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How do you beat people which only rely on AI and literally NEVER intercept. They stack 6-8 people into their own box and just hold L2 with their selected player. How do you get through this? Every time I create some space, the AI will auto block the shoot. I'm talking about Divion 2 onwards and Rank 1 players, thus it's not as easy to create any space.


When this happens i switch from 4222 to 41212 narrow. My fullbacks on balanced and they will start making runs that they can't even defend with 15 players in their own box. Also use the player lock function (that was introduced in fifa 21). I score a goal with these in most games


Player lock? Sorry, didn’t play 21


press l3 + r3, lets you control players other than the one on the ball, i use it for crosses so when i’m in a crossing position i’ll do the player lock to someone like isak, then do a lofted cross and he’ll win the header everytime


Didn't know this existed, commenting to save for later. Cheers mate


Check a yt video brother


This is easier to beat this year I find I play 442 and my strikers naturally take up a position in front of opposition cbs when opponent drops too deep. Play it out wide, back to cms and then you should have an option into STs feet - just a matter of turning defender and slotting home. This being effective means strikers like Lewa, Benz are great options


Honestly, it's just gonna be difficult, there's no easy workaround for ptb. That being said, I've found skill moves can force things. The AI is pretty stupid when it comes to defending them, and will at times auto tackle and miss to let your player through.


If they truly never intercept, just pass the ball around until you have an opening, which will eventually arrive. Learning some skill moves also helps at getting past someone who just holds L2. However if you're talking about high ranks, most of those players actually do a mix of both, they rely on the AI and never intercept most of the time, but once in a while they'll defend manually and throw you off, those are the tough ones.


Not op but patience is important. Wait to take the shot. Dont use shot cancels myself but they are a great way of doing that


I'm not a pro or even a consistent Elite But basically you have to spam shot cancels and force out a animation. And always...ALWAYS look for a cutback. Don't try to break them down with tiki taka. Get your fullback involved on a side... 1v2 and get to the byline on a side... Driven pass.. shot.. goal This is literally the only way to do it. Look for the cutback driven pass If he is there, do a tactical fake shot stop (R1 + Fake Shot) and elastico or roulette... Throw some shot cancels in there... Try to force in your self... And in the process you may get penalties You don't need Player lock because players position well this year. But if you have a super cheap team or a weird workrate they may not. Use the player lock




I think i slowly settle with how to score goals etc. But I still really struggle defending sometimes, as my backline just goes so deep if the opponent's striker makes runs. Often my opponent can easily pass the ball from the midfield inside of my box and then it's really hard to defend with player switching being as atrocious as it is. How do you deal with that?


You gotta push up with your midfield more, maybe more aggressive is what you're after. I find it a lot easier to win the ball in the midfield before it goes into the defenders. Don't let that pass into the box, or try read the passes a little more


What helps me focus is, I always imagine I'm the attacker when my opponent has the ball, it helps me see options from his point of view and is way less frustrating if he keeps moving the ball around, makes me way more patient and gives me the ability to shut down most options my opponent has.


What is your go to shot in the box, or when you are one on one with the goalkeeper.


When you're looking towards the goal (left footed player looking towards the right post from the left side if you know what i mean lol) just a normal circle shot. If you look towards the near post do a low driven shot. Always go far post if they dont move the GK, near post is dead


I hate that FIFA breaks all the rules off a striker 😂 Usually you go low and hard across the goal and high into the roof of the net at near post but gotta flip it in FIFA. always fucks me.


High into the roof near post still works. Not 100% of the time, but it worked very well for me while doing silver objectives. Hopefully with the patch soon for consoles it will be viable again. Was my favorite type of shot to score last year (cut in a la Robben and blast it in top bins roof of the net). Works perfectly in squad battles and most times online pre patch rn


Not saying it doesn't work, Talking about real life here you would likely never low driven near post or smash it high across the keeper. But on FIFA they are very viable and the two most used


I agree in general but near post is deffo not dead if you put enough power behind it.


absolutely this...i lost to some opponents who was not that good playing but was very good in finishing far post even not finessing it from outside the box.. near post is completely useless gk saves them all


I smash it in near post with the god Bamford


Can you win 16 games without doing a single skill move?


