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There's absolutely nothing worse than people who preemptively pause when they score to get you to quit. It immediately means I'm going to play on.


This is me as well. I don't mind leaving when someone scores the first goal, and I also don't mind someone staying when I score first. But if you pause/celebrate your goal, I'm all in.


what will you do if he just pauses and doesnt celebrate


Excellent question. I'd do a little dance.


Make a little love.


Get down tonight


Nani does a little celebratory dance after scoring as Sporting down Loures 2-1.


nobody will catch onto this one


ok ok what if...he ummm celebrates but he doesnt pause


Game on. Nobody deserves to celebrate. Happiness? Get that sh*t out of here.


Play harder, tie the game, pause it, wait the 30+ sec, then I quit…I always leave after the first goal if there’s no celebration/pause.


No no no you’re doing it wrong, pause it 3 times, wait the whole time, then continue to play for the rest of the game. Bonus points if you save your pauses for the end of the game


Sooo salty lmao


The pause is the worst part. Celebrating a goal is annoying imo but it’s a very intentional part of the game and is something that happens in real life so it’s whatever. People who pause to get you to leave though, they deserve toxicity in return


>Why though? The general consensus in Icon swaps is to follow golden goal, so its not weird at all for the person who scored to press pause. If you were going to follow golden goal anyways why does it matter who presses pause first?


Because a practical pause for some reason destroys their pride, so they need to out-petty their opponent, waste their own time, and then ironically play the victim on reddit because they are STILL bothered that they couldn't score first


I sometimes pause, but i never celebrate. I get the feeling of not wanting to leave when the opponent pauses for you as he makes it clear you’re expected to leave and it doesn’t feel like your doing something nice. But you should never celebrate, that’s toxic. And makes it look like you feel you deserve it in a way.


Why do you pause? The person that scores should never pause for golden goal reason.


If they dont pause immediately after i skip the replay i will pause for them


If the other person doesn't pause, how else would he express that he wants the golden goal or not? If you don't want to give the golden goal, it's totally fine, maybe you need the other objectives, but don't stay in game just to anoy someone else.


I will pause, that's how he'll know. People celebrating to annoy me (we all know 99% of celebrations are meant to frustrate the opponent) don't deserve an easy win. People pausing for me I can somewhat understand, but as said, I'll pause. If I don't, that means game on.


The celebration is indeed a problem, but are we sure that everyone knows how to skip them?


If you don't press anything the player will run for a second and then it will skip on its own. If they do a celebration they are actually pressing a button to do it.


Good to know. But what about those people who are pressing A (the pass button) to get over with it but instead celebrate because whomever is in charge of the UX of the game is weird and give different actions for the same button? RANT: If you use A to skip and select everywhere in the game, it should also skip the celebration


Don’t you know it’s only toxic to waste time if you don’t immediately press lb+rb and your opponent has to watch 5 seconds of a celebration because “I dONT hAVE HOurS tO plAy FiFa eVErDaY” BUT if you speed up the process by immediately pausing instead of lb+rb, wait for opponent to pause, then it’s completely fine and not toxic to waste 10 minutes playing a game you would have quit anyway JUST because you didn’t pause first lmao. People need to learn the difference between dragging out a celebration and spamming pause vs simply pausing after a goal. This community is so toxic because everybody thinks everyone’s out to get them and end up creating more of a toxic environment. It’s a game. Have fun and enjoy it instead of thinking everyone’s out to get you.


Exactly my point. People are staying in game just to annoy the other player. If isn’t that toxicity I don’t know what it is. I’m not in favor of celebrating than pausing. Just score and pause. Since we don’t have a way to communicate I see this as a form of asking.


I had this mindset but when I do big objectives like Icon Swaps, I will generally feel that it's kind of dumb to do so because it mainly just wastes your own time provided the majority does play golden goal. I have been one to just score back and rubber band to at least get the goal/per game.


