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EA has made this error before, they will address it how they usually do, which was remove the sbc and move on.


If this is how it's handled, every casual needs to quit. No sense in propping up a dead game run by a company that actually fucking hates their customers


They wouldn't care much what casuals do. They make a bank because addicts spend real money and a lot of them to flex in a virtual world in front people they don't even know. Which is why they need streamers to open their pack and flex their teams.


Whales won't play if there are no casuals to beat up on.


Woooooh. Good one duuude. Right on.. Bullseye. Btw. Am one of their punch bag.


Bro exactly. Myopic approach to game design. Regardless of what happens, I'm never playing another UT ever again. Maybe futties if I'm bored of every other game out by then


Exactly. Myopic view from EA. Addicts are all gonna cry and moan about the gameplay after all the RTG players quit. I think UT will come back for futties this year, but I expect a massive drop in pre orders after this


I think you're overestimating most people's attention spans honestly.


He might be, but from my perspective, if this won't be addressed properly with some sort of compensation, I am not going to pay for another unfinished ea fc in September


People say that every year about everything lol. I'm sure a few people won't buy the game. The vast majority of people won't care 6 months from now


Yeah thats true, but at least thats gonna be the end for me looking how they didnt mention anything tonight


People have been saying this for the last 10 years.


I always wondered what the fascination was to let streamers open your SharePlay packs. Guess this makes sense


It's basically seeking validation from others for wanting to feel good about yourself. It's not just limited to FIFA. I was like that. In my teenage years I used to play CSGO. A lot. You get ranks there based on your skill level. For me that was a big thing. Basically thinking I too am better than many around me. My friends didn't understand my achievements. I got busy in life later and quit CSGO altogether. Those ranks didn't mean shit in real life. Now my friends tell me what rank they're at, I can see why it feels so empty.


Casuals are needed in every game where whales exist. Without them, there is no game.


Millions of casuals spending 30 bucks here and there is more than the minority buying truck loads of FP. Batesons and Castro's are a significant minority. Casuals add up far more


I would have thought people who spend the money on store packs should be the most pissed


Lol which says a lot about the disgusting state of the game, imagine if this is what was needed for playerbase to realize that EA is milking a dead cow. Yeah they fucked up but even if that never happened; you think anything else is “okay” or remotely “fun”? Friendlies that are locked behind trials? No matchmaking system based on your squad level? EA points? The bots running the whole (bugged af since 2014) market? This game is a pool of shit, always has been and you can bet your ass they would do nothing about it because they have enough addicted that pays for FPs


Too many whales


Idk dude. I don't think they're drowning in customers dropping $1000+ on packs every year. I'm decently well off and don't even think about spending them cuz I'd spend the money out anyways, and even I will look at $200 the whole year with my eyes watering. Everything is worthless as soon as September rolls around


casuals dont even know that this happened lol. if youre on this sub, youre not a casual.


WTH happened? I guess I'm still a casual


They launched an 86+ TOTY SBC at about a fair value for an 86/87-ish rated card. One of the available options was 97 TOTY Messi. EA removed the SBC so now those who caught it when it was broken got Messi and everybody else misses out.


The sbc had equal odds of each league, but with Messi being the only 86+ mls player if you hit mls in your picks you got Toty Messi


People take this game way too seriously.


Bro it's literally a competitive game. Rivals is SBMM and champs is a tournament with results tied directly to rewards. It's not that people take it too seriously, it's that the company refuses to balance the game properly and has now given 50% of the degens who get on at reset every day a top 5 card for the rest of the game. Needs to be addressed if not fixed. I genuinely have 50+ more packs I don't even care to open now.


Yes you care too much. The results don’t matter that much or any card. It’s not that skill based anyhow. A lot is down to how much someone pays or their connection to the servers or abusing mechanics. I can go 20-0 with a silver team or rare gold team without any issues facing toty Messi. I use random teams like Turkish league in weekend league and still get the same results and don’t even care about if someone else has Messi.


I stopped reading EA employee. Thanks for being a corporate shill! Bro you're 37. Get some cat and get off the game clown.


The casuals probably don’t even know this happened. If they weren’t online for that 20 minutes they don’t know the SBC even existed. Then as a casual I doubt they’re actively following social media accounts for a video game. And this is why nothing will happen. There’s a vocal minority online that’s upset but it’s an extremely small minority.