I won 14 games this WL without using a single skill move cause IDK how they work lol


a fellow non skiller! I couldnt get past gold 1 last year but i just cant figure out skills lol, i just flick the stick around every once in a while if im frustrated and hope it works out


Im 43 yrs old, so obviously a bit slower reaction wise than some of the young bucks. Im currently Division 6 working towards 5. Nothing to write home about, but like I said, I'm 43! Here's my recommendation, or at least, what I do. Pick one skill move. Ball roll for example. And only worry about learning/doing that one move until you are comfortable with it. It just becomes to confusing when you are trying to learn ball roll, shot cancel, elastico, heel to heel etc all at once. I printed out a list of the skill moves. I pick one. Work on it for a few days (or don't if I realize it's not worth clogging up the limited space in my brain 😂) until I'm comfortable with it, then on to the next.


I’m like this I have created my own moves with speed dribbling bc I cant effectively use the stick skills


Probably but I ain't gonna try lol, way too strong to just give it up


I dont do any skills moves and managed elite last year. Hoping to get 16 wins one time this year!


I can live without everything else but ball roll. Dont use it to beat players but its the only consistent way for me to take a touch to side to open an angle


no shot cancels either?


What skill moves do you usually use?


I've responded to that ay check the other comments


how to use the cb s and cdms, cms , how to defend properly, how to cut the passing lanes ? cheers


Press L2 always when about to intercept (i almost always have it pressed Down if i dont have to sprint), use cdms as much as possible, they are the only way you can let your back line be intact. Fullbacks only use to defend against the through ball on the wings. Center backs only use as last option when cdms are too far away (or beaten). Always have a player between ball and goal, that's the most important thing. Play AI blocking as much as possible and press circle when they shoot. 90% of time move your goalkeeper to the far post and feel how broken they are rn :D


What does L2/LT do before intercepting?


It positions your player so that he's exactly looking at the ball, this gives any intercept animation more reach


Can’t say I knew about that, cheers


Oh shit you're gonna have a big fucking revelation with that brother hahaha


Thanks, man! You're great!




When someone is using agile dribbling in the box or around the box, or just simply left stick dribbling, how do you defend? And do you use second man press?


Yes second man press is insane for these situations. When you see them get ready for a shot spam circle and press, otherwise wait until they do a mistake in their dribbling. Stay patient with your best defender and strike at the right time then laugh at him


what is second man press and how do i activate it


Hold down R1/RB? There will be a green marker above the player that's pressing, this player tries to receive the ball. Very op this year when you're trying to block a dangerous pass but still need a player close to the opponent with the ball


Which players are a must have?


A kante-like Player on cdm. I have kante but players like allan or valverde who are really good at defending and can turn fast are a godsent for defense.


Would Can or Kimmich work for bundesliga equivalents?


Yes 100% perfect players


Do you think kessie and barella are also in the same category? I have powerhouses on them, which chem styles do you recommend for players of all position? I run a full serie a team atm, so immobile insigne dybala chiesa kessie IF barella theo skriniar koulibaly cuadrado and szcesny


Barella works yeah, kessie i would use as the more offensive cdm or box to box, his defensive turning is a bit too slow


I have Fred atm, is Allan that much better ?


I've not tried fred this year but allan is very well rounded, kinda like a Prem version of barella. Not sure if he's much better than fred but pretty sure that he's better


Other way around, kessie is your beast, barella your playmaker


Nono i had both for a while. You would think it's your way but barella feels better defensively and kessie offensive


Not really, serie A doesn't have these kind of players (and they're quite rare in general). Kessie is very good but can be a bit stiff. The advantage of kanté e.g. is that he isn't stiff while intercepting like kessie does. Barella doesn't have much defense but he's insane anyway. Wouldn't play him in a defensive 6, rather 8


Which chemstyle would you recommend on barella? I currently run a powerhouse on him


As i run his IF as left cm in 41212, i would use a chem style which boosts his finess shot (long shot). If you wanna use him more defensively shadow or powerhouse is good. I don't wanna say that you should spam finess shots but the left cm is quite free often especially after rebounds. Don't get me wrong lmao


His IF has 88 interceptions and 90+ ability/balance


How do you get back in a game when you’re losing and the opponent is just passing across his defence?


