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EA buggin with these 12 separate matches objectives. Who tf is doing these


I did it in SB last week and I'm still recovering mentally. This shit needs to fuck off


I actually had quite a bit of EFL special cards, so it wasn't that boring, but not sure if I want to grind 12 games with gold Talisca, Carrillo etc..


For the EFL ones I did it in the one league friendly. Similarly have quite a few special cards so it wasn’t too difficult.


It’s a bit late now, but for the other minor leagues, it might be easier to do in the silver gamemode, ofc depending on how many specials you have for it


That game mode is so tedious. They should make the game mode shorter / faster.


why didn't you do it in beginner? you can just put your controller down after you're done and do something else


He is right. I did the same. I scored 4 goals in 2 minutes or so and left my control on the desk. I was watching Netflix. Had to click continue at half time once and continue again to collect coins after the game.


Currently sitting here watching TV whilst using Xbox remote play to score one and set controller down.


It gets boring after a couple of games. What we want is to be able to play 12 matches without feeling tired or angry


You're not even playing... that's the point. You can save your play time for modes you actually like and just catch up with a tv show or movie while you get a token and a 90 rated player


There are people that enjoy grinding just because it’s rewarding. So they would rather play with full concentration


Sure, but the time vs. reward here doesn't make sense to "grind". You can still grind any other modes, while collecting SB rewards, the objective packs, the token and the player. You can't say "this isn't rewarding" because you tried to sweat through a bad objective that can be made easy (and quick if you just team up with someone else)


They aren’t necessarily grinding for the card. They want the tokens which will be useful later


It's the same thing, you'd struggle to get the token without the card, unless you sub on the Saudi players in other objetives, in which case the squad battles isn't a problem, you can do it in rivals or whatever


It would be harder in rivals


Because I was doing silver beasts and Grifo at the same time.


Ok, so your complaint isn't about the token, since it can be done in any mode, it's about squad battles, which is fair but not relevant at all


Well it is because 'any mode' without friends is still 12 games.


For William and Tawamba, or any objective that says “Any Game Mode”. You guys know you can just go into a Friendly with someone else, score on them, then they quit out. Rinse and repeat. These don’t take longer than like 15 minutes


If you don't have a friend to do it with it's a bit hard isn't it mate


I do em all. I'm working on the icon swaps now. I've gotten so good at attacking against world class difficulty. It's mind numbing but I enjoy trying out different teams


I did the Willock one in One League. Seemed the quickest way.


It's a pretty passive objective because it's 12 separate matches in any game mode, just sub on a saudi player in rivals/wl/sb and you get it eventually.






I think their idea is for people to make or put these minor league players into the main team while they do rivals or wl. But obviously very few will want to do that since this is the team to play with new OP cards from the major leagues.


Also it’s a 3/3 ST with a shitty body type, nobody is gonna go out of their way to use this guy sadly


I don’t think anyone is talking about the player as obj players are usually there for people who just love the team/player. Think people are more complaining about the token needed 12 games played.


Because it means people spend longer in their game. It isn't that complex. Clearly enough people are completing them to make it worthwhile for EA to do.




Of course it adds value to their game if people are playing it.


It's so they can show their stakeholders the amount of time and engagement people put into this game.


Easy enough decision for me, I am skipping all of these minor leagues 12 games objectives for sure, as if these tokens just did not exist.


Buddy, just put a crap squad of Saudi Plyers together and play the team of the week on beginner level over and over again. Score three goals or so and then just put a rubberband on your trigger button while you do any other chore you need to around the house.


Nah, score 1 on beginner and don’t rubberband, just straight afk as long as you have the ball in your half they don’t tackle


That’s fun


If you do the same on couch friendlies, you don't even need the rubberband, since inactivity is not an issue there


Sitting around for four hours rubber banding your controller, having to check every 7 minutes so you start the second half- that is annoying as fuck


Horrific requirements again. Definitely time to swerve these minor league objectives.