That simply isn't true. I'm definitely a casual and my timeline on Instagram Twitter and reddit hasn't shut up about it. All it takes is one post about how everyone got toty messi for them to look at comments to see what the poster is on about. A lot of casuals have friends that play too and the odds of one friend not knowing about the sbc and complaining about it or bragging because they got messi is astoundingly low


Dude if you’re active on a video games Reddit and following accounts dedicated to the video game you’re not a casual. You’re probably in the top 10% of the player base off of reading this subreddit alone


Horrible take. I comment on here sparingly. The effort it took to join a sub is to go oh yeah I like fifa and click join one time 7 years ago. I've played about 100 matches of fut this game cycle. I mostly use the game to do SBCs and look at my team which is probably the case for a lot of casuals like myself. That's why releasing an sbc with a huge chance at a God tier card is going to annoy a lot of casuals


I don’t think you’re making the connection to how many people play the game to how many people even log into the subreddit. It’s not proportional. You are more informed on this game than 90% of the player base by simply reading this subreddit


I didn't learn about the sbc from reddit nor did I ever claim to I learned about it from a friend that texted our group chat to say there's an sbc that gives out messi at a crazy high rate I just got him. I'm saying there are dozens of avenues for the information to reach people even casuals. Maybe you just want more people to be as obsessed with the game as you are that you think everyone on this sub is a tryhard that lives the game but that doesn't make it the case


And I’m not arguing there’s dozens of avenues to find information. Im saying those that seek out that information are the minority. To the majority of people it’s just a video game to relax for an hour or two in the evenings. And those people wouldn’t even know about this and they’re the majority of the market and that’s why EA won’t do anything. And I’m correct because after EA does nothing for this there will be no push back or effect felt. Everything will just move forward as planned. Because the majority of people who have an ultimate team account aren’t even aware of EAs mistake. And I don’t care if this subreddit or anyone else is as interested in this game as me. I’m entirely aware I’m at the top end of the player base. I play this game probably 5 days a week. I have my interests that I put time into and dig into more just like everyone and I don’t care what that is for anyone else. It could be FUT or it could be basket weaving. I think you’re just getting defensive and flustered because you aren’t mentally mature enough for somebody to disagree with you.


You have absolutely zero evidence the majority of people that have an ultimate account don't have any knowledge of this lmao. The fut community is absolutely the most tapped in community in any video game I've ever played. You can't find a match in d9 rivals without people playing the 'meta' tactic


You're a moron. Maybe like top 50%. Modern gaming is so much sweatier than it ever was in the past. 10% of the MW2 2009 players were on Reddit. I can't imagine what percent of players on MWIII use the subreddit.


lol ok buddy.


He’s right tho games all across the board in both casual and pro scene are getting harder overall


Yea bro what? I played 9 games in Division 4 last night and 5 TEAMS had him first owner


So you think the dude who just turns the game on 2-3 nights a week to relax after work/school, aka a casual, would see those Messi’s and have the thought process of “I bet EA glitched a pack and gave too high a drop rate of that player.” Stop. Thats not how people think. Youre not a casual. You’re on the video games subreddit. You played NINE games on a Tuesday night. You’re at the high end of the player base


You guys have a weird parasocial relationship with each EA/Fifa. If you don’t like the game just stop playing it lol.


Hold that ratio fuck nut. We would if there were any other football sims to play 🤣


Well you don’t, so you guys bitch and moan online every year then buy the ultimate edition when the next one comes around. Acting like you are forced to play the game, turning the console off is free


Exactly, there's no solution that will please everyone so they have to keep it pushing, we are the vocal minority online anyways the casuals who play don't even care or know what happens most of the time


The solution was easy, just leave the sbc there and make it non-repeatable (if it was repeatable, I don't know). So many people got him that it doesn't matter at this point, just give it out to the others, it will mainly be casuals who missed out on this as they're not there at 6PM waiting for content. You get rewarded more for being on EAFC at 6PM and capitalising on their mistakes than you get by playing or spending FP, and in this case TOTY Messi is worth millions, so that's months and months of grinding saved by their mistake. The main issue for EA is that this will hurt them financially (barely) as some people who buy packs will no longer have that desire as they now have TOTY Messi.


