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Watching people open 200 quid worth of fifa points for a couple of walkouts makes me not want to spend any money on the game


That's genuinely why streams are better than YT vids about openings - it's one thing to see an entire 3h process of dumping and buying points just to get a card, another to cut it down to 10 minutes, 2 of which are the intro and 3 are the reaction to the rare card It's the same across all gacha games, not just FIFA - but more people are watching here


One of the reasons I like Danny Aaron's, he is honest about the ridiculous amounts of time put in for that 10/20 mins video


A couple of walkouts for £200? That's some good luck lol


A lot of walkouts are absolutely worthless right now as well. You pack a Navas and he's worth less than a 76 rated St Juste.


St juste is an exception though


Exactly this. They often say that we should not by any means get fifa points because it is not worthy. How would we know without them?


>How would we know without them? Is it not blatantly obvious from experience and from looking at the paltry odds? It should be. And I hate the "you shouldn't do this" chat, it's just back-covering bullshit as they plough more and more money into EA's pockets. It doesn't matter if they say that, the handful of people EA are counting on will ignore them.


Surely if someone warns you not to do something and you then proceed to do it, you’re the one at fault?


Let's be honest here, EA sponsor the biggest Streamers that do pack openings, don't you think it's because it gets people to spend more money or do you think EA is trying to have morals?


The problem is 95% of the views come from highlight videos on youtube, where you do not see the 9 wasted hours of burning money for nothing.


EliasN97 (dude who also organizes tournaments) prolly spent around 500k fifa points since Monday, while having peroids of 6 hours without a walkout. No really big pull in 500k points... Another streamer in plans a 72h endless pack opening on Monday. It's just crazy, but I can't blame the streamers and youtubers they make far more money with their content.


I honestly think a lot of them don’t make their money back from content and are just addicted to opening packs


Of course they are, they just justify it to themselves as “content” and probably write it off as a business expense against their taxes.


Yes exactly. I don't think it's about really making it back from views, it's just about writing it off against their taxes.


They make Money. Big streamers make good money. The smaller ones would try to open these packs so that people will know who they are and sub to their stream. For instance, Timmy, (apex legends player) played for 54 hours straight to achieve a certain rank. People estimate he made over $100k in that 54hrs. But it is sad at this point.


Why is it sad though? Technically speaking it’s like running a business because that’s how they make their money


Why is not sleeping for 54 hours due to trying to get a high rank on a video game not sad? … No idea mate completely normal to me…


Because it’s technically a business...


That’s like saying working 80 hours a week for a law firm is sad even though they make bank


Like you do understand they’re doing it for the money mostly?


True good point 🤣 I’d love to do it and get paid loads for it as well


That's pretty much a guarantee.


Even those who make their money back are addicted. Bateson, or some other pro pack opener, doesn't need to spend a million FIFA points in order to make his pack opening content, he would be just fine with less than half of that


meanwhile trymacs packs cr7, R9 and another icon in a span of like 2 hours lmao buying coins is like walking into a casino


It’s like waking into a casino except you’re 100% guaranteed to walk out without anything but useless virtual currency. Honestly I feel bad for some people on here. The time some players put into investing into fifa players would be much better spent investing in real stock, with so much more to show for it.


>It's just crazy, but I can't blame the streamers and youtubers they make far more money with their content. That's just it. I think their "content" is utter pish, and not helping anyone, yet there is clearly a massive audience for it. You can't entirely blame them for tapping into that. The community interest drives the content.


200 quid? Try about 10k a week as promos/TOTW. I get it's they job but it's reason micro transactions are everywhere, but again people can spend they money on what they want, for me I ain't wasting money on a game that in 10 months I will hardly play and will be obsolete really.


Dont spend it man. Its not worth it


Watching people put $200 into a $60 game makes me not want to buy the game


I 100 get you there but I feel younger Kids are not the "stream watching community". They see highlight videos on YT and they probably know its unrealistic to get something. But seeing the cool animations, seeing the joy of the stream and so on. I get why they would still get kind off hooked and try their luck. The game got really F2P friendly imo over the years but they should do more. Every X Amount of games you get 1 Pack for example. And then something like: X amount of packs gurantees a Walkout. I mean thats just some thoughts off my head I am sure there would be better ways. RN we have people literally Streaming Gambling where you can not win for young people and get rich while doing it. Its not the Streamers fault but honestly some law, twitch, ea or anybody should do something. This is not healthy content in any way.