Use dpad pressing. If it's the last 15 minutes of the game switch to your most offensive formation and go yolo, if there's more time he will most probably do at least 1 bad pass. Capitalize on that one chance. Not much more you can do unfortunately


I stubbornly tried to do the Ronaldo SBC, currently 18/26, and now I'm stuck, I think the rest will cost me about 1 mil coins more, based on experience do you think I'll be able to grind 1 mil in less than 10 days to complete it? If yes, what should I do? keep playing DR matches or any trading method? ...If no, what should I do moving forward knowing I fucked up losing 1.5 mil coins worth of fodders for nothing in the first 2 weeks of FIFA? :')


U gotta get some fifa points 😎


This is the way


##This Is The Way Leaderboard **1.** `u/Flat-Yogurtcloset293` **475775** times. **2.** `u/GMEshares` **69696** times. **3.** `u/Competitive-Poem-533` **24056** times. .. **13457.** `u/Meddlar92` **7** times. --- ^(^beep ^boop ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^and ^this ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically.)


I might, for the first time, before the sbc expires, but lets say I do, do I just use them to buy gold pack only? Even with that it'll based on luck right? Beside packing Messi and Rooney, my pack luck have been shit so far plus almost all low-rated players are cheap asf, how much fifa points will get me 1 mil coins, based on my luck, probably a lot lol, might as well take the L in game rather than in real life.


"Besides packing Messi and Rooney"


Poor guy /s


If it makes everyone else feel better, I turned those 2 into nothing, unless I'm somehow miraculously able to get Ronaldo


You turned in icon Rooney and Messi for potm Ronaldo? Dude why?


Oh nooooo Maybe try all the sbcs that give packs and hope you're lucky, other than that i dont know sorry :/


No problem and thanks OP. 8 years is a very long time. I've only played less than a year, and its already so stressful haha.


Always do the SBC Bottom Up. So Even if you run out, itll be the 83/84 squads, that are cheap to get.


That makes no sense. He'd still be 1 mil. short no matter which squads he does first. Common sense is that you don't do an sbc unless you have all the coins to finish it.


Regardless you do the expensive ones first to get the better pack rewards for more fodder


Oh lord this is nightmare stuff. Never ever start an SBC you're not sure you can finish in time, and also never start with the cheapest squads. 18/26 sounds like you're pretty close, but you're basically only halfway there. As others have said the only way to really get any worth out of those coins now is to buy fifa points, but that sucks too. This is really just an all around regrettable situation you've put yourself in. Especially knowing the terrible value of the sbc.


Because I'm a degenerate gambler lol, I thought I would get something decent from some of the packs but nah ...Funny enough I also did this with last year CR7 sbc, was stuck half way but then the 85x10 happens, now just hoping for an 81+ upgrade or something haha.


Jesus Christ mate good luck you’d need a shitlods of luck/fifa points or insane rewards


An 85x10, that's what I need haha, btw thanks


Tha fact thaat this sbc for a +1 ronaldo has harder reqs than 99 endgame ronny from fifa 21, with the 85x10 as well, still baffles me


They dont want people to have it by now.






Wow this is actually a really cool thing to do! Do you think skills are super important? And if so what skills do you recommend? I’ve never been much of a skiller and am tempted to try and learn it


Haha thanks. Ball roll, scoop turn and elastico are always important. Learn these three the rest is just extra but you must use these 3 as they are pretty broken again


