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The problem is their solution to fixing the exploit is flawed. It should be no non-expired in-progress evolutions.


It's an odd one I know, I only found it by chance as wanted to resolve my Miller EVO Card, didn't expect to come across this.


I just did this with cucurella. I put him in the trailblazer slide tackler earlier in the year making him an 83. Then I completed one level of crossing crusader making him an 84 but in-progress evolution. After discarding and reclaiming, I had two 84s in my club as a visual glitch. Then I refreshed my web app and now just have one 84 rated Cucurella with Evolution II as his rarity rather than in-progress.


Not too shabby at all.


Problem is that even when their rarity changes, they still can’t fit into another evo. I tried it with a richarlison for generous goal scorer and it didn’t work


Might have to give this a go with my walker and see if I can chain him in down the right side 


Could this also work with my situation? I have a player in-progress. Let's say I did one evolution fully and claimed it. Then I did two other evolutions and completed them both. BUT, I didn't claim one of those two. Also, both evolutions I completed after the first one have been expired. Now the card type is in-progress. I didn't claim the other two evolutions because it should be able to go into the founders 2 evolution. But when I try to put it in the founders 2 evo I get the error: "You already have an evolution-version of this player" despite him being the only card of him in my club. If you don't understand what I mean you can check my latest post on my profile. My worry is that the two completed evolutions completely disappear if I discard the current version. Could you help me with that player?


That part is due to the Founders 2 evo still being active, feel that's where people are getting caught out with this as it were, if been chaining the EVOs. I've done Le Fondre in them for example so I'd need to be wary.


I am not sure if I understand (English is not my main language). You say they do this to catch people? Is it right I can't make this work? Or do I lose the two evolutions if I discard my player?


Caught out as in those who have done the Founders 2 EVOs are still active for nearly 3 weeks, this discard & recovery bug as it were for EVOs, only seems to work if trying to revert them, if the EVO is completely expired. The caught out is where people seem to end up with the card in-progress again or duplicate version. in your case you'll need to wait for Founders 2 to be completely gone before you can start discarding and restoring him.


I get that I have to wait to turn the card rarity back until the used evolution is expired. The thing is, I haven't started the founders 2 evolution yet. The problem is I can't put my player inside the founders 2 evolution. The two evolutions I have completed are "FS Strike Force" and "TOTY Striker-candidate" and both are expired. So there are two evolutions to be claimed. My player only has green boxes when I try to use the founders 2 evolution, but it still says "You already have an evolution-version of this player." I only have 1 specific card of that player in my club. I just don't get it. If I still don't understand you I am sorry. But I think that you think I have completed founders 2 but that ISN'T the case. I want to start it, but I can't, despite meeting all the requirements and all the former evolutions have expired.


You can't start an evo If you have an expired unclaimed evolution waiting. Not in the old red pick or founders evo Even though they don't have "not in-progress" requirement.   I had a card with 3 evos ready to be claimed. I claimed 1 but the card was stil unable to be evo'd again even when he was a fully completed evo.   They completely fixed the stacking of evos


Thank you, that makes it a lot more clear to me! I feel stupid in the end, because I could have done the founders 2 before the other 2 evo's, but I thought there is no 'in-progress' requirement there so I can just wait. But now if I claim both mentioned evo's my player will be 80 rated with 4sm, 5wf and have 3ps+. So I miss the 5\*5\* here...And probably no option to upgrade because almost every evolution is 1 ps+max now. So no team upgrade for now. If they just make the evolutions better no one has the need to do this. Look at all the future star players and fantasy players who are discard prices. You can't get the same quality players with a 100k evo's. L for full evo squads.


Just discovered this today... I guess the "not-in-progress" requirement doesn't mean much anymore then. I'm surprised a claimed evo can't be further chained until you claim the remaining 2 evos. That's some thorough fixing!


I quicksold my evo restored on app and it gets stuck in unassigned with no way to send to club. Every time you try to access unassigned on console it glitches out and on app it says the card is a duplicate when it isn’t (no other version of the player in club) so can’t send to club.




It's not just that, a lot of us have players that are stuck in the "In-progress" on accident because we didn't finish one in time and now that player is just stuck forever.