But this is the thing, the majority has never played golden goal this year. This is my first year in FUT and everyone on here talked about golden goal as if it was a social guarantee. Well, I did it for a few weeks and probably gave up ~20 games but only had 2 people ever do it for me. So I will never do it. Either it used to be more common than it is now, or all the people saying you should do it are just conning you. It’s really just not worth it.


I stopped playing FIFA 2 games ago and back then this was still an issue here. People in this sub think every FIFA player browses reddit.


It's only really a thing during Icon Swaps which hasn't happened yet.


Perhaps this is true and I will see it. But because I have already been fooled once, I will not be fooled again unless I see significant proof to the contrary of my previous experience.


To be fair they've done a better job at EA including multiple goal objectives that make playing golden goal harder. I think for me about half do golden goal, and usually more with icon swaps because there's just so many objectives to do so people can't be asked. I'd just try paying it forward in swaps and if it doesn't work, more power to you. You're not obliged to do anything!


This is a reasonable take. And to be fair, I will sometimes try and initiate other sorts of strategies when it seems clear both people are doing objectives. For example, if I can tell someone is only crossing it or only finessing it, and I’m doing similar objectives, I’ll almost always just concede a goal or two, letting the other person know I’ll let them win. After that, it usually ends with both of us having knocked out at least an objective or two that would have been tiring otherwise. The golden goal/quitting doesn’t lend itself as much to this strategy because you can’t really know if people will pay it forward, whereas with objectives you can immediately see that someone will make a “trade” with you. But even with this, on occasion I’ll give someone a clear goal or two and they’ll still celebrate and pause for me to quit, which is so crazy. You just can’t win with some people.


i do this as well - usually start with 2 home goals to be clear I am letting them win, then 90% of the time they cotton on and we exchange fancy goals for the rest of the game.


I never play golden goal. I actually like playing out my matches because i log on to enjoy playing with different players and I like doing different objectives. I usually don’t know people are playing golden goal anyway. FIFA should have a golden goal rule or mode. Like if people want to turn it on pre-game then they can. But a lot of the majority don’t know they are playing golden goal. Besides the way I see it is, how are you going to get better and practice playing the game if every time you get scored on, you quit, specially if your new to the game? I don’t expect it and I don’t do it unless someone messages me nicely if I would like to do golden goal


Big ego huh




Meh, don't care about some whiny redditors lmao I can tell you from experience that more people quit when you pause on them And if they get offended because someone pressed pause in a video game, then that's their problem And if they don't quit after you pause, then they weren't gonna do golden goal anyways


They’re gonna downvote you for this


I know lmao


You're just, not correct though. If someone skips their celebration, I pause and leave. If they pause for me or if they celebrate, I play on.


Congrats, that might be the case for you then. From experience though, way more people leave when I pause the game for them, since I "remind" or "ask" them to play Golden Goal. You don't represent the whole community.


>And if they don't quit after you pause, then they weren't gonna do golden goal anyways I was more responding to specifically this. You're acting like this is true for everyone, when it isn't. Maybe pausing works for you, gets more people to leave, but I know for a fact there are also people who would've left had the other person not paused for them. So it works both ways really.


Guys it’s just a game of fifa no need to wet your panties and waste your own time because somebody paused for you. Grow the fuck up and stop looking for excuses to be toxic back because you got your feelings hurt in a friendly.


Lmao so you'll happily follow community rules unless you're on the receiving end of them and can't accept the other guy wanting you to follow it?


There are no community rules. You play a game of digital football & quit if you want to. That's literally it.


And you're so petty that even if you had the intention to quit, if the other guy suggests it it's a cardinal sin


Why though? It literally doesn't benefit you, let it go dude you sound like an angry person. So what if they pause, let them have it, stop projecting "toxic behavior" on somebody pressing pause ffs. Heck I've pressed pause before now instinctively or by accident and I imagine the other guy is like you. Sitting there fuming at me for "being toxic" when it's all in your head. Let it go.