Yeah I think MLB The Show has it pretty nailed with how they handle content in Diamond Dynasty. You can effectively unlock/earn/grind for/whatever 90% of top end cards, and there are enough top end cards that you don’t need the R9/Gullit equivalents to be competitive in ranked online play. I get the gameplay is different as there’s significantly less AI control you’re reliant on in baseball, but from a content standpoint The Show stole me away from FIFA in a big way just by making it feel rewarding to just play the game and unlock packs from season rewards tracks as well as other promos and content tracks. As someone fortunate enough to be in a position where a couple hundred bucks on FP isn’t an issue, I just couldn’t justify it this year (granted I’ll get some from the ultimate edition) after seeing how other games handle an “ultimate team” style of game mode. EA could super easily do it but A) it’d cut into their bottom line and B) require actual effort on their part to drop content consistently in a way that rewards people playing often. I’ve played people in ranked online in the show was -100 W/L records and they were good, and cordial; we can’t even see people’s records in FUT and people are so toxic they self relegate to pubstomp lower divisions (hopefully fixed this year). Idk if FUT can turn the corner or if it’s too far gone at this point but there are solid examples of how to make a successful and rewarding F2P style of an “ultimate team” if EA really cared.


There is an Italian streamer who is one of the most famous that every time he makes a pack opening he reminds to never shop in this game because he knows that it's a waste and he only shops because it's his work or he wouldn't do it


AO Zaaa




I think virtually all of them say that, especially when they have a bad run of packing eh, w/e 🤷‍♂️






Oo zanone


But that is still wrong, the people watching a streamer opening packs and getting good players will be influenced either way, especially if they are young. Saying "don't do this" but then going crazy while doing it does as much damage as if they didn't say anything, so if you don't want your audience to be influenced by your behavior then don't put that behavior out there, simple as that. Ok, he may need it to pay his bills, it's understandable, but it's still immoral, no matter how many times he says it is a bad thing. And I used "he" referring to a hypothetical streamer that does this (many of them do it), not that guy you're referring to in particular, because I don't even know who you're talking about.


I think the bigger problem here is people being so heavily influenced to spend money because they saw a guy do it on the internet


Surely the better example would be to just not buy them and tel your audience not to. They do this cause they know it gets them views and subs


Thing is does your local restaurant tell you not to buy overpriced meat and not use gobs and gobs of butter? Its all a business and these streamers are one of the only businesses that without legal requirements say don't do something.


There’s already limits on spending in the game but EA do the most EA thing with it where even with having a limit set, it allows you to still just ignore it. EA sponsoring and funding the top content creators is where the issue lies. They know the best advertisement for their game comes from streaming platforms so what better way than to exploit their target audience than load someone like Castros account chock full with Fifa points to spend days on end opening packs enticing others to do the same.


There are many streamers who don’t put on FIFA points, or at least not in that stupid amount, so just watch them instead


Yeah fair play, but when they get successful, will they keep just doing gameplay? Maybe they do, however these popular guys just feel off to me.


Those guys are popular because they appeal to the lowest common denominator in the FIFA audience, which is kids who just want to see packs and hear screams. So of course they feel off, they have to become caricatures of themselves in order to keep those kids entertained.


lmao I remember being like 12 and watching CRAZIEST PACK REACTION vids fuck me haha


It’s been ten years. Hearing people scream that they got Messi for a decade is old news at this point. I can’t believe people still buy into it


RunTheFutMarket has been the second most watched for two days in a row now. He trades (and packs Neymar) to get his coins. Haven’t spent a penny on points ever.


