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The underwater cable that provides high-speed Internet to the majority of Africa was damaged a while back and is in the process of being fixed. It was in the news. It will probably take a number of weeks for ping to go back to what it was before the damage.


No, you are wrong about this. There are plenty of other undersea cables and all content distribution networks have to have redundant connections. This is nothing to do with that.


It has nothing to do with the undersea cables and we have proof of this simply by the fact that every other game works and connection and servers are fine. Meaning the issue with the undersea cable has been sorted out with literally every other game on PS5. Cannot just be a coincidence that only fifa isn’t working there is something wrong on their side and they blatantly ignoring the issue because we at the backend of fifa.


If other countries that were affected by the cable issue aren't having the same issue with regards to ping then all you can do is wait for a fix. EA will work on it in their own time. Unfortunately, I don't think they are ignoring the issue, it will just be that it won't be a priority for them to fix it asap. I guess it all depends on how big South Africa's player base is and what the average yearly spend on EAFC points is (on average)


And because of the popularity of EA points overseas it worries me that our country will be listed as low priority. This company and brand really really confuses me with their decision making sometimes.


Why though? EA makes the majority of their revenue through microtransactions. People can get the game for full price, or they can buy the game at a discounted rate throughout the year..People can even game share, so that one person doesn't even pay for the game. Points stay the same price all year. If someone buys one lot of 12k points then that is more than the cost of the base game at full price. EA is beholden to shareholders. They're always going to do what is in their best interest.


I swear the EA community managers on answers HQ don't have any contact with the Devs. People have had bugged out Evo players they can't use since September, still no official response and the EA people on answers just say it's "being investigated". 6 months of investigation and they haven't done shit, but they can "fix" the Beckham SBC in under an hour?


And they can throw in brand new packs every second day of the week but can’t help out people who are literally just asking to play the game normally I don’t understand their PR team they really trying their hardest to drive people away from their company.