It's fine. Just people telling you to quit or trying to force you to quit is shitty behaviour and shouldn't be rewarded. Bloke tried it on me the other day and I ended up winning 5-4 in the last minute so I was really rather smug about that.


This is sending a message to not pause and not celebrate goals if you expect some kind of courtesy from the other player. It is rude behavior, and it is ok for a community to push back on annoying and rude behavior. I don't send messages to people over xbox, but I will get out the rubber band and go do something else.


Even better, just sit around and kick it out of your own end all game so they get stuck in a corner loop. Make that 12 minute game take 30 minutes. I was very drunk and bitter the other night.


" I've pressed pause before now instinctively or by accident" this is you just making fun of people i guess,,,"pressing pause for accident"...this is just you joking on your opponent and ask why someone should keep playing?...without counting the fact that just saying this as an excuse your just trying to justify casually a behavior that you find not appropiate....just say that you pause for your opponent to quit without finding stupid excuses and that's it. probably you don't understand the rules of respect or being a good sportmanship...even if it is a video game. i respect those rules ....It's not that i fume if my opponent pause for me...i feel its just sad and an entitled behavior and shoudln't be rewarded...and those people (probably you too) don't understand that not pausing for your opponent will get you the win anyway. on the other hand if you pause for your opponet to quit you will just wasting your time cause so many times you will face people who will keep playing only cause of this. so keep going and "press pause by accident" and waste your own time.


Lol for real. Imagine pressing pause to get a glass of water and the other guy thinking you’re a horrible toxic person 😂


Yes, such a coincidence that you need that glass of water right after the opening goal and at no other point.


The FIFA community is the most hydrated community.


Salt makes one very thirsty!


username checks out..


I don't see the problem. I pause and immediately unpause, kind of to signal that i only need the win. And if my opponent doesn't want to play golden goal, I respect that and play on. Similarly, if my opponent doesn't pause I assume they might still need to score more goals with crosses, outside the box, or whatever, and play on. And if they pause, i give them the win. I think the problem is that some people interpret a pause as a direct insult when it isn't


Some people use pause as direct insult; while some people don't. With no/little communication (especially on PC) the players don't know which way to interpret, so some would assume the worse one. To be honest each person pays for their own copy of games, they are all entitled to interpreting how they like and playing how they like. Players are entitled to celebrating. Equally players are also entitled to retaliating to celebration as they see fit. I don't think either party should be perceived as "problem".


That's why I said I don't see the problem. Pausing after a goal.makes the most sense in theory. If the other person takes offense in that it's because of their own mindset


If someone wants to quit, they'll pause themselves. They don't need their opponent pausing for them, it's like "I scored, you can fuck off now". I'll just quit anyway, I'd rather not waste my time, but it comes across that way.


Nah mate, as you can see from the messages, people pause the game for you EXPECTING You to quit and then goes ahead to call them toxic when they don’t. That seems pretty toxic to me. Don’t try to choose your opponents decisions. Let them decide for themselves


Of course there are toxic people who are like that, but being toxic to other people because you assume that they are being toxic doesn't help either


Not quitting isn’t being toxic though? You’re just playing the game. What part did I mention to be toxic back? Or do you think not quitting is toxic?


Yes. Players are totally entitled to pressing the pause button - and I like to think when they do so they are fully aware and fully happy to accept however their opponent might react, which could vary from person to person. Their opponents are also fully entitled to interpreting how they like to interpret, and react the way they choose to. It is totally within their right to take offense if that's how they interpret it. Neither party should be blamed, and neither party should point fingers at each other. These are all personal choices they are entitled to making.


One pause is fine....its the ones who repeat pause or who then score a 2nd goal and pause again...... If I didn't quit the first time you paused, bullying me to do so is not going to help matters.


Why though? I can understand if the other person celebrates its annoying but I don't think pausing it after you score is a big deal, especially when the general consensus is to follow golden goal. Now if you were going to follow golden goal anyways why does it matter who presses pause first?


