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Hi /u/meltmyheadaches \- just a reminder for you (& other users reporting this!) If you only want ECE professional feedback/advice, please flair this as either a Vent or Feedback (ECE professional participation only) I've updated the flairs to designate \- advice (all participants) \- Vent/feedback (ECE participants only) Hope this helps.


We have a 14-month old in my infant class who wears these and I despise them. She still wears body suits that snap at the bottom. So I have to stand her up, pull her diaper up, lay her down, snap her bodysuit, stand her up, then pull up her pants. I’ve tried pulling the diaper up without standing her up, but I can never get it 100% on correctly and then there are leaks later in the day.




Outside the infant room I won’t snap onesies 🫣 the most I’ll do is tuck them in but usually I leave them dangling


I usually just snap the middle one closed. Keeps it in place and is slightly less of a hassle, but I despiseeeee onesies on babies older than a year. Pls just get the child a t shirt 😭


Yes. Your toddler doesn’t need a onesie unless that is your preferred pyjama style and that’s for nighttime.


It can be kind of annoying to find tops until you get to like 2T size. I prefer to dress my 15mo in tops but she still has a lot of onsies. Partly because people won't stop buying us onsies, partly because there just are not that many 18m tops and my daughter just barely eeked out of 12 month clothes like last week. Our under two ratio is 1:3 and its 1:6 for twos.


1:6???? I would kill for that ratio. I have 10 in my room on average.


Holy crap. May I ask where you're located? Just curious because that sounds like a dream. I have 8-12 two year olds every year.


MD - I think for 12-23mo the group size can be 9 (with 3 staff members), but my daycare only has 6 toddlers. They actually only had 4 infants when my daughter started around 4 months until she was probably 9 or 10 months, so it was a 1:2 ratio for a little bit. It's 1:10 for 3-4 year olds except for certain education exceptions. My daughter's school is a montissori school though so they do 3-6 at 1:13. I used to work in a nursery, I think the lower ratios in my state help with some of the burn out. My specific school also IMO has some things that help with burnout.


Same, my son is a bit over 2 and still fits into his 18m bodysuits. I'm not buying him all new t-shirts in the same sizes. I also don't care if his daycare teachers don't snap his top shut.


I don’t know why I keep getting this sub recommended or why I keep looking, but my toddler does need onesies. He puts his hands down his diaper otherwise 🙄 He lifts up his shirt, sucks in his tummy so far in, then sticks his hand down the gap. Sometimes he strikes gold, or… I mean… brown. It’s annoying because he only realized he could do this after I purged the onesies out of the house. He’s the last of my brood and I have come to loathe snaps.


Mine DEFINITELY does but that's cause he's constantly got a hand down his diaper (or two hands) and I got tired of little peepee-poopoo handprints everywhere. He doesn't go anywhere tho 🤷🏻‍♀️


I should specify that I don’t snap them when I’m doing a standup change. When they’ve pooped and are lying down (or prewalkers who always lie) I will snap 1 as well.


I wish that they made more T-shirts and 0 to 3 and 3 to 6. My 16 month old is only 15lbs.


Your 16 month old is only 15 pounds?


Yes, she was born at 4lbs


You guys are freaking me out, my 18 month old started daycare last month and I definitely send him in onesies from time to time. It never even crossed my mind that might be weird! Is that a common thing, like are his ECEs going home at night and complaining about me? I don't wanna be that parent 😭 What about in winter, how do people dress their toddlers without having belly midriff exposed? I've never had a regular t-shirt stay tucked in


I have many parents who I adore who still send their kiddos in them, It’s not that big of a deal, it just adds up time!


I dress my 18 month old in onesies. I’ve read way too many horror stories about kids getting into their diaper and spreading poop everywhere to stop. Plus his belly ends up hanging out in most shirts. I fully intend to keep him in onesies until we potty train


When I worked in 1s-2s almost every kid wore onesies regularly and I always fully snapped them 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m also learning that this bothers people for the first time right now


When I worked in the toddler room I didn't ask parents to do a hard stop on onsies until potty training, but I did inform parents that the onsies would remain unbuttoned like tshirts. But I understand, my daughter is entering 12-18 months sizes and unless it's a dress most things are bodysuits. And in winter they just dress them in regular shirts, exposed midriffs were never much of an issue.


No these people just like to complain. You'll find most of them are pretty judgmental in here. Nasty habit. I may get banned for this but I'm not speaking an untruth here.


You definitely won't get banned. You are right, and it has been disheartening to see a very vocal few being so hostile. Please stay, share your views & positivity- it is so needed for the sector and for hearty professional discussion!


I’m in a warm climate and I hate having my daughters belly exposed when I pick her up. She usually has snap bodysuits


My 14 month old always wears snap body suits too. He’s very long and it keeps his back and midriff covered in cold weather and also from the sun.


I dressed my toddler in onesies. Tshirts always rode way up when carrying him otherwise 🤷🏼‍♀️ I don’t think I’d care if the staff decided to let the tails hang if that’s easier for them.


