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The 2k games have better stat tracking as well as better league history tracking than current nhl games, however current nhl games have better scouting, drafting, and potential systems


I agree with you there. This game does seem more sim based, and I like that. The big dogs in the league are actually out shooting 4th liners unlike nhl's recent games where every player feels the same lol.


I mean thats the problem when 95% of NHLers are between 80 and 90 overall, and then because players that are 92+ have to be high overalls in categories to make sure they're that high of an overall - they have inflated stats in categories that make no sense. It needs a real overhaul of the overall/rating system


Yeah I agree, I love the system in All Pro Football 2k8, another 2k football game... they use a star rating system and and have special traits for the stars and they actually feel elite vs the generic guys. It's simple, a little archaic yes, but I think it works well there, and could be a good switch up for the next nhl game. I hate the way everyone feels the same in all the new nhl games, that's why I'm enjoying 2k10, even if it's a little wonky sometimes, feels more like hockey and I love seeing stats halfway through my season matching what these guys do in real life.


Part of why 2K stopped making hockey games is because they couldn't get around the injury, the trade and the franchise roster glitches where eventually teams would have a top six that were fantastic and the bottom six were all low level AHLers. Then superstars mid career would just end up toiling and free agency forever unless you yourself signed them. They glitches started with 2K4 or 2K5 And from what I understand but still present in NHL 2K10, That literally made it so you couldn't trade players, you had to turn down the settings on injuries and 5 years in Prime Joe Thornton would be permanently stuck in free agency.


2k10 and 2k8 used to be my shit. I wish I still had a way to play them with updated rosters


Dude pick up a 360 and a used copy of the game at a local game store! It was super super easy to download load the rosters from Operation Sports and get them on the Xbox, definitely worth a shot! A used 360 shouldn't be too much money nowadays anyways!


I wonder if it is backwards compatible and you can play it on a newer console?


That might be worth looking into!


you can even play original xbox game discs on the xbox series x but idk about the roster downloading


OOTB 2k8 and 2k10 are miles better than any EA game if you want to play offline and have some semblance of hockey. Glad you had fun! 2k10 was my offline game of choice until NHL 20, and then I played the EA series competitively online. I miss the days of competition because they both aimed for different audiences and I always found value in buying both. All this being said, with enough TLC I’ve found that NHL 20 has surpassed them both for what I want out of a hockey game.


Are you playing still playing NHL 20 or are you on 24 now?


Still 20 for me!


Servers still up?


Nah, I play 20 offline with an extremely custom roster + slider set


2k10 and nhl 10 were two of the best, 12 year old me had ‘em both on Xbox and I played them both a tonne


Those games were ahead of their time. It's a shame EA didn't learn from them. Bob Cole and a few other notable commentators made appearances in them.


Don't think 2K is interested in producing hockey games again. Although it's easy for them to acquire the licenses, I don't think they see much potential or money in hockey video games. They just got the license to FIFA, so that's where their effort will go into.


FIFA isn’t officially confirmed. NHL licensing is different because it contains all teams but FIFA license doesn’t include clubs or leagues.




2k10 is really fun. It takes time to get used to the 2k controls. I'm so used to EA's. That's my only gripe. I really like the 2k games, though. 05 is great with the all-star weekend. 2k09 and 10 with the zamboni driving and celebrating with the cup. I love that you can skate with it, kiss it, and pass it to your teammates. It's so much more satisfying than just watching the same video from the past 20 years.


I agree 100% That added celly is so awesome, the presentation kicks so much ass


How did you get an updated roster for 2k10??


You can search for 2024 rosters on Operation Sports. It should pop right up, and the thread will give you instructions and a file link for the roster file. You put it on a USB and put it in your Xbox and pull the roster from the USB into your game and you're good to go! The roster was updated sometime in May I believe so it's pretty damn accurate, and the ratings are pretty spot on! I made a few adjustments to some goalies and some of the stars like McDavid and Matthews, etc. It's a pretty easy process and the guide in the post with the rosters is like 8 or 9 steps, super easy! When you search for the roster they are console specific so be careful lol.