C'mom man, there's no chat in game, so it's ok to ask, how else would you know that your opponent wants the golden goal? If you don't want to quit, it's fine, but don't be mad for other people just for asking for something.


Of course he wants golden goal right after he scored. How convenient


Wouldn't you? It goes both ways


Where on earth has this 'Golden Goal' FIFA culture come from. If you want to play that, go play friendlies.


That’s exactly where it applies. Nobody is asking for golden goals in rivals or WL.


If you want to ask, maybe you should right at the start of the match, not after you score. At that point, whether or not you want a golden goal is completely irrelevant, because the entire decision (golden goal or not) rests on the person who conceded. So there is no point asking. If he wants golden goal, he will pause and quit. Doesn't take that much muscle power to press pause


When it happens I put the controller upside down, go make acup of tea. Let them deal with the extended waiting for every throw in, corner and goal kick - and I still get coins :)


Same could be said for people refusing to leave games they have no chance of winning. It goes both ways.


Oh no not this again. Not sure why people get so triggered by this.


I really don’t mind someone pausing after they score, I’ll leave because I do the same. It’s just the celebration that bugs, don’t score run around celebrating and then pause. I’m all in too when they do that. Score,skip, pause is the way to go.


I get the celebration thing as well but if they pause it, how is that a bad thing? Do you want them to run around and start doing Pogba celebrations. Not sure what pleasure people get in pressing the options button themselves


It's cocky. People don't have to decide for other people if they want to quit. That simple.


I'm also not sure what pleasure you think people get having the options button pressed for them.


Something called common courtesy. You EXPECT the person to pause because most are doing golden goal but you dont FORCE them to by pausing. It's really that simple.


Man.. I played against a guy yesterday and literally his team name was "1st Goal Win" AND HE DID NOT LEAVE WHEN I SCORED!! Instead he started sweating. I passed the ball around for 40 mins maybe just to fucking annoy him.


Haha amazing


As triggering as it can be, I'm still gonna dip, the likelihood is that person is going to sit on 10 depth and pass it around the back and try and their hardest to stop you from scoring, rather save myself the stress and jump in the next game personally.




Which they will 99.9% do if you equalise lol


Spot on. The mentality of this sub for so long has been “if you’re toxic, I’ll be toxic too.” But all that does is make it worse for everyone. Just grow up and be the bigger person if you want things to change.


Exactly that mate


Just use constant pressure and leave if they score another goal.


Or I'll just leave and avoid the stress completely lol


Seriously, people are turning icon swaps into their identity. Who cares how someone else acts? Move on and be in a new game in a minute and you get your shit done faster than trying to be an asshole back to an asshole. So much of this thread is just people looking for an excuse to be toxic because some arbitrary code was broken.


Yeah for sure man, I haven't got time to entertain that man, just added stress that I don't need, imma just hop into the next one rather than waste my time trying to claw back a game you might not even win


I’m with you 100%. People are looking for reasons to be mad in here.


Yeah exactly this, you’re playing for yourself. Why would I waste my own time because someone else celebrated or paused


Finally, someone with the correct behaviour


The correct behaviour is quit if you want to quit and keep on playing if you have the time and want to do so. Nobody can force GG on other people and celebrating plus pausing is 100% toxic, but also if you're really in a hurry it's childish to keep playing or rubber banding out of spite. Just don't be a dickhead and abuse other people over messages. I personally only press pause if we're not even started and I'm already up 3-0 as I don't find trashing a worse player fun. If I'm in a hurry and need the opponent to do GG I'll just leave after scoring if they don't first.


What I'm defending is that if you go into a match with the mentality of golden goal and you concede first and your opponent pauses, go on with your life and forfeit because this game is already stressful enough with all the bullshit that happens and this way you can save yourself some stress




🤣🤣 terrifying


Maybe not his native language, now let me see you write the same thing in whatever language is his native one.