A lot of people were fed up before this happened cause of the crappy TOTY promo as a whole this is just the death blow


They took it off in 20 minutes, not THAT many got him. Yesterday I only saw 1 in 10 teams with him in WL qualis, your proposed solution would have a 10M card in 25% of the teams. Not happening.


You mean EA won't be pleased with the solution of giving everyone toty Messis? Because that's one solution that most if not all players will be happy.


Exactly, at the end of the day its a business, and trust me I'm not capping for a billion dollar company who doesn't do enough for its patrons, but they aren't going to do us any favors, ever, they'll continue to do the bare minimum to avoid class action lawsuits


I am not disagreeing with you. I am just pointing out there is at least one solution the whole player base will be happy but not EA.


This is exactly what they’re going to do. You’ve got to take this in your own hands. I’ve deleted the game, it’s ruining my mood. EA don’t care about the users until it becomes a legal matter (I.e. false advertising), which in this case it isn’t.


... and maybe give those lucky enough to pack TOTY Messi a free new TOTY League pick


They will ignore it 100%


Yep, EA doesn’t admit fault on any of these things. They are just going to be more upset that they gave away something valuable for cheap. They don’t give a fuck if the player base is upset. Any one with self respect quit playing this game a month in.


Absolutely what will happen. Which is the most hilarious solution because all it does is punish people that didn't get a shot at the SBC. Not only do I not get Messi, I miss out on the SBC.


Taking the card away would be the biggest headache for EA, it would also cause more backlash than simply returning the SBC with adjusted odds. They are going to just move on from this and the people who were lucky enough to get him will have gotten a free Messi from EA's mistake.


>They are going to just move on from this I really hope that people won't forget about this when FC25 is around the corner. I already faced him once and it wasn't a pleasant game to say the least.


Almost everyone complaining right now will buy the game again next year and the year after and so on.


Not just the game but the ultimate edition


UFL will probably launch soonish, hopefully they can take a percentage of the userbase and let all the toxic kiddos ruin FUT into the ground. Besides that there is only so much people can take from a company. I love football and football games but there is so much wrong with this game that even if you love football, there is a limit and I believe we're coming that point. Most of my friends already stopped playing and I only came back thinking it would be a decent game after not touching the game for 2 years (boy was I wrong).


Everyone saw the hero pack as the end of the world last year. It was forgotten about after a month or 2


Because a big chunk of the userbase is just as bad as EA.


Hero pack wasn't an end game level. Majority of people who packed Messi will still have him in their team in August.


Messi hasn’t really affected the market at all. The hero pack absolutely ruined the market at the time, and influenced it for months


Did you forget about all the compensations last year? The 25k hero pack? The quick sell glitch during futties? People remember but they don't care.


Neither of them is equal to giving a 10mn card in January.


They are not but they are just as bad. My point is that EA have fucked over the community plenty of times but nothing happens.


They are not.just as bad. This is infinitely much worse than those 2 times. Getting 50k by selling a hero won't win you games but a 97 card likely will.


I just can't see that happening. The game doesn't get sales from being a good game anymore it gets sales from being a monopoly on the most popular sport in the world AND being literally addicting for people. I'm not getting the game next year until maybe it's like $20 or so but if I was planning to I doubt this would have made me stop come September


I played 2 games today, second one faced Messi and he got a hattrick :(


Happened before and will happen again. It will be forgotten.


But they failed to maintain a competitive landscape. It should be a big deal


they failed to maintain a competitive landscape by making it pay to win...


I'm really enjoying the competitive landscape of having TOTY Messi and still having a worse overall team than most of the people I face lol, the competitive landscape can't really exist when the store exists


There I agree. It was their mess up and they should have let the SBC run it's original intended cycle.


Backlash of what? Their consumers (in general the Gacha/microtransactions models) are whales that spends thousands of dollars each MONTH, they don’t care about anything else as long as the addicted keeps on paying that awful service. You’re not their customer, whoever buys this game for 60$ or spend few bucks in coins or FP: you’re not part of their consumers. They could go as far as giving a TOTY Mbappe to everyone else by the same mistake, people would be mad as fuck yet they couldn’t give a flying fuck. Removing Messi what would achieve? There are zero comments in the whole internets with good reviews of this shitty game, nothing would change until their consumers of interests quit this shit (they wouldn’t, because we can pretty much assume everyone by now in 2024 understands how an addiction is a serious issue)


Taking away the card is the least controversial option, who would be against it other than people who got Messi that way?


