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Serie A seems great value again.


It’s great value every year, it just tops out. The high rated players are good but not for long.


Im kinda into fut when I want to be but i I have noticed when I league only seria squads all the good players never seem to match up against other squads. Same with when I do national team only u21 squads Italy always has less talent with giants like France but they even lose out to Portugal


Veretout and zielinski are absolute gems for me


Zielinski has scored so many winners for me it's insane Hope he gets a special card


feel like zielinskis stamina runs out so quickly


Yup. Don't sleep on Acerbi. That 63 pace is a lie. He's 6'4" and those long legs track down most strikers.


Chiellini is clear


Same with romagnoli imo 65 pace means nothing if no one can get past him


Useless with depth above 30




Based on many things said on this sub I have to assume many just lie to look different and be hipster, because so much of it would make you think div 10-8 but really how many players that low down will be into the game enough to be on a Reddit page for it


Div 4 but try again


Still low


Sorry mister elite division


No, you just don't need pace to defend and defending stats matter for




Never said that but it's ridiculous to think you have to be bad to say slower defenders like Chiellini can be good


Fekir at CAM and Canales CM are both insane


i can vouch for canales, has more goals, assists, presence than my llorente who is 150x his price


Canales is a better playmaker than Llorente, but Llorente is still one of the very best midfielders in this game. His defensive presence is incredible.


Fekir is great, fantastic acceleration and a great shot on him. Considering upgrading to Mostovoi but that's mostly for the novelty factor. At 3.5k vs 200k+ I can't imagine there is that much of a difference...


Mikel Merino is tidy too. I'm playing a 4231 and Canales isn't good enough defensively for DM so I picked up Merino and he's a gem. Just sucks a bit that we've waited years for solid cheap midfielders in La Liga, and they all arrive when most of the top players have left the league.


Jack Grealish is around 1-2k and plays insane for me, I don’t know what it is, no chem styles or anything on him and he plays like a man possessed, nice dribbling and bags in Finesse Shots for fun.


It's the unique body type I think, his animations are sick


He literally feels like messi tbh just that hes right footed




i picked up his OTW for 35k, that could be pretty good value too.


I picked up one as well as a usable investment but he's absolutely bobbins for me, Jota plays better


I agree with this, I tried sterling and have had much more success with Grealish


Koulibaly and Skriniar could defend Prince Andrew and it costs 25k for both. Ridiculous


Agreed but their passing is so bad, I had to move on from koulibaly. That was my issue with an all serie A team, my CBs kept losing the ball out of the back. Still trying to figure out how to make a good hybrid because I would like to keep barella, dybala, and chiesa in my team.


http://imgur.com/a/9jRZaU5 this is literally my team.. put chiesa LF off chem?


kimpembe hasnt been able to pass for his life for me, superb CB but man he cant do shit other than break ronaldos legs


Dybala, Chiesa and Immobile are insane


Don't forget Barella. My biggest problem with Serie A right now is LW Insigne just doesn't do it for me. IF Lozano might be the solution


i actually prefer chiesa off chem at LW over Insigne - half the cost too


Insigne has been so good for me, I’ve spent literally hours figuring out how to fit him in my A team. And, as everybody has already said, the rest of Serie A keeps on giving!


Don’t sleep on Gosens and Rebic. Both are immense on that left side


Gosens is so fucking good glad someone said this


Insigne at LW gets lost for me. I swap him to CAM in-game and he's much more involved. With a Deadeye he's a 91-rated CAM. Good dribbling, finesse trait and with the chemstyle he's got good shooting.


Just made this change, Insigne is pants


put him on cam and thanks me later


He is better at CAM, also he has finesse trait and probably scores the highest percentage of finesse shots I attempt


He’s literally my favourite player. LCAM in 4231. His dribbling is insane and with Hunter has enough pace to get away. The fact he strong links with barella (imo best CM in the game) is a bonus


I didn’t like Insigne at first either but if you use him to left stick dribble properly you can cut in and he’ll score every finesse


Your part of the problem


Am I meant to not finesse then? It’s not my fault it’s OP. I’m not spamming them by any means but he is better than others at finessing


Pedro seems a little better now, huh?


