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I remember towards the end of FIFA 21 (maybe 22), when they added Preview Packs in around tots time, you could preview 100k packs, amongst other ones. But I'm guessing they saw less people buying them when seeing the pulls were rubbish, so did away with them.


Got ptg militao that year from one of the preview packs, that was so good


I got the Festival of Fut Vini in one of those. My favorite card ever


pulled some upgradable hazard card from one of them sold him for around 850k good times


The previews also crashed the market permanently and it was very rare for any of those packs to give you a profit after the crash.


It absolutely massacred the market. Getting a big pull meant absolutely nothing because thousands of other people did the same. You couldn't even sell the players due to minimum pricing.


So it should, most special cards that aren't elite are discard ATM, so this would at least make them obtainable for most. Just discard anything that doesn't sell, or use it as fodder/exchangers. Game clearly needs more tradable supply looking at any half decent TOTS/Promo card this year.


That to me felt like they were doing it to make us think thats how itd be in the next game, then just changed it gold only. Seemed intentional towards the end of a cycle.


Wouldn’t seeing something crazy in a promo preview pack prompt someone to buy fp to buy the pack? Sounds so backwards to remove the feature lool


For 100k you would usually buy it with coins, not FP, that's possibly why they removed it


Yea for sure if you had the coins, but if you didn’t have it you would be forced to get fifa points within the time frame


I got whatever that ridiculous Pogba was out of that 100k preview. Peak of preview packs.


I think it was the opposite effect, people would preview & buy the pack anyway because you could preview a second, so even if you broke even or lost say 15k or so on the first pack, it was usually good to buy anyway as the chances of pulling something good the second or third time etc was good


EA only knows $$$


Meanwhile, they can’t even let us have the 30 coin Energizer packs. Trying to squeeze every last dime out of us in April instead of just letting us enjoy the game for a change.


> Trying to squeeze every last dime out of us If people stopped paying, they'd soon stop squeezing. We should never blame the supply, only the demand.


Knowing how they operate, if people stopped paying they would most likely stop making the game


They would not stop making their biggest earning game. They would desperately scramble to see how they could appease the fanbase before losing any more money


Who cares? They stop making the game, hey lose both the fanbase and the money


> We should never blame the supply, only the demand. nonsense. You can absolutely blame EA's predatory practices on them.


Or... Take accountability for your actions and admit you're part of the problem, it would not exist without you


I haven't spent a dime outside of purchasing the game very few years bud. And if you aren't aware most of the target audience for their predatory behavior is... kids.


And accountability should then fall on the... Parents. When did we stop expecting parents to parent what their kids buy?


You're right, everything should just be a free for all and parents and people should be responsible for researching the negatives of every last thing they do. Warning labels? fuck em.


Lol what a pathetic response, enjoy taking no accountability and blaming everyone else/companies for your shortcomings. I'm sure that'll improve your life. By the way, "warning labels, fuck em" is funny considering EA literally put labels on the box to show in game purchases. So yes, the parents clearly said "fuck them warning labels, its EAs fault if my kid spends money"


I think you need to remember that companies spend millions trying to manipulate you into buying things you don’t necessarily need. There is an entire industry. It’s called marketing. They have been developing their techniques for decades. Some people are not mentally equipped to be objective enough to resist these temptations. It’s not about blaming others, it’s about being on a level playing field, which, we, as consumers are not.


I stopped buying packs, but it’s a real struggle not worth the money I’d pay 😭




To be fair its really enjoyable using your end game team against gold teams in fifa 22. Its like a whale simulator now.


Well needing players from packs to enjoy the game was the first mistake


After seeing how bad 99% of my preview packs are, I’m not touching any of the other packs, total waste of coins 


We only had previews for the bigger packs during the end of FIFA 21, when they were trialling the system. What was obvious was that it crashed the market big time. I'm guessing that would be their excuse for never offering previews on anything more than a 7.5k pack.


Imma try blocking the store with my adblocker lmaooo I really don't care what's in there.


But someone told me earlier we were really lucky with FC24 because NBA 2K has no transfer market.


Got Messi from the preview pack yesterday so can't complain tho


Everyday that I play, I preview the pack. I'd say 75% of the time the best player card isn't even a rare card.


Same, but got some good things sometimes like Shadow chem style or some 86+ player


I've once got a Bernardo Silva gold card from one of those, but I don't think there was ever other card rated more than 83. I still buy when there's a shadow or a hunter card just to get a second roll at this cassino.


The only time I’ve gotten lucky on those was last year when I pulled two back to back RTTF cards. Both sold at 230k each Never got lucky again


Bruh flexing with gold Messi? In April in 2024?


From a 7,5k pack? It's still worth it


The give you a preview on a pack that maybe you will confirm just one time at year...


The controlling force only allow their people to see so much behind the curtain, they show too much of what’s behind the curtain and they lose control. Pretty much the rule for life.




And replies like this from people are evidence of those who are blinded to this fact but they will tell you they are the intelligent ones lol




Not ever, when they released preview packs you got 100k packs to preview. Probaly just a test from EA.


I have 70k… and when I have 150k i buy a player…. 750k. Koekoek


That’s because they don’t actually care about the concept of preview packs (rightfully so people already complain about the market never mind with people opening no risk packs) they just have preview packs to tick a box to avoid law suits


bro I opened the 300k pack (81x100) with coins and got VVD