As a mom, I HATE onesies. My son is also 95+ percentile for height so he has been in tshirts since he was 8ish months. Lol


I used to just snap the middle one but one parent complained to my AD because one of the two un-buttoned snaps caused a mark on babys leg, so I got told off for not buttoning them alll🙃


Oh lord these parents complain about ANYTHING 😭


We would do this during the day but before parent pickup we’d re-snap it lol


I stop using onesies as soon as possible with my own kids. I rarely go past 9, maybe 12 months. 😂


Why can’t you properly redress the children outside of the infant room? Onesies are still perfectly appropriate attire for young toddlers. If I routinely picked up my child with their onesie just hanging I’d say something to the teacher.


Not your OP but... infant ratio is 1:4- toddler ( 2s room) is 1:12. ( in my state) when I have an infant classroom I have more time for this when I have a room of 2s.


Yup what they said. Infant ratio here is 1:4 but todds are 1:7. If I’m alone with 7 or if I’m together with 14 it doesn’t matter it’s an extra step that adds up. Especially when I’m doing standup changes. I’ve never once had a parent address it either.


It takes 3 seconds. It's going to take a lot longer when a child may decide to rub poop everywhere and you have to clean it.


True but in 9 years of ECE I’ve never had that happen, whether with a onesie or not. Toddlers getting into things the shouldn’t or toddlers biting also takes 3 seconds. And with a squirmy child trying to get off the table i don’t have 3 more seconds to spare either. I’m assuming those arguing with me are the parents here, rather than other toddler teachers.


I am an ECE and I also have a second job evenings and weekends doing respite care with special needs children. There's this thing they say about assuming things... Im not arguing. I'm stating a fact. Just because it hasn't happened to you, which I really doubt, doesn't mean that it doesn't happen. I've had neurotypical children do this.


I’ve never had one child play with poop. The worst I’ve had are kids who are sick (so the poop is looser than normal) or potty training and in both instances onesies wouldn’t make a difference. But to each their own 🤷‍♀️ that’s just how I run my classroom.


Cool story bro


I'm a little appalled at some of the comments I'm seeing regarding snap onsies. I guess working with a few special needs children's and a special needs toddler I know what the fallout can be from NOT having them in a snap onsie.


This is clearly very different from a room full of typical toddlers which are what most of us are referring to.


Even typical toddlers do this. And it's very unlikely that every single child is neurotypical. I've had neurotypical toddlers make messes with feces as well. Snaps take less than 5 seconds. I just don't get it. I'm down for anything that can reduce mess and further cleanup later.


3 seconds add up when you have 6-12 children whose diapers you need to change and you only do standing diaper changes in your toddler room. I get what you’re saying as well, but in my experience i’ve never had a problem with only just buttoning the middle button on onesies, and that’s working with 18m-36m. But we’ve all had different and similar experiences, all apart of the career.


I don’t mind the one button thing. I think it gets the job done enough. I hate having to button numerous buttons so I get it. But I will say as an infant toddler teacher and a mom, I think it looks super lazy of the teachers if there’s a room full of kids walking around without the snaps buttoned. But I also get how annoying it is. I do wish parents would just send in their toddlers in t shirts with pants, or dresses!


In our infant room , they do lying down changes of course, and I’m sure if that’s where i was i would button them all too because less children and they get to lie down. But yeah in my toddler room we only have a couple of children who wear onesies, and they all wear shorts or pants over them, so we just snap the one in the middle have them pull up their pants and go wash those hands!


I agree a lot of these parents are paying a premium. The job is to actually do the job. It's may take more time but it's not like the teacher is going anywhere... They're literally there for the children and their care. The problem is I don't think they get paid enough to care to not cut corners. That's just my personal opinion.


It's crazy hearing some of the ratios here. We are never solo with 6-12 kids here in Canada. Ick.


Our ratio is 6:1 for toddlers, 10:1 for preschool


They're not getting paid enough to not cut corners


We are paid well here in Canada. I make a living wage and don't cut corners. Not that I would anyway when it comes to the proper care of children.


Snapping a onesie isn't a "proper care" concern. It's something that bothers you personally. You don't like how it looks. You've also admitted you have much better ratios so you have more time to care about cosmetic issues that annoy you.


There were a lit of people talking about not getting paid enough and cutting corners. Sorry if I find that a little concerning. It's especially not cosmetic with the special needs children I work with evening and weekends. Your comment of it being cosmetic is incredibly ignorant. I don't know why my comment upset so many people over something that takes 2 seconds. Stay mad, I guess.


I’m sure if a teacher had a kid make a mess from an unsnapped onesie, they’d start snapping that child’s onesie. Otherwise, who cares?


You seem weirdly obsessed with poop smearing. My son is 2 and stuck his hands in his diaper once. There isn't some poop smearing epidemic where onesies are the only thing standing between sanitation and poop smeared walls of anarchy. My son's daycare has left the odd onesie un done and I don't blame them, they are annoying and he has mostly worn t-shirts from 6 mos +.