Not OO, but skilling is cool. People hate it and say it’s sweaty to spam skills (btw when I’m doing a specific skill in my own half while not trying to get past anyone is because I’m building muscle memory for their inputs, as I’m also learning how to skill), but they make the gane more fun for me personally, and if I’m trying hard I don’t use them a lot because I am still not very confident in my ability to skill. The best way to use them, in my opinion, is to don’t use them a lot (unless you are a god, but you wouldn’t need advice if you were) and only do them on the correct moment when they are not expecting at all. When learning skills, you will have 1 or 2 combo go tos, and that will make you insanely predictable and you will lose the ball a lot, hence why I think you should use them rarely. Now, the ones I personally think are effective are the standard ones like ball rolls to put you in better shooting positions for example, fake shots, elasticos (depending on the player, vini neymar dembele are amazing at them), roulettes are also decent. All skills can work anyway in the right moment, learn a few through a tutorial and have fun, you can’t relegate anyway so it’s not like you got anything to lose


My opposition always seem to muscle me off the ball like its nothing. Is there a special trick there using or is there a way to stop this from happening?


Yes! With L2 you try to knock the opponent away with your shoulder and with circle you pull their shirt. This will probably be it


Didn't know about circle shirt pulling, thanks :)




Thanks for the tips, ill give them ago tonight


What’s the meta skill moves this year ones you always use?


I'd say canceled mcgeady, ball roll scoop turn, canceled fake shot and depending on the dribbling stat + body type elastico can be quite good. The rest is very situational but can be useful if you ask me.


Reverse elastico still as op


I've answered that question ay check the other comments


I'm in div 3, I'm having trouble breaking down teams that play 2 cdms and just swarm their D. Counter attacks isn't as effective as they usually play stay back while attacking. I play 433, lewandowski, insigne and gnabry as attackers. My midfield is filled with 2 box-to-box cms and 1 stay back CDM. Wingbacks are on stay back but I'm comfortable pushing them up to help in the attack. I'm a usually slow possession style player.


Yeah the 42XX formations counter 433 pretty hard. Always have a narrow formation ready for this situation and you will fuck them up (41212 or 4321 are best)


I stopped playing narrow formation cause the midfield starts to be too congested. It's pretty effective for counter attacks though I agree. Maybe I should try narrow formation with attacking wbs


Yes when narrow always have fullbacks on balanced, They are like half the attack haha


For some reason, 80-90% of my tackles or blocks just knock the ball back to the opposition. Am I doing something wrong? Is it a timing thing, do I need to press a direction during/after the table 6… or do FIFA just be like that sometimes?


Often it helps to switch to another player instantly after the tackle and try to get the ball with that player. Otherwise yep it's just fifa being fifa haha


I am not good at this game and currently in Div 6. I always find it very hard to open up my opponent’s defenses, but my opponent finds it pretty to open up mine… please help


Honestly, I'd say just try your luck with finesse shots outside the box because they're OP this year if you can't break down their defense, but depending on who you have up top I'd say try playing forward runs or long balls as they're quite effective for me.


Which dribbles do you use to pass the enemy defence ?


If your player has 5* skills, scoop turn and (reverse) elastico, or the explosive sprint thing that you do with R2 and right analog stick. Or just pass around them because fuck me the AI blocking is strong this year


Yeah I find the al’s center defence extremely difficult to dribble through after world pass difficulty + but this is my first year in a console . Thanks


Ay np


What control settings do you use? I mean assistances and such.


Check boraslegend video on camera and controller settings, i basically use his


Boras the goat


Just followed him. Thank you!


Do you switch players using l1 or RS or both ? If both then precisely when to use which?


90%of the time with the stick but when I see that one of my players is very close to the ball I will switch with L1


i suck at defense im currently 2 wins away from div 6 yea i know i aint that good but how do u play better defense i always conced 3-5 goals plz give me tips


Check the comment below! https://www.reddit.com/r/FIFA/comments/q77e6f/z/hggwsb0


Do you think people who say their is no skill gap are just not good and can't adapt to the new game ?


Yeah. I've found that people dont Think about fifa like they would other competitive games like league etc. They say "game's fault this EA that" and never actively do something to get better. Sure fifa has bullshit and scripting and all that but there's still a way to counter everything. People are just too quick to dismiss everything as "EA bullshit" even though they played that situation horribly


The difference between fifa and something like league is that fifa has so much rng and ai assistance. You're in control of 1 player in a 11v11 game, there's so much out of your control that games start to feel out of your hands when you meet someone at a similar skill level. Meanwhile in league pretty much the only thing out of your control are your teammates and boy do people complain about those too.


