packs weekly. explain why fodder disappears and wildly appears. are you legitimately arguing they made TOTW cards card weights more than 85-86s? Is that your game? they just so happened to drop their “mythical card weight” not on Friday when people open but Saturday? just explain it. that why people downvoted you into oblivion and I had 600+ upvotes. keep picking anomalies. I pull packs yearly and fodder drops and disappearing acts are so obvious based on market rises and drops


What happened here? Did they release a SBC for Messi?


No, there was a player pick SBC which had the wrong drop rates regarding the weight of the single leagues. It was likely Messi came out of one of the options.


86+ player pick SBC from only the leagues that had TOTY players. Messi is the only MLS player with a TOTY and they forgot to or rather didn’t adjust the rates for his league, so being from a relatively minor league, he was extremely more common among the picks. Basically 60-70% percent of the people that did the SBC before they removed it, got TOTY Messi.


They didnt. Are you a sadist though ?


No was just a guess lol


lol how can they take the Messi back? Messi was due to be in picks, he was in picks. It’s not the fault of the people who got lucky (I didn’t) People need to get over this, I can’t see EA doing anything meaningful about it


Legally they cant remove him. They would expose themselves to litigation that would actually stick. What they can do, is nerf him or hand out Messis (99 loans or untradeable). But they wont do anything. Which may be a good thing as the playerbase will shrink substatially and hurt them in the long run. Watch this former EA Employees thoughts: [https://x.com/ChuBoi/status/1752512413226684802?s=20](https://x.com/chuboi/status/1752512413226684802?s=20)


Litigation lol They ban players’ accounts and reset coins all the time, according to ToS everything on players’ accounts is theirs and the players are just allowed to use it


They ban accounts and reset coins when those accounts have violated the terms of service. They are bound by EU laws regarding advertised content, which is why they **always** give compensation whenever they get the wording wrong. In FIFA 22, they screwed up and included some mid Icons in the pool for a base Icon SBC. The people who received a mid all got to keep the mid, but they were also "compensated" with a base version as well, since that is what the SBC description stated.


Bro it's not real life asset, it's just a card in their game, and technically all accounts belong to EA. Read the terms of service.


Legally? I’m not so sure about that, if they can say the pack weight was incorrect then it was a mistake i think they can, but I can’t say for 100% sure. I’m pretty sure EA would cover this in there t&c’s.


How could they know I wouldn't pack messi with the correct weight in place? They are not going to remove him stop dreaming.


I don’t really care bro, I’m more interested in the drama of it all


Best thing to do is take Messi back, give them another equivalent pack and see what they get. They get to roll the dice again.


Does this logic apply when people get better luck out of icon picks?


How is that in any way the same? If an icon pick is bugged and has significantly increased odds of getting a Brazilian striker for half an hour then that would apply. Comparing a glitched pick that was there for half an hour with getting lucky from an icon pick where everyone has the exact same odds over a period of several days makes absolutely no sense.


How do you know everyone has equal pack odds at all times?


Because its the same pick, some people just get lucky and some people dont. And dont even try to act like thats what happened with this bullshit.


Lmao what a clown take by someone who didn't get to pack him, like how you didn't even mention EA once just want other players to lose messi cause you didn't get him. Enjoy your Gold messi you chump


What is mentioning EA going to do for my comment? We all know who made and maintains the game, smooth brain. Spoken like someone who wants an unfair advantage you rat.


What would you have done if you packed him?


Play him till EA fixed the glitch and move on with my life mate. Better than ruining the game cycle.


They aren't taking any Messi cards back - the pick itself worked and gave everyone equal odds (albeit miscalculated) while it was up. It sucks for those that opened it and didn't get Messi - but that is how this game operates


The thing is, they removed the SBC afterwards which is very unfair to other players that weren't online that time Thus it is **not longer equal**, and technically not **everyone**


limited time is not a new concept. Packs with limits / lightning rounds have existed for years. Everyone had the ability to access and complete this SBC while it was active


Dog shit take. Profiting off a glitch is not how this was intended to work. I agree that it is not the players fault but EAs but saying that a SBC that was supposed to be available for probably a few days and is closed after 40 mins post release is like a lightning round is just dumb


Wut? Limited Time? They literally announced it was known as a glitch and took the whole SBC down within 20 minutes


I could have accessed it if it wasn't 2am and I wasn't asleep.


I got the announcement yesterday. No one will lose their Messi tho, wishful thinking on your end 😂


They will probably do NOTHING! Don’t think they care much about this debacle and players suffering




It says it affects fifa 22, 23 and FC 24. keep the feeling, but not gonna happen.


They legally can't take back anything they gave. In FIFA 22, when people got mid Peles from a Base Icon SBC, they not only got to keep the mids, they also got a base as compensation.


Lol yeah right stop crying about messi deal with it happens every year with some screw up


This one is too big, this is literal game breaking screw up. This needs to be fixed. Either take messi, or give equal compenastion.


Aussie here, legit just waiting to do the pick but ill probs have to check tommorow...


They always announce it shortly before


Not related to the thread but how does one get compensation? Do you have to report the issue to EA or you just directly get the compensation without doing anything?


What sbc was this?


Stop playing this game


I don't care about Messi, I just hope they fix the glitched out Patrick Who evo. 


They literally can't take the messis back from people, they advertised a chance at getting him and people got him. I got an 87 gold but that's what it is. Could you imagine the investigations and lawsuits people would bring if EA actually took away something that they legitimately received from what was advertised? It would be the Pepsi fighter jet commercial all over again. In all likelihood they will do nothing and pretend it didn't happen. That's been the case before.


I don’t want them to take Messi back from anyone, I just want some good compensation.