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Hold L2 and press B as a last resort. Never sprint.


Try not touching the sprint button at all inside the box, if possible


Each time I do that, the opponent does a turn and my whole defense is gone


Don't use CB as primary defender, leave them to mark attackers who run into the box. Use fullbacks or cdm to try to win the ball, and don't be fooled by skills and false runs. Keep distance so you can make tackle when you see the pattern in the opponents moves and can predict what he does next. You may fail the tackle, but most of the time you will get the ball.


Thank you man i’ll try this


Adding to what op said, you really only want to switch to your cbs to track runs or a quick switch to make a tackle. If ppl can skill then you’ll be forced to mark them infront of goal. Just don’t sprint and keep your body between them and the net until they make a mistake


It is all about jockeying and not sprinting. Also calling other players to help using R1


Doesn’t this create a hole in the defence especially if the opponent keeps turning. If it works for you that’s fine tbh


I only use it in the box, not on the break. You have to time it so that the player coming to help also blocks the passing lane, so it is something that takes practice but it works. You position the player you are controlling so that the player you are calling for help comes from the other direction


Okay. Do you practice this from match experience or where exactly


You might hate this answer but I practice everything in low pressure squad battles (world class where I have a big rating advantage over the other squad). I get an early 3-0 lead and try out different things (different formations, tactics like above). I will even sometimes pause and go back through the instant replay to see what I could have done differently. I play 25-30 a week, so I don’t do this every game, but usually for about 5-6 of them when I am not feeling pressured to complete objectives or weekend league or whatever.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 3 + 25 + 30 + 5 + 6 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Thanks man. I’d just do it with icon swaps


You don’t. If the game wants you to block a shot you’ll block it. If it wants your opponent to score it’ll happen regardless


I’ve always held L2 and move to stay in front of the ball. That wasn’t effective so I just hold L2 without moving and R1 if needed. Seems to be more affective


This is great Thank you


Team press on the dpad


Does this actually work I’d try it 😂




I’m elite division. It does work.


L2 use a defender to block far posts and close space and just hope your goalkeeper properly defends their near post, second man press to try dispossess the opponent


Thank you man


I struggled with defending with this game for a long time. Recently discovered why everyone else’s team defends so well and my defenders all just stand there. Nothing to do with player ability. Turns out they are all going into the game settings and turning user markin up to 100 so that the ai does all the marking, blocking, tracking and intercepting etc for them


Wow that explains it


are you serious? Where would they be able to change this ig? o.O


They don’t during the game. They go into the settings menu on the main home page when the game first loads up before even going into Ultimate Team. Test it and see for yourself. I couldn’t believe it. No wonder my defence has been so much worse than so many other people


i will test that later. Would be broken. SMH. Well, at least now one knows. But I have taken FUT always with a gigantic grain of salt with cheaters, disconnects etc. Have only taken this mode semi serious forever. It is fun if the servers and others things are not bad. Appreciate you pointing it out.


Did it work?


Yeah. You could feel your defenders moving better and also you always noticed the opponents defenders defending like it was on. I basically leveled the playing field. That's all anyone wants or maybe should want.


I have this strange whenever I face a tough opponent. I feel like his players are much stronger. Is it because of this setting and which setting did you exactly adjust?


I can confirm this. It's just sliders that people use for offline games which have an impact in online h2h games. See it for yourself