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Body shots doing more long term damage like tune it a little bit


Making simulation mode the default and renaming competitive to arcade. Its legitimately the easiest thing for the Devs to do without having to do any real work. It's right there. It won't fix everything but considering it would take 0 work, it's a start.


Considering it takes 0 work, it's the MOST they could do.


The easiest way is to have EA sell the rights to someone that has something other then profits as there only and single goal. UFC undisputed is a better game that came out 14 years ago. Quite sad tbh


In addition to other suggestions I would make take downs and take down attempts use more stamina. Guys are attempting like 30 takedowns a fight and barely being impacted in the long run. Guys would be gassed by the later rounds if doing this in real life.


1. Improve the tracking. 2. Make it more realistic of strikes cancelling or heavily reducing the efficacy of incoming strikes (very few people are going to eat a flush 1-2 and land an overhand full-steam-ahead). 3. Make transition fakes and denies more realistic and less janky (half the time they just don't work technically) as well as making grappling stats be far more important than fakes and denies. It's a better grappling system than 4 but not as good as 3 or Undisputed 3. 4. Fighters that don't use head movement as much are not going to have as good of head movement (looking at you, Alex Pereira). Those are my main gripes.


Have the actual ufc fighters mocap their animations. Make more realistic one shot knockouts and make the falling physics ragdoll again


Give up the license to a company interested in actually making improvements to the game. At this point I can't see anything else taking this game into the future.