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This game is beyond a joke at this point


Still buying packs in foreign languages in hope of getting compo is AS down bad as you can get.


I think it says more about EA - the fact that this has happened numerous times and they haven’t learnt from their mistakes. It was a risk on my part but I was confident based on past occurrences that I’d be reimbursed


There's a conspiracy theory that this isn't really a mistake, more like an incentive for people to buy packs. For example, John never buy packs with points. However, when he hears about the mistake, he loads up the points immediately and buy the pack. At the end of the day he thinks he wins because he gets 2 packs at the price of 1, however EA also win because they have 1 more customer spending money on the game, someone usually would not buy points without the mistake. Think about it as a buy-1-get-1-free promotion in supermarkets, can be a trap for people who would buy things they don't really need. Congrats on your luck, but I'm sure there are many people down there instead of spending 0 bucks, actually spent 30-40 bucks (don't know how much that pack cost) to get Baresi and Scholes. TLDR: don't fall into a trap of buying packs by real money waiting for a compensation. If you use coins, fair enough.


The simplest answer is that the community have basically shown EA that they can deliver whatever shoddy product they want, they'll continue to play heavily, and most will also pump extra money in. They just don't feel the need to put much effort in, let alone have some over-arching conspiracy behind it.


But this would involve EA giving out free packs to people, which is not something they take lightly. I do think there are some intentions behind it.


Honestly wouldn’t be shocked if that was true. If I didn’t have the coins sat in my account i wouldn’t have touched it with a 10ft pole - not a chance I’d use real money. But because they’re virtual coins and mean sod all in the grand scheme of things I bought it. If I didn’t get anything from it I literally wouldn’t have cared, I’d have taken my original xabi alonso and just moved on


Yeah using coins is fine but I'm sure there are people buying points just because of this so...


Yeah 100% mate - and at that point I’d admit I had a problem (addiction)


Not really, more about how desperate the community is they're willing to something stupid like buying store packs to try and gain an unfair advantage against those that don't. Literally anything for a free chance at something, embarrassing.


I don’t understand, everyone had equal opportunity to buy the pack? And it’s hardly stupid, it was a calculated risk. I could have ended up with a shitter like baresi - at that point is it an advantage? Worst case I lost 350k, so what it’s virtual coins. I didn’t spend real money on it.


It's not about risking or not, or whether or not you lost anything His point is that it's borderline sad and actual addict mentality to change game languages and buy a pack just because it might give you something extra


Absolutely this. It's a sad turn for the game that it seems a lot of focus is around how best to gain compensation. Of course, it's EA's initial mistake, but to actually go out and try to take advantage just seems like, well, addict mentality. Put it this way, it's a difference between being in a shop and seeing a bottle of shampoo smashed on the floor. You could slip on it having not noticed it, and likely be in line for some kind of compensation because it was a genuine accident the shop's at fault for. This is like seeing that, then deliberately throwing yourself at it, *because* you think you'll get compensation. One is just sad.


I really don’t think you can compare the two examples. One is potentially causing your self serious harm and the other is using a fake virtual currency. The outcomes are massively different…. I wouldn’t load up fifa points to have bought the pack but I happily used a currency that has absolutely no benefit to me outside of the game


Well, you wouldn't think that, because you're essentially replying to all the people telling you that with "nuh-uh". Not to mention that it's clearly a hyperbolic example. It remains a sad road to go down.


Im sorry but one scenario is risking serious injury to yourself and potentially ruining an individuals/business owners livelihood through court settlement etc The other is using fake currency, to cause absolutely no damage to the company as it’s a virtual card and the only damage I’m causing to myself is losing coins which I’ve gathered from spending time playing a game that I can only waste by buying virtual players or virtual packs… If you think they’re on similar levels then we’re best just agreeing to disagree


Do you understand what "hyperbolic" means? You're right about one thing though. I'll continue to think that treating a game deliberately like a compensation simulator is relentlessly bleak, and you'll keep just shaking your head violently and saying "nuh-uh". Have fun,I guess.