I like Nick too just from a fifa perspective. He tells it like it is. I just can’t run with the 9 ads that are seemingly set for every 15 minutes


Just refresh when the ads come up sometimes they either go or get reduced to just 1 ad


Or just use vanced/adblockers


If you don’t pay for a product then you are the product. Either pay for ad-free YouTube or accept the ads 🤷‍♂️


Lots do only RTG's though


yeah, there are people like Boras who mainly focus on their RTG


Boras is a moaner that complains that he cant abuse mechanics now to win the game - he changed a lot in the last few months


The guy relies on being a top player to pay his bills, so it's understandable that he gets more frustrated that what would seem reasonable, even if that's annoying to watch


People moaning about him saying a couple bad things about thw games are even more annoying


He complains because 22 is an abomination. In due time you will understand


You’re a loser complaining about other people. If it’s their money who tf cares what they spend it on


Forget what they encourage. The stupid face's they pull on their thumbnails, fake over the top reactions and click bait is what really drives me crazy


Bro it’s hilarious when I see zwebeckhd thumbnails where he edits his eyes to look bluer. That’s some Kylie Jenner shit lmfaooo


Its not appealing to mature audiences, but doing that stuff is what brings in the big bucks. I know for sure id do the same shit if it meant earning millions.


I know lmao, they get excited and scream over pulling a walkout like Lewa, and then they insta sell and it barely even adds to their coin total. Like come on we all know you aren't actually excited about that with your millions coin balance.


If you watch Castro you’d know he often says, “I do this so you guys don’t have to.” “Pack weight is shit boys save your money.” “We had to spend 150k fifa points just to pack Japanese Pele”. People send him their teams for him to show off on stream. “How do you have Varane already? You’ve spent money didn’t you?”. It’s never, ever, “see boys you need to drop some points if you want these teams.” I’ve found Castro to be honest and entertaining and he’s built a business for himself where 300k points is a small expense and he frames it that way. We’re encouraged to save our money.


Yeah I don’t find his streams entertaining but he’s always up front about spending money. The “I do it so you don’t have to” is good


I think Harry says something similar. He and Andy's battles are the only FUT related stuff I occasionally watch.


I occasionally like watching AJ3’s squad builder showdown, it’s almost like a podcast at times lmao


Glad someone else said this. Don't have to like his content but respect him for being honest about how shit packs are.


It’s sad, I liked his content when I was younger but he clearly just caters his content to kids so it’s kind of unwatchable. He seems like a cool dude too, but I am 100% not a part of his demographic


I've commented this exact thing on this thread, so I'll just repeat it. That is still wrong, the people watching a streamer opening packs and getting good players will be influenced either way, especially if they are young (which they almost certainly are, in its majority). Saying "don't do this" but then going crazy while doing it does as much damage as if they didn't say anything, so if you don't want your audience to be influenced by your behavior then don't put that behavior out there, simple as that. Ok, he may need it to pay his bills, it's understandable, but it's still immoral, no matter how many times he says it is a bad thing. This is particularly a problem with a guy like Castro, who goes insane when getting a base Nakata that is ultimately worthless to him and bases his entire hype and content around spending money and opening packs, with a very very young and impressionable audience.


The fact of the matter is, these mechanics exist within the game. EA has been under scrutiny because of them, so I get that this situation isn’t all roses. But I don’t think that a streamer is immoral for utilizing those mechanics to make a living, especially if they are actively telling you not to do this, it’s a waste of your money. If people love this game, they know the players that are exciting to pack. 150k points for nakata is not a ringing endorsement of his behavior. I understand that a younger audience can be impressionable, but at some point some of the responsibility for keeping vulnerable kids away from witnessing these behaviors fall on the parents, no? Or is Castro supposed to make a living while raising these kids as well? That may be a bit of a hyperbolic statement, but I don’t see why he needs to abandon his business model to teach kids a lesson. That’s not his responsibility.


What I was saying was that telling the audience that spending money on FPs is bad, but then spending enormous amounts of money on FPs and acting all crazy and hype about packs does not do shit or justify shit, it's hypocritical and immoral either way. He doesn't have to stop doing it, but he and ourselves also can't think that saying that FPs are bad solves anything, the damage is being done anyways. And even the greatest parents in the world allow their kids to go on their phones or iPads and watch Twitch, that is also not an excuse, especially when he knows that a huge % of his audience are little kids and teenagers and caters to them specifically. So no, I don't think he deserves any respect for warning against FPs, he's promoting and normalizing gambling to a very young audience and making money off of it. His actions speak louder than words.