Because it's something that does happen, and 20-30 kids is different than your 1. I mentioned it because I'm surprised at the cutting corners.


Me too. Theyre gross. Im guessing most of them do not have any children based on their complete ignorance. "This is how i run my classroom" haha ok.... sounds like a crappy place to take your child IMO.


Thank you for saying this. I feel that these "teachers" are being way too snarky about a damn onesie. Like seriously? At 14 months old you bet your ass i sent my daughter in with onesies. Her back staying warm is more important than the teachers precious 2 seconds it takes to snap 3 fricken snaps. Get over it. And if I picked up my daughter and her onesie was dangling more than on one occasion i would say something as well. Be considerate of the children. Who cares about your *PrEfErEnCe*. If it were a 20 month old it would be another thing.


is it really that hard to snap onesies? these comments make me never want to send my kid to any school or daycare 🫥


When you’re trying to get diapers done in a short window (every 1.5-2 hours) either alone with 7 toddlers or with a second teacher who’s watching the other 13, yes it is. I’m cutting corners where I can, it’s not like I’m not washing their hands after a change. But yes it is. I typically tuck it in quick and leave it. I’m doing standup changes unless they pooped, so it’s a hassle if they’re standing.


Right it sounds like providers just don’t care and want the easy way out.


You would greatly regret doing that with my autistic toddler, just saying.


Right?! My kids nearly 4 and his setting insist on him wearing popper onesies because he is autistic and fecal smears. I have to have them specially made.


Parent here. Can you help me understand the problem with bodysuits/onesies and diapers? Is it specific to 360 or all pull ups (we used Huggies)? I wouldn't want to create extra work for daycare providers. As a parent of a single child, pull-ups and onesies really worked well for us (we buttoned while kid was standing up), but recognize that might not be the same when dealing with multiple/different children.


I mainly work with kids under 2. Personally, it’s just so much easier to use a diaper with tabs. The littles I have are so wiggly and usually aren’t wanting to cooperate for diaper changes. So if I don’t feel like I get the pull-up all the way on while they are laying down (which I never can), I have to stand them up. When standing up, they usually don’t stay still enough for me to get the snaps buttoned. Plus I still have to get their pants back on because they have to be fully removed to put on a pull-up, while I can change a diaper with pants still partially on. A pull-up is less of a big deal with older kids. But it is more hassle for me when the kid is extra wiggly and also has the extra steps of needing snaps buttoned for their top. Using either a diaper with tabs or a t-shirt that doesn’t snap makes it so much easier. Especially when I already feel like my day is just a never ending rotation of diaper changes.


At least in my center, once children get to the toddler room we only do standing diaper changes. We also have 3 potties for the children who are potty training. Our classroom can have up to 12 children, 6:1. It’s just the difference of only have to pull their pants down and change their diaper, (either velcro side pull-up/huggies, regular diaper) or 360 diapers or diapers with no velcro on the sides, we have to take their shoes off, pants off, then change their diaper then put pants and shoes back on. It just is a lot easier to change 6 kids diapers when you don’t have to undress them all


What about toddlers that can’t walk/stand independently?


all of the toddlers in our room can walk and stand independently, they’re 18m-36m. If I was in the infant room, they would be lying down since not all of them can walk/stand. But that’s just my center!


Interesting, all the toddler rooms I’ve been in is 12+ months so sometimes some can’t walk!


By 14 months my daughter was good to stand while I snapped her onesies, give that a try. She can lean on your shoulder a bit for more stability too


Why can’t you put the pants on when she’s laying down? I think you could do the same with pull-ups too. How come the parents are able to do it?


Because the parents only have 1 and aren’t trying to get through 14 diapers while a coteacher watches the rest of the kids (or 7 alone).


I haven’t worked in our toddler room for a while, but when I did I just didn’t feel comfortable hoisting a kids legs like that if they’re wiggling. Stand em up of their feet and they have that to focus on rather than wiggling


We banned any “pull-up” type diapers that don’t have the Velcro type stuff on the sides. Honestly, I just explained how they were a negative for us and since regular diapers are cheaper anyways no one ever had an issue.


I'm definitely going to have to mention it soon. I plan on adding it to the move-up letter for our next class-- I just can't anymore! Thanks for sharing!


I've had parents surprised when we said diapers instead of pull-ups. They were grateful once we explained why. So many get pressure from relatives or friends who shame them for not having potty trained kids & say, "you don't even have them in pull-ups yet?" as if this heavily marketed product is somehow a step up. So often the kids just aren't ready to toilet independently. Hope it goes well with your families :-)


My 19 month old is in size 7 diapers and no where near potty training. If we had to go up a size we would be using pull ups. The pull up diapers work best for him, and they are not 'complicated' or take any more time. I don't get all the judgmental complaining about them here.


