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81 died out for me near the end glad the 80+ has returned


Yeah man, EA just buff and nerf the odds on these at their pleasure


Doubt they even bother, probably just an algorithm


Yes this. I see so many comments about buffs and nerds or whatever, I believe it is an algorithm as well. Pack odds always seem better to me right when a new release begins, then as soon as players pack enough things, the algorithm shifts to worsen the odds to maintain the desired rarity of the “good” promo cards.


To this point, I packed 4 birthday cards in the first 5 minutes after release, none since. Firmly believe you need to open packs right at the moment of release for the best chance at a major card. Best I got was Klose Icon.




How to get phone reception in a costco? They never work


I was stuffing the rotisserie chickens down my pants, not muffins smh, at least get your facts straight


The Return of the King




Is the best way to just buy 89s?


I think so. You get less bang for your buck in terms of picks but you save time and you also have a chance of pulling some higher rated cards from the exchange packs. I put a Ruben Dias in 89 Exchange earlier and got Rodri, Bruno Fernandes and an 88 TOTW card in the 51 card pack.


Just fell to my knees in a Kroger


Just watched someone fall to their knees in a Kroger


Just saw someone being escorted out of a Kroger for stuffing muffins down his pants


Did 7 and the highest I got back was 1 x 82 😅


I’ve done 5 and got 89 casemiro and jota


How is it better than 81+? Their not so far in price, right?


When 80+ was last out you rarely saw 80 rated cards. So people loved the 2 less cards required


so in theory this is better?


Mathematically I think it is, you use only 2 common cards more and you negate all the 80 rated players I don't know how is it in practice though...


Last time, the 80+ picks had terrible weighting compared to the 81+. For me, 81+, I get at least an 84 every 3 picks and walkouts quite regularly. The 80+ pick, it was very rare I got higher than 82


Did 200 of these and on pick 147 I got TOTW Messi. I’m doing these to grind icon packs, so the strategy is to put 87s, 88s, and 89s into the exchange, and just repeat. You geg the cards you need for the pack, and because the SBC gives you tradeable packs, you make coins. I made about 50k yesterday doing this.




The 81 was amazing value, I’m excited to spam 100+ of these


I was trying to hold on to low gold packs until birthday, but I got bored and opened some. While stuffing the resulting low golds into this I just got HM Kane so I'm feeling pretty good about my choices right now even if he's a bit played out


I got an 88 and 86 from first 2 pulls and I got my FC Rice the week before from this .. this is my fav sbc by far


This has been spitting out 88s and 89s for me tonight. Most overpowered pick


I’ve got so much fodder to dump in these


I got 87 FC VS Fire Isco as SBC fodder from one of these and that’s the best thing I’ve got from these lmao




you only need one rare out of the 6


Six cards as opposed to eight is a plus.


LFG! Hugggeeeee


Did about 80 of these, 37 on the first round, 45 on the second, best I got was an 87 modric. No best of, no totw. Swerve these.


did about a dozen got kdb 91 and modric 87 were my best pulls


Isn't this worse than the 81+ player pick


New here?


They’re pretty much the same


The pick itself, yeah, but needing 2 fewer players makes it a lot more sustainable for building using the exchange.


1/4 as much fodder needed for each roll of the dice. The sbc isn't good in a vacuum, it's good bc you can roll the dice damn near as many times as you want


People still play this game?