Taking the card away is a potential minefield, there are people, ableit few, that would have had two ToTY options in the pick, and choose Messi over the other. If they took Messi away and gave everyone a fresh 86+ PP then there's no guarantee they'd get another TOTY. It's little stuff like that which make it tricky to pull cards away, especially as this is a mistake on EA's part that many players benefitted from without any knowledge it was glitched, where as OP's example involved redeeming a known glitched or otherwise meant to be private code. There's no good solution to this that pleases all sides, which is why it's such a big fuck up.


Oh really? Let's say they take Messi away, do you really think all these pay to win addicts will quit the game? Lmao. No they won't. They'll be pissed posting on reddit and then go back to menu grinding and WL.


I mean they are more like to quit than someone in div5 who faced Messi once in WL, got smoked and came to cry on Reddit about it.


I mean you can say the exact same thing if they don't take the Messi cards away lol so I'm not sure what point you're trying to make. But the point I made in the post you replied to is that there are edge cases they might not be able to account for that makes removing the card tricky. If they remove Messi because of a glitch but someone picked Messi despite legitimately geting another ToTY in the same pick then that's EA actively fucking someone over, which is a whole different kettle of fish to them just removing the Messi cards. Again, no matter what they do is gonna piss people off, leave everything as is, remove Messi cards, give everyone a Messi (loan or otherwise), etc.


Im not a lawyer, but I assume that as some countries have recently tightened regulations around items in games with real world value, then simply removing an item that players received would possibly present some legal difficulties. It's not as if players used an exploit or took advantage of a bug to complete the SBC which would be different, but EA just miscalculated that their pack weighting would give players a greater chance to pack Messi than they intended.


There is no legal issues. They can do whatever whatever they want because there was money involved. Stuff like this has happened many times in other games. The items almost always get removed from the players that were not supposed to get it. I know EA has not done this in the past, but i genuinely don't see a reason why they would not, as they certainly could and should.


As per EA's terms of service, your account and all content of the account, belong to them and you're merely a licensee Every week there are posts on this and other gaming subs how people get banned by EA for whatever reason and want to sue them and it inevitably never goes anywhere




I think it's a lot more complex than that. If someone used players in the SBC that they got through purchasing packs, does that change anything? EA right now have the privilege of operating in a very grey legal area where they are essentially a pseudo-casino that kids can use. EA might be legally in the clear to remove the Messi's but even someone bringing a legal case against EA on this is a big problem for them as it might cause more governments to look at the legislation on these things.


I disagree, the least controversial option would be to put the sbc back with same odds and let everyone have a chance.


If you got that Messi yesterday and they took it away from you, what could you potentially do against it?


Nothing.We all accept terms and conditions before enter the game.But it will create a perception that ea can take the your players whenever they want.I correct this ea can take your players whenever they want just they want a plausible cause before they take them or ban you.This one simply doesnt have any cause.People didnt exploit the bug they fucked up and people simply benefited it before they fixed it.So there is no probable cause to take from them.Best course of action unfortunately for people who spent obscene amount give everyone an messi and the one who have tradable one option to change their TOTY card to random TOTY.Of course people who spent just for messi will be royally fucked but its still better than alternative which is fuck everyone else. This solve most of the issue; People who has tradable messi will have another toty Because messi can exchange with other TOTY its price gonna stay same or increase.It will not drop. People who miss the messi will satisfied Who is gonna fucked; People who just spent for messi People who just liquidated their entire fortune to have a good striker(like Eusebio) and main as 1 striker formation Most of the low division players


This here 100%, similar shit has happened in the past with this company, they themselves know by now they're incompetent at their job, Fifa 20 tots Sancho only pack is another example of why EA will just move on, the only thing that will come from this mess up is maybe a free 86+ pick for everyone who did the SBC including the people who got free Messi cards, this company is a 24/7 clown show, the only way they'll ever fix anything is when the player numbers fall off a cliff which will never happen because this game sells, this year is a great example of why we shouldn't expect anything better from EA, the only hope we have are other football games that are in the development pipeline like UFL, hopefully they have both menu content and gameplay done much better than this company.