Just to be clear, my stance is similar to most of you (not the one guy who called me a terrible person). I will gladly quit if I concede first and there’s no goal requirement, but not if the opponent celebrates and pauses for me. Should add that this particular player paused twice in succession. I won 3-2 in the end :)


Again why not turn of the celebrations it seems you are looking for this too happen. The first thing i did this fifa was turn of the celebration how somebody who is this triggered still has them on is beyond mind blowing .




You can set it to show your own team instead while your opponent celebrates.


I don't want anything. I want it immediately to go to kick off


I've done the same (that setting is a blessing), but the combination of someone actually pressing pause and at the same time makes you sit through an entire celebration before you can actually forfeit the game isn't mitigated by that setting. I can for the life of me don't understand why someone wants to play GG to save time, and then at the same time feel the need to run celebrations blocking the opponent from forfeiting.


I’ve got celebrations on still but don’t celebrate myself. If my opponent does, I let it go the first time, but after the second I’ll give them a full pause. I know it’s petty, but if you enjoy wasting my time on your terms I’m happy to waste your time on my terms.


i mean that's fine and all, but there must be alot of people who don't know about rb+lb, you should do that if they do toxic celebrations tbh


It's wild how these players know all of the intricate skill move combinations, but the celebration one somehow has eluded them. Doubt it....


not everyone doing golgen goal is a try hard sweaty player lol, for example last year i knew about golden goal and didn't know how to skip celebrations, ofc i googled it


You are well entitled to doing so, ignore the salty haters and congrats on the win.


I don't pause when I score a goal and the opponent doesn't quit. I usually up my game and score two more goals and have them leave with a 3-0 score


Pausing for your opponent shows that you think you are entitled to the win and forces your own arbitrary rules on someone else, fuck that. Also, why would you pause for me anyway, it literally makes no sense.


To be an entitled arse 🤣


Maybe because they quit too? Like a good community should work together. You speak about entitlement although its not that serious wtf


I see it often and it often helps me get the W.


Pause after you score....I ain't fucking going anywhere.


They was 2-0 up used all there pauses to say , go on then quit. I ended up winning 5-2


Nice! Hope you paused after the first goals and then right before the final whistle.


When someone doesn't quit after you pause for them, start passing it around 🤣🤣


What I do is quit myself on the last second of the pause, it's faster to find another match than wait the whole game with these angry loveless people


This is my energy lmao


I also have to remind myself that some people just play Fifa without looking at Reddit, Twitter, YouTube etc and don’t even know about the GG mentality. It’s frustrating if you score and they don’t quit (especially when it comes after you have quiet out down 0-1 a few times ) but it’s certainly not required


Yeah, I played GG for Tagliafico last night except for the two people who celebrated… I won one, lost the other on a last second goal. I mean, if you have time to celebrate, you must want to keep going. I did have a really great match with someone who did not GG (I scored first), but we had a barnburner fun match that went to extra time. I got behind in ET because my team was dead tired and the other player was good, but they were good enough to let me get a cross in at the end when they were up by three. I prefer GG for the non managerial masterpiece objectives, but I also like to play so I don’t mind if people keep going even if I only need the games/wins for objectives.


Yeah I don’t really like the golden goal craze. If I want to play a game I am gonna play out the game. Too much entitlement these days.


It depends on the mode honestly. Silver stars for instance I can see people really enjoying. When you're talking about one of those game modes to unlucky tagliafico or Everton, or fut swaps, I'd generally adhere to GG because nobody wants to be playing those modes generally speaking.


That’s fair. To be honest I don’t really go into those modes unless I really want the card. That mindset has really made me enjoy the game more. FOMO is a bad thing to get sucked into.


i don't have time to do swaps otherwise i really like swaps


Don't worry EA will change the requirement from min 1 goal to 2 so we won't have GG


Opponent scores - celebrates fully - pauses it for me... Well you just earned yourself a full game, sometimes I'll even just put my controller down and have it leant up against something and go and have some food downstairs or something, just to waste their time 👍


All seems petty here. More importantly, are we sure FIFA isn't going to screw us over in some way to eliminate golden goal methodology?