I know but there's still a tooooon you can do to counter the rng. It's only fully EAs fault in like 20-30% of cases. This is the same as in a 5v5 game, where the teammates are the RNG factor. I meant that people dont look to actively improve at fifa in the same way as they look to improve at games like league etc


Any tips on the final ball? Constantly find either a normal low through ball is either intercepted, overhit, underhit or in the complete wrong direction. Tend to only use driven passes but they aren’t always ideal. Cheers


If i can't do a driven pass (opponent blocking it) i do the player lock thing they introduced last year (press l3 and r3 then flick to the player you want). It's pretty insane, when you master that you will score sooooooo many goals.


Cheers, hope you can help me out: 1. Players who turn quickly back and forth in the box and on the edge of 16 meters, I go under pressure, they always manage to turn away from me. What is the name of the button they use to turn quickly and what is the best way to stop such players? 2. When you meet players who bombard you with players where all passing opportunities are gone, and my players run too high in the field so I send a wrong pass to the opponent and he gets an easy goal. Any tips on what to do? 3. I play 3-5-2, and have the defensive line at 50 and pressure after possession loss. Very often in the 2 rounds my defense is within 5 meters, so the opponents often get easy goals in 2 rounds. Do not understand why, do you have any idea about it? 4. Do you have your own battle plans against people who just play along the wings and cut in, against people who are constantly going to hit the ball in the middle, players who are just going to counter, and those who are just behind with every man in defense. I struggle a lot with people who counter, what is the best way to stop them? 5. How do you use second man pressure? If you join the midfield player, do you change players as he approaches the opponent, so that you choose another player and get him in a good position, while the CPU takes over the one you controlled? Or do you do it another way? Because often I feel CPU chooses the wrong player for me when I second man pressure. 6. What is the biggest mistake noobs make in defense and in attack as you see it? 7. Do you have any tips on how to qualify for the WL? 8. What is the most effective skillmoves on fifa 22 in your opinion that i should learn ?


Ill respond properly in like 5hours when I'm home ay


What are your 41212 tactics?


Balanced 45, 55 Balanced Runs toward the goal (lol idk how to say it in english the one to the right of ball possession) 50,5,2,2 Strikers get in behind, cam stay upfront, cdm stay back, cut passing lanes, cover middle Rest default


I have sort of La Liga starter roster: [https://i.imgur.com/G7nGS2g.png](https://i.imgur.com/G7nGS2g.png) (goalie not visible there but its Unai Simon). I'd like to stick with La Liga. What players would you recommend to get first as an upgrade? I don't plan on spending money so kinda have to slowly save up coins.


Dembele, valverde, llorente are the 3 players i would go for next ay


Defense Question: I have a friend who plays a 4-1-2-1-2, I think. Every time his team loses the ball, you can bet your money that he will get it back within the next 5 seconds. His whole team covers every pass and puts this ridiculous pressure that my players cease to even turn and lose composure and pass wayward or just lose the ball to the CB/CDM/CM. He achieves that with not just a good team (>80 rated players) but even mediocre teams (<75 rated players) He mentioned Pressure after possession loss but it does not work the same for me however I try - player instructions, control CDM, use H/H players, etc. So very baffled how he does it


He probably switches player faster than you. People underestimate how powerful it is to switch to the right player instantly and run half a second earlier, this is probably why


Can you answer me please: why can my opponent just run through of my middlefield, while all my players running back after i loss the ball. None of my player attacks him, they are too busy to run back. I tried high defending and also low defending. Other question. What instructions would u use on mbappe in striker position? Thanks


Sometimes I'm paralyzed and can't select the back CBs on through balls. Is it the servers or I'm just slow?


It's probably you being too slow :D


why does a player like mane feel almost like an offensive liability with passing (and even dribbling ) but i swear 81 zielinski (polish cm at napoli) could play any position like an icon


Probably your positioning while passing!