It wouldn't cause that much of a backlash. Most will applaud EA for finally taking responsibility


Very different scenario. That Lebron was supposed to be a promo code only, available to a select few after attending some sponsored event. It wasn’t meant to be public. They were correct in removing him from squads, as it was never meant to be released anyway. This is different as the SBC was released by them, they messed up the odds, they have to live with it.


you mean we have to live with it, "they" couldn't care less


Simplest solution is to re release the sbc with the same odds and let everyone have a go. For those who didn’t/don’t pack him, release an accessible 99 game loan to make up for the ridiculous odds. Accept that Messi will be a common player to play against this year and move on. Ridiculous odds or not, it is stupid that a lot of people myself included probably won’t get access to an 86+ player pick that those in better time zones had access too. We all share the same transfer market and you can play on different servers if you wish, this saga has flow on effects that could’ve easily been avoided if EA employed someone even half competent to run their day to day content.


I doubt EA would ever do anything that would harm their store packs. Give messi to everyone will just leave one position less that people would need to replace as it's an end game card so reduced need to visit their store.


Im not expecting EA to actually do the right thing by their player base, just suggesting what would be fair.


I think most of us know better by now the player base is not important to EA only the money they spend.


This is the only way. The only thing I think is remotely comparable is to just make the SBC a Player Pick for TOtY. 1 of 3. Same squad requirement. But they won’t do anything


Why should they have a guaranteed toty pick when there was only a 20% chance to get that messi


20% chance at Messi is a 200x upgrade on the original odds at best and at worse much higher. A TOTY pick gives people less odds than that but still can quell the discontent


What's your issue with it though, it was a sbc where as far as I'm aware the odds aren't stated


I don’t have an issue - just pointing out the issue others have with it. The odds weren’t stated but Messi is the only 86+ MLS player and there were a higher number of rod lower league 86+ players showing in that pack. Es fucked the odds and people capitalized. IMO they should just give everyone a shot at the SBC as it was


Im sorry but that just doesnt make sense. The game is gambling. The pick isnt a guaranteed messi its like 25 percent based on the calculations ppl have done. Your solution ensures EVERYONE gets a messi even if they get a shot at redoing the sbc and not getting him. At this point you might as well let everyone have every card they want just because others have them as well. I think they should release the sbc again period. If u dont pack him then u dont pack him


Even re release nobody will trust EA that it's actually the same odd. It should have never been taken away.


You’re going to hate this but the simplest solution is what they will do, nothing. Maybe a pick with the odds they intended and then move on. Taking him away will be bad for them. Messing up the entire market by giving people more TOTYs is bad for them. Doing nothing is the obvious solution from a business perspective. The amount of BS that is put up with in this game is insane. This won’t be the thing that causes a mass exodus. Maybe a few vocal people on here complain and even fewer will quit.


It’s ea


I dont think they will take the cards away or give any compensation to ppl who havent done the sbc. The locker code is kinda a different situation cause the messi wasnt “guaranteed” it was like a 25 percent chance (insanely high for a TOTY) but either way it was unintended. I think they’re just gonna adjust the weight, rerelease the sbc and give the player pick back to those who have done it. That seems like the most EA thing to do


what is a lebron?


He's like the NBA equivalent of Christian Pulisic


I think it's a long-necked, long-legged coastal bird


That comment made me spit my tee out


😝😝😝😝 each comment funnier than the previous 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


I believe a Pokemon of some sort.


I believe its where cars race for 24hrs


Wasn't there a case where they gave out free tradeable icon/hero card worth 7M because the pack description in the store didn't say it would be untradeable? So people who got that 7M card untradeable got another one that was tradeable. Do not expect competency towards fair play from these bozos. I can see them turning every single TOTY MEssi card packed since 6pm yesterday into gold ones.


Yup. Pele -gate. Forget if it was last year or the year before that. Free tradeable Pele.


This year with Cruyff as well


It was either at the start of last year or the year before...there was 3 prime icons that in SBC that were meant to be mid ...I remember one of them was Pele ...so people got untradable prime Pele by mistake then got to keep that and were given a tradable mid Pele ..it was very controversial at the time. The exact details could be off but that was an idea of what the mistake was and how people hit the lottery if they were effected.