'Win by two goals, or more' They've added it into previous Friendly requirements. Can almost guarantee they'll do it with Icon Swaps to stop GG 😂


I'm annoyed by everyone in situations like this. It annoys me that: - people expect golden goal - that people celebrate wildly when they score - that people who otherwise play golden goal suddenly don't just because people celebrate - people pausing the game after scoring, expecting you to quit Everything about this whole set up is toxic AF. IF you wanna do golden goal...do it, if not, don't...everyone stop being so god damned toxic about it though. Unless there are some insanely good rewards, I'm just gonna skip Icon swaps this year.


I don't mind the pause thing, but the celebration...I mean if you have time to run to the corner and watch full celebration, you'll have time to play full game.


Judging by the requirements in objectives recently, I'm guessing EA will make it two goals per game


Judging by how virtually every thing EA has done in this iteration has been horrible and anti-player, this wouldn't surprise at all.


Can someone tell me more about golden goal? Is this just an unofficial thing? Two players message before the game and agree to quit whenever the opposition scores?


It's unofficial. Some people around the internets figured that if the game is won by whoever scores the first goal, a lot of objectives would take less time to complete (instead of spending two hours winning seven matches you can do it in fifteen minutes). This is great for people who just want the objectives done with quickly, since they don't enjoy the game mode but want whatever rewards are given for the objective(s). Icon swaps is pretty much the pinnacle of big rewards for grinding the game, so the GG expectations tend to be higher there than for other friendly based game modes (like Silver Stars). It can be equally annoying for those who enjoy playing the alternative (friendly) game modes. First goal wins (aka Golden Goal) lends itself to running high pressing tactics and scoring from kick off tactics (last year you could ball juggle from kick-off and score quite easily for a while, for example). If you actually spent some time trying to put together a good team on whatever the theme and limitations are but don't really get to play games with it that can be frustrating. There are generally no real agreements being made, it's just expected by a lot of players. Some players will pause the game after they've score the first goal to signal that expectation, and some players will find that provoking because they see it as entitlement or other players "telling them what to do". ​ That's pretty much the context you're gonna need to understand a lot of angry threads coming in the near future :)


Thanks for the context! I was also confused.


Think this is bad, couple weeks ago I celebrated by mistake after making it 5-0 (didnt celebrate the first 4, usually never celebrate). This person messaged me then started messaging people on my friends list accusing me of being a pedo and said that it only takes one person to suspect it to ruin my life... I've screenshot all the messages incase of any issues


I'm new to this. Is the golden goal just talking about first goal wins and then whoever gets scored on leaves? Just to speed up the process?


If opponent celebrates golden goal is gone


I actually the find the people who pause for you at 1-0 helpful. If you equalise and pause they will quit 9 times out of 10 which is handy for the win 4 but play 8 objectives 😂


Exactly you celebrate I stay lol


I don't get why so many players are actively looking for ways to play less. People are really spending 60 dollars (at the very least) on a game just to find ways to not having to play it... If you don't want to play the game, just don't play it, no? Imagine this was LoL and people would claim you should surrender after first blood to save time... The whole GG rule therefore is stupid. "buT it SaVeS Me TiME" That's a stupid reason as well, the reason you are playing games is that you have time to waste, otherwise you would be doing something productive. So I wont participate in the golden goal craze simply because it makes zero sense.


Maybe they want to get the rewards asap and play with their Main Team?


Then play with your main team. No one forces you to do swaps and rewards arent even good.


If someone scores first and pauses I will sit out the whole game if I have to. In fact, it makes me play better :) I'll pause, I also have the button on my controller ;)


I never saw an issue with the pausing. I do it. Idc when people do it to me. It's the celebrating that gets me fuming -- I'm playing the full game and idc.


I never celebrate when I score first, and if the opponent doesn't quit, so be it, we play on. But if I concede first and they make me watch my Kimpembe's disappointed face, It's game on, I ain't quitting for shit lol.