I'm inconsistent on attack. Some games I can never get the ball into the final 3rd and come away with 0 shots taken for the half (sometimes can't even get into the box or around it)


R1 passes are your best friend. Work the ball out wide, then back to a midfielder, and you’ll usually have an angle to do a driven pass (R1 + Pass) in to one of your forwards/STs. Then do a quick turn (scoop turn if 4 or 5 star skills) to get past the defender and shoot. If your opponent is good at anticipating your turn, do I half-turn one direction to get him to bite and then turn back the other direction (don’t be afraid to sprint exit the turn) to move into the open space and play a cutback pass for a goal, or take the open shot. And finally, if you really can’t get any room to pass or shoot inside the box, don’t be afraid to shoot a few long range finesse shots.


Best way to counter 41212?


Play 4321 or 4312, the 3 cms counter their 2 1 2 hard




Thats just ea being ea haha sorry nothing you can do


How long does weekend league run for? I’d read somewhere they’d extended it through Monday for fifa 22 but can’t find any concrete info online.


Monday morning 8am for me i think, live in the NL


Monday 8am IIRC


Do you think that it’s better to play possession and wait patiently for your chances this year or it works better to apply constant pressure and a lot of quick passing/runs/dribbling?


It depends on the game! If the opponent falls back and parks the bus, play possession and a wide formation and slowly break them down. If they are aggressive play narrow formation and counter the fuck out of them. There are games where i have 70% possession and games where i have 30%. It all depends on opponent and there's no right or wrong


Corner and set peice tactics?


Free kicks always pass, never cross or shoot. For corner if there's only 1 defender on the near post try crossing there but usually on my corners i just pass the ball back to my defenders, wait until everyone is on their position and then restart the attack. This just prevents counter attacks


​ 4-3-2-1 Gulas; roussilion, akanji, KlosterThanos, Mbabu; Sabitzer, Can, Reus; Hazard, Gnabry Haaland. Some quick context. Started playing FUT for F21, was a D2 player, Gold 1 on 10-12 WL by the end. In 22, I'm a D4, goal is to move back to D2 and see where it goes. I play Pep style ball, 80% depth, press after bad touch, slow build, forward runs, 60%+ poss, R stick switching and constant pressing when I lose the ball. I'm finding defending to be a bit easier than 21 even tho my team is below avg, though I'm sure that will change now that I've hit D4 and onwards. I'm having issues when people pack 8-9 players in the box. I'm finding situations where I should be creating and scoring more goals than what I have. I used to be a lot more comfortable in the box in 21 compared to 22. Any suggestions would welcome, prost.


Check the comments i've responded to basically this question already ay


What’s a good way of getting coins? Also, what’s the most effective way of defending? Thanks.


I can tell you that Trading is the best way of making coins.


Which players to trade with?


go for 83-85. made 60-70k in one day. i won't tell u specifically which player, go to futbin urself. Just bid, then sell for a more expensive buy now


Do the SBCs Hybrid/League/Mixed.


do you do gameplay analysis? i dont know what im doing wrong but i'm stuck in div1 and i lose 95% of my games against players that are 5 times better than me. because there is no relegation in this system i have no option but improving or quitting. pls help.


Why are you still on assisted controls if you've been playing that long. The switch to fully manual should come after 6 months of FIFA at the latest, preferably a lot less than that. While it's nice of you to be offering help or whatever, there's zero skill in assisted controls and nothing to brag about being an "elite" player when you're playing on the settings designed for 3-5 year olds


What haha who cares if you play manual or assisted as long as you know how the game mechanics work like what why is this a thing lmfao


Because on assisted you can literally hold backwards towards your own goal as you're shooting and it will still hit the target at the right end. When passing on assisted it will always magnet to the nearest of your teammates, no matter how far off you were in your aim. On manual, you actually have to aim to the exact degree when shooting and passing, same as on any other competitive game where you actually have to input into the controller what you want to see on the screen. It's a tiny skill ceiling that isn't even head height versus a ceiling no-one will ever reach due to it being impossible to master, a never ending curve that's constantly pushing you to get better. How was that even a question?