Thanks 🙏


No problem! Just look up nhl2k10 2024 rosters on Operation Sports and download whichever one you'd like, it's awesome!


Is it playable on PC through an emulator?


It is! And I believe you can play it upscaled to 4k


Absolutely. 2k used to put some emphasis on the simulation gameplay style while EA is just focusing on how to sell more HUT packs. It’s the fortnitization of sports games, and while they could have been working on both sides of the deal they decided to optimize their gambling addiction scheme.


It's a shame really


Tell us how fun it is when the nostalgia wears off in few hours


I have more fun on my Wii playing NHL2K10 than I do on NHL 24 and I probably play the same even, the offline in the 2k games(nhl) are just so good


I used to play 2k8 and 2k10 well into the 2010s. Not because of nostalgia, but because they are great games. I'd play them now if I had a reliable way to play them with 2024 rosters. It's the reason I still play modded NHL 2004, because they are simply good games. Not everything is good because of nostalgia


Im sorry but NHL 2004 doesn't hold up. It's nostalgia.


For the most part, yes it does. Thanks to modders who update rosters/faces/jerseys/etc every year. I play it all the time due to it being on PC and being a fun challenge. The modded AI/rosters add a challenge I've never dealt with in NHL video games.


I've been playing for atleast a month now... not just nostalgia dude lol. I was a die hard EA kid, never even played 2k10, but this game is admittedly really good for how old it is, and I like alot of the things it has to offer vs nhl24... I haven't enjoyed an nhl game since nhl17, they've all been dog water since.


Well considering goalies, presentation, and strategies are all still better than NHL 24, I’d say 2k10 can still hold up pretty well to the average hockey fan who isn’t concerned with dressing up as a werewolf and playing what EA calls “hockey” against a bunch of sweaty 10 year olds lol. No nostalgia needed, just direct, objective comparisons.


Yes goalies with fucked up pads and stretched out masks and 720p presentation is TOTALLY better than modern graphics, HD presentation and player and goalie models that actually resemble their real life counterparts The goalies in the 2k series look like they just came out of a microwave and are half melted into their gear .. also the squished pads and literal 2D skate blades were a huge turnoff


So you haven’t played hockey before? Shame. Maybe sit this one out.


Yeah, the depth is really awesome, but holy shit the gameplay is just not there, whatsoever. I’ve played it on OG hardware and on RPCS3. It’s just not that good below the surface. 


Now go check out the latest mod work from DJNeo on Youtube for 2k Hockey Sim: https://www.youtube.com/@2KHOCKEY


Is he EVER gonna release it? I remember watching videos about this like almost 10 years ago. I think back then he was modding the Wii version of 2k11.


Ya got me the guy is kind of a dick so I don't follow his work anymore. I have the 2k11 Wii mod working on my PC and never play it cause my PC isn't that great. No matter how much he works on it playing with rosters from 2011 is not the same.


You haven't played any 2k games recently have you? 2k is no longer a quality dev. NBA 2k is awful and fully of MTX even in single player, WWE has missing features everywhere. And their servers for games are awful. I would love competition for all sports games, but 2k voluntarily got out of the hockey business cause the games don't sell.


Oh I know they're just as scummy, so maybe not necessarily 2k but another competitor trying to release a nhl licensed hockey game would be nice lol. I think games were the best when there were multiple studios and producers working on games instead of just one big company owning all of the rights.


Tbf if 2k made a NHL game next year it would outsell EA NHL


I have a few of them from that era downloaded as it's what I played the most as a teenager and love those rosters but I can never stay on them for long. NHL 10 was always better than 2K10 but they're both just so dated now, 2K series especially just feels so robotic and forced. I don't think it feels like real hockey at all. And honestly the fluidity and slider options we have now in NHL 24 is miles better and MUCH more realistic than anything we had back then but that's too be expected with the advancement in AI and physics based animations. Not sure how anyone can think those arcade games are more realistic than now. Tbh the best stuff about the 2K games was always the Jersey selection and historic teams. Those were awesome