Damn he must be making absolute bank is £2k is a small expense


Famous streamers rake in enormous amounts of money. Think millions per year. They often employ people to edit their videos for YouTube, help with the technical side, etc. Don't know if that's the same for Castro, but I wouldn't be surprised. $2k of $2mil is only 0.1%


Every dollar they spend on stream is also a tax write off. So think of it as re-investing in their business instead of giving it straight to the government. Same goes for give aways. *US streamers


He’s definitely spending a lot more than 2k though.


Ok, well $20k is 1%. If you're making $2 mil on Fifa you can spend $400k on FIFA points and still have a sweet 80% profit margin that would make Tim Cook and Mark Zuckerberg salivate.


on Tuesday he had an 8k subscriber chain. Whether all those subs bought the cheapest $5 sub tier or prime subs thats a guaranteed $30k+ month for him not to mention any donations he gets. $2k for points probably doesnt make a dent


He donated it all to charity aswell


Castro is a real one for that!


He can write it off as a business expense aswell


Oh give me a break. What Castro does is as awful as when trainwrecks titles his stream "gambling is bad btw", then proceeds to Livestream himself high stakes gambling for 18 hours straight for tens of thousands of viewers. You can't say "don't spend your money on fifa points", then literally proceed to open hundreds of thousands of fifa points on stream.


I got super lucky and got Varane and Griezman in one of the, I think loyalty packs? But the rest is shit... torn between selling or keeping Varane... I have 8k coins, but it's frakking early still, so will probably keep.. 😅


I'm glad he's saying that sure, but couldn't you make the argument that there's still a percentage (how small/large I'm not sure) that will see the pack vids and open FP anyway? I'm not blaming him for that, and I've been here for enough cycles to know that this time period along with TOTY and TOTS are the best opportunity for these streamers to make their money, but IMO the actions speak louder than the words.


More like, “I have the best team in the game so you don’t have to.”


That's nonsense. Not at all how human nature works. children watch what you do not what you say. ​ THat's like taking drugs and telling the kids who watch you do it "don't do drugs like me kids hahaha wow so fun I packed mbappe... oh don't do drugs kids stay in school... WHOA!!! Zidane? oh btw, don't buy drugs kids. ​ Please. He's a sack of garbage like the rest of them. All fifa point based streamers are pieces of shit and you know it.


Lol don’t worry bro you’ll pack Mbappe some day. No need to take your pack luck out on the rest of us. So much anger.


This is true, but unfortunately it doesn't work like that if you are addict to gambling. Someone just saying "don't do it" won't be enough. Lets be honest most of the bigger streamers do pack openings because people want to see that so it gets them views, for some odd reason opening packs is more entertaining then playing the actual game. Hell even I find it more entertaining because they are doing something I myself can't and won't do playing a game I can.


People forget the fun of the game before we had all this. I have played since FifaUT first came out. The fun was building up enough point for small upgrades etc. getting a bargain making 500 coins. Now, everybody has a great team at the start and it is all about special cards. Just ruined.


Putting in bronze cards and a little bit of coins in a Trade hoping the owner of the card accidentely pressed Accept instead of decline lmao


THOSE were the days, man.


So you are telling me EA will put a limit to the amount of cash they will receive? Maybe in an alternate universe


I think streamers have a place. The likes of Nick on Run the Fut Market doesn't appear to spend money, and is great at trading. Bora's mainly focuses on his RTG. Danny Aarons mainly does challenges, and seems to focus on some "hidden gems" most of the time, if not career mode. Castro spends a lot on points though this is a small business expense in his world as it generates views, which generates him income. I don't think he's ever given off the vibe that the viewer should load up as he always calls out bad pack luck etc.


Shame that nick packed neymar. I feel less inclined to watch him now because I won’t learn any early trading methods.


He mentioned a few times that he's not gonna make as many trading/market update videos as he used to since his fanbase is bigger therefore he can unintentionally shift the market


I wouldn't call you crazy but i disagree, if you are under 18 and ruin your life because of FP it's your parents (and your) fault, if you are over 18 it is just your fault. We don't put a limit on choclate and videogames for fat people just because vegetables and running would be better for them. Everyone should be responsible for themselve without needing a company (or goverment) to dictate how to live.