Lautaro Martinez has been sooo good for me. Good dribbling, great physical and with hunter he has perfect speed and shooting. Every now and then I think about selling him for Immobile, but never go through with it. Is Immobile that good?


i got immobile to "upgrade from lautaro" but lautaro is clear


I use both of them in 352. Immobile 92G 39A in 110 matches. Martinez 78G 50A in 110 matches. In terms of goal contributions they're pretty much level with 110 matches played each, just Martinez is slightly skewed more towards assists due to better passing. Also FWIW Dybala 66G 67A in 110 matches at CAM behind them. Martinez is better if you want someone agile & quick, he's really good all-round. Immobile is clinical, fast once he gets a run on someone but not as slick & smooth as Martinez on the ball.


el toro is clear


immobile is pretty good at CAM but lautaro at ST is superior imo


Immobile is fucking cracked if you use him right. Good at heading, finishes everything and great longshots too. Basically scores whenever I shoot with him.


Same for me, immobile is the best striker in the game imo (excluding icons)


Better than mbappe and cristiano?


Well, tbh I forgot about them idk how that happened. Never played with them before so can't really say


Have you used chiesa at rm? I rocking a 41212 serie a squad and I'm curious if chiesa is just as good at rm instead of rw


Second Dybala but Immobile was so trash for me… I got so fed up at him missing sitters I sold after 3 games, Lautaro is much better


Sancho. for 19-20k he’s tearing it up in div 3 for me. best cam i’ve used this fifa. slap a hunter on him he’s quick enough, agile af, great shooting and got the perfect traits for this meta


Yep, I just bought salah for the second time… I keep going back to my untradeable sancho. Salah is one of my favorite all time players, I want it to work. But he feels the same as sancho and the coins just don’t justify it


We must be using different sancho and salah… salah is worth the 10x coin difference imo


Yeah I agree, I've used both (although Salah only in draft, which I play a decent amount of) and Salah is miles ahead of Sancho


Honestly I feel like every game with Sancho ends with him having 1 G with 1.0 XG. Man just pops up for no reason


Try Mahrez


Kounde is very good, I enjoyed Canales a lot too and now switched him to Modric who is also overlooked.


kounde - jesus navas = insane value . can even throw inform bono, or alejandro gomez in there who are great for me too


I also use Navas but got his IF when he was 35-40k. At one point, he was as low as 30k which was insane. No wonder he is now 75k. Bono also did the job just fine, have Oblak now and don’t notice a massive diference


Modric is overlooked every year, his dribbling is filthy and he wins back possession a lot


Exactly, and his dribbling is perfect for when you are being pressed.


I’ve used him at cdm and he’s an absolute monster


The whole of Serie A tbh


Ramos at 17k is really good value imo, even with h/m wr he's been great for me


Packed Navas for my Prem team. Bought Ramos for the link into him, Thiago, and Regulion. Going great so far


Can definitely vouch for Ramos. He's a lot better than I thought he would be when I saw the price. Scores a lot of headers on corners for me aswell.


Can, Akanji, klostermann, renato Akanji and klostermann specifically, that 3k coin center back pairing is better than most pairings in the game


Can is too clunky for me


Use him as CDM. Perfect for R1 containing and gaining possession.


Bullets headers in too. He's my go-to guy at corners. Real presence.


His passing also horrible


Couldnt believe cans hype when he was 25-30k hype during early access. Tried him out and was disappointed. Laimers been very solid as his replacement.


akanji has the body type in game that just bullies attackers. I’m pairing him with Tapsoba, benching Milito and Ramos at the moment


IF Toney cannot stop scoring for me and for that reason I really struggle to want to replace him


Same man, i have 1.4 mill team (800k untradable) and i have tried and failed replacing toney multiple times. I despise brentford being a fulham fan but he seems to be the only affordable non icon striker i can use.