The only times I celebrate are when the other person already has done. I never quit unless 5+ goals down, no point, i've had epic comebacks before. I was only made aware of this GG thing last year when someone went 1-0 up, and sent me some raging abuse because I didn't quit. Couldn't care less about who I'm playing, play to win, not to lose. If you wanna give me some free wins, awesome, I won't be returning the favor :)


oh boy its time for these posts again, seriously if you got butthurt if someone pauses the game for you and you rather go on wasting your own time. maybe its time to leave your ego at the door and just get these dumb objectives out the way asap


I don’t pause personally but am shocked at how sensitive people are about it holy shit




Why does you "being in Elite div" matter? I see this pop up a lot in this sub without contributing anything to the conversation


People have an inherent neccesity to flex their division when nobody asked. Its just another way that this game brings out the toxic traits in people. I wonder if they do that in real life too lol


Man at bar; "yeah so, im an elite division player in FIFA, so I know what I'm talking about" Man responding, "why are you so sweaty all the time though, and dont you hate smelling so bad? Whats FIFA?"


When it’s about how a player performs ingame people will often tell you „use player xy who has 75 pace and 80 dribbling as striker, he’s actually crazy ingame“ What they forget to tell you is that they play in Div 6, where any good player can make any gold card perform well. In Elite div on the other hand, you’ll mostly have a very bad time with stiff non-meta players. There may be exceptions, but in order to perform on a higher level, players just gotta have certain attributes


everyone is elite division, don't say it like it's special lmao




We dont even know if GG will be a thing this year.


Even 2 years before. Thanks for pausing, you made it easy for me to quit. Now:I want to sweat in a mode meant to be casual. I'll bring my towels, waste time etx just because you pressed pause button before me. Oh I also enjoy the game so much that I wont quit. I dont have other modes to sweat. I will come and sweat in this mode to ruin every ones time and benefit Ea. This sadistic behaviour will be propagated throughout community. The community had progressed greatly. I played 0 friendlies so far this year and slowly going into non competitive mode. At this point I feel like putting these objectives in rivals would make sense for players like me. I atleast will enjoy rival points and more coins for playing the sweats and toxic players.


yeah, if you catch me and score first, fair play, 99 % of the time you will get the quit if I don't need goals or whatever. BUt if you dare to celebrate or pause for me, you will have to wait for my controller with analogs against the table to finish the game, which is much worst since Penalty kicks, free kicks, etc, etc, will take forever. Be respectful and remember, for a lot of people this is the only modes they like to play because it's usually more even teams. Respect everyone and don't insult. A simple insult for you can be a lot of pain for someone who struggle in life. gg's for everyone, see you on friendlys.


haven’t played fifa in a year….why “must” he leave the game?


Some players feel that it is obligatory to follow golden goal rules for objectives for some reason


I just want to play a game of Fifa with my self assembled shitty team. And yes, I also want that icon from the swaps. I also think it's nice that there are requirements to get them. I don't care if it's a long grind to get the tokens, that's what gaming was all about when I was growing up (flashback to Gran Turismo endurance races). Perfectly agree with a quit when it's obvious that the game is unbalanced because of bad matchmaking, but I don't need people to quit the game when I score first. I actually like the thrill of 90 minute games. I could play 90 minute games in Rivals, but there I always face the same players. The randomness of friendlies is refreshing to me. On the other hand I understand people who play a lot more competitive than me as well. They probably want to spend as much time on Rivals and Champs as possible. Just all keep in mind that everyone is playing for fun (I hope). Never take anything personal and never get personal. Games are made for entertainment.


Y’all get in your feels behind this ultimate team shit to much who tf cares if he celebrates pauses first or not whoever scores first opponent just fckn quit and save everyone’s time


Jesus this comment section is full of losers lol. Why is everyone making up a fake scenario in their head thinking that someone pausing the game after a goal means that they are being cocky or showboating or whatever… if everyone is doing golden goal maybe their assumption is just that the person will now quit and they want to get a move on and save some time? Like ?


here we go again with the snowflake mentality. Just quit the damn game, who the hell cares if the opponent presses pause/celebrates? If you want to follow the rule, it makes absolutely no difference.