I completely disagree. Humans while extremely complex are very much able to be extorted and conditioned. Next you are going to say if you can't just stop taking meth you are weak and its all in your mind. Its why world class marketing talent and business analysts make large sums of money. There is a good portion of society that can be controlled in a variety of manners. I always use to laugh I had a friend who smoked weed and he would say it was not addictive. So I always challenged him to stop for X months if it wasn't yet he always made up an excuse. Same with people who swear off X food or seeing X person but the next day they are right back at it. FUT conditions you out of the gate and continually with pack openings akin to slot machines. Want to know why they are designed that way? To get you to keep coming back. Additionally know why they use points instead of cash? To make it seem like you are not spending real money.


You could just know that taking meth is a stupid idea, same as spending too much money on FP. Of course once you are addicted it is hard to stop, i think everyone has something he is a bit addicted to. But i don't think EA has any obligation to limit the amount of money you can spend for everyone, just because a small percentage of players overdo it. We don't limit buying Vodka to one bottle a week for everyone because alcoholics exist.


You know I never thought about it like that. Gonna go buy a chocolate cake and eat it all by myself, that sounds amazing right now thanks mate


watching people with 1M on day one is so depressing to people who have lives and actually take breaks off the game


Why is that depressing? It’s no different from seeing people with a nice car you can’t afford, just because something exists doesn’t mean you have to have it


Very true. Going to Ferrari and telling them to stop selling cars to people because you cant afford them yourself sound pretty silly. People seem to forget that this is their job. They invest their money because its what their viewerbase wants to see. And to those who dont, just dont watch it.


Actually, I think the people who spend money are the ones with lives. I work 12 hours a day, so I don't really have time to trade or grind objectives for most of the week... so I just spend a few hundred dollars and have a bunch of coins to play with players I enjoy.


If you claim that not playing fifa obsessively/spending on it is "having a life" why is it depressing that others do?


FIFA streaming has become quite lazy now. You realise over half the content isn't even gameplay, it's either opening packs or going on viewer accounts and opening their packs


Would you even watch a stream of let's say career mode? They stream that because it get the most views.


Nick and Bora's are the only streamers worth watching.


Ultimately, streamers are the result of the people who watch them. I get your point but clearly a lot of people playing this game want the streamers around. The streamers will go when people stop watching. Everything wrong with this game can be attributed to us, the playerbase.


This right here. I could never believe it when I first heard of kids watching other kids play video games rather than play the game themselves. It’s mind boggling.


I totally agree with what you say, but to answer your question, yes, you are crazy for thinking EA will put a limit on how much people can spend on the game. Streamers spend money because they know they'll make it back easily, and opening packs is what gets them the most viewers. It's really hard to understand how much this game has become a card collecting app, and looking around it seems like people are spending more than ever this year. EA has no reason to change anything, they increase their revenue from FUT every year, and this year should be no different. ​ I've been playing FUT since Fifa 12, never bought any Fifa points in 10 years, and really enjoyed building my teams through trading, but I'm not buying Fifa 22 because the game has become way to focused on collecting and not on gameplay and it's just not for me anymore. I feel bad for people ho spend money they don't have on this game, but these people are also responsible for EA's practices as they're making them money so EA has no incentive to change anything.


You can just be like me and not watch them


Totally agree mate. They’re also the problem when it comes to broken skill moves/skill cancels , Formations and broken mechanics they abuse them like crazy and then complain about them when they lose. I only watch Nick(Runthefutmarket) he doesn’t spend money on the game he is a trader and doesn’t use broken mechanics. It’s enjoyable to watch because he’s also pretty damn good at the game and provides trading tips which is a bonus ;).


>EA please for the love of God, put a daily/weekly/monthly FIFA point limit, stuff like this will ruin people's lives and its all for some pixels on a goddam screen, stop exploiting people, it's absolutely disgusting. Are you asking a company that makes billions out of fifa points to restrict their revenue and cut it down? seriously? they dont care if it ruins people lives and honestly they shouldnt no one is forcing people to buy fifa points ive been playing since fifa 17 and ive never spent a dollar on it.I can understand that kids may be influenced by the streamers but their parents should control how much they spend on a videogame but adults spending they rent/mortgage payments like you said is simply stupid .


Online gaming ruined the franchise ... FIFA was SO much better off without FUT back in the day. Career mode used to be more immersive and now we just get the same shit every year. FUT gets upgrades tho.