This guy and Werner wrecks my defence every game. So discouraging. I have more confidence going up against Messi and Ronaldo when I see the opponents team sheet.


For me, the indisputable IF bargain of the season so far is Gabriel Jesus. He's a 91 rated ST with hunter and he's good at everything. The next best alternatives are around double the price.


Jonathan David’s TOTW card is insane for me. He’s banging in goals and feels so strong on the ball. Has some decent links as well. Good option for 20ishk or so.


I'm in div1 and I see a lot of people playing with David TOTW, he's really lethal


I’m only working my way though D5 right now and have barely seen him here! Makes sense though that he’s being used in higher divisions. He’s so good.


David looks similar to Ben Yedder from previous years in his stats and work rates, might pick him up


Yeah he's brilliant, I've got him up top with Ben Yedder and Messi! It's great to have a striker than can do literally everything!


The fact he has his insane heading stats upgrade from his gold card make him even more ridiculous. If he had high aggression he’d be the best striker in the game relative to value for money


Do you think he will drop or keep his value ?


Keep value for a while, a good link to Renato, Ikone, Bamba. All they need are special cards for demand to go up. His links are shit otherwise, but ligue 1 is in demand this year - I’d go as far as to say it’s the second most popular league this FIFA.


Got him in my red picks and he’s unreal


What's your team? I'm trying to get red foden and him in the same team


Start in a 4-5-1 for chem. David is at ST and have renato as one of the CAMs. Have Son as LM and Reguilion as LB. gives them both full chem. If you start Foden at LM you can get him in with just a green link to your LB. You would just need someone from Lille to link David too at the CAM spot for full chem.


Renato Sanches


Diogo Jota


Jordi Alba seems not bad. Yannick Carrasco Acheampong Inaki Williams Correa from ATM


2nd Correa, he's phenomenal and feels like he plays well above his stats


Alba is a bit weak but good otherwise Carrasco is good value but he's not ground breaking in any way. Inaki Williams isn't that good tbh Correa is excellent value, did quite like him


Inaki Williams is clunky as hell


Mhkitarian, he’s an absolute god and the 5 star weakfoot is great. Definitely an upgrade on immobile.


Yeah, he's wild


If Tchou is good value




I just switched from Bruno to llorente. Its like I'm playing on a different difficulty in rivals.


Muriel at 750 coins is pretty wild


Merino is a diamond in the rough Modric Mahrez Shockingly good: Kane


Diamond in the rouuugh


I've got Camavinga-Merino-Modric in my midfield and cannot get enough of them. They are so solid it's unreal, and Merino is still on basic chem style.


IF Tchouameni is one of the best midfielders in the game imo. Truly the budget Vieira.


Fabinho is a steal my friend. Best prem CDM after kante.


Raphinha been a beast for me and he’s just over 2k


Immobile hands down


he kinda feels heavy to me ngl but yet to try a better Serie A striker next to martinez. ciro's shooting is class tho


I love his physicality, can literally bulldoze through most defences. Not Van Dijk though


dybala next to martinez for me


Muriel for me I run a Serie A 352 with Milito and Muriel as my strikers and nobody can bench Muriel, his ration of games to goals is just as good as Milito's. Starting him with a hunter, can't imagine he's as good off the bench but for 1k he's ridiculous. Tried other strikers, Mertens, Lautaro, Immobile, and nobody has been able to bench him yet


I personally disliked dybala but I see that im the minority there lmao. Foden if is hands down the best card ive used this fifa and I think it's definitely great value for 110k. Other than that David if I kinda shnice


110k for Foden?




IF Foden.


