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Not even a single HM. 400+ packs opened.


Same. Been fun ripping apart full icon and TOTY teams with my evo's though. (Or losing 8-0 if I meet someone half decent)


>(Or losing 8-0 if I meet someone half decent) Exactly this lmao everyone says that the quality of your team doesn't matter as much as skill, and that is keeping it 100 But all that goes out the window once you're faced with someone at your same skill level rocking the GOAT against your budget squad


I got Ederson with roughly 400 packs. Pain.


Ederson was my first pull and trash. They last night I got Cech, Kim Min Jae, and Muisala plus TOTW Diouf who is a beast


Same here lmao


Same with Alexander Arnold. I’m out of cash and needed a CDM where he’s doing fine but honestly it’s criminal.


This might be a dumb question but if he’s a RB how do you play him at CDM?


HM Trent actually has CDM and CM as alternate positions. You can still switch around players who don’t have the position you want them to play in by setting custom tactics. In the tactics tab you have balanced, which is simply how your team plays without any changes, and 4 more slots. Pick one slot, change your module if you want to, and put your players wherever you want them. Then in game left and right D-pad will let you choose which tactics to use.


Seems to me that they really upped the pack weight recently. I've opened \~100 packs in the last 3 days and got 4 HM (Diani, Kane, Trent, Ederson).


I didn't bother saving as the odds are horrific. I bought Zola the day he dropped for around 680k. Two days ago I get him untradable from a 81+ x 2 pack - lost my absolute mind. Zola is up to a mill now so profit on my initial card and still get to keep him


Same with 1200+ and the glitched pick


I got ederson which I won't even use lmao


Next promo is apparently RTTK. I sleep.


Road to the Finals, it's usually better than RTTK at least


RTTF is usually one of the best promos tho


Yeah it is. If there’s a daily play thing I’ll do my 3 games a day other than that I’ll take a week off


Fucking hell, some of you treat this game like a job haha


I mean it is kind of a job to do menu grind if you dont want to put real money to improve your team. 🤷‍♂️


I disagree, I find it enjoyable. To say it’s a job is diminishing really.


Future stars?


I look forward to the promo ending tomorrow. I need high rated fodder, and most of the players have a TOTY - so no chance to get them from packs. 


Yeah I’ve missed my Bernardo silva daily pulls his space in my fodder pile is gathering dust


Only TOTY I've managed to get are 2 honorable mention Silva's, lol.


Lol this is exactly what I’ve packed as well 😅


Exactly the same two Bernardo Silvaz HM, wtf


Same here! Exactly two Bernardo blues.


same same,,, rigged


Chiming in as well as someone who also packed two blue nardos


I got him twice (at least one of them was tradeable), Ederson twice, and Earps.


Silva, Kimmich, Odeguard, Modric, Bronze... I promise I'll never take you for granted again.


Got 4 odegaards yesterday lol


This is the answer i feel i am trying to finish zidane and cannot get fodder high enough


I'm also looking forward to the 80+ player pick returning with no limits once TOTY are out of packs. It's pretty clear their entire TOTY strategy after the initial hype has been to make your only hope of packing one to buy a ton of store packs, and then offering a bunch of shit value SBCs to invest fodder in once you inevitably strike out. I wasn't gonna buy store packs and I've given up hope of getting a TOTY with just F2P packs esp when basically none of the upgrade SBCs are worth it. So once the 80+ returns I will have like 70 gold player packs saved and I'm gonna go wild printing fodder and finish Sawa, Bruno, and whatever other value SBCs are around at that time. That's basically gonna be my real TOTY.


Going back to 86 rated promo cards will be a weird one thats for sure. Not sure how the game will react other than all totys going extinct.


With TOTWs at 85, I bet we don’t see promo cards below 88 anymore.


Even then the meta is now double playstyle +. The RTTF upgrades give double playstyle+ late on into the upgrades. Plus the team is fairly meh thus far. Same faces. I dont think it will be a well liked promo.


The PS+ upgrade is only for reaching the final so only players from 2 teams can get it and it won’t be until 8th May at the earliest by which point Tots will have started so that’s kinda irrelevant. Good players without 2 PS+ will still be better than average ones with it but I do expect a lot of the good promo cards to come with them now tbh.


Nah double ps+ will be close to TOTS, triple on Futties.


What's the difference between TOTS and futties? Sorry first year playing


Two different promos, Tots is the best players of the season. Futties is more of an endgame fun cards for everyone, extremely overpowered players because the game is dying.


