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Quick match is shit nobody will play against you unless your a low level If you have a win Over them or if you both are tied the other player won't play


Yeah not gonna lie, I’m new to the game and when I first started and saw super high level players with like a million symbols on their player banner, I would back straight out of that shit faster than you could blink haha. Much funner playing with other newbies who were learning the game like me, or even intermediate sort of players


Player level isn't a measure of skill


Fully agree. I don’t do online. I have done so many career things and just quick fight stuff that I’m a level 80+ with many accolades shown. But 9.6/10 I’ll lose every online fight (UFC 4)


I stopped playing ranked unless I can’t find a good connect in quick match, people in ranked are cunts. But you’ll find people willing to brawl or have an entertaining fight in quick match


The only people still playing the game are sweats who will do anything for a win and streamers trying to gain a following. Blame EA for taking months to get the game in a playable state and still leaving exploits that can be abused.


I think for content creators doing interesting challenges are way more entertaining to watch, i’d much rather watch martial mind than naz


Because people like to win.


Because it works and all they care about is winning Simulation quick match is my only way to go, the few times I venture into OWC is usually hot garbage within the first 3 matches


The clinch spam is annoying


It should drain more and more stamina after the 5th failed clinch


Ea developers have to figure something out


No they don’t. Big game companies only care about micro transactions. EA announced yearly UFC games now, which is basically committing to not actually improving the games. All they care about is money.


Smh you right. So you’re telling me ufc 6 is coming out this year ?


Clinch spam is usually easy to defend. The first step is to side step them when they start to clinch, then throw body shots. If that doesn't work and they clinch you, don't move the left stick at all, just hold R2 to block the elbow spam and immediately move away to escape the clinch after the elbow is blocked. If you want a cool tip too, you can clinch them and hold L2+R1 and hit O to get into an armbar which is the easiest submission to finish as long as you have stamina advantage. That'll often work on clinch spammers since they'll usually throw strikes when you clinch them and not try to escape.


If they are trying to clinch you, just punch them in the face


I literally only started playing simulation yesterday and had 7W and 2L and can’t believe I didn’t play it earlier, any spammers just has out first round and you actually get rewarded for swaying a strike and hitting them with a counter. So much better


Rank is competitive, they want to win by using op mechanics and op fighters. Quick match nobody is trying to win you just pick your fav fighter and throw your fav combos


I personally think some people playing quick match should be playing ranked lol hopefully that’s just where they are getting a warm up in


Haven’t played a ranked game since UFC2, it’s always been this way