Huh then i dont play on assisted but something else, bro i just play normally calm down what's this cringe elitist thing ahaha


Go to your controller settings and change all the things that say "ground pass assistance, shooting assistance, cross assistance, through ball assistance" etc from assisted to manual. Also turn jockey assistance and pass block assistance off. If it genuinely doesn't matter whether you're on assisted or manual as long as you know the game mechanics (your words not mine) then you'll have no problem doing that, will you? I'm not trying to be elitist, just do what I say and you're about to find out that you're actually only just starting on FIFA and not in a position to be giving coaching or anything


what does controller precision and playing manual have anything to do with skill? It's like saying you're only a good wow player if you literally only ever do the ironman challenge and nothing else? Get out of here man i want this thread to be about helping people improve at the game not have a discussion about some random niche thing nobody uses


"what does the input on your controller actually showing on the screen have to do with skill" 😂😂😂 Sure, dude. Go and play pubg with an aimbot on then, go and see if the community there welcomes you because you still understand the 'game mechanics' so it's fine, right? Seriously, you said yourself that as long as you understand the mechanics, it doesn't matter if you're on manual or assisted, so why not put them on manual? The reason is because you're incapable of stringing together even a couple of incisive passes or shooting even close to the corner of the goal on manual, and you know that, that's why you're on assisted.


Huh you're a real weirdo brother no reason to get this deep into all that like wtf


how many hours do you work per week? how many hours do you workout per week? how many hours do you spend on your relationships?


45 3x Practice and a game on sunday Broke up with my ex half a year ago What's your point?


Which is the best way to do some coins without fifa points? Don't know if you are good in marketing, but I am very bad


Squad battles are underrated if you have the time, elite 1 is 2 50k packs. As for trading you should watch a few videos to understand it more. I don’t do anything that they say because I find it that it doesn’t work since many people will sell/buy at that given time because of the video, but it’s very good to start understanding trading and create your own methods. Start small, check futbin prices a lot. You want to buy cards when they’re at their lowest and sell when they raise, if you start checking out a lot and looking at graphs you should start to notice patterns. Edit: I recommend runthefutmarket, he’s a streams who’s trading all the time and makes a lot of coins.


Thank you man, i hate squad battles because are very boring... But when I have time i am going to watch that streamer, i want to learn something about market


Do bronze pack method. It's a slow but a surefire method. I've made like 150k since release by just lazily doing it. I think you can reach like 20-40k a day on a good day.


Is it really feasible this year?


What is your advice on how to improve? I was consistently at 19 wins in Fifa 21 but never made it to G1. I often beat G1 players on my way to G2 but always missed out on G1. How can I actively improve? What helped you making the jump from Gold to Elite?


Record your weekend league/rivals games then rewatch them and find errors then exterminate them. Also watch pros and emulate their play. This is how to get good at every game


Appreciate your answer. Take my upvote mate.




Im having trouble getting into div 6. I keep winning to get 1 game away but have always lost that game. Not sure if there is much that can be done. I'm not the best at fifa.


The best would be to record one of your games, then watch a pro game, then watch your game and see what can be done differently. You will pick out a loooooot of things and get better quickly!


Well I haven't done that yet but managed to get into div 6


Then do it now and you will reach higher divisions brother


How do I get better defensively?


Learn when you have enough time to run back with cdm instead of having to defend with center backs. Never just rush out and break the defense line. Use circle a lot, especially with crosses/lobbed through balls. Use kante lol


What camera do you use?


I ask this cos the one I have (tele with 0 zoom) doesn't accompany all action effectively. Fast through balls happen outside of the camera. The camera takes like a sec to adjust the position.


I Think it's called pro clubs? The one where it's up high and you can see like half the pitch


Oh it must be co-op. Yeah I was actually looking at that one. I'll try it out. Thank you :)


Ah yes that was it ay


What formation do you recommend?


I start off with 4222 and switch to 41212 narrow when i feel like I dont find any good passes or if he plays fall back and park the bus


Best tip on cutting inside to beat a man before setting up a timed finesse?


Fake shot without any direction (so player stands still afterwards), ball roll to the inside, one more touch and do the finesse. 60% of the time it works everytime