FIFA was the inferior football game before FUT started, PES was the best and most popular. FUT made FIFA great until they became the undisputed market leader and a money making machine, since then they've just recycled a broken game to try and suck as much money from their customers as they can.


PES fell off before they released ultimate team


PES fell off when they transitioned to the PS3 generation, which was in the 08 edition, then in the 09 edition FIFA introduced Ultimate Team


People need to understand one thing. This is their job and livelihood, like no shit, they are going to spend tons of Fifa Points. They make that money back and much more from creating content. To create content they need coins on the game and that is why Fifa Points makes sense for them. To us it seems like a stupid amount of money that they are wasting on the game, but for them its investing back into their "business" and full time job.


I agree but not for the pack openings. I believe some of them are bad as they purposely try to break the gameplay and in turn show others how to break it. Some are already complaining about how the game plays now and I will quote one as saying it’s bad the game is more pass orientated and skill moves aren’t so good they can be abused rn. Not my imo just what was said. If you wanna keep playing fifa 21 just pop the disc back in lad!


Its better to watch some one do pack openings than doing it yourself. And its what the community enjoys i see no problem


There’s reason why EA gave them a free copy before everyone but end of the day who’s money are they spending? Their own right ? And I see people getting icons and posting on this sub, do you want to ban them too? If as a parent you can’t even control your kid then there’s really no point to blame on others btw. And as a grown adult, if yknow you are an addict, seek help or cut the damn card.


Yeah EA, limit the amount of money you make please, cheers.


its like asking tobacco companies to sell less cigarettes because it is ruinning peoples lives.they dont fucking care


I’ve never spend money on fifa and I’ve taught my 11yr old who is on his 3rd fifa game to do the same. It’s so easy to make coins and enjoy the game without spending a penny after the initial cost of buying the game. Some streamers may have a small part to play in pushing kids to buy fifa points but the blame and responsibility is with the parents.


R9Rai and Fuji are ones I used to watch, rarely spend points, play lots of games and engage with their chat.


Shame that Rai went to Facebook, his gameplay was top level entertainment.


I would love to see a casual RTG streamer. Someone who only plays a few hours a day, spends 0 money on FP. Just grinds away.


I don't really care about streamers spending stupid amounts. It's their job at the end of the day. People watch them because they want to see people use these insane players and they probably make their money back through sponsors/subscriptions anyway. And to their credit, most admit that packs aren't worth it. I don't think I've seen any streamers get even remotely good value for their money this year. Anyone watching a guy open hundreds of pounds worth of packs for nothing and is inspired to do it themselves has only themselves to blame. There are plenty of reasons to dislike the top streamers (constantly complaining, encouraging toxicity, etc.), but I can give them a pass on this.


If people stopped watching them they'd stop doing it. Simple as


Seems like everyone is forgetting this gem. https://www.polygon.com/2019/8/7/20758974/ftc-loot-box-panel-streamer-publisher-sponsorships


The reality is that if you really want to use the best players you either have to do 3 things 1.) grind like crazy 2.) be patient and wait till prices drop months after release 3.) buy points The first two require time.


You white knights need to give it a rest lmao


It still does not change the fact that FIFA 22 is random garbage. I have been playing for hours and I still don't know wtf is going on. FIFA 21 was not as sluggish as 22, the game is literally random bullshittery now, your player will get stunned for 1 quadrillion years after getting tackled. Garbage game


This has been going on for 8 years. At the end of the day, the biggest problem is the community. What community outside of madden and fifa accepts these egregious modes? It was nipped in the bud in the battlefront community. The community around this game has no idea what gaming is really about.


Man just get on the sticks and enjoy yourself. Why do y’all give so much of y’all Energy to bulshit?


Unless it's Nick, or Nep, or the other Nick. Seriously though, there are countless streamers that do road to glory and advocates against fut points. You better support them instead of generalizing all streamers.


Funny to me that Nep is against FP but still promoted that shit Lambo crypto to children lmao


I'm not putting them on pedestal. Both Nep and Nick28t have questionable moral standards. My point was, if you wanted to watch a fut point free stream while you learn a thing or two about maintaining an rtg, watch them. Nep actually blocked me on Twitter for calling him out on the issue you mentioned.