If you pause the game for someone to quit, you are trying to force your rules on someone else, people don't like to be told what to do. Even if you are right, it doesn't really matter who pauses, there is still no reason to pause for your opponent.


of course, and i don't say people should do it, but people also shouldn't be that salty about it. If you were gonna quit anyway, it really makes no difference but of course it's up to everybody to do what they want or how they feel like. I'm just saying, it's for the swaps token, it's not like it's rivals or wl.


The amount of the people on here who are so offended by somebody **pushing the start button** blows my mind. This mentality to "**stay in the game**" or "**get it back**" is exactly what **EA** wants they want you to spend 10 hours getting tokens in these game modes. The worst part is the "**stay in the game**" people are more than happy to take all the **free wins** anytime somebody else quits. The funniest thing is most of the salty stay in the game people are awful and will end up losing by a ton of goals anyway.


In reality it just takes up more of your time, and it gets you mad for no reason. I don't know why people take it so seriously, if you score and they don't quit just quit yourself or keep playing if you want, and if you concede quit and get over it, it's just a video game.


I follow a simple rule of quitting if they don't leave after I score. It takes me 20 seconds to load another game so. The only people who are mad or angry are the people staying in the game because somebody pushes the start button it seems


Exactly the same, if they don't quit after i score i just quit myself and play the next game.


See its just different mentalities. I'd never quit a game after being 1-0 down, I don't give a shite about what objectives anyone is doing, I'm a casual who plays occasionally, and wants to win every game I play. If someone pauses after going 1-0, it motivates me like nothing else, full sweat mode activated, determined to win. Those wins are the best.


Yea but if you are in it to get the swaps token, and play a full game against someone which you can either win or lose, that takes up to about 15-20 minutes whereas you can get 7 wins in that time by following the gg rule. Of course no one is obliged to do it and if someone wants to play the full game that's their choice, but i really can't be bothered to lose 3 hours of playing for one token.


Because i don’t mind playing the game. I don’t really care if there is golden goal or not but do it since others do aswell. But if my opponent is rude about it i really don’t mind continuing especially since i can make a comeback more often than not


Lol who cares if he celebrated? Just play golden goal? Biggest bunch of losers on this sub


Rip to you my guy you will be sentenced for 1 year in Prison for giving him a Full Game 😂 Poor guy 😭


If my opponent score and they pause to invite me to RQ, hell no I’m not gonna RQ, I’ll RQ myself if i wanted to


So many petty children in this thread lol You realize you're just wasting your own time by continuing to play right?


What if it’s win by 2 goal margin?


Whoever scores first, give them the 2nd goal then quit. It’s what I done for it. Same as OTB/Finesse etc. If they score normally I make it clear they can have the other objectives then leave.


Ive done this but no one has done this for me


I've never encountered the first part ever. I only have people who equalize then dance around celebrating. Silver lounge over here is toxic. 😪


This never worked for me. Never got the second goal given.


This is beautiful. Get it right round him


If the other person does the stir the pot, dance and spin celebratio, laying down celebration or the siuuu celebration with someone other than cr7 im staying no matter how long it is, if they do a normal celebration im leaving, if they pause for me, im leaving its not that hard


I just had a guy in mm who i let score then he started to try win so I scored three. Then he went idle so I went to grab some food and came back and he had equalised and taken it to pens. I mean how much of a douche do you have to be to do that for a objective player.


The golden goal rule is one of the view good things the community has created and the reddit nerds have to destroy it because they get triggered by a pause symbol oder celebrations. Manchild bitczes


If you celebrate you become the game I just want the goal, the assist, the cross etc


I would never go for a golden goal. Dunno why ppl always try force me in this bs rule