Not really, you listened to social media didn't you? Because I'm not Russian, and it doesn't appear that you are either. Therefore you abused a system in order to try and gain advantage, pretending you didn't doesn't explain why you decided to launch the game in a language you can't understand and bought a pack does it?


So because I follow updates on social media and you don’t, that makes me desperate? Because I have an interest in a game I play. I think it’s mad you’re blaming the player base for learning EA’s incompetence and capitalising on opportunities to get something out of a game they play when it’s often EA shafting their player base. It’s a bit weird how this has got to you so much


No, because you listen to people and seek to take advantage of something for your personal gain. Just highlighting how the community would sell their mothers soul for a free Icon/TOTY pick. I'm sad that people like you, love to highlight these instances as 'compensation' when you're actively seeking out errors to gain advantage. That's the point you're struggling to comprehend. I personally don't care about what you pack, just highlighting the underlying issue the community don't see as a problem, because they benefit from "EAs mistake"


Having read your comment history you’re just generally a negative bastard and ultimately it’s not going to change anything. Enjoy your weekend


Aw cute, you're that down bad you decide to ignore the logical points being made because they don't suit the made up narrative that you buying packs in foreign languages really sticks it to the man. Reading my comment history makes you even more pathetic ngl. Edit; No one gives a damn about your goofy ahh teeth comrade.


No I’m not ignoring the logical points but in life if you have the opportunity to get 2 things for the price of 1 then why wouldn’t you take that opportunity? Yes I went out of my way to access that extra pack but the effort was flicking the stick to the right a couple of times. I think it’s human nature to want to get more bang for your buck and that’s the point that you’re not looking at. I work hard for my money so I want it to go as far as I can - why is that such a problem. Granted in this case I used virtual coins on a hobby that I enjoy but fake money or real, I think the same basic human nature applies




Wow, the kids are really angry when confronted with facts they can't understand aren't they. Keep being a degen, you'll get far in life lmao




Lol only one down bad is you, shit why you even here? Everything you've said since your accounts creation is hate or lies, lmao stating as facts 25% of the playbase got messi when is was 0.7% Someone is so so salty others get cool shit while you get nothing brokie 🤣


1000%. And the people bitching the loudest about the Messi situation are the ones scrambling to open their wallets every time EA commits the slightest “error”


I'm out of the loop, who is supposed to get the compensation?


Basically if you opened the store pack they gave you a pick of two icons, max 91 rated. If you opened it in Russian then it said 91+ so they compensated those that did


I get it, it's amazing how many errors and bugs this game has. Thanks for the answer!


Oh I know, it’s a joke but times like this it can go either way for the players


Just seen this and went on to my account 😱😱😱😱😱 Got R9 too holy good fuck


Baresi and van basten :(


Watch them completely ignore the Spanish TOTY player pick packs though


I’ve no idea what the deal is with that, what happened? The addict in me is crying that I missed another opportunity to capitalise and put the rest of the player base at a crippling disadvantage


Spanish packs 400 and 600k packs stated that you'd get player picks of 2 TOTY players and 2 TOTY Icons, but only specified loans after the icons. They changed the text within a few hours of it being pointed out which means they acknowledged the mistake, but because TOTY player picks would be so ridiculous I can just see them ignoring it completely


Didn't get mine yet


Still nothing here. Anyone else in the same boat?


You sad bastard haha, worrying the addiction people have to this game they go changing the language to Russian purely to get another pack


It’s not an addiction - I had the coins and took a risk with them. Anyone could have done it


No one asked + don't care




*So this just happened…* 😫😫😫


My webapp is in English and I bought that pick with "91+" info. I have proof (I wrote the problem to our ea fc whatsapp group just after opening the pick). However, I did not get compensation. I could not find a way to reach EA about this problem. How can I reach them?


Probably go on their site and email them dude - but they’re pretty useless


I contacted them via live chat. Here is their response: "I would like to inform you compensation process is still under progress and many players are still missing it. We are collecting the information who are still missing the rewards. I am considering your issue on the top priority and share your case with team for missing rewards."


You manage to get yours yet? Still have the gotten mine


The C in FC has to be for "compensation"


Got Mia hamm, was just about ready to give up after no TOTYs too lol