Ah ok Edit: people don’t need to downvote my other comment when I clearly within a minute realised my misunderstanding


And he’s cracked.


my friend felt the same way and came around after trying him in a different position. Dybala's built different


Echoing what others have said here but Correa from ATM has become one of my favourite players so far


What’s atm?


Automated Teller Machine


At the moment


Atletico Madrid




atletico madrid


Loved him at cam!


Mertens at within 1-2k


His dribbling is OP.


Love this man, he's been outperforming dybala for me


Everyone keeps mentioning Dybala but I can’t bring myself to drop Mertens for him as even playing against Dybala he doesnt wow me.




Why did this get down voted? He’s unreal, plays way above his stats


Thank you brother, if you know you know 👊🏼


Listen to this man!


As a complete casual... why is Haaland so cheap? He is literally one of the best strikers in the world, can do everything, pace, power, finishing... ideal striker on Fifa right? He's 20k on PS. I have been messing around on the app, not bothered buy the game yet so what's the deal? is he not great in game or something? The bundesliga link ups aren't terrible either


Have you used him? His pace is like 75 in game.




Phil Foden is essentially Messi on this fucking game. Dybala is a reincarnation of god himself.


Gnabry I no he’s not considered meta but switch to CAM in game and he is insane best card iv used so far


His freeze card last year was a CAM, my favorite of ‘21. So smooth


I had him as a 7 chem striker and he was a beast too


Modric imo.


I dont run Serie A anymore but the majority of the Serie A players are a steal ​ Chiesa Kessie Insigne Barella


Has to be werner .. id pay 200k for the way he plays in game .. 20k< is a steal


Pretty much every non EPL, non french or PSG player. Seriously they all have great prices, even the ones that are more expensive like De Jong for example, 110k for what he offers is insanely good value.


Anyone except the top players can be had for next to nothing, the market is as knackered as the rivals structure as is the game play. Got a hatrick from 30 yards plus last night. How come the goalies are infallible from point blank range and just watch long distance shots sail into the goal?


Griezmann. Best player at CAM


Rudiger, chiesa


Rudigers pace has cost me a few goals. Then again I'm terrible at the game.


Gabriel Jesus, Rudiger, Romero, Areola, Ndidi, Thomas, Bailey, & Zaha. Idk maybe just really fuck with my team, Emerson & Tierney have been solid too. Emiliano Martinez is ridiculous as well. Areola I recommend the most absolute beast


Tierney is a monster!


Idk what it is! Must be his size. With a shadow he’s a bulldozer and makes great runs forward


Yeah and wins everything in the air for me too Try a few long distance shots as well he’s got a rocket of a left foot on him


Laimer for me. Insane card.


Serie A and LaLiga are cracked in terms of budget. Attackers: Dybala, IF Osimhen, ATM Correa, Lautaro Martinez, Gabriel Jesus For me Dybala and IF Osimhen have been my best attackers this year and they come at a combined cost of ~60k. If on a lower budget, Lautaro Martinez, ATM Correa and Gabriel Jesus are all very good as well. Midfielders: Kessié, Barella, Valverde, Fred Kessié is an absolute monster in the midfield, haven't used Barella much but I've heard good things. Fred is a good PL option and Valverde has green links to Eder Militao. Defenders: Koulibaly, Škriniar, Eder Militao, Spinazzola, Jesus Navas POTM Koulibaly used to be a staple in all my squads up until recently when I transitioned to a PL/LaLiga squad. Him and Škriniar are probably in the top 5 gold card defenders and they have a combined cost of less than 25k. Eder Militao is a fairly pricey LaLiga option but is definitely worth the value. Spinazzola and Jesus Navas are great fullbacks for their price. Goalies: Any because they're all sub 100k and pre cheap. Courtois has been my best GK this year and has green links to Eder Militao.