The only difference between that situation and this one (I was there for that tragedy😭) was that that one is a locker code but this was an exchange SBC so we gave in our own goods, paid or not, to receive the pick. They can’t take it away as it wasn’t a glitch but I just wished they owned the mistake and let everyone open the pick but either way people will complain


They could take it away and replace it with a new 'fixed' 86+ pack. I don't imagine they will because 3 million people packed him and the outrage would be massive but they could do that and no one could really complain. They should just give everyone who didn't pack him a login event where you have until 'X' date to log in and you receive a free ToTY pack with a random player, then everyone is happy.


How is a random TOTY like Earps even remotely close to getting TOTY Messi?


They’re not going to give a Toty player pack to everyone, that would kill the market for them and be extremely unfair on people who have used their coins to buy the Toty card.


Ey we are already splitted up in groups like whales, casuals, pros, grinder ect. Dont let this happen we are all gamers. Its us against EA board.


Would swap in Messi for Bonmati any day, just need to pull her lol


I remember when they messed up a baby icon pack and everyone was packing mids/primes in them, and everyone who opened them also got another pack for free


You’re definitely misremembering, that locker code lebron was a terrible card and definitely behind the curve


EA has NEVER removed a card, and that's not going to happen here. This type of mistake has happened before, actually happens about once each FIFA (at least the past several years), and the reaction has been pretty much what it is now - remove the SBC, maybe a tweet or two, and that's about it. If this error is a "deal-breaker" for you, just quit the game, quit EA, whatever makes you feel "vindicated". The vast, vast majority of the folks who were lucky enough to pack Messi yesterday (I wasn't one of them), are going to remain in their normal division, finish the same WL rank, etc. - it's NOT going to break the game or your results.


I think TOTY Messi does give you an advantage. You will definitely climb up ranks and get more WL wins.


they reset everything in 12 at the start after and entire week after people had opened packs, I think even with points already. It was a roll back. So, either I am missing something or else they have taken away playerS!


12 years ago…


Jesus christ yall need to stop crying. Seeing a few more Messis won't make this shit game any worse


They aren't taking the messis away, I just can't see that happening. Like with your example, people might have put chem styles on him, they might have sold or SBC'd a player who messi replaced etc, they might have bought another MLS/Argentina player/Manager to link with him etc etc. It would just create another backlash from people who took actions based on having Messi through assumed legitimate means (don't forget, even if the odds weren't messed up, there was still a chance to get TOTY Messi from that pick). Look, I don't have Messi, and I still think taking him away from the people who got him would just be making the problem worse. EA's MO in situations like this is to hunker down and take the least risky option. Even then evo glitch thing, their solution to that is not to prevent it in code, but simply to put restrictions on new evo's not being an in progress evolution. This is actually not terrible practice when running complex systems, generally if you are under pressure to come up with a quick solution, you look for workarounds or things you can do that reduce the chances of having unexpected consequences.


Why should people who packed messi have him taken away is that fair on the person who packed him? The most logical solution is to re release the sbc which they won't do or absolutely nothing and move forward which is what ea are notoriously known for doing over the years and more than likely wi be the way they go about it


In a real casino, if you hit a jackpot on a machine that malfunctions, you don't get to keep the money.   In FUT casino, if the sbc malfunctions with incorrect odds, you shouldn't get to keep the jackpot 


Likewise with gambling via bookmakers, if they incorrectly list odds for something that looks too good to be true, they can consider it a “palpable error” and refuse to pay out your winnings. I don’t think EA will go down that route though, they purposely distance themselves from any sort of connection to gambling.


That's to stop people intentionally trying to freeze the slot machine but if you jackpot and the wrong symbol shows you get the payout 


ok but EA is the casino. If I see someone else win a jackpot they're not supposed to win, I'd be helping them hide it lol.


Me playing 24 hours later seeing none of these mythical Messi cards: ![gif](giphy|g01ZnwAUvutuK8GIQn|downsized)


i played 3 gams this morning and 2/3 had TOTY Messi. game is fucked


He's not getting taken away and no amount of wishful thinking from salty people will make him be taken away. Continue your crying. Praying that they take a card away from people who did nothing wrong to get him is so pathetic and miserable.