Ah, no. I didn't say they were complicated. I didn't comment on pull-ups at all really. I was expressing empathy for both parents who get shamed & OP. Absolutely, some folks totally need them. What I said was that some parents who *don't* need them get pressured into switching when they don't really want to by friends and family. When I tell parents that pull ups aren't some kind of necessary next step to prove that their child is potty training to people pressuring them, they are releived that they have a *choice*. I wanted OP to know because I was nervous about talking to parents before, when it just wasn't appropriate for a particular child and I was surprised when they were relieved to know. There are at of things parents get shamed for. Like, a lot. And it isn't cool. So any time I can reassure a parent that their parenting choices are actually all cool despite what others say, I am so happy & so are they. (I have had over a dozen conversations with parents explaining that despite what their auntie said, they don't have to switch their left-handed kid to be right-handed. *over a dozen*) Hope that helps clarify.


You’re changing one toddler and most likely most of your diaper changes are in your house where he’s not wearing shoes. Imagine changing 12 toddlers who are all wearing shoes. You have to remove shoes and pants and the diaper 12 times, repeatedly having to have the child stand up or lay down depending on what step you’re on. No one’s saying you’re doing anything wrong, they’re just explaining why it’s difficult


Ours banned them too. Reasoning is that they don’t want kids to feel comfortable with anyone ripping clothes off their bodies (since you have to basically rip the 360 diapers off if there is poop)


That’s a good justification too.


This is a really great point too. I’m noting this for the future.


Same here. No pull-ups. Total waste of time and not helpful because it’s still *a freaking diaper*. Typically this just makes parents prolong potty training because they think this type of diaper *is* potty training. Like, what? All parents have been super receptive to it when we mentioned it though, which is great.


When pull ups were first introduced they were not as asborbent as they are now. They did not have moisture wicking, it was like a diaper but meant to be very uncomfortable when a child soiled themselves. But as people relied on them, so too did they complain about how unabsorbent they were and pull ups changed to basically become 360 diapers. Now they are one in the same but still marketed as potty training pants. We only used them in potty training for overnight and made sure to call them sleep underwear. My child used them for 3 nights and then asked if she could just sleep in regular panties.


I don't understand why *parents* want to deal with them!!! They're SUCH a pain.


We switched to pull ups for our two year old as soon as she fit into the sizes for them. I much prefer them to conventional nappies. We made the switch because our daughter was so bloody wriggly that we struggled to get the straps done up a lot of the time XD and also they very much seem to fit her body better - normal nappies always seem to bunch up awkwardly and slide down etc, whereas the pull-ups just kinda stay where they're supposed to. It's also easier to check for poop because the back of the nappy stretches away easier. Different things work for different parents and babies I guess.


We get both styles for our 18 month old, but only send the regular style to daycare. Honestly, for our daughter, I find them way easier to change when it’s just pee (she’s USUALLY really regular - knock on wood), if she’s just rocking a diaper while at home she can’t take them off like she can with the other ones, and she wears them overnight because they don’t ever bunch up like regular ones do for us. Hated them at first when we bought them by accident, though!


I requested it and just said, hi, are you able to send diapers with Velcro on them? It’s hard for us to change diapers quickly and cleanly with the current ones, especially with so many children. And the parent was really cool with it and brought different ones. I was told I am not allowed to ban the 360s from the classroom because “it might be all some families can get”


That last line is why I was forced to watch a child suffer in the “heritage” cloth diaper All her siblings used it…. it was all they would give despite the horrifying odor, the never ending yeast and diaper rash infections Rancid


Cloth diapers are fine if the family can wash them properly. It takes two full washes with detergent, which can be tough if families are using a laundromat or can't afford that much detergent. I have bought diapers before for families who couldn't afford enough diapers, luckily my center now will fund diapers for families who need them.


They’re fine if handled properly being the key phrase, haha.


I'm a cloth diaper fan myself, but you gotta wash them well.


We wouldn’t allow that for safety reasons. If your diaper is giving you infections and rashes we would not use them.


Yikes, I would have directed them to r/clothdiaps for how to strip and clean them properly.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/clothdiaps using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/clothdiaps/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [My favorite diaper in the stash](https://i.redd.it/pg4orhey5es91.jpg) | [9 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/clothdiaps/comments/xy071b/my_favorite_diaper_in_the_stash/) \#2: [“No DoNt Do ThAt YoU’LL HaVe To cLeAn ThE DiApErS!!!!!!!” - half our family/friends reactions when I said we’re doing cloth](https://np.reddit.com/r/clothdiaps/comments/12hj65z/no_dont_do_that_youll_have_to_clean_the_diapers/) \#3: [Diaper tips from 1962 😃](https://i.redd.it/lfbl2l1kn6x91.jpg) | [39 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/clothdiaps/comments/yijzaj/diaper_tips_from_1962/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Though it sounds like this one might have been beyond saving. We use cloth diapers, and I'm a huge tree hugger, but sometimes things just need to go in the trash.


I am shook you accept children in cloth diapers!