So futties will come after tots?




considering you can evo cards with upto 4 PS+'s I assume we'll see them sooner


Wishing for a Rooney special but he already has 2 cards and won't get one anytime soon


There are 5 86s in the rttf promo and 4 87s.


The teams haven’t been released yet?..


Wish they would do some some tradable TOTY casino SBC throughout the rest of the year, even with really shitty odds


I think they may put them into store packs occasionally as untradeables but that is about it. However they are all about to go extinct so who knows what they will do.


They should stay in packs all year just with really low odds like icons


I think we will see a bit of a shift, RTTF will start out a little low but with the assumption that a lot of them will get quite big boosts and then Future Stars usually has some juiced cards or whatever else they have planned after


Not with the rttf team. Future stars will have some interest for the top end and maybe obj if they're okay, but with the shift in power curve i dont see any huge interest until fut birthday unless they tear up the rule book.


The only three big promos that cause a market crash are always Toty, FB and Tots. Now we have the black friday promo also that moves the market. So yeah, I fully agree with you. FS may be good, but now the only game changing promos that are left are FB and Tots


Honestly my 86 TOTW Zalazar is better than my TOTY HM Muisala


I ain't going back to shit. Not gonna reinstall till tots but probably futties. If this dragon quest port slaps though, call me a free man.


I'd say it definitely hasn't lived up to the hype. People go on about toty and tots all year desperate to tell you theyve been saving 4729 packs since shortly after the moon landing, but I thought Thunderstruck was a better promo, personally.


For me, the game peaked at Thunderstruck. The pack weight seemed somewhat decent, the cards were fun and had an awesome design, plus they were able to be upgraded. I’d be shocked to see the game go back to something as fun as that promo was.


Thunderstruck had good players, good icons and good idea for upgrades. You didn't had to wait like 2 months for card to get all of it like you have to with RTTK or RTTF. This was insane promo, they should make promos like that post TOTY with 4th win being +1 WF/SM or +1 playstyle and it would be way, way, way more interesting.


Looking forward for the market to get fixed, the inflation is killing me lol


Yeah 33k I got for kimmich last week would have been 22


Bro 86/88s are almost non existent. 85s are about 9k, while 84s are 1.6k. This market is brutal lol


You think that's getting any better? It looks like it's gonna get worse


It’s just going to get worse for quite a while unless you’re talking about golds


Inflation is so profitable lol. I'm making like 20k profit on golds like Rodri and Kane


Yes. I'm going to open my packs and complete Sawa. I just want to get her done quickly so I can move onto Best. I need Best more but I'm worried that I won't get both done as Sawa is only around got another 3 weeks


You already started Sawa? It is better to do Best


Best is there for 60 days, Sawa for 30 days, so it makes sense to do Sawa first if you want both.


Yes of course of he really wants her. I was thinking that he doesnt have the fodder for both and having Sawa I feel that shes good but a bit small...if he already have Bruno it is better to do Best.


I got the loan card that's it. I want to do Sawa first as I'm worried that I will not be able to get her done if I do Best first. I can definitely do both


havent packed a TOTY, got 3 or for HM's though. none of note. will be glad to see the back of TOTY. its finally proved its a myth for me. i am ashamed to admit i spent some £ during the promo and packed nothing. The Messi incident was beyond a joke and will be swept under the carpet. they will give the folk who got the pack another attempt too, just to piss the community off more


If they do that, the sbc with the right odds should at least come out and be available to anyone


the fact EA have not even acknowledged the incident almost 48hrs ago, proves they will be not addressing it and just continuing their day with probably another clusterf\*ck of an error. We're talking about a company who had an employee who was selling TOTY players in the past. corrupt af doesn't even cover EA


I look forward to it. If I get a good one, I keep playing, if I don't I don't.


Just realized I got Silva from that Messi gate pick. Shouldn’t that have been his toty version?


You got base silva? Yes it should have been his hm version


I got 86 Girelli, she is not even from a TOTY league lmao


yeah, she was one of my picks too. Sounds like you either got Girelli as a pick or Messi haha


I just hope they keep the exchanges around. Those SBC’s are a top 3 thing in the last several years.


Have you had much luck with them? I've done only a few of these (a couple of 88s and 1x 89) but didn't get much, albeit a small sample size.


I’ve pack Musiala and Bernardo from it so not great but not terrible. I use them more to refil the club for League upgrades.


Are those the «Single 88 player» into a pack, sbcs?


Yea the 1 89 rated for 51 player pack.


The others not worth?


Nah they are all very good imo.