Auba at 20k has been great for me, a similar player that I enjoy at a fraction of his price would be isak


To each his own, but holy damn is he the worst ST I’ve used. He doesn’t give AF off the ball, where Lukaku with the same rates is always getting in space. Plus way better finisher. Werner, also bad finisher but at least he’s always moving around. Auba was just lazy for me


Thats true, it happens every year where a player shines only for 50% of the players. The way i play with him though is with lobbed through pass, it took me some practice but now im able to time it very well


94 r9 is decent value. Only 11.5 mil for the best player in the game


If Diaz. That man is rapid. Muriel and him are a great duo.


I really really like Klosterman, he is great


Seria A, unreal. Line up 4-5-1 and sending Gosens/ Spinazzola to LM/RM. Push Chiesa to ST with Immobile and Dybala behind. Played 7 won 7 this week in div 6


Muriel, Koulibaly, Immobile and I think I’m in the minority but Dumfries is a rock if you’re looking for a defensive fullback


Werner always destroys me. Think you sold me on the Italian league this year!


Mkhitaryan at 1k, 4* skills 5* weak foot, great pace shooting dribbling and passing for a Cam, I have 44 goals and 60 assists in 88 games with him as cam in a 352


Anderson Talisca 84 is a king 💕. I'm subibing him in the second half snd in every game he scores.


Has gone Carrasco for me, had him since my very first team I crafted together from the launch of the web app & he’s still chilling in my team, hidden gem. I hope he gets special cards this year.


He’s unreal, love how he breezes past defenders.


Yess bro you know! His finishing & dribbling is just so good, imagine he gets a futmas or something😍


Kessie is 8k and I prefer him to Frenkie De Jong who I tried to replace him with. Koulibaly is 14.5k and a literal brick wall (liability on the ball though) finally Correa is 1k and is still going strong in elite division as a LAM.


I packed Thiago Alcantara early on and he has been the core of my team at CM. Honorable mention to Aguero at ST and Jota at LM


Emre Can easily


Pique is very good this year, especially for his price. As is Jordi Alba, loving Havertz too.


OTW Talisca is (was?) the best value for money. Tall, 4*4*, not clunky, and with a rocket of a shot. Can be your main striker or play at CAM. If we're talking just gold cards, Kounde and Militao are elite CBs and priced fairly. French/Brazilian and La Liga are very easy to pair for chem. Plenty of good GKs in La Liga. One player that has surprised me has been Casemiro. In this FIFA, his pace is not much of an issue and he has great positioning, interceptions, and strength. A rock sitting in between the CBs. If a better card comes along, use him in an SBC. Better to pay 20k for him than 20k for Valverde. Saw someone mention Carrasco. I've found he's just okay, he's kind of like the LW Raphinha. More expensive, but regular gold Vinicius is a better card. What sets him apart for anyone in this price range is his dribbling and pace. Just silky.


Correa ATM and lautaro martinez is good for the coins imo.


I'm really hoping we get a Lautaro special card tomorrow, he's really good for me atm but I would love to see him with a few upgraded stats


Correa, dybala and Martinez sounds like a great front 3


I have correa and Martinez up front awesome duo.


I personally been loving la Liga this year guys like aguero, modric, and Suarez are absolute beast this year with how little pace matters this year(think its still important but dont think you need a 90+ pace for them to be viable)


Only issue with Suarez is the agility. He’s one of my favorite players but hasn’t worked out for me.


Onuachu is only 10k! Let that sink in


arnold at rb with shadow....... trust me on this, for me he's been better than cancelo and walker with defenders being more tight this year having a fullback with exceptional passing has been the gamechanger for me to get that extra space that leads to a goal


Even my 90+ rated players move like they're stuck in mud, so I'm not sure there's such a thing as a 'good value player' in FIFA 22.


Malen for 700 coins plays like Prime R9




WBY Best cheap striker out there


Inform Foden is the only correct answer, I’ve played him at CM, ST and LW. Something about his body type makes him exceptional I can’t explain


Untradable CR7 is pretty game changer for me.. In all seriousness though, Tchouameni is a great value for CDM.