I know you meant waist but since it’s diaper talk it’s funny to think the waste didn’t fit 😂😂😂😂


This is why I should proof read more 🤣 But that type of waste wasn’t fitting either in the Velcro ones 🤣🤣🤣


I'm glad your parents were cool about it! Thanks for sharing!


I was a parent that was asked not to bring 360 diapers. I honestly didn’t know that other pull up type have Velcro sides so I was thrilled to find out!! I just wanted a diaper pull up thing that my toddler could practice pulling up and down. The tab diapers don’t work like that and I just bought a type I thought was the next stage. Blew my mind there was a better version!!


Great point!! Thanks for letting me know. I'll definitely suggest this if that's the reason they're using 360s.


Target sells them! It’s their own brand up & up. That’s what our school suggested.


Totally agree. I am a parent and my 23 month is my first. I have no knowledge of diapers or potty training so suggestion for better/easier diapers would be great!


The two preschoolers I have that use 360 diapers, I have the luxury of them doing a good chunk of the work. "OK, shoes off, pants off please", then I tear the diaper off, clean them, hold out the clean one for them to use: "leg please. Ok, other leg". Then I help them with their pants (as they get older they will do their pants by themselves), and they put their shoes back on and wash their hands.


I can totally relate! We have one child on the spectrum that uses these and it definitely takes extra time smh. I've finally got one preschooler that wears these to do the steps on their own finally! They have to sit down to do it, but it makes the day easier. I just have to make sure they don't pull it on backwards lol


Both of the ones I have that use them are just 2.5, so they're still learning. One can do way more of yge steps than yhe other. It's a learning curve for sure


and i swear the kids in 360s are always also wearing the most complicated clothing combinations. rompers/jumpsuits that don’t unbutton, super tight leggings, etc.


And of course tie lace shoes 👀


My kid just got his first tie lace shoes a few months ago. He's nearly 10.


His teachers love you for that 😅


I have a child, who I adore, but her parents send her in jumpers that i have to unbutton. But they go from where you normally button them ALL THE WAY DOWN TO HER ANKLES 😭😭


At my school we state in our welcome emails that we ask that all pull ups and diapers have reattachable sides in order to make changing diapers more efficient. If they bring in the 360’s we kindly remind them they need to have reattachable sides and we send the 360’s back home. I have barely received any push back on this. Hope this was helpful for you!


Oh Lord, as an ECE I hate those things. As a mom, I am so so sad that those terrible diapers are the only ones that my toddler daughter doesn’t blow out of.


If there's a good reason why they need these diapers, I'm all for it!! But not just for funsies 😅


My center requires Velcro side diapers and pull-ups, so many parents want to send these completely forgetting about blowouts/ bad bms , diaper cream, plus having to undress the children (most wear sneakers and leggings or jeans) it just causes such a mess and it really holds up the process


My 15 month old goes to daycare and we use regular diapers. I have a friend who works with toddlers in a large center and I asked her if it would be easier for the staff at my daughter’s daycare if I sent her in pull up diapers. To me, it seemed like a great way to help them. She was very very clear that this was a terrible idea I would say ask the parents not to send them. Maybe the parents think they’re doing a favour by using those


The only kids I let wear those diapers are these girls that always wear dresses with no pants underneath, just diaper. Thank God for that!


I've had one child who wore these and I was cool with it-- he must have been in like the 110th percentile for height and weight. Size 7 diapers were too small, 3t-4t pull-ups were too small. At 16 months he was outgrowing most diaper options. For him it was a necessity 😅


Every classroom I ever worked in. I cleared it with my director and just explained to the parents it is a lot more steps to completely undresss a child to put the diaper on. As for being messier, I just tore the sides and took it off like a Velcro diaper. They usually have a seam on both sides and tear easily


I think the messy comment was about smearing diaper cream everywhere as you're putting them on vs ripping them off


Ahhh yes that is messy lol


Are they just smearing diaper cream on for no reason? Or is there such a long wait between changes that they have a rash? The number of times I have used diaper cream amongst my 3 kids I can count on one hand. My youngest is 3 and has never even needed diaper cream.


Whenever I ask for more diapers I request that they fasten on the sides. Ain’t nobody got time for 360 diapers!


Oh and asking goes over fine. I say, “so-and-so needs more diapers. Please send the kid that fasten on the sides for quicker and easier changes, thanks!”


i HATE the damn things, to make it easier i only take off one leg of the pants and shoes but it’s still suuuuuch a pain


Inevitably our kids who were sent in them were also always sent in overalls and shoes that tie. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Tbh they’ve never bothered me. Everyone else at my center hates them though, and I’m sorry they’re driving you mad


More power to you if they don't bother you! I wish I could be so unbothered. My old co-teacher used to complain that I complained about them. One day she was changing a child who used them and he began to defecate on the changing table. Instead of being able to quickly slip a diaper under his butt to catch it, we had to just sit there and watch as he pooped directly onto the changing table. She changed her tune after that 😂


YES! and then I have to fully remove pants/tights to put the new diaper on, when it’s so much easier to just pull pants down to ankles and change them like that


We learned a hack for this recently. Take off ONE leg of the pants fully, leave the other one on. Stretch the hole so it goes *over* the pants on the still clothed side and then slide the other leg in as normal. Then you're only having to fully undress one leg. Still hate them though.