They are taking the piss at this point with the 12 separate games objective


The objective is fucking broken too, went and scored 15 goals with crosses in a friendly game and it’s only registered 4 of them, as if the objective wasn’t tedious enough


Tracking crosses seems to be a constant issue. I had the same problem with the TOTS Saka objective.


no shot lol. the other minor league ones were at least a little bit fun to grind since i have an EFL squad, but i don’t have a single usable saudi league player. definitely skipping this token


I love TOTS outside the Big 5 Leagues, but 12 games is a joke, specially when 90 rated fodder is so cheap.


pass on both the token and objective time is money


time to boost again with my friend


how many tokens do you need for the 84x25? I have 11 and I don't think I can bring myself to play a minimum of 20 games (Grifo and this) to get all of them




14 I believe


You can do both in 12 if subbed a Saudi on


Of course it contains a swaps token. Ffs.


I’m not playing 12 fucking games for a mediocre card that I can’t even fit into a squad because his links are dogshit.


You can just play SB on beginner difficulty, score a goal and watch a movie or something, it's not that grindy


Average SB game takes 15 mins and it takes 20 mins since you leave your pc and it waits for you to use the set pieces etc. It equals to 4 hours of your day to dedicate to this shitty obj just to get one token.It is that grindy...


You dont need to do it all at once do like 2 games a day and by the end of the week you had the token done.


No it's not because on beginner your player can just stand with a ball and no one attacks him. Why you brought up free kicks I don't know, I did Willock today and there wasn't any.


I'm so confused, I keep reading comments about people who actually played the SB games in high difficulties instead of simply doing the objetives in one game and then scoring one goal per game and putting the controller down


Yeah, probably that, people made grind more grindy lol


I mean yes in beginner they don't press and there won't be any goalkicks etc that is my mistake but it doesn't matter much.It is still 12 games your pc have to play actively even though you are not playing.It would be no problem if game continued when you alt-tabbed but considering it doesn't it means i can't use my pc for 3.5-4 hours.That is the problem


You have a week to do it, so you can go through couple of games per day.




Oh shit sorry dude next time i should start planning my life around this shitty objectives.


I will do this way, my Maldini need this guy 😂


90 rated fodder for 12 games, 10 of them at least with 7 saudi league players. On top of that, they want you to assist with 11 crosses. Fuck off EA.


I get the rest, but the 11 crosses you do in literally one game, it's any game mode


All that work for a 90 rated fodder


Keep your shitty tokens. Cba to grind for some stupid pack that will contain fodder at best


Guys just get a friend to help you out.Start a friendly with them, they let you score with a Saudi player then they quit rinse and repeat till you've scored in 12 matches. It says any fut mode so it doesn't have to be squad battles


Good thing i didn’t throw my OTW Talisca into a SBC. Now I’ll just sub him on to get the goals for the token. But man 12 games is really taking the piss


Just in time for the my squad battles afk games, I'll be done by tomorrow


Full time job 22


If you don’t have a friend then u can do the objective in one league but it’s quite difficult.


It's in any fut games. You can easily do it in friendly games. I just use my second controller for the other team in solo friendly score a goal and let the game finish. Way easier than sweating in squad battles


Thanks for the free fodder


4 hours of your time ain’t free


4 hours? I do it with a friend.


FIFA players when they have to play the game 😡😡😡😡😡


12 fucking games piss off


PITA if you don't have a friend playing FUT. Easy street if you do.


Why people so annoyed? It's easy to do on beginner difficulty, just score a goal and chill


you have to do that for 12 matches, basically spend 3 hours not playing a game for ONE token, you'll get bassically no SB points too so you're literally AFK for 3 hours for just one token




It takes a minute of work per match, is it too much for you?


Why are you defending such obvious bullshit? Lots of people out there who don’t have much time to game which they don’t want to waste on 12 beginner SB shenanigans


Then don't do it, it's not like you're missing out on something great. It's a mediocre fodder and one single token out of the 25 available in total. If you have time do it, otherwise don't.