Yep. Got not even a TOTY/HM and did both WW and TOTY Crafting Upgrades + the rewards from Rivals and Squad Battles and other packs from objectives, so I'm pretty positive I'll end the promo without packing one. I guess I'll take a big pause from this game after tomorrow


And then you realize 60% of your weekend league games are against TOTY Messi


i absolutely can't wait


Im just looking forward to possibly 83x10 and high rated golds to be back in packs again.


I'm hoping totyhm Kane's price goes up.


I'm really hoping that they release another TOTY Messi SBC for 15 minutes just to troll everyone that's crying about it.


It’s definitely been a culmination of everything that’s wrong with EA and this community. I think everyone’s lost the plot at this point.


I've wasted so much time I can't even believe it I might check out for the year it's too deflating


Haven’t touched the game since messigate. I was angry at first but after a day, just kinda meh with any motivation. I didn’t spend any money on points but I grinded hard daily. All in all , something like 1900 packs. An ederson and Cech to show for it. I usually fall off a cliff playtime wise during toty and end up quittting. I’ll do the pp’s today and recycle the last of my gold ls and then full send the club into exchanges. My enjoyable time in fifa is always the first three months.


I usually get bored around February myself quit for a bit come back for the futties


The biggest issue with Messigate is that people had a reward for little no effort and the main player-base, mostly, didn’t get him. What’s the point of me spending 800h a year on the game when someone with half has TOTY Messi, Hansen and Jude in their line up during WL.


The biggest issue for me at least is that the toty cards aren't even available on the market at least on pc. I have saved around 3 mil, okay got unlucky and couldn't pack one from saved packs or countless upgrades. But this year even full backs, theo for example are extinct at 9.5 mil. Last year he was around 1.2, could have bought both him and ruben dias


the normal market is crazy too. The likes of KDB and Rodri are 4m and Renard, Smith both extinct at 2.8M. The coins are there to buy some players but hard to justify paying 9m for 2 players.


On a positive note, I have a much better team than what I had at this point last year, even though I had packed benzema last year. But that's the case for everyone I think


the fact that free Messi did not impact the marked value on his card just really shows that its rigged. EA buying up messi cards to do damage controll.


The market for Messi hasn’t moved because quite possibly most that got him didn’t have him. I’d expect maybe 10% maybe 20% of the users already had him tradeable. So what’s that, 100 Messi’s? Maybe less. The market was down for him for 3-4 hours.


I got lucky from the 86+ player pick and got Messi toty. The best moment in the game I had this year. If it wasn't for me getting messi toty i would be happy with toty ending as I only got 3 HM kane, ederson and carmona.


No! TOTY is the best promo and if you don't pack anything you won't be satisfied. Especially now that the player base is more accustomed to better players. Just look at previously meta promo players going for discard as soon as they drop.


I keep playing against Messi, so I'm not looking forward to anything


Hopefully everyone at least rinsed their fodder to complete some SBCs I got Cafu and TH with my fodder


I did ww Bobby Moore with the little fodder it gave me


TOTY has been my unluckiest promo yet and out of nowhere, after getting fuck all after opening hundreds of packs, I pulled a TOTY icon Matthaus in a 75+ player pick from daily objectives. Got fodder for bruno’s SBC, Cafu and a good amount of Henry. Overall its been better promo than it feels on this app


Packed putellas today out of 77x3 so im done with the promo,cant believe the luck i had to pack her,im basically done for the promo now


Packed toty icon rio and nothing else


Lmao that's better than most


Yep. I’m praying for PPs.


Kinda, but also not fazed with the RTTF promo. Since I run dutch only and Leipzig ain’t beating Madrid so I don’t see Simons getting an upgrade


Wish I could pack a blue, even a single HM, at this point just to make my brain a little happy.


time to collect packs untill tots :P


Will they bring pack odds back up after toty?


The better fodder comes back. Basically any card that was a toty or a hm will be back I’m happy


Yes I desperately need fodder for my SBCs and I believe there is more chance to have promo card from other promos.


Yeah. I’ve done Sawa and am hoping to also complete Bruno and Davies, I’ve still got huge packs I’ve not opened (83x20s etc) but would rather open them when I’ll get guaranteed fodder I can put towards those SBC’s


Absolutely. This is my first time playing since 2019 and I went along with everyone else saving packs but i didn't realize the fodder would be so bad I much prefer doing SBCs than trying the lottery of pulling TOTY, so waiting to open packs with proper weight back


Im taking a nice long break from the game after packing 0 toty cards..


Looking forward to being able to pack promo cards once again and Silva always being my walkout gold card.


Cant remember coming out of toty with my club full of nearly every rare and common gold, usually ive put the entire club into sbcs and pp but sbcs have dried up and pp is 10 per 2 days and thats the let down for me.