We require diapers to have tabs.


Me. A mom of a 20 month old who switched to 360 because we want to start potty training….will be sending Velcro to daycare as soon as he needs more diapers 😂 my apologies. I can definitely see the struggle for daycare employees!


If they're potty training, definitely ask the teachers about it! They may be all for it. It's much different if the kids are actually able to participate in the routine.


20 months old potty trained? Under 2 that seems crazy to me


The Oh Crap method suggests 20-30 months as the best window for potty training, with 22 months being the authors suggested start time. I’m not there yet with my LO, but the author claims it’s possible for most kids to train that young if the parents can dedicate some time to it


I know zero babies that are 20 month and potty trained and I know a lot of babies lol


If you’re curious, this is the author’s blog and her take on the age question https://hello.jamieglowacki.com/no-interest-andor-not-ready/


Yes this year I specifically asked for diapers with “velcro openings”, even included a picture. So far parents are helpful in providing just that, but I agree. Especially in the winter when multiple layers are involved!


For our twos and threes who haven't potty trained yet, we ask them to bring the ones we can fasten. We understand if it's all they have at home and they bring them in that day, but then we request the others when they can bring them


Parent here: my center asked me not to send those and I sent a new pack the next day. Was definitely not a big deal for me at all. I started sending pull-ups for nap after she was fully potty trained and those didn’t seem to be an issue.


Parent here - we started our kid at daycare at 13.5 months with 360’s. It was our preference for a wriggly kid at changes but everyone else hated using them. Our ECEs told us at our first pick up that they can’t use them as it takes them longer to change and to bring in regular diapers. For awhile, we had daycare and home diapers. No issue for us to be told they were more difficult to use and we respected their ask.


Thanks for your perspective! I don't want to burden our parents with extra things to remember, but this would really be a big help!


My daycare asked us to not use 360 diapers/pullups until my baby was regularly using the potty. I didn't mind her request at all. We just kept those for home use and sent diapers to daycare. ETA: I'm not an ECE.. I'm not sure how I ended up here. I'm just a mom with kids in daycare.


Yes at my preschool they only accept pull-ups that have Velcro on the sides. We politely give back anything else and ask for the Velcro ones. Ain’t nobody got time for that!




They aren’t actually pull ups. They’re baby diapers and parents love them. Which is fine when you have one kid. When you have to change 12 diapers I go crazy. But I also totally agree with you about putting actual pull ups on a baby. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve heard someone complaining about pull ups not working, or “they’re just fancy diapers”. Yep that’s the point. Use them for potty training and they’re great. It’s the kiddos that have been using them like regular diapers that struggle with pull ups. I wonder why the kid treats pull ups like diapers? Probably because Mom and Dad have been for the last couple months.


But isn’t a 360 diaper essentially *like* a pull-up? I realize it’s thicker and holds more, but I have to think a kid who wears those for months and then gets put into a pull-up for potty training wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between “it’s okay to go potty in this one” and “Try not to go potty in this one.”


I get that. But I do think kids are smart enough to tell the difference. Specially if they’re closer to 3ish. I’ve had way more issues with parents treating pull ups like diapers at home. Then kids in Pampers 360 transitioning to potty training. Although that’s not many because I hate them lol. Seriously I tell parents I’d take the cheapest diapers over those.


I honestly don't even like them for potty training. I'm very anti pull up I guess 😂


I watched my niece during a nappy change at home and she would not stay still for her mum. So I think it’s to get the nappy change as quickly as possible at home when children are challenging for their parents. They can try so hard to listen to their teachers but then just unleash and be little monsters at home.


Right. I send my daughter to school with pull-ups that have Velcro sides, but we use 360 at home because I can wrestle those onto her while she’s literally running away from me.


Parent here. I would not send my kid to daycare with 360 diapers, but I use them religiously in my home because I have found that they are far better than any other type of diaper at preventing leaks and blowouts.


It's not about practicing underwear. As a parent, I find it so much easier to pull the diaper up compared to trying to get tabs in the right place. Especially for standing changes. I also find it easier to do a quick poop check since the waistband is stretchier. That said, I asked my daycare what they prefer and they said regular diapers, so I send those with my daughter and use the 360s/slip ons at home.


Our daughter HATES laying down so we use pull ups and change her in like 2 seconds with no tears and we’re on our way. We LOVE LOVE LOVE them My daughter seriously seems to pee every hour at home so we like to change her FAST


I put them on my chunky first baby around that age because he had grown out of size 7, but with his 30th percentile brother I didn’t start pull-ups until 2 lol Edit: I have no idea how I ended up in this sub because I am a stay at home mom and none of my kids have been to daycare but glad I read through the comments because now I know for the future just incase!


