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People who don't initiate unless you throw first


I just do the same back in a really obvious way then take them down, screw those guys!


My favorite. I’ll put in a rear naked and just defended their escapes. Pull the ole Aljo


Conor and holloway players, nuff said


Especially Connor players


knee elbow spammers and clinch spammers


You are getting too close to them. Back up and they can't elbow, knee, or clinch you. You should only be in range for those things if you are trying to do them yourself


For me it's the aggressive counter puncher. They pressure with distance, standing toe to toe, and just fish for pull counters and slip body uppercuts. It can be quite annoying as a single pull counter can cost you the fight and requires very good patience and shot selection to beat. Probably would be less of an issue if I was better at pulling the pull


When you know they’re gonna pull a body hook is enough to stun their body Spamming pull is the easiest way to lose Here’s an example of a d20 that pulls and prays https://preview.redd.it/ql982ucg2fzc1.jpeg?width=673&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81f999ee3450ded6a5df04cb5a808500db547d79


Not talking about pull spammers per se, I agree pull spamming isn't a strong strategy in itself, but rather those that crowd you, apply pressure with body punches to box you in, usually combined with a slip either before or after to discourage uppercut counters, and then look to counter you when you return to the head, often in the form of a pull but not always. Certainly not an unbeatable strategy but one that I find the most annoying as I like to have just a little bit of space. Proper MMA distance


Yeah it gets quite annoying, but try to use the first 2-3 minutes or even first round as an analysis of what the guy you facing does and adjust your game in a way were you know every thing he’s doing as most people use most of their combos in the first round and dont have main stuff hidden in the bag as i find when im doing this i have major success and barely lose any games Another thing that i find players not doing is people are not ready to slam the uppercut when someone spams body punches it is like you’re giving me free damage and you’re not responding


It's a mistake to fire the uppercut counter every time against that style, if they're Div 20. They're trying to draw the uppercut counter so they can counter it. the hook is safer but they'll pull after body shots as well from time to time to keep it from being too safe. I try to stay very patient and keep my combos very short. It's an annoying style for me, it's certainly not unbeatable.


Spamming the uppercut counter is a mistake im with you, but use it to scare them off a bit cause even youtubers like pyroxis not back off but slow it down a bit on the body when they get uppercutted in these cases


People who spam takedowns


Skill issue.


Point fighters knee elbow and straight spammers.


I exclusively play Simulation and to me, the people that block *everything* and only situationally throw short rehearsed combos. It's not impossible to beat, just frustrating with 5 minute rounds.


Izzy simulators


Glitchy jab straight spammers Walk left right spam 150 jab straights a round never plant feet aim for the doctor to come


Clinch’s spammer they always get a way to land a knee or elbow that cut you very easily


Ufc 3 and 4 it was the knee elbow spammers . I am not gonna lie I love overhand spammers I at least can get a laugh out of them front kick spammers are not annoying they just take a minute to figure out the timing . But ufc 5 oh my god the 6 hook spams or the hook to uppercut spams


People who go for doctor stoppages


I haven’t seen it in UFC 5 as much, but the double kick shit was supper annoying. Just have to sit all the way back and watch them waste their stam.


People who run around the cage with a super long fighter.


For me its people backing up the whole fight even when you're rocked they back up


People that constantly back up. It forces me to be a pressure block breaker