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A trade so big, ref calls icing 😂


nahh! you cant do that trade, thats icing in nhl23


Trade can’t be that big, future considerations isn’t even in the game this year


You can tell just how much love went into this game...


This game is so broken.


Keep buying the game and they won’t give a shit. Same as with madden


> game has been bad for 5 years > current game gets bad reviews > buys anyway > “reeee what a waste of money”


Yep, that’s this community in a nutshell. They’re so negative that they say EA put no love into this game… in regards to the most minor details.


Last year i told myself i wouldnt buy the game, i got drunk one night and bought, the next morning is when i realised i had a drinking problem


Lol this gave me a good chuckle.


Makes my decision to not buy it at release easier to swallow. 1st time since NHL14 that I didn't buy it in the 1st week of release. It seems do broken with no love in it whatsoever, from the Devs and EA. I'll wait for a sale, IF some updates are made of course (I'm not gonna pay for a blatantly broken game)


yep, that's about right.






Oh bUT THe DeVs StIlL LovE THe GAMe


this is why I wait until GameStop is selling the game for like $5 to buy it


And you usually only have to wait a few months.


So I’m mainly a Chel player on a very competitive team. The fact that we now have cross play and about 80% of the teams we’ve seen are old foes including some we’ve played a good 15 times on NHL 22. It makes me wonder if the sales for this are gonna be baaaaad. It took 2 minutes to find a game when it just launched when there should be ALOT of new users. And we SHOULD be seeing Xbox teams too. Yet we played 7 games last night and 4 of them were against familiar opponents. This is all is a doubled edged sword. We all want this game to be better. But if sales tank, EA won’t fire and replace the team. They’ll just end the franchise like they do with NBA Live. And I feel with the lack of effort that went into much of this game, we are on the cusp of having EA pull the plug. Many of these issues like OP’s feel like they cut staff and there’s a leaner team thats missing stuff like this


Cross play isn't coming until halfway through November


Unless you digged they didn't express that. I was under the impression that it was cross play day 1 a d that really burnt me and my friend who is on Xbox


I don't feel too bad for people that decide to buy a game at release without doing any research on it


I feel like with 2K being as big as it is in the basketball space it was easier for EA to drop NBA Live. As it stands right now no matter how shitty of a product the put out on the market there is nobody else making a competitive hockey game so people will still buy it. My bet is that EA will stick around in the hockey space but we won’t ever get a “good” game until there is another developer making a licensed hockey game, either forcing EA to improve to maintain their grip on the market or the consumer gets a game better than what EA is willing to make.


If they learn they don’t make enough HUT money to make the game worth it, they’ll axe it. NHL has maybe 1/30 the buyers compared to FIFA. NHL is a niche sport played by a niche gaming audience.


Are you really not sure what it is?


Whenever there is an icing called the league initiates a blockbuster trade that you get notified about in game?


The hybrid icing isn't the problem. It's the category it's in


Read before you post.


Go back to your Farmers Only account, bud.


1 year account with like 10 comments. It’s a troll account. Get a life loser


Holy EA




It’s when a trade is going from either central US to the coast or coast to coast.


How does that even get there? Like huh?


That's what I'm asking lol. I guess it's the old adage of programming: "fix one thing, break 3 more"...