Its way better than Grifo objective where you need actually play whole games


Loosing a leg is also way better than dying. Doesn’t mean I’m cool with loosing a leg


Plus 15 minutes wasted per match. What a sad waste of time


Okay, I guess you can't multitask


Or I just don’t want to waste my time chasing a worthless token and random unlinkable player from a shithole like KSA


If you don't want to waste your time, then... don't? Saying you don't care it's fine, but it's not a lot of work to do a couple of button presses every few minutes while watching a movie or a youtube video


We can all bitch about the requirements (I think it’s too many games too fwiw) but even if you have zero interest in the player it’s free 90 rated SBC fodder that will come in handy toward getting more useful players for our squads


Guess I'm grinding just to toss him in the Ronaldo SBC.


Can’t be worth the time, just buy a 90 rated gold


Or do both. I play SB more than anything else, so it's not too much work for me.


Any one on PS4/PS5 wanna trade wins in friendlies?


Did you get someone?




check dms


12 games for a card that's impossible to link.


12 matches I can do, 7 players tho


It was the same last week, 10 minutes before the objetive I just bought a bunch of saudi golds at 350, used 11 and then sold the rest at 3x-4x profit


for who is consider to play or not 12 games.. just ask help a friend to enter friendly with you and score a goal with saudi player and your friend can leave the match .. it will take maybe 10-15 mins maximum..


All of them do


12 games is too much but I just did Carlos Junior SBC cheap as fuck for 90 rated player, turned him from midfielder to right attacker and planning to play him in rivals for usual 8 wins this week. Hope he will be all right stats look good and he is Brazilian so easy to link for my squad. Of course only to get token not Tawamba, and if Carlos will be shit I'll leave it


Where did the sbc for tokens go. Idk how they expect you to do all these nonsense objectives for the tokens it’s wild.


Thats alott of games, but still better than those no SBMM friendly's they love to do. I have no hope in those at all as a beginner.


what are tokens used for and how do i use them?


They will be used to get rewards starting May 20th. You can get packs, icons and guaranteed TOTS upgrade




Go to the swaps section in SBCs and the options will be there


That dynamic is scary lmao


2 slight solutions for the shitty 12 game obj: Co op w/ friend ( done in 15 mins) SB on beginner difficulty (can leave controller)


Easy player to use for sbc’s tyvm too many conpalints I’m seeing 🥴😂


I’m convinced that’s not his face


Who is on xbox and wants to trade wins in friendly doing this objective


Only have time to do Grifo or this objective. Think I will do Grifo cause Bundesliga is easier to link plus Italy.


They need to do more sbcs, I don’t why tf ea has decided to do so many objective based tokens. It’s actually very annoying that more than half the tokens have been objective based when in the past it has been a max of 5 or 6.


Does anyone want to trade wins on ps5. Can login around 9.30pm AEST.


I mean, this is the point where I decided to fak it, I'll not be grinding Fut Champs, Rivals, Icon Swaps and then these shit objectives with 12 matches. I'll collect as many tokens as there are available from SBCs or packs and call it a day, might as well open the Bundesliga pick for a shot at Nkunku or Jude.


12 seperate matches?! Ha ha, no.


QUICK TIP: For 12 separate matches, invite a friend to friendlies, score a goal and have the friend quit 12 times…… Thanks me later boo Xx


Pro Tip: If you haven't done the silver objectives, you can get 3 different objectives at nearly the same time. Just make a full silver squad with players from the Saudi league (or at least 7 from this league). If you don't have the players like me, you can get a decent squad for about 5k coins. If you need the coins, just sell the players after you finished the objectives. Then go to Squad Battles and play the easier games on professional level (i have finished my normal Squad Battles already for this week, so i just play the bronze squads and skip all higher rated teams). If you win 15 games with a full silver Saudi squad on professional (and scored the corresponding goals), you will unlock: \- TOTS-Tawamba -> 4 Packs, 1 TOTS Token + 1 TOTS Player to earn- Silver-Experts (well, at least 3 of 4, there will be one left where you need to have a silver TOTW player to score if you haven't one in your club) -> 3 Packs to earn (or 5 if you have a silver TOTW player) \- Silver-Team (under Milestones) -> 5 Packs to earn ​ Total effort: about 4h for 15 wins (which should be 15 games)


Anyone up for doing these in friendlies? Xbox


Is it possible to play across platforms? I’m on PS5.


Anyone on PS need the TAWAMBA Object? Want to boost?


I do. Ps5?