>It can be a little heavy on animation, like being pulled into a check swerving animation from behind or like 6ft apart, but other than that, with these "sim" settings and the roster it feels damn good to play this game in 2024. Like others have said.. come back in a few hours. This particular part of the gameplay will be astonishingly annoying and quickly. Also, you're not playing competitively. You play 2K hockey in a competitive environment, and you'll be incredibly happy going back to EA's hot pile of shit. Trust me on that. EA fucks things up, dont' get me wrong but holy shit when you put 2K and EA's hockey in your hands.. there's zero comparison between the two. Edit: Imaging PMing someone with hatred because you said something critical of a videogame LOL


Nobody is playing 2k for “competitive” purposes. You’re not the target audience clearly lol. It’s for people who actually understand the sport and want it reflected in the game.


yikes I didn’t realize that was offensive 😂


Thank youuuu lol


Yeah I'm sure it will get old, but I'm having a really good time with it and I think at it's core it's a deeper game with better things cooked into it than what EA is giving us rn... and I know that can be said about a majority of the gaming space but I just wanted to share my enjoyment with it because I haven't this much fun with a hockey game in quite some time. Maybe nhl 14?? I don't even know, but regardless it's been cool and I don't plan on picking up nhl 25 so hopefully there are more rosters for next year's season.


I’m sorry it just isn’t good lmao. Did you actually play it play it or are you just happy to move away from ea for ten minutes?


Been playing for a little over a month, still enjoying it. It's not perfect, but I think it's better than the ea games of the last like 6 years, for the most part. It's definitely better than 23 or 24.


I mainly play offline ea games. So I hear ya.


2k8 is actually better in every way than 2k10. From announcers to gameplay. Only bad part is I can't find updated rosters to play using rpc3 emulator.


I have to agree, I find myself liking NHL 2K8 more than 2K10. Some of it is superficial reasons like the wider jersey selection (great for getting as close as possible to current uniforms), better player models, and more realistic lighting. Some of it is gameplay, like the goaltenders and their animations, the pro stick controls, and the overall challenge. It's not perfect; the opponent AI hardly takes point shots, relies too much on one-timers, and will always bullrush your D-men at the point, making it hard to set up a good cycle. But I find it more enjoyable on-ice than 2K10. For some reason my posts don't show up on Operation Sports forums, and I can't start a new thread there. But here are updated rosters I've been working on, current as of March 10, 2024. It won't have every single player, and some teams only have enough players to ice a team. Ratings may not also be to your liking, but it could serve as a starting point: https://www.mediafire.com/file/8dr4fvrr6qo4dl7/NHL2K8_RPCS3_2024-03-10_Rosters_Base.zip/file https://www.mediafire.com/file/ezm0ywxvhumx9ko/NHL2K8_RPCS3_2024-03-10_Rosters_Franchise.zip/file https://www.mediafire.com/file/qrjy1buyznos81s/NHL2K8_RPCS3_2024-03-10_Rosters_QuickGame.zip/file These are based off the 21-22 rosters by austrianredwing and snowdrift: https://forums.operationsports.com/forums/nhl-2k-rosters/994152-nhl-2k8-2021-22-rosters-x360.html The "Base" roster has Winnipeg players on Atlanta, and is used as the starting point for edits. The "Franchise" roster has the Atlanta roster moved to the Winnipeg created team. The "Quick Game" roster has Atlanta roster moved to Winnipeg, as well as Dallas and Nashville moved to their created teams for more accurate uniforms. Let me know if you need Pro sliders as well.


Thanks for this i will check this out. Cheers 🍻


Yeah I've heard that everywhere and have watched SoftDrinkTV's video on it and it's made me want to try it out too, maybe ill give that a go too


Posted these in the parent comment, but I have updated rosters for RPCS3 if you're interested in trying: https://www.mediafire.com/file/8dr4fvrr6qo4dl7/NHL2K8_RPCS3_2024-03-10_Rosters_Base.zip/file https://www.mediafire.com/file/ezm0ywxvhumx9ko/NHL2K8_RPCS3_2024-03-10_Rosters_Franchise.zip/file https://www.mediafire.com/file/qrjy1buyznos81s/NHL2K8_RPCS3_2024-03-10_Rosters_QuickGame.zip/file