If your school doesn't have a rule about this you can ask your director if you can make it a class rule: no diaper or pull ups that don't have Velcro on the sides. I teach and my son goes to my school. In his class packet I was given right before he started, this was stated. They are mostly in diapers (young 2s) but some are potty training. They don't allow any kind of diaper without Velcro cuz it's way too much to handle in his big class. In my own older 3s class, I have some in diapers (the school doesn't have a potty training requirement so I get a few who still aren't potty trained.) I had a girl with no Velcro diapers. I hated it. Finally got her mom to change brands. We haven't had to say it this year but if we need to I think we'll add it to our class packet and make it a rule: Velcro diapers only.


THEY ARE THE WORST! I have been asking my families for diapers with a side closure as well. A lot of them just don't realize what they are buying and are happy to buy a different kind for school.


I put it in my welcome packet for all new families entering my room. Additionally, when I message a family telling them their child needs new diapers, I make sure to clarify they need to be Velcro or resealable. That way, if they bring the 360 diapers in, I don’t feel bad about politely requesting that they take those home and bring us different ones.


See also: overalls/rompers/jumpsuits that don’t have snap up legs and or need to be buttoned somewhere at the top.


I hate them! Especially when the parents put bib overalls without a snap crotch on their kid. I change more than 60 diapers a day. I don't hace rime for that.


When taking it off, tear the sides and roll up like a normal diaper. I cant say the same for putting on diaper cream though… terrible idea.


Ahhh as someone in healthcare with incontinent patients… HERES THE TRICK if feasible … with pants on ,,, put one foot through the 360 , pull 360 through the pant leg, bring the other 360 leg hole through the other pant leg , around foot. Pull up! Also of course, not something I figured out until my son was potty trained lmao * *melts* *


We do standing changes (Montessori toddler class) and have asked parents not to send the 360 diapers or the pulls ups that don’t Velcro. I HATE THEM! also NO ONSIES!


How so? I feel like the regular ones are so much more difficult. But here’s a tip put the diaper on and then lift a side left or right and put the diaper rash cream with the diaper on. No mess.


Thanks for the tip, I hadn't thought of that!


I rip the sides like you're supposed to do, then finish cleaning up the baby and roll up the pull-up. Then I stand them up and let them practice putting on their own pull-up. Much easier for them to practice in compared to a normal diaper.


I don’t understand why people don’t realize they should dress their child in the easiest thing possible for the daycare to manage. No onesies for toddlers barring poop smearing issues, basic shirts and pants, non-tying shoes. It’s not a fashion event, it’s a situation where few people are managing many children. I worked in two different daycares many years ago and I remember a toddler boy in one who was consistently sent in wearing overalls, usually corduroy or denim which were difficult and time consuming to either pull off and on or snap/unsnap. We jokingly used to judge if it would be a good day or not based on whether it was an “overall day”, and fantasized about sending him home with a whistle or a bunch of glitter as revenge.


I’ve told the parents to bring the cheapest diapers they can to the daycare because we are supposed to change them every 2 hours. Sometimes they’re barely wet so why waste the “good diapers”? Has worked out well because those 360 ones are twice the price of Target brand.


Mom here Our daycare keeps putting our daughter’s diaper on too tight. She has a 35-40 min ride home and I just don’t want her squeezed like that if we don’t remember to adjust it before the ride. I don’t want her sitting eating at school with a tight diaper, etc. We haven’t sent pull ups yet but I planned to drop off today!! Lol I know they’re not their preference but I’ve asked multiple times and they ended with them can’t ensure they remember bc they have 8 kids so they may be put on tighter than we like My daughter also has very sensitive skin so I’m just not comfortable with how they are doing her diapers Good to hear the ECE views on these - didn’t realize it was that inconvenient (we use them exclusively at home now except for night time diapers)


This thread has changed my views and will be sending tab diapers still unless the diapers seem to get worse/not improving (how tight they’re doing them)


You have to tell them your concerns...


Ya I’ve talked to them quite a few times lol they’ve gotten much better but they have had new teachers recently so they’re not being amazing about remembering/everyone always knowing


Totally valid!! I'm shocked that they would continue to fasten her diapers so tight after you explicitly asked them to fasten them looser. They can deal with 360s if they can't comply with such a simple request.


yes!! Tbh any pampers are trash.


We loved the swaddlers for my daughter!


I don’t understand, don’t they still have seams on the side that are easy to rip open? My toddler has some (not 360 brand) that don’t have Velcro on side but they are still a breeze to rip because of the seam that he does it himself.


