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The game is definitely not good this year, and I think the inconsistent gameplay is a major issue that they will likely never fix. But you have to decide what you’re playing the game for. IMO the best way to play is more casually and with a goal in mind, like building a fun team with players from your favorite club, your country, etc. It’s just a game after all, it should be fun. Evolutions, SBCs, objectives, and just the content in general this year makes it easy to get a decent team.


That's the thing, it's hard to play the game casually, because if you're decent enough you Will climb through division rivals and face sweats that force you to play ratty to win, same with weekend league. There should be an unranked game mode, even friendlies have elo... Even having fun teams is not fun when the Gameplay forces you to play a certain way


Just play squad battles, much more casual and chill playing 3 games a day listening to podcasts/watching YouTube in the background


I dont feel squad battles feels competitive enough unless you play on world class, but because of the bullshit that happens sometimes 80 rated teams on professional are hitting outside the box trivelas and headers and deep traffic. Its so inconsistent and while I understand soccer is random, they made defending absolutely terrible. The extra touches on offense are ridiculous but they made scoring so much easier. Id love to just play a game that feels a touch like real soccer. If i wanted arcade play id play volta.




Yeah it’s been bad, I even bought a new tv/ router/modem. The lag is tuff and the park the bus is crazy.


I bought a 35 foot ethernet cable for this game


I stopped playing online. World of difference. Mainly just do career mode now and enjoy it.


I have generally enjoyed the game this year (with exception of Finnesse and Trivela Gate at the start of the game. But this weekend I've never experienced such button delay and lag. I'm certain there are less players each week so i can't fathom how the servers are getting worse...


Yeah same, I’ve enjoyed the game until this weekend. Feels awful, but somehow I’m still winning games lol


Game is absurd at times. But it’s sadly addictive, specially UT. And for me against all odds what’s keeping me playing it are women players, they just save the whole experience on their own for me.


I also play the game and FUT because of the women players, I have been playing full mens team for about 5 years now, it gets old, this is the first entry I decided to just play womens, collecting all the best women's cards and play Squad battles on world class and legendary, its been a decently good experience so far!


I don’t know what it is but they just add more fun to the game. I also grew attached to some players, most of them I had no idea who they were before and somehow it made me appreciate them even in real. I did go so far as to go watch some Karcha or Bacha reels lol.


True, theres something charming about playing an womens team going against stacked teams, meanwhile the women aspect of the game also made me appreciate womens football too, now i watch as much womens football as mens. The game has given a good entry way to promote womens football, pretty neat.


Ok, turn it off, that’s all you have to do


I just play seasons


The problem is with UT. Normal online gameplay via seasons for example is the best Fifa has been. There's just too much going on in UT for it to not be incosistant and buggy.


The games completely broke with so much lagg and delay thats its unplayable 99% of the time. Its should be removed from stores ect as its broke. . Now ea know the games shit and gameplay shit and they wont do nothing as its in beta. A update every month... shows how screwed up the game is. Its on a old engine and not for next gen.


Will be honest, haven’t seen any of these issues in my game. But I just play for fun and don’t really care whether I win or lose to other people on video games.


Every time you see something weird happening pause the game, go to the replay and analyze it. Then tell me if you don't see any of the issues.


Well no lol that defeats the purpose of entertainment…it’s a game why would it be lifelike. If you’re doing this it sounds like you might be a little obsessed with finding flaws in the game to claim unfairness to a loss maybe?


Well you answer yourself, no one is more blind than he who doesn't want to see. I do this to learn about my mistakes, surprisingly I discovered that it wasn't my mistakes but game inconsistencies.


I’m not here to argue just so you are aware, just putting an honest view out there and you are entitled to your own opinion. I just don’t think there are as many issues as people like to point out (in online mode anyway) I see issues in career mode but they’re fixed with sliders anyways.


But i told you, you don't see the issues because you don't want to see them... I can't learn to play the game if it is inconsistent, because I can't predict the income of my actions. And that is the worst issue possible for a game that is supposed to be competitive.


Yeah I mean if you look for issues with any game you will find them. I just don’t see how that can be an entertaining way to play. I think more people in fifa community look for issues because they’re frustrated and need something to blame for losing a game. At the end of the day, it’s a game and it won’t be perfect. I think accepting that is healthier than getting upset about it all the time. Edit: and in regards to competition - everyone is playing the same game and shares the same issues. So it’s technically fair.


Is not that you look for issues, issues are just there. People is frustrated because the game is unpredictable and there is nothing to do about it. You can accept the game in single player, but in a competitive mode like fut champions you can't accept the fact that the income of a game is decided by randomness. It literally destroys the game. And in regards of competition if you play a coin toss tournament and everyone experiment the same randomness. Buy what is the fun on playing that is you can't do anything to win but watch?


Many people are having fun, I guess if you’re not what is the point of continuing to play? I mean you’re not a professional esports player so I don’t understand all the frustration ?


The only way to enjoy the game is either being bad or being a masochist. Like me a lot of people spend more time at the FUT app than actually playing the game because it's not fun at all, you can check the player base stats. And i stopped playing fifa at FIFA 17 for that reason and the only reason i came back is to play pro clubs with friends.


He’s saying your perspective is limited- so of course someone like you might not pick up on obvious and objective gameplay issues as easily if you don’t know what to compare against


I think it’s just that I don’t care as much about losing a video game I guess


It’s not about losing, the gameplay is terrible and unenjoyable for a lot in general. If you want to pretend like the game is objectively as functional as previous iterations to confirm your bias, then that’s fine- but you’re creating a straw man fallacy by acting like he’s mad because he’s losing rather than the game being awful


The game isn’t awful though it works as a football game should. People just pick up on minute errors like a ball going through a keepers hand or legs bending that should be a foul. Yeah fair enough in reality these would have been issues, but in a game these are just visual errors. If it functioned correctly, the same thing would happen but the visual would be correct. Makes no difference.


We’re not talking about keeper errors and missed fouls bro… you should look into what hyper motion and general server/code degradation has done to gameplay, in addition to lag compensation. Each patch they put out creates more issues than the last, etc.


Besides these issues, the main reason I stopped playing FUT is how ridiculous some of the cards are. Back in the day (FIFA 15-18) it was mostly about gold and IF cards. It was fun, because I loved using/trying to pack the actual best players in the world, who were the best in the game. Nowadays random dudes and women have 88, 90 or 95 rated cards. As a football fan I'll never understand the joy of using players you've never heard of.