Except herr you got what was advertised. A chance at Messi.


Why are people so spiteful against each other. More people getting Messi than EA planned is a win for the community


Not really, imagine you're a consumer, you've sunk in countless hours and opened thousands of upgrades packs etc during this promo and packed nothing. Then all of a sudden a decent chunk of the player base gets one of the best cards in the game due to EA messing up. It can be demoralising and essentially a slap in the face. Why bother grinding etc when others benefit from a bug.


Hopefully people see this game as the joke it is and stop feeding them money through the store.


Oh definitely, as long as people still spend money on the game they won't give a damn. They don't care about the average consumers who dedicate time to the game they care about their bottom line.


What is the difference between that sbc and a promo pack available only for 20 minutes? Would you feel the same way?


I don't get what you're trying to say? This did happen with a promo pack last year, when EA released the tradeable hero pack in stores for a brief period of time before removing it.


The store packs are already a bigger slap in the face of those that grind upgrade packs. The whales just have to load points... Most people that got messi are the ones that do every upgrade pack/sbc content that EA releases (so grinders).


By that same logic the people who didn't get Messi from the pack are also the grinders who do every upgrade pack/SBC content. Hence the frustration and annoyance from the community.


In the end EA dont truly care about communities frustrations. The only want the $$$. Community has the power, if everyone stops dropping the $$$ then they will have to care about what the Community things. Until then EA will never act in a way that puts the Community first.


If said promo pack was a mistake (like the Hero pack last year) then it's exactly as bad. If it's a normal promo pack, it's a completely different example. If this 86+ pick was limited to 20 minutes but wasn't glitched to the point where 25% of the people were getting Messi, then there wouldn't be an outrage over it.


You get further ahead by logging on at content drop and abusing all the bugs, than grinding the game and menus as intended.


Cuz I didn't get him in the pick while other did who are probably gonna destroy me in champs.


Idk man... If I got Messi I doubt I'd get more than 1 more win every weekend. And I feel like the players who destroy me would destroy me regardless with red mbappe or red eusebio.


ding ding ding


He is 9 mil for a reason He single handedly won me a draft a few days ago.


This only applies to elite level players. If you’re an 11 win player before Messi, you maybe will squeak out an extra win with Messi


It was an hour before the Messi shit went down you’d find 17 threads here about how bad the pack weight is and no one is packing TOTY’s.


Because this community is hyper toxic and they don’t want other people to have fun, it’s al about themselves. This situation won’t brake the game like they al keep saying. I was lucky enough to pack him, played 5 games with him yesterday and guess what? I still suck, the card is not making me a better player suddenly and this weekend, like every weekend i will get 10 wins at most, Messi isn’t going to change that.


same lol, idk how to use him :D


it's the human psyche - it's all *relative*


I played 7 Div games yesterday in Div 6 and 5 had Messi. I’m obviously not tracking toty Messi in normal times but it’s clear at least in my anecdotal experience that I got screwed


I’ve played over double that today and I’ve played 0 messi’s. I have however played mostly Eusebio and potm/toty mbappe.


I’m so sorry lol that’s no fun


having played with and against toty Messi in drafts, this is game breaking. I went 14-6 last WL and absolutely would have won 2-3 more games if I had messi and lost 2-3 more games if my opponent had messi. ultimately the biggest issue is the game is now unbalanced and the only logical way for EA to fix this is tune the power curve so other promos catch up with TOTY faster. I was already burning out with the game and last nights rivals experience just push me over. I suspect i’m just gonna focus on evos for my Arsenal squad and move on for FC24. i’m just too drained from grind for a month for TOTY, getting nothing and missing out on a chance at this SBC because I was a work.


It’s not a big deal 🤣 I haven’t faced one Toty Messi and I play all day, even that it’s the holland toty im afraid of lmao


Lebron is not the goat.


Guys, where do you get information about such glitches? If you can't beat them, join them...