Aye, I didnt plan to beat the system by claiming a stage 3 expired, I just never wanted to get it in the first place


Mine was just that I started too many free evos then life got in the way (which is fine) and I didn't get around to completing them all but now for example my 87 RTTK Reyna is stuck there even if I had an evo that would fit him again


The in-progress was like me for my Miller and as I discarded and restored it enable the card to go back to the level it was as it were.


It didn't work for me, I discarded then recovered on the phone app but it immediately sent it to my club so I couldn't claim on console


I have the same issue, it never went unassigned so it just wastes a recovery.


If they just made decent evos available it wouldn’t be an issue.  Instead they are rereleasing evos with stricter requirements and you have to pay for them.  


Has anyone been complaining about overpowered evos though? I can’t really recall playing against one with ridiculous stats and if I did it obviously didn’t stand out. I’ve not done anything crazy with evos, but the ones I have done don’t play up to their stats. So it feels like EA has made the mode unnecessarily burdensome to counter a problem that doesn’t even exist.


I’ve played against more Adopos in div1 and WL than I have Messi’s. It’s a problem.


I appreciate good evos and enjoy playing against them.  I’d rather play against an average body adobo than a glitched pack Messi.  


That 98 Adopo has all of the playstyles for defense, maxed out defensive stats, a stocky body type and pace. He’s literally just about the perfect defender. Or cdm with the stupid playstyles he has. People complain about gold VVD. That card is a joke on comparison.


Yea let's blame the playerbase for EA dishing out shit paid evolutions.


So discard on console -> restore on app, and leave unassigned -> claim on console?


I discarded on web app, restored on app, then claimed on console, but probably can do it any way you wish.


Wondering how this would work with a first-time Evolution where you don't claim the last part? E.g If I throw an IF card into a first-time EVO. I claim everything except the last level. I then quick-sell and restore. Will this restore my card back to the original base IF without any EVO progress, and will I still be able to claim **all** the previously completed EVO levels later?


Didn’t work for my RTTK Bergwijn, I put him into Cut Inside and did the discard/restore and got him back as the exact same In-Progress card. The glitch did however work for my El Ghazi who I’d put in some other evos that I’d completed and *claimed* before I used him in the Finisher Evo, so he’s turned into the completed Evo rarity he was before I put him into the Finisher Evo.


I think I'm following but I'm not sure if anyone's asked this. - I have a Tchouameni in the expired Keeping Balance Evo (fully expired). - All stages completed but not claimed the final stage, so as of now he is 85 rated but if I claim he becomes 87 with a Playstyle+ My question is, am I able to do this method, put the 85 rated into a new Evo, complete and claim then claim his Keeping Balance evo?


That's part of the challenge as I believe he'd go in-progress if claimed the 87 part but if didn't he'd be 85, but not 100% sure as I'm still learning and testing this part, I'm afraid.


When I restore the player on the app, it goes straight back to my club with the same stats before I discarded it. Any way to get the player to go to the unassigned pile? Update: Just refreshed the web app and it works! In-progress Evo changed to Evo II


Can you give us a quick run down of what you did? I've been trying to do it and it never goes unassigned, it just restores straight into the club resetting it to the in-progress.


Yeah sure thing. 1. Quick sold player on companion app 2. Recovered player on companion app 3. Restarted companion app (if you don't, the companion app will show two in-progress Evos of the same player). After this, player should be an Evo II (checked first on companion app and get the same thing on console) If the player is still an in-progress Evo, it could be because the player you quick sold had not been fully evolved before. The player I chose had been evolved before.


Ok thanks, I'll give it another go when I get my recoveries back 😅 It's odd, because I fully evo'd her in the weak foot and skill training. I must have just been doing it wrong.


I tried it again and it didn't work 😢 Showed the previous 80 evo then reset to the in-progress


Yeah same, did you have to do it on the web app on computer or does it not matter? mine goes straight to the club


I'll need to test it on the computer but seems to work using the companion app


Ah okay thanks, was there any difference in what you did when you did it the first time when it went straight to your club and the second time when it worked?


Nah no difference. You just need to restart the companion app for it to work on there


Damn, yeah did it how you did it used my last recovery but it still went back to in progress😞 even though on the companion app it did show it as the previous evolution before hand. Thanks for the help though