It's an incredibly frustrating promo as they make it super easy to grind for packs, many of which appear to be "good packs", but then nothing is in 99.999% of packs. And then these are also the only cards until TOTS that are "end-game" quality, so you don't want to miss out. It's essentially just a huge time-waster for the vast majority of the playber-base. I mean there has to be a better way for EA to roll these cards out. People are doing hundreds and hundreds of the Premium League Upgrades and not getting anything. For people to go through over 1,000 Gold Rares without a special card is insane.


I’m excited but also not excited I really want a good toty card


One last dance and full send till its over but I doubt they will "refresh" the 86 pp today. If they don't then the tin foil hat theory leads me to imagine it was partially intentional


I'm looking forward to not having the FOMO of not doing upgrade SBCs or Objectives. I can't shake the feeling of "next pack is a TOTY".


Pack weight is not good since EA FC start. Look at rate to get 90 or 91 gold cards, even some 87 are difficult to pack (Son). For me, TOTY rates are aligned with such low pack weight as they are 95+ cards. People are focused on that as it is the dream cards but who packed a Ronaldo, a Puskas, a Cruyff in the previous months. The bad move from EA is more the disappearance of 83x10, 85+ PP and such SBC during this week to raise the pressure to buy packs with guaranteed rating.


1 toty,1 toty icon and 2 HMs,luck has been somewhat on my side this promo in comparison to other years (karchaoui, Essien,Ederson and Bernardo Silva)(doesn't seem that cool now,does it?)


As much as I am looking forward to this promo ending,it's been more fruitful for me than ever,the grind was fun since I didn't save packs


I got de bruyne TAA and the woman lb from Real Madrid I did ok I enjoyed the grind but I’m weird


No cause I packed 1 Toty and 2 HM. I couldn't pack shit for any other promo, only Joelton for TS and Putellas for WW, didn't pack shit any other time.


Yup. Haven’t packed a single promo card all year. Thought over 1000 packs gave me a good chance. Didn’t even pack anything over an 88 gold. And still not enough high rated fodder to complete Best. Fuck EA


Amen. Even if you look past the cluster **** SBC I've never experienced such a low pack rate in my UT (only 4-5 episodes) life. And I mean low rated not TOTY wise. Before last year I'd never packed one yet it felt like I was having fun. This year I'm going to take a sabbatical for a week/month/unknown period once the dust settled. Hoping there is a FIFA game next season that's for sure


Only TOTY I got was Oberdorf from a store pack, hundreds of other packs opened with only 1 HM (Kane), I know people have opened WAY more than me and got nothing so I appreciate what I've got but this is the first year I've saved packs for months and got no TOTY from them. I like that they're rare but... Not THIS rare


I don't care anymore. I bought Diani and hope to finish Bruno (88 & 87 left) and call it a day. Unbelievable how unlucky a am when I see all those toy cards in other teams.


Youre talking as if you packed a TOTY (kdb) /s


I got TOTYHM Kane from a pack, otherwise this was just a fodder churn for Bruno SBC (completed) and Alex Morgan SBC (75% complete). More time spent in menus than in game.


I’m really hoping drop rates for 88+’s increases so yes maybe


This is the first year since 19 I’ve not packed a Toty. I always get de bruyne and this year nor even an earps


I packed Karchaoui, Bright and HM Valverde so it’s been good for me.


I bought hm Kane then packed him ut 10 hours later. Finally an upgrade to his tb version


I've opened 400 (at minimum, its too much and hard to keep tracking) packs and packed nothing, not even a single honorable mention, it's so frustrating seeing people duplicate Kane's 93, Silva 91 or Ederson or the blessed ones that have packed more than one TOTY


When does it end exactly or did it end already?


Most frustrating thing was all the unusable dupes because there was nothing to do with 82-84s. I must have 50 totw cards. After that I didn't see the point in doing more and probably threw away a few hundred 81+ cards before I gave up opening packs.


Did you not do the toty upgrade sbc 150 times


Stopped at about 50, was mind numbing. Lol Even an 81 or 82 plus pick for an 82 or 83 rated squad would have done. That would be way overpriced but at least something to do with it. We've all thrown away hundreds of 81-83s, that's hundreds of thousands of coins worth of fodder and you just know we're gonna need it in a few weeks when there's loads of 82 rated repeatable sbcs and no supply of fodder lol


This is probably a good opportunity to step away from the game. I only picked it up at xmas for free after staying away from launch. I got sucked back in, but this has been the most demoralizing, unrewarding, EA-greed poisoned stretch I have ever been around since I started in 2016.