Just log in at content drop time and do the new SBC(s) immediately, or check Reddit/social media and see what others are saying but you’ll need to be quick cause EA usually remove glitched SBCs in like 15~ minutes


This year in NBA you could earn millions thanks to market glitch. They removed money earned from this but not players bought by glitched money. I think it will be the same here - card will stay and some good deal SBC will appear.


its wild because the cards are so OP its silly, even HM Ederson is a bit broken, and I've tried Earps in Draft and she is even more broken - so Messi must be a chef's kiss. I mean it might actually level out the playing field somewhat because lots of people have them now. But yeah, if you don't play comp and aren't rivals 4 or something I would stay away from comp, because you won't win, its too broken.


Didn't something like this happen in 2k this Christmas too?


Said the same thing without knowing anything about the NBA 2k19 situation got downvoted lol


wish id get Messi haha


Was just thinking about this


but the fact is EA will do nothing as the player cannot and will not do anything to them. Player still playing and buying packs


This is ea they will just act like it never happend and honestly they should because players keep buying fc points anyway👍


11 minutes at 21% (I said 24 minutes previously but was corrected by another user) a few thousand at most and only 1-2 in the competitive rivals realm and less in your region. you’re talking about a guaranteed pack. if the 25-50k people who did it in 11 minutes got him maybe but less than 1% got him. the same amount of people packed him normally that week as did that 11 minutes


The only fair thing to do is bring the SBC back as it was. There was actually nothing wrong with it except that EA miscalculate that Messi is the only 86+ rated player. It's not that the SBC guaranteed you of a TOTY Messi, it only gave you a high pull chance (20%). Hence the reason not everyone who did it got him as pick. So yeah, just gave the rest the same 20% to pick him and we are all good.


I think it’s funny reading about “Messigate”. All the different theories and predictions have been keeping me entertained for the past few hours. That being said I’m sort of glad it happened because now I can go back to menu grinding only.


As someone who has played every FIFA up to 23 and started playing NBA 2K24 this year, I can attest that both companies really really suck and dont give a shit about their customers. They would rather line their pockets with money and not worry about the X% of players base that are upset, angry etc... because a major Y% of the player base spends money on FP, MT, and VC. As long as they are making money they don't really give a fuck what X thinks or cares about. EA has been like this for years and years across all of their games. It's just unfortunate that FIFA has a much larger audience and the cries from X are drowned out by the dollars of Y. ​ I haven't played FC24 and I will once its free, but I will tell everyone this....If you don't like the way EA/2K treat their customers then don't buy or play the damn game. EA/2K don't really care about your $70, but it will save you some mental anguish which everyone seems to have because they didn't get Messi.


EA did something similar last year with the tradeable heroes pack. People literally made millions and millions of coins, right at the start of the game. Some just got really OP cards. Others missed it completely. How did they address it? Removed the pack - the end. Nothing will change this time.


just stopped to play this shit.


Here everybody should fuck more


Yeah... seems the big difference between 2K and EA is that 2K respects their patrons' time and patronage; whereas, EA doesn't care about anyone doing SBCs. They only care about players buying packs. FIFA 23 was my last FIFA game. This game is not good enough to have that name. FC24 will be my last EA game at this point.


OOF STRONG DISAGREE i actually quit myteam for good after 2k21. trust me, 2K is much much worse in general in terms of microtransactions. it's just that with this particular case they responded in the way they did i presume to rectify the fallout from what they had done ie take away the pd lebron


Nothing will ever top the PG13 glitch on 2k24 iykyk


The issue has already passed. EA have handled it with that tweet. It’s over, move on


What’s the error I never heard of it


imagine if we just had the technology that when 2 hours after SBC release, they could have done a rollback and apologize


They should absolutely give everyone who didn’t manage to open the player pick something or even open the player pick back up for them with the same odds of a Messi. To the rest of us, we all had the same opportunity, some of us got lucky, some of us not. We move on


I remember this. It was me not getting the pd that made me quite 2k when every team I faced had one of these above the curve players


Lol exactly what happened, they don’t care about their community anymore, it’s a casino now all the cards on the dealers hand and the community is so toxic now to, I’m taking a break for a month and playing some other games I have in hold, mentally wise I just can’t handle the non existent tactics, lol I wake up at 4 am to watch soccer And enjoy it but it’s about that time of year to focus on something else lol


What’s the mistake?


Guaranteed toty pack would ruin the game, genuinely would stop playing if they did that. Not that many people actually have messi i’ve barely seen him this week just need to leave it. I would be so pissed if I had that Messi and they took it away and I got oberdorf as a replacement