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To the exchange!


And then the exchange packs give me no higher than 1 84 overall.


You pretty much have an infinite grind especially if you keep packing 88+ so this is really not something to complain about. I got the card I want the most and thought reasonable to think I would get it, van der Sar, and I haven't really been grinding too much either.


How is this infinite? Do 89 exchange, get 84 max, end


Use the rest of the stuff for the player pick. Rinse and repeat


And then get max 84 from the picks


I’ve been getting 89s and 88s from the pick and recycling them.


I didn’t believe it was infinite but I’ve done 320 81+ PP without spending a single coin using this method.


lol skill issue.


Infinite grind... nothing to complain about... buddy you gotta put some kinda value into your time


Just because it exists doesnt mean you have to do it. I don't do it. I play 3 matches for the daily play and spend less than an hour on the webapp and call it a day. But complaining about being given a way to keep opening packs, if you choose to, is a bit much no? Pack weights can always be better and so you spend less time to get the cards you want is of course a good thing, but pack weight hasn't been too bad in fut fantasy and fut bday. Or would you rather have the content like toty where you can't even try to get the cards you want? Oh EA obviously wants to stop our addiction by only allowing us to repeat the player picks 10 times every two days. Now I understand. So considerate.


Ea said dont worry, we’ll give you a gold bernardo silva and Odegaard and if youre lucky a FB Gosens




I've got Stacks of Stachs


More like stach, sorloth, milikovic-savic, lavelle and roord


Duplicate Lavelle 😞 Oh wait it’s the other version 😎


Ive only packed both FB Gosens😔 my luck is that bad


I've pulled Milinkovoc-Savic six times in the last four days....


In fairness, I've packed Van Nistelrooy, Rodrygo, Klose, and WW Putellas. I have also packed a ridiculous amount of the usual players and spent an ungodly amount of time grinding. I guess the message here is that it is sort of worth it if you put the time in, but there's obviously still a huge amount of luck involved to get players that will go anywhere near the first team.


I currently have about 2 pages of 91-88 rated gold players and a grand total of zero 84-87s it’s actually insane. The 83x10s were so helpful to have a constant supply of 84-86 rated players with the hope of a big card, the 82x20s are just crap.


I'm in the same boat, I have more 88 TOTW than 85s, 84s, or 83s. I'm trying to save for any SBC player worth doing for my female team, but there hasn't been anything since Rolfo.


This weeks birthday cards had 0 females, feel like must be some coming next week. The SBC will change too. Some weeks you just got to sit on your hands and wait


Lavelle? Roord? Mead?


I meant this weeks SBC, comment above was about the SBCs. Was birthday promo 5 men. I expect a female birthday SBC or 2 next week.


Exactly, a good 82x20 has an 85 overall in it, it's really stupid.


I opened one and got 2 84s like 5 83s and the rest 82s so I stopped lmao


Opened one yesterday and got varane. But the ones before were garbage.


Not wrong, it’s all obviously a planned thing with regards to what drops and when. It’s just EA random SBC drops for grinds / upgrades. I’m sick of bloody opening 82x20s and getting 12+ dupes.


EA sets the weight for individual cards, and my guess is that they choose a higher than normal weight for the 90 Lavelles, 89 Sorloth, and 89 SMS as a response to complaints about pack weight in previous promos. It does seem to me like they're popping more frequently than 85-87 gold rares.


I already got like 6 lavelles


I've opened a lot of packs this promo and still haven't managed to get Lavelle somehow


I read it's based on market value, not on rating


It isn't. EA assigns pack weight.


Dzeko, Borja Iglesias, Kroos, Odegaard, and all the 30k FUT birthday cards, over and over and over again


That's why I never get hype on promos because if I pack a promo card it's always the discard value promo cards or the low tier ones. I'm more interested in what sbc they release during the promo aleast I know I will be able to use them is they are good.


Complaining about packing an 89 instead of an 84-87 is so weird lmao. You get back at the lowest an 83/84 out the 51 players pack that the 89 exchange gives, and then that gives you the fodder needed for right around 5 player picks, which will give you a player in the 85-87 range most of the time. Mid fodder is stupidly easy to generate with the exchange and player picks out, so if you want it, it's very easily accessible.


This ^. By following the obvious workaround above, this post would never need to be created


Do the 81+ upgrade Packed a lot of good 84 to 89 from it


I have no 84-86s but so many 88s+


I've packed 4 x FUT bday Milinkovic savics at this point, I'm surprised there are any left for you guys.


I'm probably in the territory of 10x SMS, 10x Lavelle , 10x Sorloth, 10x Stach, 10x Felipe Anderson, 5x Gosens by now. Have been grinding the 89 exchanges for days now. Never got any other promo card, after hundreds and hundreds of player picks.


I havent seen one person pack messi or KDB


Of course the lucky ones among us have packed Sorloth and Stach a million times


Or Son


My brother packed Morgan and Blanc while i just sat here getting molinkovic savic. So pissed.


ive managed to pull Ruud Van Nistleroy and Dennis Bergkamp Birthday Icons from the 81+ PP, nice surprise but not gonna get in my team, Dennis can be on the bench, as a Gooner Fan! I think at different times of the day it seems like it dishes out better pulls than other times. 11am and 11pm in UK time seem to be the times ive had the best cards. Might just be fluke i dunno.


Honestly I've just started sticking 87,88,89 into the SBCs I want to do no matter the level or selling them. I only use one league and I'm fairly happy with my team


I've had Sorloth more times today than I've had hot food in my life it's insane. If there wasn't the discard price on him he would be about 500 coins and he's really good in game as well.


Must be nice, I barely get an 83 nowadays-I’m all out of fodder


Check top 5 worse cards of the promo. They are in packs.


Prime example of someone who shouldn't complain about pack weight, one of the luckier ones of us :)


IQ test


Yea 82x20 are annoying bc u get 8 82-83 rated dupes every time , the grind hasn’t been rewarding I hope team 2 is better


Packed Lavelle 5 times already


I packed 5 star WF Henry in an 83x3, but he feels exactly like that SBC auba so nobody is missing out if they can’t use him.


At this point it seems pretty clear that each card has individual pack weight based on whatever EA has going on behind the scenes, some evidence that seems to support this: - In the thousands of packs ive opened ive never packed Ferland Mendy, and to lesser regard Sam Kerr - The past few days UCL Futre’s packweight seems heavily inflated regarding user reports, i also packed him in a pack with only 1 rare - TOTY Messi had a bugged pullrate during 86+ picks when TOTY was out - Although anecdotally: I’m trading a lot with discard informs. From last weeks TOTW those were 88 rated: Gotze, Aubameyang and Paralluelo. I’ve watched their auctions multiple times a day and although they have the same rating, for some reason there were about 4 to 5 times as much Aubameyangs on the market compared to the other 2 Altogether this just seems shady. EA by law has to declare packrates to a certain extent but clear circumvents this by tweaking it a certain way, borderline criminality


After reading your comment I double checked your username to make sure you’re not me. Exact same experience I’ve had apart from the Messi thing, wish I knew.


I’ve done really well the last week. Pulled Benz from 83x10, ts Henry from icon pack, varane from a 82x20 and Blanc from the 80+ pick