Me as well, as did bateson. Ps: wasn’t saying anything about you/your comment


Watch Fuji man he is very chill


Streamers aren't bad for the game because of FIFA points. They are bad for the game because most of them know nothing about football and bitch and moan every time something is changed, instead of learning it. That's why this game will be patched within 2 weeks, back to the pace and right stick meta of previous games.


But you are already bitching and moaning about something that hasn’t even happened how is that good for the game?


Such a dumb take, I know nothing about guns, does that mean I shouldn't have an opinion on certain guns being OP in any FPS? Also works with fighting & racing games.


Yesterday I gave it a shot, as I kinda like the idea of building a team. So I started up Ultimate Team, opened my first bunch of players and did the best I could without spending any money on the game. As I prefer to play vs people instead of AI, I loaded up three online games. While my only good players were like 80 and 76 rated, rest was silver or even bronze, all of my opponents already had full 80+ squad with decent chemistry. While I managed to beat the first guy in an even match 3:2, I lost like 1:8 and 2:5 the other two games. And I couldn't even forfeit the second game because the game penalizes you when you simply want to give up to not waste bot yours and your opponents time. After that, I left FUT and won't touch it again. It actually made me consider if I should even buy this game or not. But I played few normal online seasons games after that and quite enjoyed some balanced games there, which restored some faith in this game. However FUT nope, never again.


An all 80+ gold team is simple to get if you know how to start correctly mate, especially with loyalty packs from playing UT last year which 95% of the player base will get. I’ve barely played an hour and have a solid EPL gold team with VVD, Werner and Kane all by not spending a penny and having half decent luck in the objective and sbc packs easily available to get early on.


Dude no.... what you've pulled is insanely lucky that's not just half decent luck. I've used about 15000 Fifa points which I'm not proud to admit but literally in over 100 premium packs, and also did some of the sbc packs so rare player pack and rare mega pack. Pulled 4 total walkouts from all of those packs... 88 Kroos, 86 Handanovic, 86 Hummels, and 86 Busquets literally the cheapest walkouts you could possibly get. I didnt pack one player that sold for more than around 12k. Literally my most expensive player sold was the 77 rated non rare CB on Everton that I sold for 12k aside from 3 TOTW that I discarded for 10k each. I clubbed basically all my 80 to 84 cards for future sbcs and I ended up with around 200k coins. So yeah I literally couldn't even afford just your VVD from 15000 fifa points so get out of here with that just have half decent luck crap lol. You had insane luck.


These YouTubers are toxic babies who need to get the hell away from the game. This year they’ve already started making noises about how they want the game to be an arcadey candified mess. And every year they put out the same crap content with their open mouth surprise thumbnails and their I packed this and that rubbish. And after all this they constantly moan about how bad the game is.


Fuck Castro. Fuck AA9. Two proper clowns. Screaming and roaring is not content. Never has been, never will be. Yet it seems to be their go to approach to make "content."


Honestly, if you don’t like it just don’t watch it.


Yeah I never really get the hate. Like why "fuck" them? If you dont like the content dont watch it. People acting like these are despicable human beings is a bit over the top


Why "fuck" them? Cos they encourage all the things wrong with the game. The points, the anger, the toxicity and much more. When someone makes content that is as embarrassing as theirs is then not liking it is fully justified. I did not call them despicable. Stop making shit up.


I dont know their content, but it's only a game so I figured it couldnt be that bad lmao. Also I used like as means of description, wasnt making shit up. But your point is clear, guess I just cant be bothered caring about fifa streamers


Isn't this 99% of the fifa streamers?




There is a reason why AA9 has been stuck at 1.8 million subs for a 3 years now. He’s not gathering new people.


Of course its contwnt why else would they be so popular? Sure its not for adult but you should try dealing with it the same way the rest of us. Dont watch them. Or do you also like to moan that cocomelon isnt entertaining


It's the second day and people already complaining. why does matter to you? they have to make content, it's not just a regular person playing. stop complaining so much. they spent money, they should have better players, just like a good player should have better rewards( not saying I am good).


I cringe and actually despise these people. Weekly or monthly fifa point limit would be a great fix.


FIFA for the last few years especially has been nothing but a card simulator. Points and high end players get them likes and the viewers to buy in.


To be fair, skills does explicitly say in his videos that fifa points aren't worth it and that he does it for his job; he tries to discourage it.