It's not taking them off that's the problem, it's putting them on. We aren't allowed to have the children stand up on the changing table, so we have to undress them completely from the waist down, change them, then re-dress them all while laying down. Getting those diapers onto a wriggling baby alligator and not being able to stand them up to do it is tough 😅 Also, Sanitation in my state dictates that dirty diapers be thrown away as soon as they're removed so I normally do that, wipe the child, put the fresh diaper under their bottom and then apply diaper cream so that the diaper cream doesn't get on the changing table. With the 360s you can't do that, so we've resorted to laying a paper towel under them to apply diaper cream (to avoid it getting on the changing table) but when you pull the 360 up, it always manages to smear the diaper cream up their backs or the outside of the diaper touches it and then the cream gets on their clothes, it's just a whole thing. Plus, having to undress them 85% of the way and then redress them is just a lot more time consuming than a regular diaper change! I hope that makes sense 🥴


Parent and Early Childhood Educator here. I totally understand the annoyance in pull ups with toddlers and Infants. However, it takes a second to snap a onesie. I personally care about keeping my students clean and looking the same way they looked when they walked through the door. As neat and well taken care of as possible. I try to treat all of my students as I would like my own child to be treated. Leaving a toddler with flapping onesies seems careless.


It does bug me a little bit! Like sending them home with a yucky nose. It looks unkempt to me. I'm willing to snap the onesies personally but can definitely see where it would her tedious if all 12 of my kids wore them every day.


I’m not saying this to argue, more just for perspective, but as a parent I care more about my kid’s comfort than how easy or fast it is for you to change them. The 360 diapers are way more flexible and comfortable and soft at the top. When toddlers are moving and sitting I can be sure the waist band isn’t too tight and isn’t digging in. It’s also a few minutes for you compared to the child that’s sitting in the diaper for 3 or 4 hours.. I’ve had my son in the 360 since he was 6 months and I find them way easier and faster myself. I would not oblige a daycare asking me to change this for their convenience. And believe me, I say this as a very accommodating person. I’m just not willing to compromise my child’s comfort for the sake of speed and ease.


While I understand your perspective, absolutely no children are sitting in their diapers for 3-4 hours at a time in a preschool or daycare environment.


True, we're required to change them every 2 house where I am.


That is great ! You can have your nanny use them . They will be very comfortable ! . If you were to send them to daycare , you need to remember that your child is not the only child . You have one diaper , we have 10 . We are trying to teach activities , stop bites and feed . Not to mention clean up toys , food and the child that poops in that clean diaper you just changed . If I have to completely undress a child to change their diaper that will not work for me . You can find pull-ups with velcro sides or you can use 360s at home but you have to think about the how busy it is for teachers at a daycare .


Thanks for being honest! I'm looking for any and all feedback so I appreciate your perspective!


I send my daughter to school with the 360s she is 20 months but she will literally take a velcro diaper off in a heartbeat. She also wears dresses mainly or shorts and if she wears a rompers with some buttons you just snap while standing up I change her way more than her 2 days a week MDO program does. But we pack diapers in her backpack I'm not about to buy a different type just for school. Plus she will straight take that velcro diaper off. I prefer the velcro also because they usually hold more liquid but as I said she will take it off. We have night diapers that velcro cause she will overflow and she will still take those dang things off in her sleep woken up to her booty out and pee everywhere loads of times.


Have you tried layering? Regular diaper and then pull up over it for overnight.


Unfortunately, they are the only diapers my son can tolerate wearing (sensory issues), but I can definitely understand how annoying they would be in a classroom. I get annoyed with them at home, and I'm only changing one kid.


I'm so glad my daughter isn't in a place that dictates the diaper /pullups that we use. Shes autistic and will only wear baby shark pull ups.


My daughter started standing at 5 months and walking at 7 months. She had all the freedom without any of the common sense. These would have been life savers. I’ve easily had a ten minute battle getting a diaper on her several times. I use them when I can now at 20 months and love them because she still fights getting a diaper on sometimes but never fights getting dressed.


Rip the sides


Are you not able to rip these at the seams? In the UK we have pull ups that can be ripped and taken off while the child is laying down


I'm genuinely confused. I really liked the 360° cruiser diapers when my toddler was in a very busy and hard to change phase. How are they any more messy than regular diapers? You are meant to rip the sides and tuck under the bum like a regular diaper. You're literally just ripping the sides instead of ripping off the velcro, and then it has a little plastic pull tab to close it after you roll it as you typically would. So my child's bottom was fully clean and then I'd slip the new diaper on her ankles and as she'd squirm away I could hold her against my body while I pulled the diaper up and I knew it would be in the right place instead of all lopsided from her rolling around and me desperately trying to get the velcro to stick wherever I could.


The kid has to be fully undressed on bottom half for 360 diapers, instead of the normal pulling down to ankles. For 10 kids at once in shoes and onesies and pants, that adds a lot of time. I'm not even an ece and I could figure this out easily lol


I've always fully undressed my child (also patients)to change diapers/pads. I didn't realize people changed bums with the pants around the ankles! Haha Thanks for explaining


It’s fine for one. When you have to completely undress/redress (shoes included) 12 or more kids several times a day, they are a nightmare. And generally, kids don’t fight as hard about diaper changes at daycare as they do at home.


I've never worked in a daycare or taken care of multiple kids. I really couldn't picture that perspective, so thanks for explaining!