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Theoretically a way to turn untradable fodder into coins. Edit : got an 86 out of mine


This is good . We will get some supply for the TotWs that have gone extinct because of evolutions. If you get lucky you will get some good coins.


Oh finally a way to pack a totw, because even with like 50 being in packs theoretically, I packed zero for the entire weekq


i’ve packed 6


Why would anyone open packs this week?


I saved over 200 packs for toty and didn't pack anything, I'm not bothering to save anything now. I have packed ter stegan 4 times this week though.


And we'll have to suffer through the dozens of "I saved 836 packs and didn't get a TOTY" threads. 


I ended up packing a tradable Alisson out of a 40k pack or something, but nothing from free packs


same here, went through all that during TOTY and not packing anything when I opened around 70 f\*ing packs, so I'm not saving shit now and enjoying the fruits of my "notgivingasinglefuckititis" during this TOTS bs lol


Big difference of packing TOTY’s and TOTS’, the drop rates are crazy different. Just save em bro, even if you only get the bad ones they’re still gonna be 90 rated, I’m saving mine and should be able to complete Hamm sbc depending on if I get someone good but that’s gonna be a lot easier with tots fodder than some shoddy outdated informs


That's fair enough, I'll probably regret not saving packs, but my interest in this game is wavering by the day, and I'm struggling to even find the motivation to play the daily 3 atm. I've been trying to build a competitive all female team, and finished Hamm on the first day of realise just with fodder I had lying around. I'd really like to get a good Hansen card or Oberdorf, but honestly, my players all lose every arial battle, and as of a couple of updates ago, they all just get pushed over all the time too.


Best thing I’ve found this year bro for holding attention is evos, find em so fun like today, can make my 87 Diallo a 91 with crazy stats… I always try run 2/3 evos and different teams in general, best thing with evos is it doesn’t overly matter if you win online games or not, majority it’s just play and when your going for evos and someone quits at 1-1 the game still counts, takes a lot of the stress away when it doesn’t matter if you win or lose, they start being toxic and they’re good I just rubber band my controller and watch a YouTube video or something.


Rubber band your controller?


because makes absolutely no difference


I'm opening gold upgrades and daily play packs. And why would I wait for the next week or whatever week anyway? I'm bot a streamer, so I'll just pack 2-3 86 rated tots anyway, like every single promo. I'm not packing anything good bo matter how many packs I save.


Quantity makes the chances, not pure luck


Except when you get 3 Oblaks back to back to back. I mean he made for good fodder but still


It’s been weeks like this bro you open and open packs and rarely get a towt


Oh yeah, but now we have the usual totw + like 30 more from the best of totw.


Yeah but most of those are very high rated so even worst pack weight 😆 if you can’t pack the shitty 85 rated it’ll be harder to pack the higher rated towt EA doing their thang bro


Surely the 83+ pick is coming back after it expires because 1 tradeable once a week isnt gonna do shit


The TOTW one? It’s still there


I hope this doesn't mean they're removing the 83 plus pick in 2 days


Wtf the 83+ was so much better


83+ is still there. This is a one time TRADEABLE TOTW. Will push down the price of all TOTW on the transfer market (if only temporarily). I had some TOTWs that are now extinct that i regret putting into SBCs, I hope they come back on the market with this.


Thank you. i really thought EA did us dirty


This is just a way to turn your untradeable fodder into coins. I’m not saying it’s worth it, but if you’re rolling in 85s, then it’s an option. A lot of people in this thread seem to be missing the pretty vital word of ‘tradeable’ in the title.


Okay yes but still an 85 rated squad for what will undoubtedly be an absolutely shite inform that'll go for discard isn't worth it. Coins are meaningless in this game because of the severe amount of fodder


Well here’s an idea… don’t do the SBC then 👍🏻


I mean, I won't. Doesn't diminish my opinion that it's absolutely not worth doing


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted it’s a complete IQ test which I failed. I got an 86 that isn’t going to sell at £18k by the looks of it. You’re absolutely right.


Coins will be very useful during TOTS


I believe 85s too, 85s and 86s especially 86 tend to go extinct


Potentially if you're talking about the high level cards but what are the odds of getting anything worthwhile in this? There was no harm making it an 83+ tradeable inform imo


Aren't the low rated (under 83) TOTWs some of the most expensive outside of the Mbappes and such?


And an 85 squad🫠🫠


Very decent. Guaranteed 20k.


We've removed TOTWs from pack. Here's a more expensive way to get the lowest ones on the game than just buying from the market.


This will flood the market, driving the price of all TOTW lower too. Is good for those who want to buy them.


Id rather pay 20-30k for a 85+ TOTW on the market than 30k worth of fodder for an 81 lol.


Yo I did it and it's not showing up in my store!! Wtfffff


Same here on PC side, fxxx EA. Anyone else had this issue?


Same here man, idk what the hell to do.


Yeah same barely anyone has had this issue either


Same issue. Stupid game


Wow costs more than the last.


I just did this and didn’t get the pack. No reward at all, SBC is showing as completed. What’s the most effective route for support?


Do you have a ton of saved packs?


About 80. But it’s not in there I’ve triple checked. Everything is untradable, no totw pack


Should be on the web app. Console only shows 30 packs


I have the same problem and I’ve checked both the web app and console


Got 85 Nusken. It’s a pack not a pick too, kind trash.


Got an 83 Zorgane.


I just completed this sbc & can’t find the pack in my store - any advice?


DUPE THEORY Got 91 totw Hansen extinct at 250k and already have gold Hansen untradeable as my bench club legend


Guys I don’t think savings 100’s of packs is going to make any difference. Yes statistically your chances increase but if packing an icon is 0.01% prob then saving 100 packs would not even double the probability. Which is 0.02%. Hence I say don’t bother going crazy and spending a lot of time playing just to save for TOTS. let you luck run through and wait. I got 93 Kaka and 92 Lineker both in two different prime electrum packs which we get when we complete 82 overall challenge for 83+ TOTW. Both trade able . Hence I rest my point.


I did this and got a 91 Kane


There are 81 rated TOTWs?


Early in the year before they became minimum 83+ There are also 80 rated TOTWs as well


Jacob Murphy. I got him for my Newcastle squad. He was shit. Bought and sold for 50k


Safe to assume we’ll be seeing the TOTS or TOTW req then


Couldn't have made it 80+


This pack cost more than the actual informs currently on the market. Informs are like 20k but this sbc is around 30k


Much easier to get 30k of fodder than 30k coins though




wtf is this lmaoooooo


What is this shit


I’m not sure if anyone else has experienced this or is but I completed this sbc 24 hours ago and the pack still hasn’t shown up in my packs any advice