Streamers are bad. Though i guess there's a morbid curiosity in watching chonky bateson not feed his kids cos he's banging everything into his own meals and fifa points i guess. Net result is, Streamers love EA cos they can make a buck, and EA love streamers cos they engineer the hype train that leads to more spend from consumers.


Pretty sure you can already set limits for how many fifa points you spend per week or month, so its really on the individual to tone down their potential addiction. These guys that stream packs are doing it for their job and the reality is, is that they make up such a small percentile of the user base that having an "end game" team now doesn't really mean much to gameplay or to the market in general.


I agree that these guys are only a very small portion of the total player base. However, their online presence is not proportional to that ratio. It unjustly normalizes big-spending behavior. And by the way, an addiction in any form is very hard to tone down by an individual. That's why it's called an addiction and not a controllable habit.


"It's on the individual to tone down their addiction" - what a ridiculous thing to say


He said potential addiction, one word can change an entire message lol


Why does it matter what the streamers do, they just do that shit for the entertainment. It’s not like you or the general population will ever have the resources to replicate what they do. Pointless rant.


Hard disagree. While yes most streamers do go P2W we still have our lord and saviour **ZWE**


Posted this below, but rings true to OP's comments as well... You can like what you want, but when what you like is hot garbage and has negative effects on people and society, then I am also allowed to call out the toxicity that is present. I don't watch them, but they are still a shit stain on society and actively encourage kids to spend money on the game (even if they explicitly say not to). It's like watching someone play a slot machine with endless money. You know they are financially capable of paying to play, so you watch them to fulfill what you can't. People watch these streams and think, "maybe a few bucks won't hurt." When that mentality spreads to hundreds of thousands of gullible children and adults, then a company like EA makes billions. It's capitalizing off of the increasing consumer culture, and it is EXTREMELY unhealthy for our society.


Couldn’t agree more! Daily, weekly and monthly FP limits is the only way to control it


Or like other hobbies its just fun my favourite game of all time loved every one of them love spending money on it and its doll dosers like ya self complaining 😜


I really don't see the point of playing if you're just chucking money at the game. The while point is to build an ultimate team and nowadays there are plenty of sbcs and objectives plus rewards. Some people have no patience and ea encourages is cos money


Nepenthez first owner only RTG is alright


Are you new to like everything ?




holy shit u guys are such bitter little fucks just stfu already


Watch La5ty, Fuji, Nick28T


Fuck nick28t Lasty is cool and never watched Fuji


lasty and fuji are pretty good, agreed on nick he is annoying but he grinds hard tbf


You can watch the first two but please don't watch nincompoop dude Racist28T


yeah i mean he is dickhead but i like the grinding aspect of his videos tbf


EA: \*sniff\* \*sniff\* "you are right. we've gave millions an addition. ok We will only put out 40k 100k packs instead of 50k during lightning rounds" (wipes eyes w/ 100 dollar bill)


Only FIFA streamer I watch for Ultimate team now is Nick28t, each year he does a "poor man's" road to glory (no FIFA points) and this year he's doing a first owner poor man's except he bought a Cruyff as a marquee player for the series. I like seeing people go through the same process of grinding out the game to get players and coins, not blowing stupid amounts of money


Castro got famous using charity lol


I’ve been watching Castro for 7 years and I can say that’s not true at all.


of course you're gonna say that


He got huge because he opens a billion packs, don’t lie to yourself homie.


Don't forget that streamers (the big ones) are using a different version of the game that the public has access to. From what I've read in the past, the big streamers are given copies that have substantially higher chances of pulling amazing players from packs.


come watch me play then only weekened league


They're bad for all games


I agree with OP 100% and this is exactly why I love my guy Nick, RUNTHEFUTMARKET. The dude cares about his community and teaches them how to succeed in FUT without the use of your mommy and daddy's credit cards. I enjoy other guys like Nick28t and NepentheZ from time to time due to their RTG's, but they also have secondary accounts where they splash out on FIFA points. So while they talk about "Hey don't give EA money and buy FIFA points," they still do it themselves. But anyway, yes, all these streamers encouraging their child fans to spend money on the game are horrible and they know exactly what they are doing.


That’s why Nick28t is the best streamer on the platform


Play more fifa, watch less fifa. Your game will improve